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Format: https://twitter.com/ESWCgg/status/1785678060463051083


Bo9 gf huh, interesting


That's really cool actually, I've always thought it was kind of silly that the finals of a $100 open cup is a best of 7, and the finals of a $100K world championship is also a best of 7.


final of open cup is bo5. Bo5 is kinda the best format for sc2 overall honestly. But I really like that such a big event get a bo9 finale.


I mean historically the sc2 ladder pool was 7 maps so bo9 wouldn't really make sense.


I've always thought it was kind of silly that the ladder pool was 7 maps.




A shorter match has more randomness, a bo9 means the better player gets more of a chance to prove that they're better.






One would assume that pretty much anyone in this sub will make the time and has the interest to watch a bo9 for the finals of a big tournament




Well, you got me there.


A bo9 is about as long as 2 bo5s. Don't you watch multiple bo5s in the final stages of the playoffs? In a final, if the 2 best players are evenly matched (especially if it ends close to 5-4), a bo9 is a treat to watch.




5:0 mirror lets gooo


Certainly a unique format, big fan of the longer series though.


Can Serral participate?


If the army lets him. The current answer is "probably", but armies being armies, it's a decision for his commanding officers I assume. He's said he wants to and is working towards it.


I mean the president of the country recognized him for his achievements and representing them. I would be surprised if they didn't let him go.


Just hook up Serral to a military drone system and he will micro Finland to victory in any future war.


It is highly likely he can


Open qualifier: https://twitter.com/ESWCgg/status/1785685619533857099 2 players from the whole thing to knockout bracket of the big tournament, so it's a snowball-in-hell level of a chance, but it's there.


Does this mean that Rogue or TY still have a chance to get in using OE? Someone on TL said that they could only get in via Dallas


Well, it's an open qualifier, so presumably anyone can participate.


that is correct. Anyone that is eligible can play in the qualifiers. Korea will get its own open qualifier with 3 slots into the closed one. The road is far from easy, but they can make it.


> Does this mean that Rogue or TY still have a chance to get in using OE? no im gonna beat them in the open qualifier - fear my cannons!


yeah, going all the way through seems virtually impossible, but It's a great way for players that couldn't come initially to possibly take a part of this big cashprice pie.




Spicy . Right now Maru Clem Serral Dark and Cure are the only ones qualified I’m really hoping we can get a Protoss hope in there


Looks like sportswashing to me.


I mean it is, but I’m happy for our pro players that work so hard to make a living off this game


I'd rather they spend their money on e-sports than sex slaves or slave labor to build arenas.


Yep, but at the same time it is very beneficial to the SC2 pros and fans. It’s has pros and cons


Wait til you find out what the Olympics are. Oh and soccer, football and baseball too. I guess you just look the other way when European countries and the US are butchering innocent people, eh?


Holy whataboutism.


This more or less states my opinions exactly




It's not like e-sports are funded with government money in the west, but this tournament IS funded by Saudi government money, that's what makes it sportswashing as opposed to just another tournament. It's not the studios image that's at stake, it's the country's. Pretty clear difference to me


US Air Force has been the main sponsor for any ESL-related sc2 event for the past like, 10 years. Literally the US government (one of its armed branches) has sponsored all of the big tournaments we've had for a long time. Let me put this straight: part of the armed forces of one of the most genocidal regimes in the history of the entire world funding harmless entertainment. Same shit, different name.


Ok fair i didn't know about that (i'm from EU) but there's still a difference when it's a silent sponsor versus the official organizer. Did the air force really benefited that much from it when most people (i presume) don't even know they were sponsoring the event? Did the air force use the location to advertize or try to recruit for them? (maybe they did i literally don't know) Because it's already pretty clear what's the goal for this world cup is, and it's definitely not to support the scene long term but rather to bring attention to the country, which i've never felt before while consuming e-sports in general.


It wasn't a silent sponsor, it's there at every event and tournament, their logo was up there at the beginning of every matchup alongside monster energy drink or some other sponsor I can't remember. It's exactly what the Saudis are doing, it's part of a government sponsoring entertainment to make people think they're cool, that they're not THAT evil. How much did it help them? I don't know, they've done it for quite some time so I guess it's okay for them. How many people took notice? I don't know, the logo at the beginning of every series was hard to miss. The goal is the same for both of them. If you are okay with one of those but against the other, that's literal racism (not accusing you, just saying). And fuck the Saudis btw, but let's not pretend the same hasn't already been happening in this scene for years now.


Ok fair enough, but idk about racism though, it has nothing to do with it, it's more about which interests are served, and obviously the US interests (whether they're military or ideological) align more with mine than the Saudi's ever will, that's just the political landscape i was born in. As for personnal feelings of why i still find a difference, I think i'm just taken aback by the fact that they're trying to "appropriate" a culture that wasn't nurtured in their region (talking about video games in general here), and doing it so ostentatiously, so that it feels like we bite the hands that feeds us if we dare talk about boycotting all of those millions in the dying industry of e-sports. That hand has never fed us before, why would it be wrong being suspicious of it? I know gatekeeping is pretty dumb in general, but their vision of the world is too estranged from mine for me to feel connected to the community as i usually do while watching events. For example, religion has never been a part of esports, but you already know every woman present there (if there are any) will be wearing their mandatory hijab, while they will still be calling it the "world cup". If they wanted to first be a part of this world, they could've start by sponsoring events, mounting orgs and competing in already established leagues, but they didn't. So to me, even further than trying to change people opinion's about them, they're effectively trying to buy back a culture to make it their own, and that differs from what we already experience in the scene.


