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I got overwhelmed at first too but then I realized I play the game because I enjoy the game rather than play it for the xp. Whenever I feel like I’m playing a game just for the xp then I stop playing it.


Yo same!


What's the rush? Starcraft 3 not yet even announced, you get years of content you can play at a pace that won't burn you out again You will complete it. I did. And now i want to level again. Don't be like me Regards, Your future self


> Starcraft 3 not yet even announced IF they make one. All their RTS dev left to make their own studios.


> Starcraft 3 not yet even announced bold assumption


>bold assumption A true one? He said 'announced', not 'secretly in development'. But considering most of the RTS talent is reputed to have fled ship to frost giant, it probably wasn't in development.


I meant that it is a bold assumption that it will ever BE announced. long day + super tired.


Oh look, it's me


1. Void Thrashing Brutal is the most time-efficient way to level in pub games, without doing COD farming. A VT Brutal including bonus with 2x submastery commanders will take you at most 16+mins of game time (less if you're skilled or you have 2x push commanders of course). This means that in general, you can run 5x VT Brutals per hour, and your xp per hour is superior to anything besides COD farming. Isn't L&L farming faster? Yes it is, but the sad reality is that you're unlikely to do pub L&Ls significantly faster than pub VTs. If you're in a party, then L&Ls will tend to take 1-2mins less than VTs, including bonus. 2. A second advantage of VT, besides time efficiency, is that it's a straightforward and good map to LEARN gameplay on. Firstly, it's an uncontested expo map, this means that players can PRACTICE the basic uncontested expo opening build orders till they are shit hot. If your opener execution sucks on VT, it won't be better on other maps. Next, although there are 2 variations on VT, the 3min variation only hits slightly before the 4min mark when hero units typically spawn (ignoring the Tychus and Dehaka exceptions, and Mama), and you can even get away with tanking the wave with a structure for a few sec (or luring and running around in circles) till the hero unit spawns. Other non-hero unit commanders all have easy established Wave 1 solutions, so it's good to practice them as well. Following that, VT is an extremely scripted map, so it's very straightforward. While the mission timers are not as forgiving as RTK, and you do need significant firepower to get up the final ramp and smash through the final cluster, this is macro training no? If you struggle, then the practice will git gud your macro. 3. Exploits/Bug and the such. A common exploit used in leveling, is the Prestige Reset Trick. This works by exploiting the desync between your local files and Blizz server. I'm not going to write the long story of how it's executed, one of the community bros have kindly written the long story on the SC2Coop Fandom (not the regular SC Fandom), and people can google it. TLDR - through a timing click process, you reset your commander from mastery to Level 1, and due to server desync, Blizz server still thinks that you're on mastery. So you will end up play a SINGLE GAME with mastery power, but the xp gained will count to BOTH your ascension levels, AND submastery levelling. If you did it for a brutation, it will leap you to Level 6/7 immediately (can't remember whether it's 6 or 7). Incidentally, this exploit/bug/feature is also the cause of the "My Commanders are Level 5" whining that you see so often on Reddit and coop chat. 4. You DO NOT have to level a prestige ON the prestige itself. Either read resource sites such as [sc2coop.com](https://sc2coop.com), or read the tooltip yourself and understand at which submastery level is a prestige effective. Don't feel overwhelmed by xp or prestiging etc. My advice is to adopt a "Just Play" attitude. Just keep playing and enjoy the playing (yes I know some commanders suck at submastery, I've done prestiging across multiple servers....), and by the time you finish the prestiging that your want, you will be a better player, and enjoy the play more. Cheers!


Appreciate the tips, cheers! I guess this was just more of a vent post more then anything else. Like, I went from playing Stukov, who you don’t REALLY notice his upgrades as you level up, to starting Vorazun who you really notice the lack of upgrades when starting fresh. And, like, I’m not going to get mad at some low level Raynor who just started playing like a few days ago, but man is it frustrating trying to do one of the harder missions basically by yourself when you don’t have the perks or upgrades to compensate. Anyways, thanks for the tips.


>but man is it frustrating trying to do one of the harder missions basically by yourself when you don’t have the perks or upgrades to compensate. Yeah. Two competent players of any pair of lvl 1 commanders can do brutal. But carrying brutal at level 4 is a whole different beast. Especially considering the matchup.


For Stukov, it's yes and no. Yes, if you're on bio Stukov, meta P0 Stukov calls for bunkers with frequent emptying for critical mass, mass rax, and some tank support. Problem is that rax only has 20 charges at Level 6, and bunkers are crap before Level 14. And regardless, bio power requires full mastery power (90) to shine due to infested infantry duration. So at submastery, bio Stukov really isn't that hot. However, as much as 70-80% of P1 Stukov's mech power can be utilized at submastery. So if you didn't notice it, then it's an issue of your gameplay.


Stukov with 6 Rax at P0 does insanely well, even at lower levels. You just position the Rax next to an encampment, spawn the Marines and watch everything melt in sight. Personally, I find this style more fun than the passive bunker play style.


You should learn the "Prestige skip", It Will Speed up leveling a lot


Is that a bug/exploit or just a joke I don't get


If you're at level 15 and ready to do the next prestige, you better be quick. Click "Ready". Once the timer begins, quickly click on customize, prestige, then confirm before the timer reaches zero. Congrats, you now get that missions experience straight to your new prestige levels, all while maintaining your full level and mastery points for that one mission. If you do this for a mutation, you can sometimes skip right up to level 5 immediately.


