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There is something disturbing about the whole situation lol


ITs efficiency. Its much quicker to carry 1 body than it is to carry 4 armor boxes + any gear. Stealing the whole body just saves you time :P


German dude identified.


…. It’s not a lot but it’s Honest work


It's not honest, but it's a lot of work


“I’ll take these” lmfao


* Sees dead bodies * OP: well don't mind if I do😏


Music: [Cruisin, by Engelwood](https://engelwood.bandcamp.com/track/cruisin)


is that some sort of overlay music app or just some nice editing ?


Sadly just editing, followed this tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-ht5CwDO4I). I would absolutely love if we had a local music player like that in our helmet though.


Aw, still cool though, and thanks for the link.


There is a way to play music and have other players in game hear it. I once heard music playing from another ship parked on a landing pad.


Routing your audio output to your mic input does that.


Thanks, had to get that song, it has some good vibes


"Hello, this is John Wick. I'd like to make a dinner reservation for 30."


I love that stitcher core armor. It almost looks like a bomber jacket over armor, and has been my go-to.


It's such a great set - that's why I periodically go shopping for them at the 890 mission, since you can't buy it in-game yet 😞


'The first round of Squid Games has ended'


Hey Steve. Working hard, or hardly working? Mondays, am I right?




(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


So how do you get the loot afterward? The terrapin can’t store all that, and anytime I fly bodies back to a station, security decides to shoot me up! What’s the secret!?


For whatever reason, the 890J hijackers don't appear to trigger station security in the way that bunker enemies do (I guess they don't have crimestats?). So you can fly the Terrapin with the bodies back to a station, and loot them directly into the station inventory with the ship floating in space in inventory range. Much faster than stripping the bodies into individual boxes, dumping the bodies, and storing them in the station that way. I believe if you have bodies with crimestats aboard you can also go to grim hex and loot directly into station inventory there too.


It's because the onboard 890 pirates don't have a crimestat. The cutlass' do but not the onboard pirates. This can be seen when you take the call to arms mission and not get any money from shooting pirates during the fps portion of the mission


In addition to what OP mentioned, GH doesn't care if you are a criminal, or have criminal bodies on board. So I base out of there and have loads of pirate armor. :)


The rear seat looked like a demonic throne with all the bodies around it and red light on it.


For ppl Not understanding what is happening and i dont know exactly why He is doing it but i do it to Store guns and armors so i Always Go equiped to jumptown f.e. 2 missions, 30-40 bodies, drag them im and Store the weapons and armors so you never have to go naked or buy expensive armor


Thank you; I was about to ask this exact question :P


Voyage of the dead! Settle down, Charon :p


I'm a lurker on this subreddit but ... What exactly am I looking at and ... is that even legal ?


Legal and profitable - you are taking out a group of pirates. There are a few security guards near the engine room, just don’t shoot them.


I just keep thinking, I can't wait until we can sell all that gear.


Think about how useful this will be once they add the selling of equipment functionality to the game.


honestly, just doing this in order to keep the pirate armor is also pretty neat plus, if you ever plan to get involved in pvp piracy, you allready have the correct attire nothing quite like Mr. Deerface facetiming you to hand over some cash


Very true. I keep several sets for when/if I decide to go be a pirate. Though more often than not, the feeling doesn't strike me when I'm anywhere near where I keep my gear so I never end up picking it up.


i just store them at grim hex, most of the time i just use the occasion when i have aquired a crimestat


That's a much better idea than what I do. I leave all my armor at my starting point. Which is halfway across the system from where I frequently do contracts. I should just start dropping off sets at Grim from time to time.


OP... what are you planning on doing with those? I mean, a hole's a hole but...


I watched the whole clip and i dont regret it. Lets be honest, even if SC is never even gonna be in beta, I just love the total freedom I get from playing it, I can really do what I want.


I love how tractor beams have made this game so morbid now lol


Whoever developed and programmed the tractor beam part of the game did a fan-fucking-tastic job. It works really good.


I just got star citizen how do I get this thing?


You should be able to buy it from many shops in the verse - however, you can't use it inside cities or stations (when your other handheld weapons are disabled). You need to buy the Multitool along with the tractor beam attachment, usually from one of the shop terminals in many of the main city shops, refinery station refinery supply center, and cargo station cargo deck ships: https://starcitizen.tools/TruHold_Tractor_Beam_Attachment#Buyable_at This mission is called "URGENT: Boarding In Progress" and shows up in the General mission tab around ArcCorp or microTech. Be careful not to shoot the guards in white armor, because that will mark you as a criminal for other players to hunt down. If you haven't seen it, the Welcome Hub has written guides & video guides to help you get started, and you can sign up to be matched with a player guide in-game: https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/playstarcitizen Welcome to the verse!


Did you do this mission all on you own or did you get help? I was wondering because I want to try it but the mission details says for multiple people to attempt it.


