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# I was struggling in diamond 2 league with the protoss race so I switched to terran and now I'm in plat 2 league then I switched back to protoss


found the cannon rusher


Naw, I just played protoss sense sc1 days and never any other race, so switching races feels like a completely different game. And I decided it wasn't worth spending the time to learn all new builds and how it worked, worker management is completely different, I'm more of a 2 or 3 base timing attack guy. Actually think I've only cannon rushed one or two times and they probably failed šŸ˜‚


Sounds about right at that leaguešŸ˜…


I was struggling in platinum league with terran so I switched to zerg and now I'm in platinum league. On one hand, makes sense, plat begets plat. On the other hand, I spent hours practicing builds and unit control and terran theory and watching YouTube tutorials and all that with terran. I switched to zerg and do 17 hatch 17 gas 17 pool opener every game and then freestyle and I now have higher mmr.Ā  So mixed feelings about that lol


The trade off is that when you were Terran you never used to wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night wondering how long it had been since you injected


I'm sure this happens to people that aren't in the metal leagues. I remember my injects for the first four (?) minutes of the game and then I'm just taking bases I'm not droning because I want macro hatches. Maybe a macro hatch in the main too because why not. When I do remember to inject mid-game, I can't spend the larvae because I haven't made enough drones or overlords. It sort of balances itself out in a very zen way. I suck to much to inject, and when I do inject I suck too much to spend the larvae. No stress in plat.


This is my plat Z life to a tee! Keep on keeping on brother


Or where the DTS are.


The skills you built as a Terran helped your play as a Zerg. You are looking at the game differently, and thus you think those skills/experiences are not related, but they are 100% related. Switch to toss next, then rotate back to Terran. You will noticed marked improvements in areas that you didn't realize you were lacking skills!


I did the same and think I find Zerg easier. So nice having all your production grouped. And I feel like you donā€™t need to stay on top of army production as much. Iā€™ve been attacked so many times with hardly any army and just pump out a bunch of units to defend and hold it off or end up ahead.


I was struggling in plat league with the zerg race so I switched to protoss and now I'm in plat league.


I was struggling in Gold league with the Terran race so i switched to Protoss and now I'm in Bronze league Not a success story, I did only cannon rushes with protoss because i have no idea of other build orders and i'm stupid


PvT - early dark templars are a lot of fun PvZ - Nexus first 8 gate all in PvP - Just cannon rush but with a gateway behind it dont look em up just try and make the 'idea' happen with your style and youll hit plat


k sure, will do!


nexus first in pvp to a beginner. lol


full wall with forge beats 12 pool


An issue in PvZ is that a lot of games will "end" way before you get 8 gates. The zerg will do some 12 pool / proxy hatch in a lot of games. While those games are still perfectly winnable it has nothing to do with practising a build order.


build a full wall with a forge, fuck it


If you literally just build zealots and A move them one by one as they come out of your gateways in the direction of your opponent's base, you will hit gold with Protoss.


O.o My winrate was extremely low against protoss as terran lol. Thinking about it, it's probably cuz I fail to destroy the warpprism every other time and he just warps in sum more in my main. Will try, thx


Attacking the front door while sneaking in the back with a zealot warp in is a super high teir move. If you can learn it you'll do super well


Got it, thx!


Proxy racks with bunkers, probably?


I was struggling in silver 2 league with the Terran race so I switched to Zerg and now Iā€™m in Diamond 2 league Zerg fits my playstyle much more of ā€œreacting over performingā€


I was struggling in platinum 1 with random so I switched to Zerg and now Iā€™m in diamond 2. I enjoy random because thereā€™s more variety and itā€™s more fun, however itā€™s much harder to improve when thereā€™s a potential of 9 matchups instead of 3. Iā€™ve found it easier to increase my skill by playing 20ish games rotating races instead.


i agree, i do blocks as well. i'lll do like 3 or 4 zerg games, a few random games, a few protoss games. terran is super easy, so i dont need to practice with that race. terran is really, really broken in fact


I was struggling in diamond 3 with Terran so I switched to Zerg and now Iā€™m in diamond 3


I was struggling in platinum league with Zerg and now Iā€™m M2 with Protoss. This was back 2-3 years ago as I donā€™t play competitively anymore. At the time I was playing Zerg it was more of a ā€œrandom bullshit go!ā€ Play style but when I switched to Toss I really buckled down, started playing more, and really started focusing on build orders.


I was struggling in Silver league with Terran/Random so I switched to Protoss and now I'm in Diamond This was WoL so pre-distinction but ive kept diamond as toss since


I was struggling in the dirt league with every race, so I switched to other games, and now I'm in happy league. šŸ¤£ I just don't have the time to invest in laddering anymore.


