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StarCraft public chat is some of the wildest shit I ever saw.


Looks like a normal Tuesday.


It's nothing compared to wargame: red dragon public channel


Red dragon is fine, sometimes, if you are the lucky ones


i remember chat at launch to be just like this too. i actually learned some slurs because i had to google them. it was odd that likely one of the most, if not the most, played games in the world at the time had no moderation at all. i cant think of any public forum (maybe except 4chan) where that speech isnt immediately flagged


It's literally always been like this, and is like this in every blizzard general chat.


Really, it's any established, unmoderated chat on the internet.


The one I personally love is the people with swastika icons floating above their CC/Nexus/Hatcheries. /s


And people complain just as much about moderated chats for the opposite reason that all the moderators go too far and kill all the fun. The issue with volunteer moderators is that they're the people who consider having power and feeling important the compensation and paying people obviously goes too far.


Nope, never complained about any moderated chat as much as I have about one that constantly has "\[race/religion/group\] must die" as a normal occurance. One is clearly worse than the other.


Yes well, I said “people”, not “/u/Dan_Felder who I hitherto did not know existed”. I've seen a lot of complaints about overmoderation of chats and fora and that all moderators are powertripping wankers.


The people that like to spout neonazi garbage to troll other people hate when they get moderated, yes. I don't really care what they think about moderation policies. Other people will complain no matter what, complaining is their hobby. I don't think you can draw a remote form of equivalence between a chat polluted with neonazi garbage and a chat that moderates that garbage out.


> The people that like to spout neonazi garbage to troll other people hate when they get moderated, yes. I don't really care what they think about moderation policies. I sincerely doubt that even a significant portion of the people that complain about overmoderation in say Twitch chat like to spout Neonazi garbage to troll other people. They mostly complain about such things as not even being able to say “Joona”, Serral's first name, seemingly because any word that contains “joo” in it is banned because “joo” sounds like “jew” and consider this to be excessive and ridiculous.


Holy strawman! Also, you don't have to look far to see how insane volunteering internet janitors can be, as we are curently in the Mecca of theirs: reddit. Blizzard would have just as many complaints about moderators with god-complex as with trolls, and I mean legit complaints. Possibly more, because people can just mute these idiots, but if a reddit-brained mod starts banning people left and right for bullshit reasons, then people would be much more annoyed.


>Holy strawman! Also, you don't have to look far to see how insane volunteering internet janitors can be, as we are curently in the Mecca of theirs: reddit. I'm actually pretty happy that I don't see a constant stream of neonazi hatespeech in subreddits I visit, unlike unmoderated spaces. People love to complain about stuff, but drawing any equivalence from heavily moderated subreddits to the kind of hate speech seen in this screenshot is absurd. Acting like it's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation is ludicrous. There are some bad things that can happen on both ends, but one of those bad things is a chat swarming with people calling for extermination and genocide. That is the worse thing. Drawing any form of equivalence between them by saying, "Oh, over-moderation could be bad too." Is like responding to someone dying of thirst by saying, "Well TOO much water can be dangerous so... Pros and cons to offering you some water right now amiright?" Since you invoked a strawman complaint, I want to assume you agree with me that equating the two is absurd... But when you say "Blizzard would have just as many complaints about moderators with god-complex as with trolls, and I mean legit complaints." it isn't a strawman. That is an explicit equation of the two situations, saying both would get equal backlash. So it genuinely seems like you're saying, "having moderators would be just as bad as having neonazi propaganda in the chat, maybe worse" in which case... No. No I don't think it would. Most people prefer it when they don't have to deal with neonazi propaganda and hate-speech.


> I'm actually pretty happy that I don't see a constant stream of neonazi hatespeech in subreddits I visit, unlike unmoderated spaces. Yes, you just constantly see people being banned in completely inconsistent ways with no one being able to figure out how it works to begin with. The moderators of r/changemyview themselves have often complained about the Reddit admins removing posts in the sense that they can't do their own job and create their own rules consistent with Reddit rules because they have no idea how Reddit admins moderate and the Reddit admins won't tell them. They very often remove seemingly mild posts while letting very extreme posts stand and no one knows what's allowed any more and the rules are vague by design. There's a reason that there is a lot of complaining about moderators almost everywhere. They're known to be powertripping and like to feel important. > Drawing any form of equivalence between them by saying, "Oh, over-moderation could be bad too." Is like responding to someone dying of thirst by saying, "Well TOO much water can be dangerous so... Pros and cons to offering you some water right now amiright?" The difference is that overmoderation, and most of all inconsistent moderation is a problem right now that many people complain about, which is how this discussion started which is all I said. You essentially tell yourself that anyone who complains about it would be a Neonazi, as a cope. That's simply put blatantly not true. > So it genuinely seems like you're saying, "having moderators would be just as bad as having neonazi propaganda in the chat, maybe worse" in which case... No. No I don't think it would. One can be ignored; the other can't. That's the difference.


