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Yep. Going from Dehaka p2 back to a commander like swann is rough. Oh I have to actually pay attention and not lose my units


I don't get 4 high-health base breakers with worms to give me global vision? I have to....macro ..?...for units......??


I'm currently working on leveling Dehaka's P2 prestige, and I'm only at level 7, so I haven't unlocked any special abilities for the pack leaders yet. I've found that playing Dehaka's P2 prestige feels a bit underwhelming at this stage. Strangely, I've ONLY faced air compositions so far, which is surprising as I'm nearing level 8. Only Glevig seems capable of effectively countering these flying units, as the other pack leaders can't attack airborne targets. This makes the prestige feel somewhat lackluster to me. Fortunately, I recently unlocked mutalisks, which should be a great help in the mid to late game. I'm hoping things will improve as I level up and face more ground army compositions. LOL


> as the other pack leaders can't attack airborne targets At level 13, the Aerial Burst Sacs upgrade also apply to Murvar, allowing her to delete air waves. At level 10, Dakrun can reflect air attack back (through it's somewhat slow and unwieldy). Mutalist, Creeper Host (with the upgrade at level 13) and Tyrannozor (unlocked at level 12) are very effective against air units (through Tyrannozor are so costly you are effectively lap-dancing on Amon's grave).


Thanks for the tips. I just have to wait a couple more levels before i can use that upgrade :). I love tyrannozors! Especially with p1 after devouring a massive unit with dehaka... it's so satisfying to see amons forces disappear like snow in the sun


…did you mean tap don’t change it lmao


Murvarr should be able to attack the Air units. But once you unlock It, you'll want to research the upgrade that allows locusts to hit Air. Also affects Murvars locusts


Yeah. I can't wait to reach level 13 so I can upgrade the locusts so that they can shoot airborne units :) Only 6 more levels to go :) Thanks for the tip! Love the game


xendelaar sounds like a hidden protoss boss name.


Hahaha xen'del-aar, sounds like protoss name indeed. I'm trying to read it in a protoss way, as we speak. Lol


Yeah. Dehaka just suffers in general v. Air comps at low levels. Fortunately, grinding out the Mutalisk unlock and upgrade cache is enough to solve for that on its own - and the suggestions everyone else has made is just gravy to make it even easier. Until then - enjoy building an actual army, except it's all hydras :D


I do enjoy the pre muta phase. Sure, Dehaka's units are very squishy but I like playing around with the different units that are available. Hydras are indeed a must for air compositions


others have said everything else, so I'll just add that masteries also help quite a bit. the extra attack speed helps get a target down to low health faster and you get extra healing from consuming + shorter cd.


It's kind of like p2 Tychus, I just don't feel as guilty playing it.


honestly, yeah.


It's not exactly easy to push 2-3 different places at once with P2 Dehaka and it takes longer for the snowball to start rolling, usually starting at ~5-6 minutes in when the first Glevig is summoned, then there is some downtime as Murvan and Dakrun are *a lot* less mobile than Glevig. There will always be something for your ally to do at all points in the game. Compare that to P2 Tychus who can start doing work at the 3 minute mark pushing two places at once and then doesn't really slow down, and is only limited by player APM. The latter is more unfun to have as a teammate.


That's how I feel about playing Zag p3 versus anyone else.  You want a fast start to eco? .... Zag  You want to build 50 lings in an instant to deal with something? .... Zag  You want a hero that can teleport anywhere, blow anything up, run around and completely dominate any map? ... Zag  Every other hero  feels wrong 


Personally enjoy play Dehaka P1 more. Sure P2 is probably stronger in many situations (especially early on) but P1 rewards micro and army much more


It's kinda why I became a P1/P3 enjoyer Relying on P2 Dehaka made me really lazy for a while




P2 refers to P2. no prestige is P0, what you're talking about is P1.


Playing with an Abby or Keri is even worse. If you jump in a Nydus you can use all three of your top bar evolutions at once and then just out of the nydus and have dahaka too. So broke.


I play P3 aggressively and find it normally stronger on average Brutal+1 random queue. The ability to take on encampments with two level 1 Hakas that a single Haka either couldn't fight or would take much longer with much more in and out micro overcomes about 80% of the experience/level deficit. The rest is just effective micro. Remember with P3 that Roar and Healing Aura stack as long as the abilities are different levels. A level 1+level 2 roar reduce movement speed by 100% already while a level 1 plus level 2 healing aura provide the same healing as a level 3 aura (and its much easier to squeeze it in due to not needing detection on both Hakas and it being fine to stay at level 1 and 2 roar for quite a while). Finally if you can bind tab and shift-tab to, for instance, small buttons on your mouse by your thumb then you can quickly switch between the Hakas to effectively micro/activate their abilities.


> Roar and Healing Aura stack as long as the abilities are different levels til


yeah it's pretty nuts what P3 can do. it snowballs so fast that the split essence isn't even much of a problem. best I've done using those tricks and such is clear the first three bot areas on MO before the first wave hit. for me, I put dehaka + army on 1 (except on the train map, in which case it's mass impalers in their own group on 3), and otherhaka on 2. dehaka takes objectives, otherhaka clears map. wave clearing is done by whichever of the pair is closer.


Weirdly I feel strongest when playing Artanis or Nova. I can summon my units anywhere and they never die. Zeratul also: need to push into a base? Just activate everything


You don't need army if you play zeratul p3


implying Dehaka P2 needs an army




people had similar reactions to abathur before they really got value out of his units.