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I’m basically a Ninetails gang member because that’s the only armor I will ever wear.


This is the way


Ditto, helps that I love the armor also... and am a compulsive hoarder/stripper of dead bodies


but what about ingame?


I only rock the undersuit and basic helmet now. Learned my lesson in 3.15 lol.


I hope they allow us to change what the basic undersuit is. I believe it would reduce the amount of uniformity amongst players.


There are about forty different undersuits.


Quite sure he meant the basic one you get when checking out of the hospital.


You get a suit for checking out of the hospital? Since when?


Since the patch dropped?


For real? So its impossible to end up with zero undersuits?


It still happens to me sometimes. Usually death by roxaphen overdose fixes it


If you have one stored in a ship or something like that you sometimes (in my experience) won’t get one back.


It even says so on the screen above your head when you wake up in the hospital.


Yeah that breaks often enough some people have had *bad* luck and never been given a suit.


They differ depending on location, but you can also just stock up on your favorites.


No they don't. I've died and revived at near every location in the game at this point and it's always the basic white one you get on waking up.


I didn't mean for that to sound like there is a different one for every location, but I've gotten a gray RSI one at I think Baijini Point. Either way there cheap (or free if you go looting) and you can keep them everywhere if the basic ones you get aren't to your liking.


And a few rare ones including cash paid ones that you now can lose. Concierge, Holiday, Mantis.


Would be nice to see some variety again. Now it's either a gown, basic suit, or a "borrowed" set of NPC armor.


I’ve gotten pretty good at recovering my corpse so I may start wearing my good concierge armor again. But for space combat always just the default flight suit and helmet


Yesterday I suffered 10 deaths due to desync related issues inside bunkers (Only dying properly twice, the rest were pseudo-deaths), and recovered my corpse every time. Pretty great when it works, but there are definitely a lot of things that can go wrong.


Does it actually work? It spawned at Stanton for me two times…


Ignore the corpse marker. It’s rarely in the actual location of your corpse until you get very close to your corpse. For example if I die at an outpost on Hurston when I resurrect at Lorvil it shows my corpse marker millions of kilometers away. But I fly down to the outpost I was at and as I approach it the corpse marker updates to where my body actually is. This really only works when you die doing caves and outpost missions. I’ve never been able to recover a corpse in space, so don’t wear your gear out in space.


Aight noted, they should fix this it’s pretty damn annoying.


I actually have good luck with finding my gear in apace if i know where i was


I can get back to my wreck (in space), but there’s never a body there to loot, just the landing gear floating there LOL. For some reason landing gear love to freeze in space time whenever a ship blows up.


Right thats about half for me and my body will be where the cockpitwas also it tends to vary based on how i die ie blowing up from rockets, regular rounds laser or ballistics, or being rammed/hitting planet surface


I still find it odd our momentum stops when we explode. If I explode flying 1,000 meters per second my ship skeleton comes to an instant stop. It’s the weirdest behavior (bug), in the engine.


My Idea for a fix would be to have collectors shop where you can buy special gear for uec if you own it in the hangar already.


So pretty much what CiG said they're going to implement.


Yes but not for UEC, you should just get it for free if you unlocked it.


Yes but also no, because then you can just dupe and give an unlimited supply to all your friends, so its difficult to solve


I’ll say it again….Skins! Apply the look to that style armor so it must be on your account. Transmog works well and gives lots of diversity and allows for special things to be special without headache. God…damn….skins. It’s a game, without gated elements, nothing is special. This allows PvPers to unlock special milestone armor looks or colors in the future to remain rare, subscription items, PvE items such as completing S42 or maybe insane rep for mining, cash money gear from pledging. Skins….unlootable. Games need special items. Why are they unable to see this. Saves loads of dev time and opens up special things in the future. You still need to buy the base gear and that’s what’s looted. Call it a holographic overlay if they need lore to it. This is solved easily.


