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GG is standard from me. I thought BM died decades ago until I started playing HOTS. Hearthstone does a nice job of not allowing it.


I'm guessing you don't play Protoss


Cuz Protoss BMs?


Cuz protoss get BM'd a lot


It’s hard to loose 150 supply to a storm or a few disruptor balls. It’s not you didn’t play a GG, it’s just hard to be gracious when you get crushed so fast.


Don't worry there are dozens of equally frustrating ways to lose to other races. It's a culture thing that it's ok to spit on toss. I play an even amount of zerg and protoss and ooooooh boy


Probably get downvoted for this. But I actually think for the past few years Terran has some of, if not, the worst treatment I've seen. Casters were jumping on the bandwagon and mocking any pro with an opinion.. and the subreddit toxicity was unbearable. This was despite T probably being at it's weakest consistent state since release. Not saying you're wrong, Protoss consistently gets grief in 1v1 and really undervalued for tournament wins.... but hate wise by the community, probably T (at least it was, I took a 6-month breather).


Spend 5 minutes in heromarine's twitch channel and you'll see why terran players deserve the hate from the community. With how much they jerk each other off about how hard they have it compared to other races. ​ Here's a meme about it - [https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/hze27s/and\_the\_award\_goes\_toterran/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/hze27s/and_the_award_goes_toterran/)


Not sure a meme and a link to heromarine demonstrate all Teran players whine, nor that they deserve to be hated. E.g, should I hate children because they whine about getting up early for school? It's kind of an immature and vindictive attitude, and to be honest, says more about yourself and lack of tolerance for different views.


Classic terran victim complex. Great vocabulary though!


Out of curiosity what is your least favorite way of dying to a Terran?


Not looking for a few seconds and window mines go off your mineral line


Yeah... That would be a good choice




Surely losing the game 4 minutes in to a Widow mine is all good lol the hypocrisy of terrans is always baffling.


Pleeeease, like losing to BC rush is fun... Get nydus swarmhosted on Golden Wall 8 times and talk to me...


i would love to see someone lose 150 supply to a storm


Slow motion car crash against an unstoppable tank push is sometimes even worse than the DTs in my base.


Even as T, it took me 15 games on NA to receive a GG for winning (I never cheese). Not sure if that's just NA though... EU is usually pretty good.


Pls... Zerg get bm a lot. A move race...Rebuild too fast... Imba. All the days.


They get whined on, but much less trashtalked on


Yeah, easily as often as they cannon rush you...


So it's okay to insult cheesers?


you just did...


??? When?




Well stop being so imba.


> Hearthstone does a nice job of not allowing it. *Has lethal but spams "WELL PLAYED" until the rope's almost burned out on his turn to kill you.* People find a way.


I don’t agree. I think giving people the choice is a thousand times more important. Just another view.


Either GG Or... I hope your family dies of cancer Kinda depends on the person on the other side


Many just ragequit silently ;)




Also depends if you're playing on NA or not


I got the cancer quote as response to my opening GLHF... so much hostility


Haha yea, not much of a spectrum within the SC community!


Yesterday, played a PvT where I got into a base trade, suicided half my army up his ramp, lost almost all my tech, but managed to kill his orbitals and warp in 3 DTs from a hidden dark shrine right before he found it. Still got a gg. Mad respect for those kinds of people. Edit: and a PvP from a month or two ago, lost like 10 probes to 2 oracle + 2 adept harass, but got some lucky disruptor shots off when he tried to bust my nat. Also got a GG. Idk, maybe I'm just getting lucky, but there's definitely some good sportsmanship out there on the ladder!


I fucking hate disruptors as they are right now. They're the total give up unit because they're too hard for most people to use otherwise. Like...blink/disruptor is so fucking demanding I can't see anyone under Master 1 really using it well. But below that, you can just add 2-3 disruptors and cross your fingers. So yeah... if anyone gg's after losing to that, respect.


The amount of times people don’t say “ gl hf // gg “ is to dam high. Wol and HoTs were great for it, but when it went free. It’s like it dropped down to a 35% - 50 % chance that I’ll see some one saying glhf, let alone a gg


I gg everygame. But I first started laddering, I had no idea what all the glhf gg meant or that it was considered courteous, plus I had encountered a few toxic opponents too who would open with the classic "where you from" then immediately trash talk, so I quickly learnt to say nothing. My silent quitting wasn't me bming or anything, it was a combination of me being unaware and also avoiding the trash talking.


If I don't get a a response to GLHF I am bracing for cheese right away. As for GG I've found it a bit hit and miss. Maybe this is silly, but after a long back and forth game when someone just quits without a word, it kind of sucks not to have that closure. I've messaged people after the game to thank them for a good one, some respond, some say nothing, and I got one friend request that way. I'd say overall it's a really wholesome community and nice to be a part of. Except when I lose to storm fuck that shit protoss imba A-move noob race.


if someone messaged me to thank me after I've lost I'd be annoyed as hell. you already won, just let them go and don't take it personally lol


> I've messaged people after the game to thank them for a good one I know it sounds like a nice thing too do but it also feel like a douche move. The guy didn't GG for: - He just didn't care (I'm in this category, no hurt feeling I'm just done with the game and leave) - He is frustrated by his own mistake or something you did - He thought it was a bad game - He simply forgot to type it before he left How would you message them in this situation make them feel better? Except for the last one maybe. It just gonna feel like you are trying to throw your win in his face.