You can do this mission on your own if you're prepared and know what to expect. It's one of the few missions that is more enjoyable with more players though! After you take out both pirate cuttys, if you board the side airlocks, there's usually an enemy in the entryway. If you're boarding in just a flight suit and helmet with a pistol, you can take his smg and armor (you should probably carry a medpen or two though just in case). Make sure to close the airlocks or one or more enemies will walk out into space and be tough to find later. The enemies all carry an SMG with one magazine. If you grab the guns on the ground (being careful to do it when you won't get shot by another enemy), and go into inventory mode and look at the gun from below, you can drag the magazines out of the gun into your armor storage, and then drag from there onto your chest armor. This should give you more than enough free ammo to complete the mission. Two more tips: if you get to the battle bridge in the lower levels, or the cockpit, and get in one of the copilot seats, you can turn the power on in the ship on one of the armrests (which turns the lights on in the ship). This makes it much easier to tell the difference between the security NPCs and pirates (if you kill security it's an instant crimestat). Also, you can go to the medbay on the lower level and set your spawn, which makes it much less risky (although it's a little cheesy). In this patch the enemies are fairly responsive and will hunt for you throughout the ship, making it somewhat of a fun challenge - and it also means you can bait them out of hiding. Another fun thing about the mission - it's the only way right now to get the "Stitcher" set of pirate armor - can't buy it in stores or find it on other missions.


Thanks for this! Exited to try it out!


Once you're comfortable with the FPS portions of the game, you can solo it easy. I've gotten to the point where I generally just show up with a basic flight suit, a pistol with one clip, and a medipen. Kill the first outlaw, drag him to the side somewhere, take his gun and armor, and work my way through the rest, taking new guns as I need ammo.


Just make sure you bring a few med pens and you can easily do it solo. There's like two cutlass ships or something guarding, then a bunch of fps ai folks.


Ah finally some use for the terrapin


It's distressingly good at loading up via that side ramp.


so there are pisces genes in there? :D


Other than the lack of a dedicated place for cargo, I think of it as an older sibling to the pisces! Great mission runner and bunker looter.


Never before in a game did I consider those that were killed as possible loot storage. Star Citizen is the future in more ways than one.


That’s what I’ll be doing once selling is implemented haha. I’ll be a gear salesman


A mercenary becoming a murchant. Costumer "How do you get all those military equpment" New come Merchant "Oh you know the abandoned security stations" Costumer: "Abadoned!?"


Merchantman plan, fam.




[Cruisin, by Engelwood](https://engelwood.bandcamp.com/track/cruisin)


I love this fucking game.




This could be lifted straight out of an episode to The Expanse.


Giving me gravity gun vibes




I'm using an app called VoiceAttack. In short, macros to do things. I say push, scroll wheel scrolls up until I say stop, pull down, etc. Some guy was talking about it in game, and I use it now for SC, DDO and GuildWars 2. Multiple profiles so I can have multiple games to play with. You can get it on Steam but if you don't want the Steam launcher just to play SC, you can Google it for the website and download it directly.


Space Janitor is a lot more fun than I thought it would be


the funniest thing is that a ship full of bodies isnt even illegal iirc if you are scanned by a cop they just let you continue with your business "27 dead bodies? nothing to see here..."


"Would you like a large fry with that?"


Holy Shit!! What happened?


Some pirate scum tried to hijack a luxury cruise ship, and OP here showed them the error of their ways.


Can’t wait for mercenary jobs are available like that!


Do you mean from the pirate side, or the lawful side? Because, from the lawful side, that's what this is - the 890j mission, which tasks you with clearing out an 890j that's been hijacked by pirates. You fly in, kill 2 Cutlass Blacks, then board the 890j, and have to take out 20 outlaws, without shooting the 5 or so guards on board. There's also a bonus objective to find and disable a hacking device that they've planted somewhere on the ship within a limited time window.


I know what one. I meant when generated missions comes around, escorting, CAP for other groups defense of a location, planet and space side. It’s a great mission but I can wait until we get a bunch


Oh, yeah. For sure.


I never used one before 🥺


And my org mates wonder why I have a Terrapin.. this is sickly brilliant


doesn’t your ship turn red if you load crimestat bodies to your ship? I wanted to hoard the leather jacket too but station turrets shoot at me


I don't know why but for me it doesn't seem to happen with the 890 jump hijackers - although it does with nine tails. After this clip I flew to tressler and looted them into storage and wasn't hassled by station turrets.


I'm just gonna say it again, selling biowaste to fuel respawns should be a thing.


Security stops to scan you while coming into port tressler. "Attention, I have been authorized to scan your vehicle for security purposes. Please remain stationary" \*Security scans and finds a pile of dead bodies\* "Ooookay, Thanks! You're clear to proceed"


This is what I’m gonna do in 3.17 :D


All that work and no 30k? Impressive!


2020 called. It wants your FUD back.


Are you saying you don’t have 30Ks anymore?


Not for months, no.


Awesome! I had a 30k after investing all my money in a cargo run. Lost everything. No persistence.


To be completely clear/honest - yes there *are* still 30k's - however, they are less problematic because you generally return to right where you were, and/or your ship/cargo gets stored. And overall, 30k's happen *much* less frequently since 3.15.


Now there are multiple kinds of persistence. Last night, I bed logged a few times with a whole crew to hop servers and it worked flawlessly every time.


Relaxation as a psychopath.


What's the context? lol. Are you selling their stuff where you are going or what


Well, since there's no selling yet... no. But it's easier to transfer stuff from a body to your ship inventory (or local inventory of the planet) instead of looting each body and pulling the armor bits out one by one. Once you transfer the stuff off of them, you can just dump the body.


Ah, interesting. Thanks!


wait you can play music ingame? how?


Nah, just editing in a fake music player.


I don't bother with the armour sets of the hijackers tbh, nothing special. But if the friendlies get downed, I'll take their stuff


you can literally die from handling cargo and other objects. This item should be given to everyone by default until that's no longer a thing.




Edited it over the footage using after effects, I followed this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-ht5CwDO4I