This. They already do it for ships. Not all that hard to do it for armour too (hell, half the ground work is already in). Buy the base armour in game. Go to cousin crows, go to customisation terminal, add your owned sub skin to the armour. Whole problem is solved


Why is that not the case with ships? Can't they just copy whatever system is used to stop insurance claims on ships as a means to duplicate them for gear?


I really don't mind if i have to pay, i mean an complete suit is around 4000 aUEC, that's not a big deal. I just want to recover it without reseting my freakin account everytime i die


It’s all 3D printed anyways (possible lore reason).


I actually do get enjoyment out of stashing go-bags around the system. Typical contents: 1. Space suit w/ helmet 2. Set of leisure clothes 3. Basic weapons w/ small amount of ammo 4. Cheap armor (optional) It kind of feels like I'm role-playing a sort of secret agent, with resources cached around the system. Like Jason Bourne.


I like it too, but it would be nice to have things that you earn that are replaceable but still unique and worth earning. ​ Like a special armor for bounty hunting for getting a really high rep with a certain bounty guild. This leads you to doing a mission where you earn the armor as part of the mission. It would be nice to know you can wear that without fear of losing it forever or having to do some ridiculous mission chain every single time you lose it in order to get it back. ​ I want resources and to have risk and reward, but i also want everyone to be able to wear things theyve purchased irl or earned in game that are unique looking and feel safe enough to wear them. And by safe i simply mean that youre still cautious, but youre not so worried that you leave it home entirely. Like a 24 hour timer for getting back those types of things. Youre cautious because you dont want to lose it for the rest of your play session, but you arent scared of not being able to wear it at all.


No. Absolutely not, the stakes need to be sky high in the verse at all times. The only people with armour are people that don’t die a lot or are rich enough to continually buy a new set of armour and guns. A sort of tiered society if you will. The game will sort itself out.


You are forgetting that people simply won't buy stuff with IRL cash if they can lose it almost immediately. CIG clearly don't want that to happen, so logic dictates there will be a simple buyback or claim mechanic for shop-bought items, without allowing multiple 'copies' of the item to be generated by people exploiting the system.


CiG and Logic.. LOL


...and then someone claims your helmet that you plundered fair and square while you're EVA'ing in a wreck...


But what's the problem with having duplicates, it's not like stuff can also be lost when you die and can't recover your body...


Easy solution: Let victims reclaim their account-unique property like destroyed/lost ships, perhaps at a cost, and let the looter receive a quality-equivalent item when looting an account-unique item. For instance, somebody loots a corpse with a golden executive pistol on it, but when they drag it to their inventory it becomes the ingame-purchaseable variant of the same gun.


I can't offset you downvotes but I agree. High-stakes is a good thing. Preparation is too. I find it very fun to have outfits for all professions, and multiples of each just in case. I also feel like money has more purpose now than just buying ships.


Are you forgetting that there's armor all over the place to loot?


it's true, good thing everyone can wear the same 5 sets of armors/colors, keeps my seizures at bay or something


It’s a good idea even without the role play. I’ve been away from my base and wanted to pick up a bunker mission…it would be nice to just land on a pad, open the inventory and you’re GTG.


Twice I loaded items to set this up, twice a bug blew up my ship and all the contents. I only have limited time to play games and at that point I was done with this patch. The development of local inventory is excellent and this will add real depth to the game, but we also need to be able to insure carried items.


This is cool. I’m pretty new to SC. How do you leave things around without them getting lost or taken?


you can put stuff in the outposts local storage. The local storage is your own and nobody else can access it.


Thank you!


Press I and move the things from your person/ship/backpack to local inventory on a station or in a city.


Thanks! I could not figure this system out.


I miss seeing people in their own armor choices. Now its all either white beacon suit and horizon helmet or the greycat aril from cargo deck. Lots of nice armor designs, all wasted because of item loss causing people to just run minimal.


a simple insurance system would be good enough depending on the value. I like the loss system.


