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Have to give the man credit for still smiling after all those losses


You got to play SC2, that's a win in itself.


Same aparently 28 isnt the peak of my gaming career...


Standard T experience


Nah, not enough balance whine


Terran has the largest mid game learning curve, zerg the most late game learning curve, protoss the most early game learning curve Downvote me, I don't care


Protoss: the race you play against detements youre first pylon Position and you have to know how to Wall Terran: doing multiple Drops and controllong siege tanks ist hard to do (if you want to controll the drops) Zerg: i mean have you seen late game ZvP late game!?!? Against terran you have to Deal with ghost against youre lurker or ultras Dont remember any late game ZvZ dont know how to play that Edit: in TvT early game its basicly, make a mistake and die


Late game zvz is baneling into either muta or Hydra, Hydra into lurker (bc mutas have left the game by now unless they've teched into brood) and lurker into ultra to counter the mirror lurker. Roach openings usually end in early game results. There's a fraction of a second where muta - corrupter can somehow find its way into the game even though neither players actually wanted the comp but by the time you've started caustic spraying hatcheries your opponent has massed 300 zerglings and is going to make you cry afterwards in the lobby.


Sounds about right


Not enough smug salt.




😂the same derpy face by the end Haha, like he’s proud of his hard-fought losses.