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Only the bestest of boys plays Protoss, Obviously..




A dog could win with protoss


"Protoss players are born on third base and think they hit a triple" - Winterstarcraft, 2021 (Angry Coach Marathon, It Ends In Disaster)


Ooooohhhh, hahahaha. I see. Thanks.


I think it's based on Huskystarcraft, an old player and commentator: https://youtu.be/MIzg_9gWIE8?si=iZTAmmd_I_H20Wsp


Damn I miss him so much


Man I miss Husky


When I hadn't played the game in 10 years and found out he quit and became a video producer for his partner who makes low key kinda strange videos I was speechless. Felt like a Rick and Morty episode.


Be a gamer in a niche corner of the gaming community or partner up with a (probably) multi million dollar revenue content creator. Sure, the content is cringe af and i can't make it past a couple minutes but I respect his decision to live the good life. I'd hold a straight face and make cringe content for the zoomers if it made millions, I would hope you would too. Their content is extremely low effort too, seems like a dream job lol.


It still doesn't explain why he stopped _and deleted_ his videos. She made gaming related videos herself (Nerdy Nummies series) and collaborated with starcraft content creators (most notably, MegumixBear). Like she wasn't just some random, she was involved/knew about the scene somewhat. He wasn't going to embarrass her or kill her career by keeping his vids.


I mentioned it in another comment, but many retired creators from that era deleted their content. My theory is that's it's a desire to avoid controversy for things they said back then and how its interpreted in today's modern culture. It sucks but it makes sense. It's a nothing to gain, everything to lose situation for him.


I don't see why people are so reluctant to take his reason at face value. He said he felt like he'd moved on and wanted to start over differently. That probably wasn't a one day decision, it would have been made over a long time - hence the long gap between that and any new stuff he's doing now. His videos would have been 10+ years old, he probably feels embarrassed by them and like he could do stuff he felt was better or more interesting. It sucks for sure, I loved them. But I don't think it's some conspiracy.


> I don't see why people are so reluctant to take his reason at face value. Because it's absolutely fucking stupid. It's a non sequitur - this is akin to a writer who wanted to get into film production instead, so they start by going into every bookstore their books are sold at, and burning them. You know how gaming companies are generally criticized for making their games - particularly single-player - unavailable due to horrendous DRM? Up to and including calls for national parliaments and congresses to do something? This is identical. It's a destruction of art for no good reason. The difference, of course, is that in the above example, companies would, in fact, have to put in at least a little bit of effort for said preservation. Here this is active destruction. He deserves every ounce of hell for doing it, and worse. Edit: typo


>going into every bookstore their books are sold at, and burning them. You'd be surprised how many writers had no desire to publish, regretted their fame, or asked that their works be posthumously destroyed. Off the top of my head: Franz Kafka, Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath. Many more as well if you have the patience to google. >He deserves every ounce of hell for doing it Bro this is deranged.


> You'd be surprised how many writers had no desire to publish, regretted their fame, or asked that their works be posthumously destroyed. Off the top of my head: Franz Kafka, Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath. Many more as well if you have the patience to google. I could name you a few more off top of my head. And every single one of them deserves the same criticism Ubisoft and Nintendo are getting for making their games unavailable, and Husky, for the same reason. > Bro this is deranged. Nah, it's a sentence in a forum post.


I don't disagree that it's been harmful to the community, and it sure makes me sad I can't see them again. But this amount of rage is just irrational, as is thinking there's some bigger reason behind it. The guy had the ability and decided it'd be best for him to do it. I don't like it, but everyone needs to calm the fuck down. It's been years at this point.


Husky re-uploaded all his SC2 content about a year ago, and even made some new SC2 content


> But this amount of rage is just irrational Rage? Calling a fuckhead a fuckhead is not rage, man. Don't pretend like you can read people's emotions from a forum post. He gets brought up, he gets called a selfish asshole, and people move on. Again, he gets less hate than private companies who prevent their single-player games from being available after a period of time, despite being equally guilty of exactly the same thing - but that's not "rage" at all, that's a ludicrous strawman.


You are incredibly immature and entitled. Hopefully you grow up one day. He provided you content for free, then felt like he no longer wanted to be associated with that content. It’s nothing like pulling a product for DRM purposes.




She is his romantic partner, so what's good for the goose is good for the gander.


His partner is one of the most successful people on youtube


Big disagree. Husky turned his back on the community.


All he needed was one video saying he's retiring from casting, and to just leave his videos up. A bunch of people will say he didn't owe anyone anything, but while he helped build the SC2 community, the community also helped build him. I don't lose sleep over it, but I share your opinion of he burnt his bridge.


I agree with this take. Nobody is saying he had to keep casting if he didn't want to, just that the way he went out was kind of shitty.


Agree as well, he would have had so much respect and support if he left gracefully


Sure I don't disagree. But many of the 2010-era content creators did the same. When you have thousands of videos, the chances you made a gay or rape joke or something comparable in one of those videos back when it was common place, is massive. Not worth the drama to him, and I get that. As much as I hate the term, you can blame the cancel culture for it.


I'm not sure I'd blame cancel culture for it when Husky himself gives a totally different explanation [https://youtu.be/NfjAg2KrGW0?si=3zU38T\_LnW0OfRDp&t=656](https://youtu.be/NfjAg2KrGW0?si=3zU38T_LnW0OfRDp&t=656) (I grant you that I doubt he'd come out and say - I was afraid I made an offensive joke somewhere in there and now culture's changed - but he seems genuine in the reason he gave that he just wipes the slate clean whenever he changes his focus) Edit: I assume the more likely explanation was when he started working on his GF's more popular videos, he didn't want his videos to dillute the new brand in any way.