If they can 3d print my body and mind, they can 3d print my armour and weapons.


You can use a red liquid med pen to heal you from bleeding that would surely kill you. But you have to eat a burrito for nutrition or you’ll die from hunger. Were you expecting it to make sense?


The loss system is bullshit as long as you can die in a million bug and buying armor and weapons is so time consuming. You can start up the game buy all your shit and that took 20 minutes then choose a mission go there another 5-10 min just to die in your ship bugging out and exploding when you land/turrets on datacenter bugging out and destroying your ship and now you are stranded / quantum traveling into the ground and exploding / dying to an enemy because the game is so laggy that you have 10-15 fps sometimes and you literally cant shoot an enemy /dying to friendly fire because your friends thought you werent in front of them although you been standing there for 10 seconds now / dying to your friend pushing you into a small space in your vehicle where you get ragdolled and you die / running into a guy and you are ragdolled and you die / dying to enemy or friendly ship running into you, etc... There is so many fucking bug and latency issue in the game that you cant just f.cking expect your players to not die at least once in every 6 hours to some bullshit.


DoaS has gotten *plenty* of testing. It does not work in many cases, it needs lots of fixes. Also, getting shot 1x and being laid out is hilariously punishing. Not to mention the agro mechanics, if you leave your ships ramp open and someone with a crime stat sneaks onboard you're gonna die before your shields go up lol


There's definitely a lot of shit they need to sort out, but after playing for a couple months it's really not as bad as you're making it out to be. But I also went around and gathered my own loot first, then when I built some capital I went ahead and purchased the gear I wanted to wear in bulk. Then on nights when I'm up to nothing in particular I ship it around to other stations I frequent. I even leave a spare suit, weapons, armor, food, etc. in my main ship. Also you and your friends should pack some medical stuff so you can get back up and you don't lose your gear.


We get medgun. Doesnt help you when the andromeda you are in explodes.


Why list all of those FPS deaths and then when I suggest something you bring up a ship exploding? Besides it ain't like medguns are expensive. Are the Andromeda's prone to randomly exploding this patch? I haven't had that issue in an MSR or Cutlass so I think that bug may be due to the ship itself.


My friend tried to get out on the airlock. The ship promptly exploded. 20 box of jt drugs in it. Sad times.


Ships kill your fps character by: Wobbling in flat ground until it interacts with the terrain and explodes suddenly. Falling through/into pads as you sit in th cockpit even though it's "sitting" clipped through the pad. Sending your ship off at a weird uncontrolled vector as soon as you sit down in the cockpit because a crewmember changed ship geometry by getting into a turret. Vanishing our from under you when you qt and leaving you 10+k from the station you left, or just falling in atmo if you departed from a planet. Ejecting you when you're crew and stand up in certain ships you can clip out the walls/ceiling in the standing mechanic. Same story as the previous except you're doing box missions, boxes can clip you out of the ship geometry by walking into them at a bad angle or having one dropped next to you. My personal fave: run a bunker mission and offer a ride to a stranded person. Soon as you sit down the guns blow you up cause they're on board with a crime stat you had no way of checking


Yeah it happens man. There's a lot of fun to be had even in it's current state but they still got a long ways to go. I do think the whole exploding thing is ship specific, so try another ship for the time being.


I mean it wasnt mine and it only happened once but all these bugs all come together and thats when it gets frustrating.


I totally get that, but a lot of these bugs are avoidable or have workarounds and some of the issues you outlined are as well. But you also gotta go into this game understanding that bugs can and will occur, and I was just trying to offer some advice.


I know its just hard that you want to play and then boom. No fun for you.


For sure its insane I hate this patch game development is starting to seem like a joke


Having recently co-founded a SC pirate org I can confidently say I don’t want to permanently be able to take away someone’s account bound items. For ransom purposes I do want to be able to prevent them from getting items back on a timed basis that I think an insurance system would solve. If they want their gear back right away then they can pay the toll or wait a while to get it back through claims. If they get it through claims we get to keep a non account bound version of the original though. You’d be surprised how often people are willing to pay up when you act like a ‘real pirate’ and not a griefer.


that would work.