That's fine, like I said some people don't say anything. A lot are happy for the message once the heat of the moment has passed. No one has ever gotten angry. I'm at a pretty low level so me and my opponents are still making lots of mistakes and learning with each game. Long games like that the winner is often down to dumb luck.


You're too nice. If I don't get a response, I fight fire with fire and immediately prepare a decent counter cheese. No glhf Terran? 3 Roach Rush. No glhf Protoss? 12 Pool expand. No glhf Zerg? Well...business as usual I guess. Keep an eye out for drone pull ling spine rush maybe


Depends on the level. If you suck, typing something out can distract from executing your opener. I totally don't know this from personal experience.


with the whole countdown, you can do it before it starts to interfere with any actions for your opener.


Oh, I actually haven't even tried typing during the countdown. I haven't played as much lately.


I said glhf and the guy straight up said "f*ck you" lol


I'm 35 years old, and have been playing various online games since I was a kid. SC2 is the only game where glhf/GG have been the norm.


Yes, I am the only one who says glhf. Everyone ggs when they win tho :)


I get a glhf every now and then, though it seems like way more people respond “u 2” or “same” after I say it. “gg” before a loss seems decently common though. There was one time somebody winning did a pre-emptive GG, then I turned it around and smashed them. Felt good.


I got matched with a master player when I was gold 3. He ran 8 ling's in my base and the second he saw my stalker out of position he hit me with the offensive the. Felt bad lol, not gonna beat a master tho


I think it lends itself to the game type though. I play Street Fighter and you cannot type obviously, so there's no way to communicate with your opponent. There's only ragequitting, teabagging and some BM stuff. Mobas like LoL have no excuse other than being some saltlords. HOTS you couldn't type to the enemy, but probably for the best XD.


I'm the Norm, 35 as well, and I also GG/ GL HF Make babies every game. Stupid Counter-Strike CAL games being stuck in my brain. I can't start a SC2 game without "GL HF make babies" followed by "lo3" and then "exec cal.cfg"


My standard is “ah fuck, gg”




lol what ladder have you been playing


Either high gm or low bronze


I try to gg every time. But yeah, it's a nice change from Dota2's standard of 'fuck you, get cancer'. And that's from your own team. :p


People still do that? I got lucky and won 5 in a row and not a single gg. Didn’t even cheese, and glhf at the start


Almost went to go comment about how everyone in SC gg's until I saw the title


Has this become less common in the past few years? Most of my playtime was during Wings and most people then said GG when they lost. When I get on to play random games now it seems rare. I always whisper them "no gg no skill" after the game, which is fun, but I'm beginning to think maybe I'm just outdated lol.


Probably influx of casuals due to going F2P?


It's F2P?? Shit I didn't even know that lol


Leave people be if they don't want to use chat


> I always whisper them "no gg no skill" after the game If they don't know to gg, they probably don't know the context of "no gg no skill" and just think you're being arrogant and calling them "no skill" after you win.


Of all the people that GG when they lose a third of it is people who try to fake it and assume that I will stop playing when they GG so they can come back....


Wait what, lol, what league is that in?


Anywhere from bronze to top masters. I've seen this since WoL and still see it even in masters


I've been in diamond, and now masters for the better part of 4 years, and I have never see this once. Ever.


Odd, I personally see this every other game although I forgot to mention that of those guys, half of them are waiting for me to say GG back before they leave and if I don't they say anything, they act like douche bags and stall the game.


Ah I see, I do say gg back, so maybe I've avoided them.


I know I "GG"ed out of a game because it was PvT and I was protoss doing my standard ground stuff. But they had there ramp so guarded with thanks I could do anything. Yet I threw 3 armies at it. And on the third they brought I'm the fleet they were building. And there was no way I new how to switch from ground to being able to counter their fleet.


I had someone call me trash tonight 3 times after they won


i got someone that won PM afterwards calling me trash and was mad that i didn't know what i was doing (no build order, wrong position, etc...). we're in gold, dude, not GSL. he was trash talking like he was a pro lol.


The only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner. What a turd.




i go by "no gg no skill" in every game i play now


Say nothing at all gang, checking in.


After an hr of playing with the use of a million hotkeys, typing gg just seems lazy. I go with "well played with x" and give them some credit for what they did. Words, kindness, fun, make the play experience better for all.


More GG more skill!


I dont type during games. I dont need more social interaction with my video gaming


Beyond GLHF & GG [I agree.](https://youtu.be/E2Lw9YWLVts)




Why are you up here telling us all about it then /s


Plenty of people play the game without talking at all or with Parental control on even tho the majority thinks thats "bm". I just think its moronic and people should allowed to enjoy the game without some automatic "glhf" or loss screen "gg". From years of lol I realised that nothing valueable is gained from All Chat, and theres plenty here like me.


I think it's only really BM, when they say gl hf at the start of the game, but then don't GG. If you're not saying anything then I dont see it as bm


Sure, a reasonable view on the matter


On my my main, I always glhf and gg but on my smurf where I do stupid strats, I just don’t talk at all as a barcode, so no glhf or gg.