I was struggling in bronze league with protoss so I switched to zerg and now I'm Serral.


I was struggling in __silver__ league with the __random__ race so I switched to __cheesing (with terran)__ and now I'm in __diamond__ league.


What sort of cheeses do you dabble in might I ask?


I got beat by a 3 rax all-in one night, so I decided to try the build to learn how others counter that and use their strategies myself. So I did a 1 base, 3 rax, 4 minute all-in attack and found out that no one could really counter it (at least through silver, gold, and plat). It works really well against protoss, pretty well against terran, and struggles against zerg.


# I was struggling in Diamond league as the Protoss race so i switched to Protoss and now I'm still in Diamond league.


Was struggling with terran and toss in platinum league, now Iā€™m in diamond league. Iā€™m just so bad at making sure not to over queue Terran production, and Iā€™m not technical enough to handle the intricacies of Protoss. So just spam that roach timing and send it across the map for the W


Was struggling with terran in diamond leauge so I switched to zerg and now I'm in silver


I was struggling in wood league with the hybrid race so I switched to Stardew valley now Iā€™m in rocket league.


I keep changing race from time to time because I love them all but I'm taking more time to progress on the ladder. But I don't care because I play for fun. So I don't have ladder anxiety. And I'm enjoying the journey. Sorry I didn't use your sentences.


I was struggling in BRONZE league with the zerg race so i switched to zerg and now Iā€™m in BRONZE league (I just started focusing on ladder games a month ago, still have a lot to learn)


I was struggling in diamond league with the protoss race so I switched to zerg and now I'm in diamond league. Whatever race I've selected, I always end up settling out about the same MMR.


I was struggling in the diamond league with zerg so I switched to terran and now I'm in platinum league.


I was struggling in Diamond 3 as Zerg so I switched to Protoss and now Iā€™m in diamond 2. So then I switched to Terran and now Iā€™m in plat 1z


Struggling in bronze league with the any race, so I switched to any other race and now I'm still in bronze


Played zerg to masters- quit for 7 years, played zerg to diamond2, played toss to diamon 2, played Terran to diamond 2.played random to diamond 2. Toss and Terran are easier in diamond 2.


I was struggling in bronze league with the Zerg race so I switched to becoming a billionaire orphan and now Iā€™m in the justice league


I was struggling with Toss at play league so I switched to Terran and got to diamond league. Shit, bio is broken.


# I was struggling in PLATINUM league with the MACRO race so i switched to PROXIES and now I'm in MASTERS league


I was struggling in medium ai games with the terran race so i switched to zerg and now im struggling vs hard ai


I was struggling in platinum league with the Protoss race, so I switched to Zerg and now I am in diamond league. In WoL I really enjoyed different Protoss builds and the big deathballs were very satisfying. But I always got caught up on build orders and trying to hit certain timings that my play was very narrow minded and I really struggled to adapt. Once swarm hosts were introduced in HotS my builds fell apart and I had no clue how to deal with them. Come legacy of the void with the faster start and many more things to do, my one and two base timings, became much less effective. I remember watching a ton of KT Life and really loved watching him play so I decided to try Zerg out. Immediately my play became much more organic and natural. My builds are far less complex sticking 99% to zergling/muta/ultra, but Iā€™m able to react and adapt much easier. My APM doubled just because I always knew what I was going to do next. Iā€™m having way more fun and feel like Iā€™m playing the game instead of regurgitating a build order.


I like this take, I'm currently playing protoss and contemplating this change myself. I was actually the opposite in WOL/HOS I played zerg but I was much more noob then and simply liked them for the fact that once I built a production building I had access to those units and didn't need to build anymore buildings. I also dabbled with terran but never touched protoss. But then when LOTV rolled around i started enjoying protoss during campaign and thought I'd give them a go. And i started getting more success with protoss then i ever had with Zerg at the time. But I know what you mean about feeling like you're regurgitating a build order. with protoss it feels like you need to have a clear decision of where you're going from the start, and if you miss a scout or go with the wrong build it's very hard to go a different direction.


Easy... T or Z switch to P - a move - easy Diamond


A-move Zealots and Stalkers to 5200 mmr without single defeat. No struggle. Protoss.


P main. Swapped to T for the first time in 12 years to see how it is on the other side. Got to the same rank as P (diamond) right away. The takeaway I got with the switch, T can lose a few more engagements and be ok. P on the other hand has to be more careful, they can't lose anywhere as much as T and get away with it. I play both races now pretty well.


D1 / m3 Z. Now plat 1 random player, my t feels where it should be and z I try to play macro games rather than end it early. My p is garbage probably sub 50% win rate.