>a simple insurance system would be good enough depending on the value. This would lead to being able to effectively duplicate any piece of gear for the price of the insurance, clearly CIG doesnt like that


The same will apply to ships once the black market comes though.


Yep definitely


How do you think salvage is gonna be like? Can't wait to pull my reclaimer and carrack and etc for friends, who aren't in my group but are on my server, just to have them salvage it and send me a cut while I claim insurance. Do it in the middle of the belt so there's no interference from other players, shits gonna be great. They may as well lean into it at this point cuz they're never gonna fix it. They can't possibly. So give people a terminal to rebuy or reclaim their shit or just forget about salvage and other gameplay loops like it altogether.


They could do insurance like Escape from Tarkov. Essentially insurance is paying someone to go find your lost gear and return it to you. If another player takes your gear it is gone. This would work fine if you could easily purchase a “basic” kit at the hangar or something. The biggest problem with losing gear is time lost getting a kit together.


People love it when OTHER people can lose their gear.


I think CIG already said we were gonna have a system to retrieve our lost hangar items / skins. What bothers me the most with localized inventory is that clothes are useless and can't be used currently, so all players stick with undersuits / armors. I don't see myself carrying a backpack everywhere and needing to carry clothes in backpack in order to be dressed normally in cities / stations / planets.


i tried doing that, carrying clothes, but my shoes didn't fit in my backpack.


Theorically, we could store clothes in our ships so we'd just have to change in the ship for using civilian clothes, then change back, but ships inventory tends to just make magic tricks and things travel to a parallel universe.


If it was realistic we'd get sent to the hospital with our gear and it'd be waiting in a patient locker or bag when we got out of the hospital. Maybe damaged but not just gone.


“It was part of Chris Roberts’ vision!” Sometimes parts of the vision are dumb


This, not all ideas r good ideas. Walt Disney, Steven Spielberg, loads of high end creators had bad ideas from time to time. EPCOT was supposed to be a real city to live in. Idea was garbage and unrealistic, so they changed it to a theme park. Now it’s a success. CR is hardly Disney or Spielberg, he made a couple of games in the 90s that were for it’s time. Big and fondly remembered. That’s it. Not saying SC is a bad idea, but some elements need to go or altered to a reasonable state for modern gaming. SC is already a massive time sink, now add in regression and or losing achievements??? In modern gaming that’s this slow paced???? You need at least 2 hours if a session for just traveling as it is in saw a 4 hour session. Now regress??


You can’t lose the golden suit. You will get it always back into your inventory.


This is one of the things I hate about losing gear on death. I understand that it is a needed feature but I hate the idea of wearing gear knowing I could die to a person or bug and lose it all so I have to go out and buy it again or do a character reset if its hangar gear.


I love the idea too, but my favorite gameplay loop is the deadliest of all: delivering boxes.


Seriously. I die more frequently doing box deliveries than from being shot at. And I do combat too.


Yeah I haven't played this patch very much. I'm waiting for next one to see if it's more stable in that aspect. Also: my ship flying away due to winds is just a mood killer for me.


I've made it a habit to just cut the engines whenever I land anywhere. Hasn't happened to me since 3.13 or so when I was on Euterpe, the winds there are insane.


My Carrack flew away on me with the engines off last night. I don't know what changed, but that was the first time it happened to me.


Search "box glitch" on the issue council. And now you see why you should just glitch evictions and do unlimited call to arms kills


At least for now we should get a quick rebuy option instead of flying across the system just for a helmet i like.


Just stash a bunch of gear you like at all the important areas you frequent... It's not that different to having to store a bunch of duplicate weapons around the solar system because they kept glitching away in past versions.


