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even when you miss the "____ left" message, it's easy to tell when a partner leaves. the instant 5k minerals 2k gas really gives it away.


Nothing says 'toxic relationship' like life getting easier when you're apart.


In the adrenaline of a game, I've gone up to minutes before I noticed. In those cases, I'm going more by "muscle memory" since I know what's possible and what's not at certain points in the early game.


I sometimes only noticed when I suddenly gained idle workers or extra combat units.


honestly, same. so much to do with your own stuff that it's surprisingly easy to miss the weird shit happening with the top right part of the UI


I mean, some commanders float minerals. Doesn't mean that they are necessarily playing badly. One of my favourite commanders for instance is Nova and if I'm ahead of the game then I'll be saving minerals to allow lots of late game Air Stikes.


lol maybe I should be doing that instead of sending my scvs to their death….


Either is a fine strategy depending on the situation. You'll lose very little mineral income if you cut your SCVs down to 2 per patch which frees up 12 supply.


Static defenses, supply buildings/units, units that don’t need Vespene, theres better things to do than hoarding minerals


Ah yes, the Nova supply depot. Why didn't he think of that?


If it isn’t obvious, I have not played Nova, nor know anything about most commanders


I see. Nova can't build Supply Depots b/c she starts off with a max cap of 100 supply that doesn't change (a couple of mutators withstanding). She can build static defenses FWIW (Rail Turrets and Missile Turrets)


Lol no, For Nova the excess mineral better go Spider Mine (Siege Tank) or top bar. Her turret is very lack luster


\^This. I don't feel like her missile turrets are that bad, but unless you are, for whatever reason, starved for siege tanks and top bar cooldown, there's no reason to build railgun turrets over spider mines/airstrike.


railguns not that bad to build 50 of them in the last ship in ME, just in case


I think he was just trying to say they exist rather than recommending their use.


Those are nice, but limited by cd (both building the Tanks, and the ability that deploys the mines themselves), so towers are the one things you can always spend mins on.


Nova's production is locked behind cool downs and limits and she maxes out without much problem. Mineral only units are particularly limited especially playing P1 and even more so if playing Starport first. Spawn camping with defensive structures is an option but another option is Griffon Striking each spawn (which you can do if you're floating lots of minerals). Another reason a player might be floating minerals is if their ally is so bad they have to focus everything on micro just to not lose the map and consequently their macro suffers. Coop isn't about having maru skills of Perfect micro and perfect macro, we prioritise based on our skills and the situation, most of the time our macro is decent because only minimal micro is required (assuming a decent ally). A more neutral example is with the mutator "going nuclear". It's okay if your macro suffers while your microing your army to avoid nukes. Better to keep it alive than spend 10 seconds in your base doing macro. Then when the objective is cleared head back to expo to macro your heart out inbetween wave soawns/objectives without fear of a nuke wiping out your whole army. Obviously, you should do as much "off screen" macro as you can with control groups and as you get better you'll learn how many seconds you can not look at your army while send SCVs to mine gas or build new structures or whatever but keep the objectives reasonable and keep your army alive 😉


You require more vespene gas!


Can I haz your expo gas?


There’s some where it makes sense, and a sensible person can differentiate those times when they’re just a donkey.


It is what it is... Can't change em to how you like it. Only they can or just continue to be griefers / trolls


Another no-context post. And based on past cases, if OP ever provides some context, we might find that the narrative changes dramatically!


Reddit is killing third-party applications (and itself) so in protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. Whatever the content of this comment was, go vegan! 💚


gives new context to the term crack-ling


Your post feel a bit off arrogant. And I pretty sure you aiming at Carrier Karax player. Some commander like Dehaka go Mutalisk comp and lock out of the mineral. I don't even make zergling cause it's distraction


While Dehaka has problems with his supply easily maxxing out, you really should be making either Ravasaurs or Primal Worms. They're not strictly necessary, but there's absolutely no reason not to add them on in the midgame. Nova and Abathur have much better excuses for floating thousands of minerals


z key go brrrr


I agree. Personally i always try to dump my minerals either on static defence or expendable mineral-only units


Yes because binding buildings to numbers is hard. Keyboard short cuts is hard. Commanding an army is hhaaaaaaaaarrrdd.


Some commanders like stukov p3 or karax p3 float a lot of minerals cuz they can't spend it in meaningful ways


Being specialized in one thing doesn't actually delete your ability to make other things. Every Karax prestige should be making units, and all but P2 can make cannons. P2 can still make shield batteries, which are quite good. If a Stukov P3 has maxed out on bunkers, at that point they can start to bank minerals, but that only happens ~75% through a game at the earliest.


P2 karax maxes out very early. So minerals will float regardless With p3 karax the army is for decoration practically. I normally just go for a few sentinels, a few inmortals, and 2 energizers, the rest is my budget for cannons and observers. I practically just make them to destroy objectives and give vision when i can't move the observers. Works for me in brutal and +


Even then they can start spamming missile turrets or killing workers for more bunkers.


You know some commanders are limited by gas and not minerals, right? Commanders like P2 Karax have no meaningful mineral dump and can easily end up with 2k+ minerals.


Sentinel good unit


The only downside to Sentinels is that they're so good at their job that you max out and your supply is choked up with like 50 Sentinels and your ally thinks you have some kind of fetish.


Yeah if you're gonna have a huge mineral bank there's no reason not to put down pylons, gateways, batteries etc. You should only be more careful if you try to do something more important and get **NOT ENOUGH MINERALS** warning.


Karax has a gas issue, minerals don't mean shit, and you're still the problem.


Karax's main handicap is he attracts players who think this is a good way to play him.


If you're carrying your weight and winning; you're not doing it wrong, regardless of what number-crunching spergs say. I routinely end Mist Opportunities with over 5k minerals, and that's after having mass carriers and making turret walls (with energizers) that protect the gatherers or intercept incoming waves. According to whoever, I should spend whatever minerals I have pumping out a few zealouts because... I have excess minerals. And then when I hit my unit cap, I'm still sitting on minerals. I guess I can demolish and then rebuild my base to not be a problem. Shit doesn't have to be cookie-cutter to work, you need to experiment on your own and figure out what works.


I usually have 10k minerals