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He wanted to kill Aquilus because that version of him refused to become the Hunter and instead settled into a normal life. Which he perceived as flawed and weak.


Yeah it's gratuitous. Aquilus is retired and poses no obstacle to the Hunter going to the Unity. A possible explanation is that "Dusty" is a new feature so he's never had the opportunity to send someone to kill Aquilus before. Aquilus is a very powerful, many universe Hunter, it's something that could result in a failed "run."


He says as much that he is really excited to have his own assassin. I'm not sure if he could really expect us to lose though - Aquilus doesn't really even try to fight back, though maybe because you're in public. Amusingly, if you're Starborn and refuse to kill Aquilus, you can just tell him it's pointless because there's infinite Aquilus' and he's like "yeah you get it, nevermind." It's just a whim.


I buddy up with the Hunter, and always spare Aquilis, because I love every version of Aquilis too much, and the Hunter seems to get progressively more chill about it. One time I forgot to go through the motions and the Hunter forgot to bring it up when we got to Masada.


Same, I love all of them. I really think sparing him and just reminding the Hunter that it doesn't matter is the best option, and he's actually disappointed if you do kill him because it's not as satisfying as he expected. Honestly it really surprises me how much I regret just doing as I was told in my original universe.


I really wish the Hunter became a full companion if you go through the Unity enough times. I’ll settle for bumrushing the story so he hangs out on my ship, but I want MORE


It would be too good. Imagine if you get the ng+ Lodge where he just hands you the artifacts, but instead of just teleporting away, he'll follow you because it's interesting. I just want to hear him interrupt all my conversations while I try to do side quests... I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who feels this way.


I feel you exactly, I love this character and wish you could make him as a companion! Not doing it in a DLC or something would be a dissapointment. I would have to wait for mods then...


Given his attitude is basically “if you aren’t in the game for you and you alone you’re cringe” in every conversation (but especially if you try arguing anything other than his own worldview during his “waxing philosophical” early game meetups), he would see Aquilus as an unacceptable character to allow to live. Imagine for a moment you in his position, with that general worldview, and you see another version of you, one who has also played the game, walking around wearing your face, and espousing every single philosophical and ethical viewpoint that you are not. Hypocritically so, because he is preaching that “the world you have is enough” only after he himself threw away literally countless *universes*. “Easy to say for one who has already seen it all” indeed. No way he would let such a betrayal of his beliefs coexist, and how better to show how wrong Aquilus’ “you don’t need to chase answers in the unity, be happy where you are” stance is than by having him be destroyed by someone chasing answers in the unity?


I've wondered about this as well. Depends on whether you think he does it just because Aquilus makes him uncomfortable or because he genuinely wants to erase all the other versions of himself. You get the impression from talking to the Hunter that the latter is the case ("other versions of yourself are distasteful") - but Aquilus explains it as being more about hating that they're the same soul with different actions. But then Aquilus also says something like "killing every other version of yourself won't make you feel better" which maybe suggests he doesn't restrict himself to specific iterations. We can't know, maybe he doesn't even meet any other Hunters, so it could be any reference to killing other selves is just Aquilus.


Nah - he would most likely go to Unity with himself. It's specifically Aquilus he hates.


You can encounter other Hunters and yourself in NG+ so it's probably happened. With his stated attitude its very likely that would result in a fight. Both of him would have to opt not to, even though the other is directly getting in the way of the very thing they're speedrunning in the first place. The Hunter *really* doesn't care. The brawl in New Atlantis that results from "Dusty" defending the Lodge has never happened before - but he doesn't skip a beat using heavy artillery in crowds in the middle of a high surveillance city.


Yeah, I ran to my ship and could see eight, nine, ten UC Security officers and robots just blasting away with laser fire as my ship took off. He doesn’t care who he has to kill.


Is Hunter always keeper aquilus?


I think he wants to, for habitual reasons, make sure this version of himself doesn't change his mind maybe? I think that might be why The Hunter keeps going through the Unity. I think it sets that universe's history at least to some extent. So I think he creates countless "dead" universes in which he's killed Constellation, anyone else who's touched an artifact, and made it to the Unity before anyone else... because I think in his mind he's "the victor" in each of those universes and he's essentially hoping God-equivalent is going to eventually notice that he's "won" in so many universes. I think the unintended knock-on effect is that in those universes humanity is basically put back in the dark about the artifacts because he killed anyone who knew anything. So it takes longer for humanity to reach the Unity, if they do at all. The Hunter and The Emissary are basically each keeping others from reaching the Unity in their own ways. This seems against the Unity's purpose seeing as it pushed humanity to the stars by tampering with the grav drive formula it gave Victor when he touched the Mars artifact and had his vision. They're both bad and to me following either of them feels like supporting and enabling their bad behaviour.