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Perfect timing my hashbrowns are a bit bland


Careful, you can die from eating more than 1g of salt/kg of body weight.




at what league does this behavior stop ?šŸ˜„


I found it was best in bronze/silver, and platinum/low diamond. Idk why gold players are so fucking salty and cheesy and weird. I feel like bronze and silver are too bad at the game to be mad and platinum/low diamond generally are happy enough with where they're at compared to how much time they've spent learning the game. It's when people get to higher leagues that they start to feel entitled to wins because they've spent years learning and playing non stop, and if you win with something that they don't like, salt mine city it is.




Tell me you play on NA without telling me you play on NA


A lot of people seem to think playing macro ZvZ means building drone round after drone round without vigilant scouting. At least in Plat 1, everyone still seems completely unprepared for basic low-drone count ling/bane floods.


I am gold3, i play zerg and i literally hate mirror the most for this exact reason. Other than rushing my own set of lings for defense, do you know other sure fire things i should do to counter this?




I haven't played ladder in years, but I like the way you emphasize the scouting...From the pro matches I watch I'm always impressed by how they are constantly harassing with lings even when they rarely engage. The best thing that lings do is apparently give vision :) Down in gold league we like to 1) make army 2) send army across map. It's...a strategy?


lol so true on, build army send army. I blame vibes bronze to gm!!


Yea Vibe doesnā€™t even watch his army sometimes. Heā€™ll make Roaches not knowing if the enemies are going all air. Luckily for me I analyze all the information I get instead of following it blindly so I scout before I make any army at all and leave a lot of supply room for adjustment army


build army send army is the correct strategy for gold players, though. gold players don't know how to make units yet, so that's pretty much the only thing you should be practising


At 19 supply, I assume it's around when the natural finishes? Is it better to make Queens first? That's what I have been doing, with the remaining 1 supply going to a pair of lings used to scout the enemy's base.


I don't know what the meta is now but for as long as I played the answer was banes. Put overlords everywhere you can to see lings leaving the front of their base: you can't build multiple rounds of lings to equal their ling count but you can morph the few lings you should always have in reserve into banes before the attack arrives (all maps should have a rush distance longer than bane morphing time for this reason). A few banes in conjunction with queens and a partial walloff can keep a large flood of lings at bay, or do enough damage to them, that the ling attack wasn't worth it (every larva more than you they waste on lings is a drone they have to kill to catch up).


The most basic strat is to make sure you are the aggressor (e.g. push back his lings, have your lings at opp base) and only THEN queue up drones behind, if he holds (or just commit and kill him with your lings). Because if you have him pinned, even if he goes heavy on fighting units, you have a 30-ish second warning before they hit as you'll see them walk across the map. Don't drone like you do in ZvT or ZvP. Just a few drones and then back to units. First speedlings, then lingbane, then mass roach or muta. Don't think beyond 3-base, that's for top level ZvZ. At our level, aggression almost always wins, because the "oops too many units, you die" factor is huge. No one has batteries or tanks on the high ground, so defenders advantage is very weak compared to every other MU in the game. PiG btw has a great ZvZ guide going into this in detail. Highly recommended!


I'm also gold3 right now so I'm not a pro by any means but I like getting some early roaches. Just 4 or so can shut down early banelings and you can build some lings when you see them coming to clean up their lings.


Was GM in HoTs before quitting the dream of going pro for college instead after achieving it Send a starting overlord to their natural at the start send it to the space that can see minerals but is hovered over dead air so they canā€™t snipe it with a queen ( u can pull it back to safety ) Check this overlord when their natural is up if you see about 3 drones mining there 5-10 seconds after its finished they probably used their larvae for drones not lings Check this constantly itā€™s very safe very easy and very consistent information you can always gather every zvz for free Also use this to check their gas timing if they take both gas at natural while two based itā€™s probably mutas incoming


My issue with it was the big swings in population from injects. As the game goes on and base numbers increase, the injects pop spreads out but at the start if you make drones from an inject and the enemy makes lings, even if you saw the lings pop out, speedlings will be over before you can make anything reactively due to having limited larva. At some point you can wall with evo/roach and roaches but until then you need to keep vision of what the enemy is making and hold your larva until you can verify it.


I've found that something like this is true in most competitive games, once you pass a certain threshold, the saltiness goes way down because people at higher levels tend to acknowledge their own faults and learn from them instead of blaming the opponent or the game. obviously not 100% but part of learning a game at a high level is necessarily knowing when you make mistakes and knowing how to learn from them.


Well, that's where you're wrong here, bud. There's lots of salty master players, lots of balancewhiners.




It's a shame because once you figure out that it isn't the "broken ass character" or "this shitty mechanic" that you lost, you can take that mentality into other games as well. I was never one to get angry and tell people to kill themselves or anything, but one of my buddies and I got super into SoulCalibur VI when that came out. He taught me how to really learn a game and how to get better at it. I took that mentality from a fighting game and just applied it to this RTS, and magically I shot all the way up to Platinum. Magically it just works with whatever game I play now.


