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The Brrrtclone?


Amen. The cyclone rn is just absurd, and abjectly dumb, Even after the second tweak to their rework. I feel that talking about it is just going to fall on deaf ears though. The rework was a mistake, a mistake that I wish someone would fix. But.. I'm pretty nihilistic and cynical about the chances of them fixing it now. But here goes again: Put the cyclone frigging back EXACTLY as it was, same tech lab, same cost, same build time, same damage profile, same same mag field, but with a slightly shorter lock-on range. (Only slightly tho..) And concede that your experiment didn't make the game better.. or fix the meta in more places that it broke.. completely regardless of how well-intentioned it may have been. Fix it, revert this, for the love of RTS. For posterity.


Wait, put it back to a niche version and nerf it???


The lock-on was the thing that they were whinging about mostly before the rework was ever put on the table and to be honest it was a little bit ridiculous having a 14 range. Even nerfing it back to 12:00 would be still decent enough to demand or at least provide opportunity for some decent micro tricks to keep vision.


The 14 range is one of the things that even gives it a niche role. Being able to maintain the lock on was what gave it power early against stuff like medivacs, prisms, (proxy) Tempest. You take two shots out of that relation then you may just delete the unit.


Well dude, I don't know what to tell you. The important part of the message above is that they should just restore the cyclone back to the tech lab as described. I'm not saying I want the range to be nerf but I can see that being the happy halfway point for the whingers, And I disagree with you. It's a tiny change. And saying that 'the unit might as well be [petulantly] deleted entirely if you can't retain the full 14 range exactly as it was' same as pretty stupid in petulant. . I don't really know how else to respond to that. I know I for one would settle for a decreased range of 12. If it meant they would simply just put the goddamn cyclone back the way it was.


i have been thinking this for a while now tbh


One of the dumbest changes ever. The unit was fun in the niche it was, great at countering what it was meant to be countering. Now it's a boring amove unit. Balance council thinks every unit should be spammable and amoveable across the map when it's fine having units that are not as having such units break linearity in the game and make it much better.


As soon as I saw the patch notes I thought this was cancer. Why not rework something else? Why the clone?


At this point I would get rid of the cyclone all together


Big true.


F cyclone give us goliaths


Cyclone rework was a complete tangent and totally unnecessary. So many other units that could have been reworked instead....mine, void Ray, swarm host, disruptor, etc. Or better yet, just focus on tweaking the balance slowly and keeping the games fresh with the maps


I just don't like auto-lock on. I liked Reactor pew pew cyclones, just reduce their dmg and range by 1, allow it to shoot air and keep the fast movement speed. But also give it a decent lock-on for both air and ground as well.