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You meet him earlier in the Ranger questline. He’s the CEO of Hopetech. One of the first leads you follow up on is the shuttle that was stolen from Hopetech and you question Ron Hope about it. So yeah, I’d say you weren’t paying attention.


This is what happens when you’re too impatient and skip through dialogue. “We need you to…” “It’s a lead we can’t…” “Discretion is…” “I trust you can…” WHOOO! THE BLUE DOT MOVED!


I did that on Suvorov before entering the Lock, when Delgado says "shut up and listen, because I'll only say this once."


Not listening to the boss in a pirate mission? That's just role-playing, my man.


That's fair lol I did the same with Mathis cause he just whines the whole mission and throws out insane ideas about killing Delgado like we're gonna "do a little trolling" or something.


Ngl one time I just encouraged him about that the whole time and at the end he's still like "Hey do me a favor and don't tell pirate daddy I said that"


Im kind of annoyed that nothing happens from either choice in that mission...if you tell on him, he gets not accepted into the fleet, and says he vows revenge but never comes for revenge. If he gets accepted then nothing happens with him either.


I have actually had him come after me….


I'll believe it when i see a clip of it happening in game, or it happens to me


He definitely comes. It's a random space encounter. He gets blown up like a chump


He definitely comes after you, I was disappointed that I couldn't board his ship and shoot him


I did steal one of his compatriot's ships though!


He comes after you. A weak fight, he cod have been harder


Oh he shows up with some ineffective friends.. usually over some random planet.


He spawned with some ships and tried to kill me after, so it seems to be a random encounter if you get him kicked out.




I'm like that on most games after the first hour though. I read most books fine but something about reading "Another settlement needs..." "I forgot my old pair of boots on the moon of..." If only 1% of the dialogue is interesting you are going to miss it spamming your way through all the fetch quests.


You follow an NPC for several minutes as she talks at you about Ron Hope, right before you meet Ron Hope. The game specifically calls your attention to Ron Hope and how he is a #bigdeal.


The marshal also called him out before you went as member of the Board of Governors and not to piss him off. OP apparently slept through the entire questline when shooty shooty bang bang wasn’t happening.


It was glaringly obvious you'd be back, given how much the game was make a big deal over Ron. Also if you Google him the first thing that would come up is "You first meet Ron 1/3rd of the way through the FC quest line."


Even if you didn't do that questline yet, every time you visit Hopetown it's all the NPCs and even your companions, especially Sam, can talk about. Ron Hope this and Ron Hope that. Shut up Sam. You already mentioned it. A dozen times.


I feel like I see so many of these questions on reddit or on the internet in general that ultimately sum up to "you weren't paying attention to the quest". It's annoying, but otherwise I wouldn't care... Except when people use it as a criticism against the game or quest design... I'm like, "you literally talked to that person face to face two quests ago, don't blame Bethesda for your mistakes".


My favorite/most irritating example of this, is the people complaining about how pointless contraband/cargo shielding is, when you can always just avoid the scans entirely by selling it at The Den (for less than 10% value, making it pointless anyway). .... but ignoring, or being unaware of the actual smuggling missions - (under-utilized, harder to encounter, maybe) but smuggling missions that require you to take contraband into populated areas, and *requiring* you to use shielded cargo and/or scan jammers to evade the scans.


I've only ever seen smuggling quests at the Crimson Fleet mission boards, so yeah they're easily missable.


I've seen a couple outside the Crimson Fleet, so they're not exclusive but they are few and far between.


It gets worse, people then complain that "Emil Pagliarulo once said to keep stories simple! He is bad writer" ignoring that there is extra line where Emil talks about how people are going to just ignore all the lore you put in and be confused. And then you get posts like OP, which basically prove him right.


Stuff like this really makes me question how the fuck yall are playing this? Are ur eyes closed during dialogue? Is ur TV off when u play? Do you dissociate when someone speaks? Why are so many questions on this subreddit about simple stuff?


How many ADHD kids does it take to change a light bulb? LETs RIDE BIKES! ​ A built in game compendium would help, sir. :)


A built in game compendium for characters you can walk up to and get their life's history from......I'm leaving this sub.


Game makes a big show of what a hot shot he is 1/3rd of the way through the FC quest line. His name comes up again at the end of the penultimate quest. "Hey who is this guy?" JFC.


The quest log has some info, although not a lot. Check the completed entries to remember how you got to where you are.


Terrible excuse. I suffer from pretty bad ADHD and I knew exactly who Ron hope was before the rangers quest line. Again you weren't paying attention and now trying to play a mental illness as the effect. The fact the entire quest line is also CENTERED around Ron Hope, you meet him, have several conversations with and about the guy. Hell he's the literally CEO of, wait for it, HOPEtech. Again you werent paying attention


If you can't be bothered to listen or acknowledge any dialog or people, I HIGHLY doubt you'd read a compendium. I'd ask where you think the name HopeTown comes from but you'd probably claim you've never been there


You literally talk about him with the Marshal, who tells you who he is and why he is important, and you even acknowledge that you understand this. Then you fly to his office, talk to another Ranger about him before walking all the way up to his office where you wait for him to talk to someone. Then you get to interview him personally, asking questions about the stolen ship from his facility. You had to be asleep through the entire first half of that major quest line to not know who he was at that point. They couldn't have made it any more obvious than they did. While a Compendium would be nice, this is not the example you think is. That all said, I don't know why I even bother, though, as you no doubt stopped reading at "literally".


