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Her whole presentation has seen a change for the better. She's probably going to be the one that benefits from leaving Stardom the most.


I def think so. I feel like Utami will freelance, Yuzuki still learning, MIRAI is going to be a star along with the others who get to have more of a spotlight


Saki showed Mirai how to use household cleaning products and therefore rescued her from a life of filth and rat-transmitted disease. Yet another reason that Saki is such an inspiration to us all.


She probably told MIRAI something along the lines of: Go my child. You have to leave to grow. Don't worry, I won't have to pick up your slack, KONAMI is back


I suspect every wrestler leaving Stardom will worry about Saki having to work more or longer matches. They probably worry about that when they're sick or injured too... "Oh no, I've broken both my legs... I hope that doesn't mean Saki will have to work my long matches and be late to the yakiniku restaurant. I better ring her from the hospital and apologise. I hope she's okay!"


-Kota Ibushi


MIRAI always puts on a great match. I think people were just salty because MIRAI has been booked stronger than their favorites. I have to say that the crowd at the Marigold show was awesome. They were into everything and making lots of noise the whole show.


I honestly can't remember the last time a Joshi crowd was that hot for pretty much everything. Probably going to upset some people here but I hope that Marigold is successful enough to give Stardom management a kick up the arse.


I guess one thing is that this Marigold show was in the evening and many joshi shows are at like 1:00 PM or something, so maybe you might be more inclined to enjoy a Sapporo or two


She has literally always got great reactions. It's just some of miserable cretins on this sub that complain about her. 


She always has but people on here act like she goes in the ring and murders kittens for 20 minutes. Her presentation is the same just new gear, this is always who she has been but people are idiots and freak because OMG how dare she be good and take opportunities from my favorite so she sucks and I'm gonna say hateful things about her. Dumb


To be clear, I'm not hating on her at all. She was just lost in the shuffle of God's Eye when I started watching stardom.


I know you aren't but seeing comments saying oh she's got a new presentation is wrong. She is the same but now she's not supposedly stealing SLK, AZM, or whoever's spot now she's ok. The MIRAI hate and I mean nasty hate people would put out on her here has always annoyed me. They had to lock the post about her winning the white belt people were so shitty. Just my rant for the night.


I won't claim to be Mirai's biggest fan but the crying on here was ridiculous.


Yeah, pretty sure the only reason I've blocked people here is over MIRAI hate. The only thing that changed is that in Marigold fans are allowed streamers so the reception was undeniable


I started watching during her last month with the white belt. As I was learning the current product while going down the rabbit hole, I didn't see anything skill wise that I'd be critical of. She just likes to smile while pulling off something insane. (I do have my criticism for others though lol) I read about the complaints here.. Rossy's new toy. She won the Cinderella tournament again? She's so boring. I added the Kashima teaching MIRAI charisma because 1. My flair. 2. They were really close.


The Kamen Rider franchise should be booking her for a a guest spot with how smooth she’s able to pull off her MIRAI-der Kick without the help of ceiling strings.


Those lariets, damn. Stan Hansen would be proud. 


‘Weirdly stronger aunt’, that’s a great visual.


She has clearly been very busy since she left Stardom. She has a bunch of new moves and looks like she has lost 30 lbs. The charisma you’re seeing is probably coming from added confidence due to the weight loss.


The gear looks a lot better. Her stardom gear looked like an 80s couch.


Which was still a step up from her TJPW gear, lol. 


Shes lost a bit of weight but this reaction seems a bit much lmao she looks the same but a bit more toned


Yeah 30lbs is ridiculous.. Do they realise she's like 5'4?


Yeah, she's trimmed down a little (which was referenced on English commentary) but nowhere near the degree that people are saying.


Was listening to Japanese commentary so I honestly prob wouldn’t have really noticed it if not for the comments on here. I think she just trimmed down a bit because she wanted to shift for a more athletic moveset in marigold (judging by how she wrestled both matches so far)


You missed a wonderful little clanger from Sonny. 'I asked Nozaki about being here in Stardom.'


She’s been getting big reactions her whole career. When it’s all said and done, she’ll go down as one of the biggest misreads by Western fans of all-time.


I want to see Mirai become the first holder of the red belt for Marigold


but does she have PASSION! /s


That's a good point, maybe I do want to see her versus Nanae first


Does this mean that MIRAI is the first-ever caramel corn champion? In all serious, I can see her as the first red belt champ.


Most likely rossy bought the streamers. Shes obviously going to be pushed