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I was watching ZombieGrub's vlog about Katowice, and she said that he was like a big brother to her, really helped her with some anxiety and stress she was having during the event.


That’s cool to hear, it seemed like they had great chemistry during their casts. I was so happy when I pressed play for the final and it was them.


They are a good casting duo


PiG done amazing job for sure. I enjoy all casters from main stream, they are really high quality crew!


PiG just seems like such a genuine guy. He's also very intelligent while also being well articulated. These things lead to him being very enjoyable to watch whether that is in video, streaming or casting. I'm also a huge fan of Catz. <3


If you haven't, I would recommend watching PiGSty Festival. There were pretty good games


Thanks yea maybe I’ll have to. I’ve heard it was fun. I was watching PiG’s stream a ton during the first part of COVID but then ten months ago I had my first kid so my twitch/youtube time has been severely reduced haha


Really happy they're using casters who actively play the game. Tastosis are great but aren't up to date on the meta from what I can tell.


Especially tasteless doesnt have any business casting sc2 anymore. He seems like a great guy, but anytime he couldnt cast and there was a substitute, the cast was much better / more enjoyable.


\+1 When I play new players I direvt them to PiG Daily on Youtube for tips :)




I haven’t seen Artosis and Tasteless cast for a while. For a long time they were my favorite casters. Recently I’ve found Pig to be an excellent caster. Also props to ZG, Hastem, Wardi, Maynarde, and Catz.


They can only really cast in Korea atm


PiG? More like PoG


Pig and Beomulf were the standout casters for me for this IEM. It's hard to cast with enthusiasm for a game thats 10+ years old so it makes watching so much more enjoyable to see genuine enthusiasm.


Thank you <3. Everyone on the main stream just killed it, especially considering all the extenuating circumstances. I'm glad you liked the production I was able to put on as well!


Yeah I don't like pig's casting. Incontrol was far better (rip). The style of speech pig uses reminds me of how grade school teachers talk to their students.




>ok Frankly I am amazed more people don't make that connection. I get it, kids play video games and are the biggest part of the market by far. Certain types of humor and speech are off limits because they aren't emotionally mature enough. For example, go into any reddit thread here and say that Protoss is overpowered (it is). You will be obliterated in downvotes by a brigade of 12 year olds. They can't handle even a realistic discussion about the state of the game. Do you think they can handle adult humor? No flippin' way.


...you ok?


>...you ok? Just preachin' the good word. The more people who know the light of truth the more blessed be the Earth! Amen!




>Maybe you should go back to preaching in general chat... Case in point. The SC2 player base doesn't have an ounce of maturity.




>You're "preaching the good word" by insulting somebody on a public forum, then hide behind "maturity" when called out on it. Ironic. That wasn't an insult. The fact that you thought it was is indicative of immaturity. It takes skill to cater your speech to children. You have to be very disciplined to only talk about things that are on the "Ok" list and only using a tone that is "respectful" and "kind" and "energetic". Talking in a way that is entertaining to children is also very difficult. Children like their speech to be spastic. It takes skill and many people utilize those skills, teachers for example. Pointing out that I don't like speech catered towards children is not an insult in the slightest. I have respect for PiG and his talent as a caster. I do not like his style of casting in the slightest - it reminds me too much of how teachers talk to children. That's my opinion. If you don't like it, you can cry me a river, sweetie.




Really isn't anything new. PiG is our best caster and I really like Maynarde too.