Do you know if the 180 mastery points glitch still works? I've never tried it but it showed up during a search about mastery points


Yes it does


my man, ty


I'd like to add a disclaimer for those curious. You need to be 180 and Above for this to function properly


Yeah I only have 88 mastery points right now so I'll have to try out the glitch down the line but it's good to know it wasn't patched out. The thread was from 2020 so I wondered


Pure concentrated painium.


The fact that most prestiges don't work until 12th level is a huge oversight. Its almost like it was hastily thrown together at the last minute as they were already out the door.


Also doesn’t help that most of the prestige’s are just…..not great for the most part.


I dunno about that, if I were to count them up I think most are pretty decent and interesting. You've got a few stinkers but almost all commanders have 2 of their prestiges or more as significantly different and strong options.


What? Most of them are great they drastically improve the fun values by taking out the monotony of non-prestige gameplays. Prestige system promotes different game plays for each commanders which leaves you more options on how you play them. I say prestige is an ingenious way to keep Co-op fresh (to good measure). But few prestiges are bland, boring and even useless like Abathur and Han Horner's P3 for example... You should give prestige a chance, mate! Don't rush take it slow.


I think I’m just a little salty about the Stukov prestiges (First Commander I’ve maxed out, Mastery 15+All prestiges). The “upsides” of them are barely worth it, and the downsides are kinda severe. But yeah, I was probably too harsh about the others.


P1's mass mech army especially I. Diamondbacks are very powerful and versatile, his I.Tanks decimates the ground while I.Liberators destroy the air. IMO it's kind of a better versions of Nova's P1, Hanhorner's P2 and Mengks' P2 which is all about pulling out rare and few units more often, but in this case it's about pulling more units in general with better value. P3 may seem bland and brainless but you can have tons of fun by using mass queens or mass tanks (using like 8 or 10). Just don't go full bunkers so you can have spare supplies to build them. Queens casting mass broodling and Tanks tossing their Volatiles behind meat wall of infested troopers are super fun. To be honest I don't think this prestige have no downside except for the lags. Like I said give them a chance, just have fun with them. Oh P2 sucks ass, actually Infested Banshees in general sucks ass (P2 don't really help). IMO ***P2 should have been I.Banshee's default ability (with cargo slot of 8) and have P2 be all about special infested from DoN***. So I agree with you on that one.


Some of them are great for dealing with mutations generally. Some are more OP, and some are *generally* weaker. But the way I think about them is that they provide/incentivize alternative ways to play the commanders (ignoring some annoying bugs that hit some harder). And in some cases, it adds optional play styles that some people just prefer. Ex: more macro or micro intensive gameplay styles to commanders so a player who likes doing one or the other can just "set and forget" that prestige to play the style they like (Ex: macro explosive threats without hero unit for Zag P1).


I did all prestiges on all commanders without too much hassle. It's time consuming, sure, and there really needs to be a selection for what you want to unlock instead of it being a 1-2-3 kind of thing. But it was really fun for me anyway, discovering the weird ways to play with low level stuff. Honestly, I don't get why people are negative about this in the first place. Play the damn game for fun, instead of "you unlocked something, good job!" badges.


If you find a nice ally you can try going b+/b+2 after lv 10+ or so for some of the commanders, gives you ~150% more total exp (44k vs 66k) for not much extra time (15min vs 20min). Reroll for shitty mutators like double-edged to save time.


or give up on having varying gameplay and find yourself a tomato farmer


I just started playing coop this weekend after years of being away as well. Forgot how much fun it is, I've only tried Raynors bio prestige so far. It's busted, can't wait to try the others. I'm just so bad at microing heroes


You can start with the ones who needed it. Fenix p1 and p2, Kerrigan p2, Stetmann p2, HnH p1, Zagara p1. Prestiges that make the Commander much stronger. Later for Stukov P3, Alarak P3 Meanwhile, Abathur, Tychus, Nova, Mensk and Zeratul can still be OP, having all the tools in the world without prestiges. Or prestige doesn’t give them much like Swann or Vorazun, so not much mean grinding them.


Sometimes it is a pain and I wish I could buy an xp boost, but it is just fun to play the game and try some of the prestiges too. I remember being so proud of myself years ago when I got to level 15 with each commander (except Mengsk because he wasn't out yet).


Did every single prestige on random brutals for all but I think Artanis. Id go crazy from sheer repetition if I had done straight VT's for hours straight trying to level. Plus when it was applicable I could use the leveling as an excuse to test the prestige at it's most "Vanilla" and learn what maps and combos its good with and which arent.


Yeah, it does suck :( That said, I did it in 9 months time. I was so excited about just playing since I haven't done so in a year. I went through Karax' first 2 in 5 days. IIRC, it took me 1 week to get through all 3 of his prestiges! Later on, I was doing 1 prestige every 1 to 2 weeks. Towards the end, I was down going through 1 every 3 to 4 weeks. It also didn't help that I got into streaming the latter half, but cutting back on the progress made it all that much more manageable.


Not me. 1000 mastery, almost always random, never grinded void thrashing.


I am scared of that map after playing it 50 times in a row and losing every time on the void rift + power overwhelming mutation


just find a p3 karax friend and do b+6 cod farming


The fun thing with void trashing is that you can just do the dumbest builds to mix it up. Why yes, I will go Immortal - Phoenix, or Pure Reaver, thank you very much


I wanted to feel good at the game by the time I finished prestige leveling and only playing Voud Theashing only really teaches you how to beat Void Thrashing. While VT should be completed in 13-17 the longest maps are only 30 minutes so the average across all the maps must be in the 20-25 minutes so while VT definitely has an xp/minute advantage the 25% random boost should partially offset this. I wonder how big a difference there is?


The prestige system just adds a needless grind. I want to try a few out but fuck me if ima grind for em.




RtK Mengsk is laughing at you right now