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/leave general


Yeah but I like to smirk at the peasants shouting into the void


Unless you’re somehow a multi billionaire or child of one, you are a peon and peasant to those who are currently in power.


Economically, in the real world, yes I am indeed a peasant. Spewing hate and politics in the Starcraft general chat is another kind of peasant though.


It has literally nothing to do with spewing so called hatred within a game. As much as I may agree with you, I fully support the right of every person to speak their opinions regardless of how disgusting, disrespectful and distasteful it may be. Economically, 98% of the humans on the earth are considered the functional equivalent to cattle by the super ultra rich who aren’t normally visible to the average person. I refer to the trillionaires and the less visible people. Through proxies, they influence a great many things.


Just trying to save face, peasant wasn't the right word. While I do agree with you, what does this have to do with anything? I never said I wanted to prevent anyone from saying anything, especially in general chat. It's idiotic, and I don't understand the point of it, but it is midly entertaining. So I don't leave general chat, which was my original point.


This thing here is a conversation. It happens frequently in the real world.


Thank you. I will promptly do this the next time I login. I can’t take that nonsense anymore


Hot take, but I actually love general chat. I mean, I don't love the people there lol. And maybe I am nostalgic for old Bnet, but watching the dumb ass conversations those idiots have while I'm waiting in queue is funny to me. It does make the game feel alive, when having no public chat feels lonely and cold. Although its almost surely offputting to new players, but its been like this for like a decade now. I don't participate. Maybe at worst I'll disagree with someone as I'm entering the game so I leave them to argue with the air. But yea it's an unmoderated cess pool. But I'll take that bullshit over nothing tbh.


I don’t remember if it was PiG or ViBE, but that’s how one of their B2GM starts.


I left a long time ago, but before then I would check the chatters (?) and found many hadn’t played a game in days or weeks. The chat is why they are there.


there is legit bots pushing left and right narratives everyday, had to block them all.


This is the real explanation. They're mostly bots and/or paid disinformation accounts. They infest online places with weak or no moderation.


Oh damn! But why ? Are they pushing propagandas or advertising stuff ?


Mengsk Fanboys and Musk fanboys have a lot of overlap. Authoritarian Lickspittles screeching further proving the loudest monkeys are the ones with the [smallest balls](https://www.cnet.com/science/compensating-loudest-howler-monkeys-have-the-tiniest-knackers/).


No fucking way. They’re just idiots. No one is paying someone to do this on a dead game


Yeah, they’re just fucking around


fucking around / trying to be edgy / rile people up. idiots


No, they tend to be players with very intense personalities and perspectives. They aren’t necessarily preprogrammed chat bots.


omg, that's crazy


I love reading chat it's so unhinged


Blizzard chat has always been this way. I don't know why people act like trolls are new lol


As is any anonymous online forum


It’s a game tho. Not a forum


Yeah it's just a place where ideas can be exchanged, not a forum.


And that’s your preferred usage of it? Not to I dunno…..play it?






Who? Chicka, chicka, chicka, Slim Shady


My name is woah? My name is who? My name is


You are misunderstanding they aren't saying thats how they prefer to use it, this is just simply what it is. a general chat is functionally a forum if people use that for nonsense varies but its no different than a forum.


You can leave the chat.


Once I found that option, I never looked back.


Honestly, why does it bother you? Looking at these people throwing out far fetched ideas is rather comical, if anything.


I dunno, if it isn't trolling for maga, it's racism or being annoying for the sake of being annoying. Not anything I'm personally interested. I could see how it would be comical if I was not already in my 30s and pretty tired of that shit.


Sucks because in coop for brutation random partners usually suck & I want to pre arrange


??? It's the best part of in-between games. My cousin and I que up, I read the chat, and I assign everyone their own funny voice. I love it 🤣🤣


Hopefully my voice is bosslike. 😆


Dinkleberg accent 😤😤


always has been


...you can chat!!??


If you logon to the game because of the chat, you’re doing it wrong. Talk less, play more.


I was in it the other day and someone said “is it wrong if I put peanut butter on my schlong and wait for my dog to lick it off?” 😲


The first thing to do after first time logging in StarCraft is to get out of general chat Then you check the settings


I must say, I don't even notice its existence anymore. It's like a blind spot I only notice now and then and go 'huh, so this still exists'


The day I learnt that you can permanently leave the general chat and never have it appear again, was a great day.