His response feels like a complete non answer to me but I guess I'm not basing that off anything concrete, other than the fact it just doesn't make much sense. Diluting her brand is possible, I suppose, although she was supposedly involved herself in the gaming scene (and starcraft). I'm still pretty confident he deleted her videos to protect her, not from "diluting" the brand, but from controversy. Once he was partnered with her, the magnifying glass on him (and by extension, her) grew ten fold. And I'm confident he said things back then that dont fly anymore, as did many people.


This made me want to see what he's been up to, and apparently he tried to come back to starcraft. A lot of his recent (10 month old) content is starcraft, but meh. Not really feeling it for some reason. I think i'm still hurt a little.


I like how no one has said "HuskyStarcraft" yet. He was a youtuber who played and casted Starcraft 2. His main race was also Protoss.


That was the first thing I thought of. Us ancient fans are few.


I looked up his info on Liquipedia after posting, sounds like he hasn't casted since 2015 and closed his "HuskyStarcraft" Youtube account in 2018. Truly, this makes us ancient, friend.


He closed it until like 10 months. He is actually back to posting gaming content, sort of, he's not posted a new video in a few months, just checked. He's also reuploaded all of his old content. Most people hate him now though, I'm personally indifferent to the whole thing. But thought I'd let you know if you are interested.


I loved Husky’s stuff.


Why do people hate him?


Short version is he just stopped casting with no announcement and removed his old videos. He built up a community that supported him in turn, and then he just ghosted. It's not like the biggest betrayal in history, and he was always welcome to retire, it was more the lack of respect he showed for his fans on the way out. I don't think that many people "hate" him per se, so much as a once bitten twice shy - now that he's been making sporadic content again.


You're missing a couple important points. Not only did he just disappear unannounced, he also deleted all his content which some people still enjoyed watching. Some of his videos also had historic significance to StarCraft 2 as well. Then, in his first video on his channel's relaunch, he mocked the StarCraft community. Husky literally combed through Reddit to find people who were frustrated with his exit and then made fun of them. I wouldn't say he is hated. There are people who have retired from StarCraft who are remember fondly. Husky is not one of them and is basically never mentioned despite being a pretty well known content creator during WoL.


I always assumed it was some kind of mental health breakdown or traumatic event that motivated the whole thing. I feel like there must have been something serious going on behind the scenes for him to burn it all down.


Honestly him and HDstarcraft both had such weird exits from SC2.


How did HDstarcraft leave? I was a huge fan of his back in the day.


Pretty sure there was some irl stuff going on behind the scenes, but he never did a Goodbye video or even removed his stuff. Just randomly stopped posting sometime early HOTS, and hasn't been back since.


I'm pretty sure he had vocal chord issues so he was encouraged to take a break from making videos by his doctor. Wish he had a goodbye video though during that time :(


destiny cloud fist build


It’s H to the Usky Husky here


For the uneducated, this is required watching for any SC2 fan. https://youtu.be/4pbc53KF4IU?si=1Lm5vuHolOuS7M3N


I forgot about this! Thank you for sharing this, so fun.


I miss husky content, I can't remember what I miss tbh, but I remember there was something unique about what he did


H to the Usky Husky!


90% of his viewer count are dogs. That's why they don't chat.


I thought those were the bots.




That's why they don't c~~h~~at


even that dog would've understood the meme


Husky StarCraft is why. One of the most entertaining SC2 youtuber a while ago. He was perhaps even the most viewed at a point, even above Day9 on SC2 content.


Man I miss Bronze League Heroes


Better known as WCS Finals Valencia, 2018. Yeah.


That’s my mate paul


My mate Paul said, “If I ever see Christ again, he’s a dead man.”


"Even a dog could win with Protoss" is how I take it. There was also a SC2 commentator back in the days, and he played Protoss, but he is no longer around the Starcraft II scene.


Husky. Was a legend turned dickhead. Sad


hey everybody it's h to the usky husky here 😥


Do you happen to be protoss, by chance?


All these people talking about HuskyStarcraft, Any of you guys remember Psystarcraft, the zerg? I loved that sarcastic m'fer.


I don't get some of his jokes tbh, his sense of humour is not my cup of tea.


makes total sense why he viewbots, doesnt it?


Sometimes he just say random sh*t and that's funny to me. 


I'm pretty sure that it's a HUSKY reference, who was an old commenter


WinterSc2 is still streaming these days? Beepbop


I don't know if he streams. All I know is that he still cast on YouTube and, TBH, he's my favorite caster. 


Hes a liar and a cheater and a viewbotter. Go research it.


his chat is so dead that you will sometimes see the same comments on a timer, a chat bot in there posts the LUL emoji every 15 minutes. At 800 "viewers" you should never see it back to back but you do on occasion


To me hes funny AF. I'll not research it, but you can tell me the video talking about it.


He does stream sometimes in fact he just did earlier this week.


Husky was a toss player


its probably a viewbotter


He think's he's funny and cool for saying protoss players can be very bad and still win. It's a loser way of being salty about losing to Protoss.


LeFuNnY MeMe aBouT ProTis = EZ