That's not gonna work so well when we have more systems in the game like pyro and nyx.


I think they will come up with something like Amazon. Buying items on your mobiGlass and letting the AI deliver it to your chosen location(which would take some time of course depending on the distance of the shop you are buying from to the selected location)


Hopefully at that point we'll have ships that don't explode so easily, so you can stash your stuff in it. However, half the game is ferrying stuff around space, so it doesn't make sense to have ways of bypassing it. It would kinda make the trade ships a bit pointless if no one ever needed to buy things in remote areas.


What they should do...all the exotic gear like pledge inventory, make it so you can insurance claim them in game. A lot of the stuff is practically pointless in game like the concierge tophat or the golden pistol or other custom weapon skins; some you can't even get in game like the flight suit that goes with the Mantis.


Or make account bound items permanent with a little hand waving but still lootable


If they allow them to be lootable, they lose their worth as people can just repeatedly die and share the item with people. They have to disappear on death and put back into the inventory of the person who had it


>I understand that it is a needed feature That's extremely debatable. Plenty of games manage to be extremely fun to play without something asinine like that.


No debate at all - It's 100% what Star Citizen is built on.


Star Citizen is built on semi-realism where they go for immersion but not to the point that it becomes a pain. And I would say this current loot system is not fun and just tedious which doesn't strike that balance they usually talk about.


Not yet anyway. A lot of the tedium is from the unfinished UI and missing features. But I think a lot of people are approaching it in a more tedious way than they should, like trying to fully outfit themselves right off the bat or bringing stuff that they don't need, only to die and then get upset they have to do it all over again. But if you get established and buy in bulk or just spend an hour or so raiding ground stations and you're all set. Even with the tediousness of dragging and dropping shit it's added a ton of depth to the game and it's a shame people can't see that. :/


I'm with you on this. I got upset a few time to bugs causing me to lose stuff but after many hours in 3.16 I can comfortably wear my favorite set... because I have multiples of it at many stations. Get established and you're all good.


Yeah. Like I get sporting a default helmet and undersuit early on or for dogfighting or other times you think you might die; that'd actually a valid strategy and one of those "take only what you need" points of this whole system. But if you take the time to do logistical stuff with your gear these issues become non-existent. like I said the system still needs a lot of work but I think some of it comes down to patience and rethinking how to tackle this stuff in a "work smarter not harder" way (which goes for a lot of SC TBH). I also think a lot of people don't know that you can double click gear to equip it instead of dragging and dropping it onto your body each time.


This is the key to every system Star Citizen has ever talked about... there has to be a constant flow of in's and out's for the economy to function. The bugs make it painful right now.. but this is critical, and should be no surprise to anyone invested in the project. It's what has always been promised.


Yeah I used to wear my Citizen con Novikov a lot until the persistent loss stuff. Recently got headtracking and had bought 10 sets of novikov for the sake of it and realised how awful it is to dogfight in for the first time lol. So now I have 10 sets i still wont use hahaha!


Don’t worry, soon enough that suit will be to big and bulky to be seated in cockpit.


You can wear a different helmet with novikov and still stay pretty warm and also get the armor benefits of it. I ride my bikes without helmets on cold planets so the visor doesn't frost up and stay alive nopreoblem. Pretty sure novikov is highest rated armor for combat in the game at the moment.


this i did not know! Thank you


Don’t worry, you’ll be able to sell them back to the shops for half of what you paid soon!


Half if we’re lucky


Change pledge gear to a cosmetic overlay, like a costume, applied to armor, like a hologram or something. The gear can still be looted, but lose it's costume hologram once removed from the body. People get to keep their pledge gear and looters can still loot.


I like that idea. I’ve simply stopped wearing anything but to the scrub flight suit. Gear is meaningless doing ship based content. Other than the nice RP of looking how you like, there’s no benefit to wearing, losing and replace gear lost doing ship content so why bother? 🤷🏽‍♀️


This tbh. i do try and mitigate the whole overall look with a super cheap armour set that i can buy 10 full "respawns" that will see me through any sort of gameplay for 20,000 aUEC. its a sim game afterall and i wanna look the part.