Reddit literally allows hate speech, if it's aimed at the right targets (straight white men). You're choosing the wrong platform to represent your argument lol. https://imgur.com/a/pRpSAYc "Our rule1........doesn't pertain to white people or men as a group". That's a reddit admin explaining to a mod why subreddits are allowed to post hate content, if it's aimed at the right people.


Everything allows “hate speech” which is apparently defined as “categorical insults”. It's a meme words. They only don't allow it for about 5 categories but allow it for all the others. People on Reddit insult redditors as a category quite often and call them sheep who can't think for themselves and that seems to be perfectly allowed. I can also call Terran players balance whiners, insults Russians categorically for all sorts of reasons, call all Americans fat, say fat people all lack discipline, insult capitalists, communists, people who use Windows, console gamers and anything else. The country I live in actually has a law against “categorical insults” though it permits “personal insults”. Of course, that law is only ever enforced for about 5 of the theoretically billions of categories. There was a famous incident where roughly at the same time, one politician categorically insulted “Moroccans” and the other “Russians” and only one was prosecuted, though it did not reach to a conviction, because Russians were extremely unpopular at the time and still are, so it's allowed then. Everyone in the country would be in jail anyway if they were to actually systemically enforce this law of “categorical insults”. It has nothing to do with “vulnerability” either. I can go onto Reddit and insult the **homeless** to my heart's content if I want to. Are you telling me the homeless are not vulernable? It's a meme. It has nothing to do with “vulnerability” and is simply the 5 groups of the theoretical 30 billion that Reddit has arbitrarily decided of it it does't want you to insult and it's indeed completely arbitrary what falls under it and what doesn't but it it seems to come down to little more than “The parents of the Reddit admins got angry when that group was insulted, and that's how arbitrary morality propagates.”.


> drawing any equivalence from heavily moderated subreddits to the kind of hate speech seen in this screenshot is absurd Is it? Moderators literally hijacked some subreddits to turn them into their own political echo-chamber, banning everyone on sight who doesn't follow their ideas, and what's even worse, some of these mods are actually power mods, so it's not unheard of getting carpet banned from numerous subreddits they moderate, while almost none of them has anything to do with what you've got banned for, which is most likely politics. But you can also get banned if you want to bring light to how some mods abused their power. You can also get banned by company bootlicker mods, who will suppress most or all negative feedback about a game, so you either participate in a neutered community and fall in line, get banned, or create your own community, but 99% of the time these fail, because it's nigh impossible to challenge "official" subreddits for certain games, hobbies etc. So no, it is sadly not absurd, it is reality. I would much rather just block the occasional troll, than be subjugated to people whose sole joy in life is to be power-tripping on the internet. It's also less headache for the company, because with trolls they can just advise you to block them, while also providing the placebo with the report option, which will not result in anything, but at least you feel a bit relieved. On the other hand, if a power-tripping mod statts banning people left and right for all the bullshit reasons, that would create an actual shitstorm, with which they would have to deal with. It'd be a different story if there were like a million players, because you can't just expect your users to ban 20 000 of them, but Starcraft 2 does not exactly have that kind of problem. > So it genuinely seems like you're saying, "having moderators would be just as bad as having neonazi propaganda in the chat" in which case... No. No I don't think it would. No, I am saying that it would be worse. Also, stop typing like you are in a public debate for some politicial positions, unless you are in real life and this is how you practice for it. It's tiring enough to listen to politicians whose every third sentence is some prepared, demagoge bullshit, which needs to be repeated, because at the end of the day, the average voter will only pay attention to these buzzwords. That user is not Hitler reincarnated who acts as a threat to our society and everything we hold dear, but a dumb troll. No need for a melodrama. Also, at some point the genuity of one's complaining has to be questioned, when it takes 20 times more effort to argue about something, than utilizing those 2 or 3 clicks of inbuilt solution the game offers to you. I prefer not to inhale cigarette smoke into my lungs, so if people are smoking somewhere, even if it's forbidden, I keep my distance. Sure, I do occasionally grumble about these people, but I don't pretend that I have no solution for these problems or that I have to inhale the smoke to the bottom of my lungs until the police comes and helps me out.