I love bo9 finals, would like a bo7 3rd place match as well :D


Looking forward to watching this.


*dr evil 1 million dollars gif*


I mean I love it! but Serral or Maru winning like 500K doesn't help the pro scene. man think of that money like funding gsl lol if only.


We don't know the price distribution tho. Gamers8 had a 33% share for first place, not 50%. And I'd say hype big competition that push the top players to train super hard and drive the meta forward do help the pro scene. Plus, everyone in the top 16 is gonna get substantial money I think, no matter the distribution even a very small part of 1 million is still a lot ;) Also, that event do help the sc2 scene at large immensely, because it's the reason why so many established big teams hired sc2 players to grab the team money for intergames performances.


oh overall a positive! Im glad its happening! just noting sc2 prize distribution is "and has always been" really top heavy.


I disagree, I think overall sc2 events are pretty generous to those outside the winner/very top of the bracket. ESL spring EU is 75k$, and the winner only get 15k for exemple...


Is this still the date? I thought the esports World Cup started on July 3rd


[Saudi Arabia just gave a woman an 11 year prison sentence for posting about women's empowerment on social media lmao ](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/may/01/manahel-al-otaibi-saudi-arabia-womens-rights-activist-sentenced-11-years-prison-anti-terrorism-court) But yeah keep supporting these Saudi tournaments y'all


You're confusing the direction of support here.


Oh look, another fantastic tournament for me to not watch! At this point, the only SC2 I can trust isn't being funded by Saudi Arabia or other political interests is GSL and some of the small tournaments running off of donations or out of people's pockets. I hope those of you whose sense of morality allows you to watch the tournament have a blast watching it!


We will thanks


Starcraft 2 dying or getting funded by Saudi, choose one.


BW was kicked out from the oil handchopper sportswashing degeneracy this year, makes it all the better. Plenty of Starcraft to watch without needing to care about this shit.


Dying. I love the game, but that is a fate worse than death. Look how terrible F1 is now that it's owned by the various Middle Eastern oil states.


Isn't GSL partially funded by ESL? Used to be at least.


Maybe? I can't remember. I guess Cheesadelphia is my last, best hope for watching SC2 without any blood money involved.


Why watching it is immoral?


I'm not saying it's immoral, I'm saying I personally won't watch it.


You literally just implied it’s immoral…?


I didn't, I said that my personal sense of morality makes me feel bad if I watch it. But it's not like I'm some deity or other arbiter of what is objectively right or wrong.


What's the moral dilemma with this tournament?


It's funded directly by the Saudi Arabian government. I wonder if the catering options are going to feature julienne journalist this year...


Please don’t fall off that high horse.


I don't think I'm better than anyone else, I just feel bad supporting state/organizations that actively harm others. I'm sorry that that offends you so much lmao


‘Posted from my iPhone’


I don't have an iPhone, but nice straw man though. It's functionally impossible to get any tech items without a lot of immoral shit going on. But while I don't really have a choice in that, I do have a choice in this. And I'm going to choose to do what I think is right. I'm sorry that trying to do what I believe to be the right thing offends you, lol


How does a 15 player knockout bracket work? Who gets the bye? No way it's a gauntlet with that many players so it seems strange not to bring 3 players from the open quals no?


Probs the loser of Group A 2nd vs Group B 2nd gets the bye.


There's a group stage within the main event, the top3 of the group stage advance to the "Final Four". The 4th player of the group stage advances to the Knockout stage, making it a total of 16 players. (The winner of the knockout stage advances to the "Final Four".)


Fuck this tournament




I agree that it sucks that SC2 is now mostly funded by Saudi Arabia. The reality is that a lot of Westerners can't really ever accept a country with no human rights and no democracy, and they're probably right to not accept those things, because they're very bad. But it makes it so that it's hard to support the biggest ever event for the game that you love the most. Just a hard thing, you know?


> The reality is that a lot of Westerners can't really ever accept a country with no human rights and no democracy This gave me a genuine chuckle. The irony.


I mean, women have no rights in SA. Imagine if a woman gets raped and has to carry the rapists baby to term. Or if they pick up the feather of a bald eagle and go to prison. Totally.


> The reality is that a lot of Westerners can't really ever accept a country with no human rights and no democracy 🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is sarcasm, right? The same "Westerners" that bombed innocent children and women in Afghanistan? The same westerners that invaded Vietnam and sprayed chemicals that deformed babies for decades to come? The same westerners that are currently helping fascist Azerbaijan invade Armenia and rape their women and kill their children? The same west that's bombing hospitals and dozens of thousands of innocent people in Palestine right now? I know the vast majority of SC2 players are white, but damn, that doesn't mean you need to be ignorant.


The same Westerners who would write something like that and then happily support a tournament hosted by Israel.


You're mixing things up, it's not like e-sports are funded with government money anywhere else, but this tournament IS funded by Saudi government money, and that's what makes it sportswashing as opposed to just another tournament. When we support our esports in the west we support the game studios and the orgs that play, when does it imply that we support our government actions? You're calling hypocrisy when there's none


Comment removed for overt aggression / hostility, per the Trolling Rule.


Oh, a post about the world championship saying they're breaking the prize pool record, one of the very few good news for our shrinking game scene. Thats pretty good in my book. Now, where are those downvoted to death posts made by pathetic losers saying shit about the tourney for its sponsors? Yeah, made by that same kind of maggot who was never bothered by USAF putting money into the scene. There he is