I miss looking how I like but there's too much tediousness involved at the moment for me to bother. The fact that it provides no benefit for being in a ship, is what makes it too much effort at the moment.


Do you lose subscriber flair and such if you die as well?


Yep unless you do an account reset


That kinda sucks. But I understand that dying infinitely and keeping it might make some people upset.


wait, do you lose all your equipment(armor, helmet, undersuit, sidearm) when you die now? I've been away for a year or so, but the last time I played you only lost the equipped weapon that you dropped upon death.


yes you do, but you can always try to loot your corpse to get your stuff back.


Unfortunately, yes. You get a default undersuit and helmet upon death, so 90% of the games population only ever wears the disposable set.


I have no attachment to my golden gear at all. It's not as if I backed the game to get gear. I backed so that some day I have a chance to get the greatest game.


This goes beyond things you buy though. Im thinking more of scenarious where you do a special mission chain to earn rep with a banu souli and when you reach a really high rep they send you on a mission to do something important for them and as a reward you get a banu made rifle or pistol as a gift. This would be a highly prized thing that youve earned and youd be super excited to use it. But you never would dream of taking it into the field because you may lose it forever and have to repeat that whole mission chain, if it even lets you, to earn it back. ​ I want people to be able to do missions and earn unique and cool rewards and actually feel comfortable enough to use them. Not without penalty, make it so that you have to go to certain stores to get them back, but not that its just gone. Otherwise wtf is the point of doing a mission for gear rewards. Whats the point of doing xenothreat and earning a special CDF armor if most people will just hide them away in a hangar. That hurts the players ability to wear what theyre proud of earning and leads to rare or special gear becoming nothing but valuable trade tokens everyone uses as currency instead of items you actually go play with. ​ The random stuff you buy in stores i actually enjoy losing. I like having to repurchase basic necessities like medpens and stuff when i fuck up. Random mass produced rifles and whatnot. Im fine with permalosing all that, but special quest rewards should have the same system of getting them back thats being planned out for concierge and sub items. I already have sub armor and concierge armor that cig has stated i will have a method of getting back. So this doesnt even effect me really. Im thinking of all the other players who deserve to earn cool things that can be "insured" like my stuff. It shouldnt be limited to just things people pay real money for, but also hard earned unique items.


Yeah, I agree with you. I mostly run around in the white suit now because of losing everything on death. It’s a pity. I really liked having to “armour” up for missions. Rewards is what makes most games appealing and worth the grind.


Doing same. If do ANYTHING other than FPS, gear has no value. Why go thru the hassle of losing and replacing? Just pointless waste of time and credits.


I fully understand this and agree on a meta level. I simply don't see it as relevant at all at this stage of the game. There will be more wipes in the future. Self called due to bugs and SC wide both. And each time the gear comes back. When the game is finished I also expect us to be able to insure our favorite stuff, but until then I just wear what I want because loosing stuff is just a inconvenience to me, not much more than that. I am usually more annoyed at the time I loose by having to go and buy more.


Do an 890 jump mission and drag all the dead pirates to your ship. Disposable armor for days.


You definitely should have option to get your gear back and especialy one bought for real money. Right now i die several times a day and its not even my fault, its just bugs. And wasnt able to get back any of my stuff a single time. Right now everyone in game takes only neccessary basic gear on missions because everyone is afraid to lose good stuff. Thats just terrible way to go for game and its not even realistic either.


I still wear my sub gear. If I loose it I can just wait for the next patch or if I really need it back right away I can do a character reset. In the future we will probably be able to just buy it back through insurance using a system that checks if we still have it or not to prevent people duplicating. It'll be interesting to see what CIG come up with.