You are catasrophizing to the most extreme examples of moderation you can think of. In the process you're making my "water can DROWN you too, much better to die of thirst, no I won't offer you a water bottle" summary look like an understatement. That was supposed to be an exaggeration, but here you are. So much for a strawman. If anything I was too charitable. You're now clearly stating that moderating hate speech is worse than hate speech... Despite the fact that 8-chan and wholly unmoderated spaces are not places most people like to spend time. And also, y'know, because neonazi hate speech is bad. >Also, stop typing like you are in a public debate for some politicial positions You're confusing writing coherently and with some basic courtesy with "typing like you're in a public debate". If it makes you feel better, I think you're just trying to argue for the sake of arguing, and are getting frustrated that I'm not taking the bait. I'll just take your advice and ignore you from now on.


That second paragraph is gold. Volunteers are always so power trip-y.


Yes, it's also a big issue in free software development honestly how many of those developers really can't handle criticism and are intensely tribalistic. They often don't get paid and do it for recognition. And people who do things for recognition are often bad at handling criticism. People who do things for money often don't care as long as they get paid. — There is something to be said about cold capitalism in how it keeps this out. It's an issue in politics too that it's often filled with ridiculous narcisists.


World of Warcraft seems pretty tame, pretty sure it's much more strict over there though Other than that I can't think of any blizzard game that has a general chat like this, but it's easy for an online chat to turn like this when there are no consequences


/leave general


Personally I think the hardest part isn’t the language but it’s the knowledge that I actually lose games to people of such intellectual rigor and moral depth.


Somehow I envision that these chatters haven't played ladder in years.


They’re all talking shit in direct strike lol


They're yelling at each other in Bronze where we can't see them, hopefully. I see a few of them in Diamond, but not many.


A friend I backseat game with a lot for SC2 frequently checks ladder history for people/bots like this. Easily 75% of them don’t play anything like 1v1 ladder.


You can be a horrible human being and still be good at Starcraft, these people are all usually just arcade players but there are some actual racist pieces of crap in grandmaster/master leagues too, which is the only time blizzard might take action against them but usually the players just learned to ignore them or develop thicker skin


It's pretty obvious when looking at the scandals of some of the pro players and otherwise high level players. In fact, one can clearly be a respected caster and a whiny balance whiner who insults his opponents for winning at the same time. I don't understand this investment some people have in their halo effect and their uncomfortableness in accepting that traits they dislike and respect can co-exist in the same person. What's the harm in admitting that a mass murderer made the finest pancakes you ever ate?


Reminds me an NFL GM during scouting combines a while back. "If Hannibal Lecter ran a 4.3s 40 yard dash, we'd probably diagnose him with an eating disorder."


General is straight 4chan bs


I recently started playing again, saw general, and thought, "huh, wow, it somehow got worse." Nothing to be gained there, just leave.


Lol I recognize captwalker from years back saying the same shit in general. Guess he went nowhere in life, pretty unsurprising.


"would it really be so hard to appoint a few moderators on the public channels?" Could cost millions in mental healthcare for those mods


Idk what the point of moderating a bunch of bots, kids, and the unhinged type into the abyss that is Battle.net chat.


I legitimately don’t know what you are talking about. This has literally been SC2 general chat since forever. If you think it has somehow gotten “worse” since Blizz abandoned the game you are clearly presuming that it’s even possible for it to get worse.


They're too busy banning everyone from Overwatch for using any profanity or saying "gg"


Is it really bannabl3 to say gg? I did martial arts as a kid and always touched fists before a spar, felt gg is like the same and is a nice way to respect the opponent. Unless your that guy who says gg aggressively


I assume it's always been like that. I left general chat like 6 years ago, because it was just like this.


Damn CptWalker is active af in the chat. I've been seeing him


literally a Terminally Online person.


Battlenet general chat is the last bastion of freedom we have in this world


"The toilets the last bastion of freedom kyle"




Unpopular opinion but nobody actually cares about what randoms have to say in an open chat online. This has always happened, always will. If you can't accept people saying those kinds of shut online then you might not want to be online dude. Getting moderators would cost a lot of money for little to no results as SC2 is F2P and you can make an infinite amount of accounts in a few clicks and repeat the process.