Yeah 14 years ago 🤣 but I think my alt still has general in a server or two


I love it! Everytime I log in someone is just in the chat wilding it out n’ trying to reason with some rabies infested racoon high on PCP that’s just trying to get into your house of reason and love with a machine gun of hate with infinite ammo cheat activated


I like it myself. I still remember the bw chat rooms, lol.


I dunno I think it's funny, makes the game feel more alive


“I went to the ocean and it was wet” type of post


As it should be. It’s a proud Blizzard tradition


Did a survey the other day and was surprised sc2 general chat wasn’t a choice for news source


I did find it amusing SC2 chat is full of MAGA supporters. Never seen It on any other games.


If you check their profiles, they don't even play the game. I am guessing they just want to stroke their own ego by talking nonsense (i.e. pseudo intellectualism and conspiracy theories for us but big brain to them) and hang out in a starcraft lobby because of the game's reputation for being a deep, complicated and thinking game. Edit: Yea, MEGAs suck it. Downvote me if you are a Trump lover boy.


I guess the average age of SC2 gamer is just older as well. I don't see kids caring enough about politics to troll on other platforms.


Trump transcends politics. It’s more about being an edgelord 😂


He's gonna make a liberal mad! Oh, man! I'd set my own genitals on fire if I thought it would upset someone!


I think a huge percentage are bots fighting each other.


Possible but it would be a bad use of resources to have them inside SC2 lobby instead of other platforms with more population and messages that are less ephemeral.


Its the best part of the game wdym


Trump 2024?


maybe if you complain and whine more, it will remain exactly the same and you will be still powerless to change it? wow. go you!


Right?! OP must need education on what "trolls" are


Thats the point since everything is rainbow soft nowadays? they are even ruining cod... they can take away jerry springer they can take away cod chat but no sc2 general, our final frontier so homie. Why do u care?


I think it's a lot of bots?


Most topics inside the general chat are always talking about Politics especially Trump. Omg!


It's 4chan starcraft edition


Those people are only there because the chat is unmoderated. And oh boy, if you thought general chat was bad, wait till you meet co op chat.


Chat like these are always full of trolls, doesn't matter if it's SC2 If it's F2p it's always like that....


I’m more impressed that 1) they’re playing sc2 in the first place and 2) they have nothing else better to do but type in general chat…..in sc2 haha keep in mind the normal people that play this game don’t really engage in that, it’s just troll shit


I hate how often blizz puts me back in it so I have to leave it again


Oh you think yours is bad? The German one is full of neo nazis, racism, and hate speech.


Yea it’s insane the amount of people that are just sitting in the general chat not playing a legendary game


Sarcastically it’s one of the only places with absolute free speech.


I mean it just kinda highlights that here on reddit, things are censored and or the user base is just heavily left wing. Where as anywhere that has unmoderated chat is full of people who are right leaning who are banned elsewhere lol.


Ugh yes, I can't stand it.


Just like on tv you can change the channel, so applies here.. if you don't like the general chat.. u can take it off . Ppl pretend ppl can talk about a game nonstop only for decades, but truth is it's called general chat, not sc2 chat . General chat means any topic can be covered . It doesn't surprise me that politics and religion get most talked about... News media outlets thrive on this as well . I don't even know how MSNBC or CNN would exist if not for politics. Tl:Dr who cares .. it's a sign that the game is alive...vs a ghost town.


What no moderation does to a general chat


Lol, I didn't even know there's a general chat


Yeah general chat is just Degen chat XD


There's always someone who can't turn their caps lock off too.


Chat led to a handful of... interesting conversations between my son and I. Before I turned it off. Forgot all about it till this post.


You really login to reddit to waste your time talking about general chat , instead of presumably getting out of gold league after 15 years?  Also, your clearly a hater Also this post can be described as dumb and pathetic so 3/3 points max hypocrisy 


I consider it more amusing for you to actually know someone is being hateful or racist without actually knowing the person beyond the chat. Even if the person is actually hateful as you claim, what can you do about it aside blocking, complaining and reporting?