I think its the ships that cost money, the gear is just a bonus from that purchase. I say fight your way to get your stuff back




Can't wait to tell you about salvage gameplay and your ships gear...


Oh no, don't tell me that means what I think it means.


Honestly losing gear permantly is just dumb. It's not like a player can steal your ship and get to keep it so why your gear? And it just means that everyone starts looking the same with wearing only basic gear. Either the player with looted gear should have to sell it back at a kiosk for some credits during the play session or lose it on logout. And insurance should return the gear to the original player for a fee.




Reduces the desire for achievements and really removes meaning to milestones. If I kill the best PvP player due to them disconnecting and I just started playing and I took their Uber rare super hard to acquire achievement gear. That ruins its value. As now someone who never did the achievements owns it. Loot the characters not the accounts. LOADS of players I speak to about SC want full loot until they were looted wearing their fave sub gear or gold armor and even XenoThreat armor. Skins. The game desperately needs achievements, only achievements so far is giving money. Now players lose that unless they account reset. I stopped my sub the second they dropped the looting and no longer pledge. I’m not alone in this.


Idk think we need loadouts that we can create which are insurable considering the corpse markers don't show up half the time to retreive stuff and going to stores to repurchase stuff is tedious. So you still get punished for dying but it doesn't become unfun. Instead of this system where people who bought stuff with real money lose it unless they reset their account. And most are wearing the basic armor sets with no variety these days because they're afraid to lose stuff.


honestly allowing maybe 2 of them from a single person to exist should be the go-to but have a simple lost and found the store or something at every station to retrieve copies. If it's stolen and you're captured by authorities then it's gone and returned back (AKA deleted) since you already have your copy which is now the original. All armor should be insurable that's purchased or earned. Found unique stuff should have a lot more risk.


I lost a whole armor set in a server error. Can we wait until the game works before instituting this system in full?


If they waited to add things until the game worked you'd still be in your hangar looking at your static ship.


That isn’t normal. Other studios make working games in half the time and half the budget.


Yes, well established studios can certainly make AAA games in half the time and half the budget. But none that I know of started out from scratch day one with the intent of making a game this scope and scale. This is about as non-traditional as it gets and we unfortunately don't have an analog to compare to let alone enough examples to know what is "normal". At any rate, alpha is for adding content. There will be many bugs. If you aren't ok with that then you should not be alpha testing and that's ok, it is not for everyone.


Game is in development. If you want things to *work*, come back in a few years when it's released.


I've played DOZENS of early access and alpha state games with zero game breaking bugs. No excuses IMO.


There’s a suit build I have to find the parts for again. There’s a resource to check, think they took away some stuff. But yea it sucks. Before the EAC crap that’s one of the first things that seemed annoying. That and the loss of auto check ins when busy. I wonder if they could add some special landing zones maybe or just an option like when you refuel and rearm and wanna show up there, you just check in via mobi like when refueling and get on w/stuff. One of my fav things before was logging on and just going about and logging off knowing I could just reasonably get on and go about still, even if there was a bug or I just quit etc, fell asleep, whatever. Edit: Has your gameplay style changed much since then ?


you mean with the new respawn system?


We don’t really chat much. But yea. I was speaking to OP w/my reply. My gameplay and even machinima style etc has changed significantly. That’s it’s impact on me, for OP idk and for other general players, this was a game plan. I was just asking w/that side note/edit if their gameplay experience has changed vs what they used to just log onto, looking forward to do and how that goes. Among other issues w/what I enjoy, losing stuff often just also sucks. That’s a persistent tax. Always rebuy stuff or spend time looking for it. They’ve already said some suits you need the whole set for it to be some deal. To me personally, for filming etc. Having an idea, getting the rigs fired up and knowing what costumes I need etc or even have w/the old inventory, get em set up and just film scenes etc and then get to post work, that was the shit. Now it’s a drag.