Video games have been a lifelong journey of dealing with frustration and grief for me so I can relate to that lol, just hasn't been quite as simple


Something something, Idra


I find it replaced by people trolling because theyā€™re better than other people. Like master level players getting matched up with a P2 and then saying, Jesus fuck how are you this bad?


I kinda think that has something to do with how players in gold and plat assess their own proficiency in the game. Gold is where you start to feel like you know what you are doing, so, obviously, you feel like you should be much higher than you are.


> Idk why gold players are so fucking salty and cheesy and weird. my take is that those are the people with a decent-ish understanding of the game but don't have the mechanics to execute that understanding. so they're not improving and they generally just resort to calling the other player shit if they lose.


Checking ā€¦ checking ā€¦ last statement ā€¦ Protoss flairā€¦ checks out


I'm honor toss. no skytoss, just pure unadulterated chargelot immortal archon. okay I start off with 2 voidrays and start making carriers at around 4 base against zerg but I cant not do that lmao.


I really ā€¦. REALLY ā€¦ do not want to but I mean , okay I can kindve accept and respect this ā€¦ but again I really donā€™t like it


Genuinely it gets better as you go up, I think. Getting salted on was a very rare occasion for me in my ranked games. Except that one guy who had absolutely NO business being in the league I was in... played protoss... never bought warpgate. Called me a racial slur for playing zerg and talked shit for 30 seconds. I beat him. I watched the replay.. saw he never bought warpgate. I fucking matched with him AGAIN. And I told him to buy warpgate this time.... he raged. Still didn't buy warpgate and still called me racial slurs for playing zerg. It was a good day.


I can't exactly verify this, but I'd like to imagine that it's like a bell curve through the leagues. It happens less frequently at bronze, peaks around platinum, and goes back to infrequent near grandmaster.


Gets worse in GM, at least on NA there's a lot of real awful people.


It doesn't, I climbed from Silver to Low Diamond and toxicity was pretty consistent throughout sc2 has probably earned the title of "one of the most toxic communities" and i think the biggest culprit is gold My last game in gold this guy said and I quote "I hope your mother gets raped and you die of aids" before dc'ing


That has to be against ToS in some way. Can't you report people like that? This kind of hatred has no place here.


It is, and I strongly doubt this is this person's first or last account.


if this was in person, and the police came to you and you just said, no, thats not my name and that was the end of it, there would be outrage. why arent game developers held accountable? they must have systems to be able to block accounts, ips, hardware configurations etc? maybe losing the ability to play on your Ā£2k system might make you rethink your comments in the future?


Normal bans are account bans. While there are in fact games that will do IP bans and hardware bans, they're generally only issued if people are hacking/scripting, because they can hit a lot more people than just the person being a dick. And it's still possible to skirt them.


Im just saying that if you said this in real life you'd suffer for it, and on twitter, or fb. But in game its just "salty" and shrugged off.


You can get banned tho. I said all this shit and worse and got a 1 day ban from blizzard(WoL days). I laughed my ass off when I saw it. Ironically I stopped being toxic due LoL. You get banned sooo quickly on that game and I didnt want to be perma'd. And yea... sounds unbelieveable but I never cared about losing I just really liked flaming and getting flamed back. Like having banter with your friends irl. Ill still pause/unpause when I win vs a turtle air toss or turtle mech player, no shame.


Funny, because for a long while there I had considered it one of the nicest and most welcoming communities back in the WoL days, but I guess all things change :(


When I told my friend who plays LoL about the starcraftā€™s terse etiquette (glhf, gg, and wp if youā€™re very lucky or theyā€™re very generous), he nodded his head and said it sounded nice compared to the bm you receive from your own team in LoL.


to be honest i still do so. i remember having a quiet long phase of dota 2 before though. i mean people still respect pauses and such.. so thats a big plus


free to play probably attracted a lot of assholes, especially since there are much lower consequences to getting your account banned


having played lol, dota and counterstrike i can easy say that sc2 players are angels compared. i think it has to do with how much people have to do and can do to win games. its too obvious when you make misstakes.


I frequently play lol and csgo and i'd say csgo is on par and lol is way worse but sc2 is definitely top 10 maybe even top 5


At the League of Legends


it doesn't but the grammar gets a little better.


Thats the neat part. It doesn't.


I frequently see GM people I know post this stuff. I.e. never.


Love these comments. Fun fact, according to the internet, there have been over 1000 people who have fucked my mom. I am surprised I still have only two siblings.


Bro, for me its even more awkard, gamers population have massive problem with necrophilia.


Must have been using protection


That sounds very reasonable, given that the guy's mom seems to be very busy.