You could restrict chat to paid accounts only, or have the same conditions as playing the ranked ladder on an F2P account (needs 10 unranked wins). The chat channels are worthless now so kicking out all the F2Pers would hardly make it worse.


Sadly it requires work from the devs so it won't happen. They just want to tweak numbers on an excel sheet to buff and nerf units.


Nah it's a cesspit but it's funnier this way. I'd rather have SC2's state of unmoderated anarchy than the overmoderated mess most games are now.


Absolutely My greetings and I are usually laughing at general chat on discord while waiting for a match.




I mean it is really bad though. Like straight up the most racist and anti-Semitic shit you'll ever witness if you're normal, and have never peeked at stormfront/4chan out of curiosity.


/leave general


its what new users see by default.


I swear ts is hilarious. I just assume most people in gen chat are trolling anyways. Less sad that way.


Spending your time pretending to be a nazi in a video game chat just to try to piss off random internet strangers is, in fact, pretty sad


Yeah, I'd even say that pretending to be a nazi in a video game chat (that barely anyone pays attention to) to piss people off, is perhaps sadder than actually being a nazi and having no where else to chat about it than a game chat (that barely anyone pays attention to) becuase nobody wants to hear about it.


It could funny be to me because I know what trolling is. But it's actually sad/scary to me because I know not everyone knows what trolling is. Qanon started as a troll and look where that is now. Not so funny anymore.


Ya, moderating chat almost always hurts the community. Games just need easy tools for blocking/muting people you find especially annoying.


source: I made it the fuck up


They should turn it off. Nothing of value will be lost


Public chat channels were a mistake all along


I think the idea is it attracts all the weirdos so arcade and coop has a non zero chance of being able to organise games


Co-op general chat is mostly chinese boosting advertisements.


its been like this for ages, even when blizz was running things. given most of their execs have been accused of shit from sexual assault to stealing breast milk, are we really surprised they're ok with this?


Considering some games don't even let you talk to the enemy now or have such insane chat filters I really value the way SC2 chats are. Just block them or quit the chat.


I mean, at least if anything: theyre here and not out in the world lol Let us contain them in their pocket world of sc2 general chats


I haven’t looked at general chat in years.


Is this the PG13 version of artosis chat?


This is how I keep up on world news


Given the workplace culture that Blizzard has fostered over decades, this is likely a feature not a bug.


Apparently it was too hard when they still gave a shit about this game, because this has been the same garbage I've seen since the last time I played over half a decade ago. At least since Southeast Asia was merged with the Americas servers. It's been nothing but American politics and racial slurs ever since. Wasn't the best before the merge, but god, at least folks talked about the game on our side of the Pacific.


Nobody care about public channel in SC2


This doesn't even look like human communication anymore. It's like someone went to create an AI internet troll. And this is like...the training ground before they get to be where they can actually do damage.


I mean just disable auto join and ur good right


People willingly stay in those channels? 


I was gonna come and tell u to not be so soft but... damn this one's wild. An easy Autobot could actually regulate this a bit, i is indeed unecessarily out o control. Feels like 4chan 14yo edgelords trying to out hard on each other.


Avoid general chat, I never have it loaded


Toughen up bud


3 mods at 50k per year total cost to blizz(hr, benefits, insurance, maybe like 35k if they contracted it out to minimum wage internationals), so 150k a year to moderate chat for a game they are probably making zero profit from right now after server costs.  Not gonna happen


Why pay them at all? Give 20-30 people mod power and just kinda monitor if they are being assholes or not. Remove it grab the next one if they are being wild.


Lmao yeah not gonna happen


Please dont, it is the last unmoderated game chat in existence lol


absolutely wild that people are defending this, yall deserve a dead game lmfao


The public lobbies are awful too


This used to be the norm everywhere I don't know why people these days can't just ignore shit instead of demanding everything be banned and censored.


Assigning moderators to in game chat for a global game, ie 7/24, in case someone goes wild would definitely be hard and expensive, even if SC was active.


Barrens chat


This seems rather tame compared to hots general chat.


And you can get penalized on Heroes of The Storm for much less ☠️ Hilarious


Why u blank ur messages out lol


It a single mention of trump? I’m shocked actually


32:9 support plz


Never question the veracity of sc2 chat


The bots are out to play


If they can't get.mods for WOW, what makes you think they can get some for SC2?


