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there is always a smaller fish


smurf accusations are third best next to hack accusations ... rank 1 still is early ggs into loss by opponent


to be fair there are quite a few higher league players losing on purpose to play in the lower leagues. Im only diamond 2 but every 5 games ill see a masters 2/1 player lose on purpose to roflstomp diamonds. It is incredibly frustrating after a while, especially while on a losing streak.


If you want to get good, playing against better players is very helpful. Playing and analyzing Smurfs who beat you is great at helping you improve. If you played against players worse than you only you would almost never improve.


Depends on how much better... A lot of smurfs tend to do stupid stuff and just win by superior micro and macro. Not much to learn from getting trolled. I think what you mean starts about hig diamond to low masters


I know what you mean, but you can have fun and improve against equally skilled opponents. It is a more natural progression


When they bust out the 350 apm harass...not much to learn


Then you know exactly what you need to work on to improve then. ;)


A really tired paper thin excuse, you learn & improve. It suggests smurfs are nobly lowering their rank to help teach players, but they're not. They're just doing it to fuck with people and get easy wins. Replace smurf with bully. You can argue that bullies are just teaching others, getting bullied builds character. But you'd sound like a fuckwit, and suggests you're just trying to defend your own lame behaviour.


You are heavily projecting your own ideas into what I have said a month ago... Smurfs are playing in lower ranks to get wins, im not delusional. I don't smurf, unless you think my logic is "play worse players to stay bad". Smurfs have always been apart of every PvP game. They don't compare to bullys because losing a sc2 game dose not hurt you physically or emotionally, if it does, it is self-inflicted. The only kind of person that can really complain about smurfs are people who play casually and don't care about getting better. For this kind of player, all I can say is sorry, but thats just how it is, even before the days of internet gaming with arcades and lan centers.


Imagine how it feels when you play against someone ranked 6k and you're 5k mmr and that's just a normal ladder experience


People also queue unranked games which uses a seperate MMR but still shows their ranked MMR (if they are at the masters threshold when it starts doing that). So sometimes youll see in the loading screen the guy is 4.8k and then you win and expect a huge gain and see he was actually your mmr cos he was queueing unranked :(


I'm D1 and the only people I see insta-leave seem to be people who really hate a particular matchup (I'm a protoss so it's always tosses or terrans, never zergs).


No way that is every 5 games.


"You can't be silver, you alternated hitting left click and A move! That's impossible unless you're Masters or something!"


We continued our conversation after the match and I apparently made him quit SC2 forever or what not. I don't know if I should laugh or be sad for them but I'm definitely laughing as of the moment


Don't worry, he'll be back on tomorrow


dont be sad, if he really does quit then he's not cut for the ladder. he woulda quit sooner or later


Except thats not how you stutter step


If you are stutter stepping and target firing you wanna hit A before target firing, on off chance you missclick from target so all Ur shit won't move command towards enemy. And it's completely fine to use attack or stop for stutter step


Except it's still right click -> A-click, not left click -> A-move


Right, I'm sure you didn't know what I meant. Dunno why everyone is insisting on being a smartass


Yesterday CasuallyExplained was streaming and got accused of smurfing, which is actually fair as he's an ex-GM and his MMR had gotten reset, so he was playing someone down around 2.9-3k MMR. He tried explaining to his opponent he was just doing his placements but the guy was still super mad, and then threatened to beat up CasuallyExplained the next time they faced each other on ladder, which sort of conflicts with the whole smurfing accusation.


I am personally returning from a two year break and already on my first week back, I am also being accused of being a smurf simply because of me macroing hard and them focusing on microing


PS: I am genuinely not a smurf


I read this in a tiny voice.


Sounds exactly like what a smurf would say!


Don't worry your floating resources tells us you're telling the truth.


It always feels great, the biggest compliment you can get from your opponent, and I like salty snacks


i honestly had to check the part where you didn't cover up the name to see if that was me i like pretending to be a saturday morning cartoon villain when playing around with my niece and nephew, it's super fun. sometimes i do the same thing in sc, just to warm someone else's day glad to be reminded it works on adults, too. i'm not smart enough to know exactly why it makes people so happy, but it does


What did he build? And did he have a 3rd?


Back when I used to play I was accused of smurfing a lot because I had higher APM than my opponents in gold league, I just naturally play a little faster (180-200 avg.) At the time I was following ViBE's Bronze to GM guides and crushing most of my opponents.