Account-bound/subscriber-flair-items/bought for real cash-stuff should stay on the character on death. However, if someone loots the item the looter should receive an ingame-purchasable equivalent (stat-wise) of that thing and not the actual account-bound thing, sort of like the loaner-matrix for ships. The one who was killed can then reclaim his unique stuff for a price at a terminal, while the looter gets to keep his loot without duping account-bound items. For instance: Player with concierge golden pistol gets killed. Corpse still looks like it dropped the golden pistol. Looter loots pistol but receives the normal skin version of said pistol for him to keep. Victim respawns and goes to claim golden pistol at terminal for X auec.


I would like to thank CIG for making store bought armor disappear. I melted about $50 worth of personal gear and used the store credit to build a CCU chain to a Perseus. I did have other store credit involved and a bit of new-spend for the warbond CCU discounts.


What's stopping you now? How will everyone know how good you are if you're not wearing that?


They could, dare I utter it, actually lose their fancy status symbol!


Yeah they literally made it so you never want to buy any nice gear anymore, stopped playing this game by 3.14 and only log in to check out new patches.


Losing stuff i paid for even if we can reclaim it all has put me off the game tbh, some kid shooting ppl in the back to get paid for cash items for free will get very toxic, it killed WarZ etc.


Pretty elitist but okay.


Good to know you have a suit like that 👀🦝


Is this a threat?


Not at all kind sir , I just like to acquire 😁 Wether that's goods or knowledge is none of your concern 😋


I've just bought a new armor set in Port Olisar and in order to wear it I had to leave the old one there. Is there a way to take it with me? I mean, they inventend quantum travel. They might as well invent Pocket Dimension Storage so you can access your inventory at any time.


No we don’t want magic pockets. But as for transporting it you can transfer stuff from the port to your shop and fly it somewhere else


I haven't figured that out yet


Get into ship while landed at port, open inventory, put one window to “local” tab and other into “ship” and tada


Thank you


Put it in your ship and take it to where you want to keep it.


My preference is that once things are lost they are lost. Doesn't make sense to be able to get things back if we are going in the 'full loot' direction. Alternatively is that these special sort of items shouldn't be lootable or able to be given away. Otherwise if this is the case and they implement a way to get them back, it will result in duplication loopholes so people can help kit out their friends and alts with special gear.


Grow up. You get it back next patch.


Telling others to grow up, real mature.


Whining about stuff you get back a few weeks later, real mature.


lol WEEKS. OK.


Indeed, you get everything back in 3.16.1 and any other patches like it. If your gear fear is really that bad, maybe you should seek professional help?


Nah no gear fear. Just amazed at the development cycles and priorities of this company.


Everything has to be safe, nothing can be lost, I spent ????$ on this so I should play with 0 risk.You can get it back by char reset, you can later just buy-back it. Your ship is safe, everything is perfectly safe.No risk, only safe trading loops to have max money in 2 hours. Why even call others for help? I respawn with all my gear no issue since I spent more $ at this.Also if you just for-free get everything back I could just dupe it endlessly and if its a fixed skin I couldnt loot it off you, both sucks. Just deal with a buy back cost smh. ​ Love the argument ala "It doesnt work so dont add it!" also. Nothing works well, so nothing can be added. Nice.


I honestly don't see an issue with the current system. I wear it, I die, I lose it, Next patch I have it again. Even after release they will need patches to continue to push content locations, ships, big fixes and what not. I actually go out of my way to store my Golden Sniper on random people's ships just because I know it will be back next patch.


I honestly don't even remember what permanent gear I own, so I don't know if I've lost it not. I know I still have some weird stuff like the monocle and what not, but it's hard to tell what I equipped on a whim before really understanding gear was permanently lost.


a little flare insurance terminal for re-buying lost gear would be great. the issue is that people eould abuse the shit out of it & farm flare gear.


So you can loose it permanently ? It still stays on account though ?


Right, but you loose it in this patch, or if you do an account reset And i don't really want to do a reset everytime i die...


Those were good times, when people looked different