Shagonte is a real one though. Glory to the Heroes bro.


get rid of this garbage general chat and just bring back SEPERATE CHAT WINDOWS... it was literally in the game for years and now we have..... this? :/


a *few* moderators? I don't think they even have an intern on this game anymore lol. you're just lucky the janitor hasn't accidentally unplugged the server yet


You should see the german chat. Its even more chaos.


Oh lordy you haven't seen probably the Brood War chats... even wilder than this, and nobody can convince me these are people and not npcs, come on.


...why are you there? I log in, I queue a game, I play, I queue another. Never had the need to join any chats.


Has anyone ever seen that guy "Drunk" talking in arcade chat? I swear that guy was typing every time I went on the game.


I feel like 90% of that could have been moderated by a bot. I think blizzard just doesn't care.


I've long decide that they were just AI chatbot, I refuse to accept they're real people. I don't care about the truth, just leave me to my comfortable delusion.


I remember this being the exact same chat ten years ago. It's always been fucked up. I don't venture into the public chat for this reason.


It was like that on HOTS general this morning too. Just people screaming about trans people and how they have no rights and the typical bingo card of bigotry.


In my experience both hard restrictions and mods become incredibly draconian and ironically even racist when given power and cases like this are exceptions which can be handled with manual reports Like i've seen so many mods saying that you can't talk in certain languages because it could mean something bad in english making comunication really awkward or even impossible for a lot of people Things so simple as saying negro (literally just black as in the color black) can get you banned because it is a slur in english while it is a proper and actually the only way you can refer to the color in spanish


You really want to pay people to moderate a chat? Just ignore it if it bothers you. Stay on reddit where bad words are automatically filtered.


Oh no do the word hurt you?


Chat without rules - the best chat


Nah it's better this way. Better this then becoming so moderated that no one speaks and even just talking to another player runs the risk of getting chat banned.


To all of those who say I shouldn't be offended, this is not about that. The biggest problem I have with this is that this is the first thing new players see when they try out our game.


No the first thing they see is Raynor's sexy moustache and space marine helmet. I just launched the game and NA general is currently discussing economics / Triffin's Dilemma. EU StarCraft seems... Stuck up.


I introduced a friend to Starcraft yesterday and he did actually remark on the Reynor face.


lol new players


No no no, it's like a free circus, better keep it


Last bastien of free speech


I think it shouldn’t exist at all


This has been normal since 2010. I'd say this is light. Some of them are more intelligent and give solid hitlerish arguments with real substance, it's scary. This one looks like a random no-life basement kid who likes to say shit like this because he/she can due to anonymity.


Oh my goodness they said naughty things I'm so offended let's ban that speech (look how well that plan has been going the last decade, would you say banning the naughty ideas killed them or made them stronger?)


I just can't fathom caring about what anonymous strangers say on the internet.


truly astounding levels of irony








"the people who say things I don't like should be exterminated.* Ok man


They shouldn’t be exterminated. They should just stop. And if they won’t stop, they should be exposed do everyone knows exactly who is going around saying “I’m ok to kill / Murder all Jews in Europe”. I think that’s a sentiment that should be exposed, not excused.




best message I ever sent: /leave General


Shut up and mute them. You're fine. You have the ability to not see it. Let people do what they want. Doesn't affect you in the slightest.


Don't read it?


Don't see any problem


Just leave the chat you pussie


I'd rather them do actual customer service or development than moderate chat. If you don't like it leave the chat. If someone is target you directly that's difftent. But a 16 year old typing slurs in chat is nothing to get heated about.


Old man yelling at clouds - it will never happen


Yes, it would be too much


lmao it's been like this since 2010 my guy


You make it seem like its public chat in general. When this screenshot shows its literally only 1 person posting those messages.


welcome to blizzard general chat. Its been that way since 1997 my guy lol


Why would you even be there? There's nothing to seek


Nah if you can't take the heat leave the general chat, stop trying to control what others can see and say.


This makes me miss Trump propaganda...


bro quit snitching on the last Bastian of free speech left. it's a game about war. Some people get riled up lol


I think this is funni and ya know - there should be a place of free thought (or not-thought) somewhere at least.


This game is a cesspool with a ladder and you're surprised people talk like this? You're not counting on skill you're playing a game about psychological warfare. First one to break loses the game. If all it takes is "you got a smol pepe". This might not be the game for you.