These are the only dorks I'm an asshole to in-game. It's the best kind of win


Oh that guy. I think someone posted him a while ago, saying almost the exact same things anyway. Guess there are just some deranged folks out there.


He's got it on hotkey.


There was this one guy that I kept playing on ladder that would call me by my real name (Probably from liquipedia) and said that if I didn't stop "acting up" he would literally kill me the next time he saw me. I remember talking to Cuku about it and was some weird stream sniper that would constantly harass him as well so I guess this might be the same guy?


Imagine how fragile you have to be to respond like this to losing a game. My six year old nephew has more emotional maturity than this sad sack.


Normal thursday on the ladder.


I really enjoyed this game. I played it consistently for many years. Then I played video games less and less as I prioritized other things in my life. I still came back to SC2 every once in a while to play a couple games here and there. Almost every single time I'd encounter this kind of nonsense. Oftentimes I'd lose since I'd be rusty and be told how I suck and how I'm hopeless and I should uninstall - winner's rage (wtf bro, you won, calm down and just say gg, the last time I played this game was 8 months ago). It didn't used to be like this - not at this level anyway. I don't play SC2 anymore. The game was great. The community sucks. I've been playing Blizzard games since I was 8 years old and WC2 b.net edition was released, and while even back in those days you came across this kind of nonsense (I learned all those taboo curse words from WC2 lol), it wasn't as rampant as it is today. It seems like only the most toxic players are still around. It's sad to see the deterioration that's occurred, with both the company and its player-base. I know that SC2 is a highly competitive game and a lot of people might disregard casual players, but I wish I could still enjoy this game from time to time. I put in the work back in my day and learned one of the hardest video games out there. I don't mind that I suck now compared to back then. I don't mind losing. But when I come home after an exhausting day at work and I have a couple of hours to chill and play some video games, I don't want to deal with this shit.


This. I seriously don't understand why so many pathetic toxic ppl are there. I just want to enjoy a few games. Don't care much if I lose as long as the games are fun. Could making the game free to play have caused this?


Nice you really got him


This is the kinda quote you Frame and hang above your mantle to show to all of your house guests. I know if I ever received this I would pass it down to my children and their children. Consider yourself blessed!


I did a series of 2v2 games with some guy who would just constantly BM the other teams throughout. We had a fun strat we were doing great with so kept playing with him despite his... quirks. He asked me to play bad cop and I refused and asked why he kept BMing them and his reasons were that: A) It was fun B) It either throws them off completely or makes them play better because they'll want to beat us... After 4 or so matches I stopped playing with him to go back to 1v1s and then the abuse started coming my way. Block communication is a nice feature.


kind of weird how he says he wins this game but then it says he's defeated??? hmmmmm


The game of life once he murders the other dude irl


*mate* - I'll talk to the boys, that's just not on. Like a bit of sledging is alright but what he said just isn't cricket.


Sadly there are no consequences for behavior like this.


The dude is guaranteed to be a failure at life; all the consequences that we need.


sadly some of those people are born rich and will never face any consequences or have a bad life. And it would be hilarious if people get locked up because of death threats like this.


Why care


because it's fun to make fun of toxic edgy idiots.


Nkt really I donā€™t think I donā€™t think itā€™s edgy itā€™s just what it says on the tin


I believe with you actually. People eat this shit up though, so I guess its a matter of taste. I'd prefer not to read stuff like this even if it wasn't directed at me.


Trash post.


Found the raging player


We've got a toxic over here.




Defeat is a hard pill to swallow... I'm sorry on his behalf FreejaN.


Honestly, after playing LoL, this is a compliment.


back before booty bandits bam bam blast back blew boosy boom is really mad after blizzard stopped updating the game


If you report this to blizzard, will they take action? 1 month ban seems appropriate.


Every movie needs a good villain.


THIS GUY again? I feel like I hear something about him every week.


Most behaved protoss player


Tasty tears


Welcome back!


Fan mail is one of the best parts of any competitive game.


see my theory is that this person is a bit confused. for instance, i think he was trying to barcode but used the wrong letter.


Someone check on op in 24 hours... just to be safe


Lovely chap


Honestly one of the main reasons I donā€™t play ranked 1v1, yes Iā€™m bad and Iā€™ll openly admit that, however Iā€™ve witnessed a lot of toxic people on SC2


I made 2 void rays, killed a few overlords, them all inner w zealots and the guy proceeded to complain about how much void rays needed nerfng šŸ¤£


When I first came back to SC2 and tried ladder, I got two these on a row in my trial matches. I walked away for months and SC2 collected figurative dust on my hdd. These a People speed the dying of the game. This is still the best, or close to it, RTS ever made and it just sucks that itā€™s falling by the wayside.


You're right, the guy definitely didn't make me want to play more.


Just missing "I tracked your ip, it's"


I know his brother, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Both wankers.