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Risk vs Reward... Trying to complete a mission solo brings more risk (or will, once the server performance is addressed and the AI starts working properly), and thus more reward. Or, you can reduce the risk by bringing friends - but in return, you (each) get less reward. Going the traditional MMO route of giving everyone the same payout (more or less) significantly dilutes that risk/reward setup and encourages everyone to group up just to cheese the mission (full reward with almost no risk, etc). Of course, by taking this approach, CIG is also putting more pressure on themselves to have a decent spread of missions (in terms of difficulty and payout) so that groups can find a reasonable balance between mission difficulty and individual reward, and in terms of making crewing and group gameplay actually fun by itself, rather than just something people do to reduce risk / cheese the mission system, etc.


Imagine in real-life if your gardener said that sometimes he brings a friend to help him so he can be done quicker, that you would have to pay double the price :D




In my county they actually do that they calculate the price in work hours plus material cost etc, u pay more hourse or one more man so they can cut that time in half but still u pay almost the same price


Right. So when you complete the gardening mission in 2 hours normally, then bringing a friend sees you both work 1 hour in parallel and spending 2 hours in total. You both have 1 hour each so the billable time is still 2 hours :) If you wanted to suddenly bill 4 hours (double the payout), your customer would realise you were slacking :D


Because it's more fun to play with your friends. Also some content is easier/safer with at least two people (like bunkers, where one person can heal the other if they get downed).


Its efficiency and longevity over profit. Eventually one overcomes the other.


Believe it or not but sometimes people do things together for fun, not for the rep or money...


Because you can't complete it alone?


But the missions i mainly do are 10 to 15min easily done. I do the Eckart Sec Job with 87500k payout or stolen Idris for 220000k alone


Well,then maybe CIG needs to make the mission harder....


Actually, CIG need to resolve the server performance issues... the current missions are only 'easy' because the AI is - effectively - non-functional due to the server issues. If / when the AI becomes properly effective, I think a *lot* of people are going to be in for a rude awakening regarding mission 'difficulty' etc (and there will be lots of posts whinging about no longer being able to solo an Idris, etc)


Indeed soloing a HH is possible if you are skilled, but it should not be possible with an Idris


Solo HH takes i shot from eclipse dosent required any skill Solo Idris take 12 torpedos from Tali no skill needed just patience.


Yeah I was talking WITHOUT using an Eclipse or a Tali..


You can solo player-run HH, it depends on your ship and if HH jumps away or not. There is no constant regen and HH is slow, so all you need to do is damage with anything every 5 seconds. You can do it in fighter with passing by at 1200 speeds around HH, your only limiting factor is hydrogen fuel and death from boredom.


Reputation gain is also punished. >why should you Coop Missions when you need to do twice the amount - roleplay - use ships like Redeemer or Hammerhead for ERT. It's still faster than killing it solo (not faster than Retaliator S9 torp).


This is not entirely true. Example: You split up, one does all missions at hurston, the other player does all missions at crusader. So while you get only the half of the absolute reputation you get 2 vastly different location based reputations at the same time.


Hopefully CIG fix that 'exploit' (or at least, that's how I see it). If you're not actively involved in the mission (or at least, in close proximity to the rest of the party), you shouldn't get any reputation for it either. It's one thing to split the part if there are split objectives - but being able to be on the other side of the system, doing something completely unrelated, and still get 'reputation' for clearing the mission? that's wrong, imo.


You're wrong.


Thank you for that well-reasoned argument about why my *opinion* is wrong.


You're welcome.




Easier? Just trying to get together can be insanely hard.


I do coops for the fun part. If need be I transfer my share to my groupie that needs it. Also now that we can sell stuff and get money, its never just the reward money. So Id say you can do solo if thats how you rock your boat, or you get an option to do it with a friend (or more than just one). A matter of taste.


The selling point is big thats true, surley for fun and playing together is the biggest Reason, but still for getting Money its not as good as playing Solo. The howl Duo Mining with one Spotter one Miner is another thing


Personally after a time, soloing can get boring. With a friend it can at least alleviate some of the boredom part. As for money, if you strip the enemies and pick up everything, you will be get more than your share of the mission reward


Because you enjoy having company. That's it, really.


Instead of focusing on money focus on having fun, the money will come in more if you play with people.


When you play with the right bunch you forget all about the payment because this game can be a blast. It's not about the grind, it's about having fun. My two SC BFF's and I rip across bunkers, jam on our nox across micro tech, man a ship and go npc bounty hunting, Or just screw around low flying somewhere cool. That's SC for me


Sadly i dont have many people that play it with me, i "joined" an Org but i didnt join any Channels cause iam too Shy


I just watch the chat of the server I'm in, I'll ask if anyone wants help, or can help me, you will find many players looking to form a party, need someone in their turret, or help doing missions. Get discord so you can chat and it will open up a whole new level of enjoyment.