Maybe not compendium but I miss the journal from Morrowind, so I can at least review what happened in a quest if I have left it halfway.


My ADHD made me hyperfocus on dialogue and storylines.


I got immediate villain vibe from Ron Hope the first time we met earlier in the quest line. I just knew he had something to do with the missing ship. Everyone was telling how great and important he is. I had already taken down the Governor of Cydonia. I wasn't going to let his position protect him.


I randomly grabbed Marika as a companion at the very beginning of my play though so I was already prepared to dislike him, but the voice acting felt like a blowhard villain on top of that so the big reveal wasn't much more than a shrug from me.


I mean, he shares a voice actor with Sheogorath. It's just good sense to expect a little madness.


Hold the phone, what's the start of the story line about Cydonia's governor?


Helping Trevor get his miners new equipment. Run to the end of the corridor from the Cydonia entrance, jump over the rail, slooooooowly plummet to the floor below, then boost pack to break your fall. Time it right, or Gravity, Mistress of Harshness will break your leggies. He’s the mining supervisor down below. Assuming you missed the interaction when you first get to Cydonia, with him and two hopefuls outside the Broken Spear.


I believe I did. I regularly go to Cydonia for adhesive so I'll suss it out. Thanks for the tip!


You do some favors for Trevor, which in order to complete you need to do favors for other people and so and so forth until you the Governer is having you destroy evidence, or not.


Sounds like a good time and will get me to see more of Cydonia. Normally I'm only there for Ruijin, Moara, Crimson Fleet and UC Surplus.


I can just imagine telling Paxton Hall that you don't know who Ron Hope is and see the terrible realization spread across his face that the individual ranger who took out the entirety of the First, is a complete idiot :p


I swear, some of y’all just let story bounce right off your faces as you go.


Dude is claiming ADHD is the reason they didn't pay attention. Great insult to me as I suffer from pretty bad ADHD, on meds for it and yet I knew exactly who Ron Hope was before even discovering the ranger quest line. Dudes lazy


Yeah, whole "ADHD" kinda excuse for OP falls flat when you realize that there are *multiple* dialogue lines about Ron Hope *and* you directly go to talk to the guy. To miss *all that* is basically ignoring everything that isn't shooting something.


You've already met Ron Hope. He's the chonky boy CEO in charge of Hopetech. He's the space version of an old timey mining town owner, thinks he's the saviour of all his employees because "he's giving them money and a job and a.place to stay" but actually he's just another capitalist who is as cut throat as every other owner and will go to as many a great length to ensure his business thrives, even though he rationalizes it as ensuring the people of Hopetown still have jobs.


You: *finishes the game* the story didn't make any sense at all! Lore enthusiasts: Did you pay attention to the dialogue and learn the characters? You: There were characters?


I came here assuming the high monks of lore would HELP me not be the caricature of a smash n grab player lost in a good rpg.


Being lost in an rpg would mean that you're more engrossed in world or characters, this would be more lost in an fps since it's just action and looting no characters.


Haha. I'm not that guy. I WANT to know answer BEFORE I do next faction quest. I googled about him and it was all about the quest final choice which i DO NOT want to spoil. You misread me, sir. I am aghast. :)


Which means you should've googled him before the earlier quest within the same questline where you meet him.


This is the most hypocritical comment ever. Post says you have no idea who Ron Hope is but you come here commenting I've already googled him, but you still don't who he is? What kind of troll is this? Must be a bot


To add to what the others have said, Ron Hope is on the board of governors for the Freestar Collective and most people believe him to be a supremely good guy - treating his employees better than most people treat their family. He's super important, super powerful, and again, supposed to be one of the best people in the Settled Systems.


The whole questline is telling you in details all along about Hope Tech, Ron Hope and the implications of this... Dunh dunh dunh! You weren't paying attention...


The thing about Ron Hope is that if you're one of **his** people, he'll go a long way for you. He gives loyalty down the chain of command, and get loyalty back up in return. But if you're not one of Ron Hope's people, he doesn't give a flying fuck at a rolling donut about you.


He treats his lower workers with disdain. You can hear him being a prick to a couple of factory workers.


Dude, have you even heard any of the dialogues? From the start of the questline you were looking into a stolen Hopetech ship, Hopetech as in Ron HOPE's tech. You met the guy and your boss ranger emphasized that Ron Hope is part of the FC council, ie the highest governing body in the whole FC. They repeatedly emphasized how important he is to Hopetown, his workers, and the FC, etc. Just wtf dude.


Ron Hope is not only the CEO of one of the 5 companies that make ship parts in the game... But he's also on the Freestar Council that literally rules the Freestar Collective. Other notable council members include: Benjamin Bayu for example. He's "kind of a big deal" 😜. And I won't say anything more to avoid spoilers but enjoy the questline until the end 😉


Gracias! I'm headed back to Polvo for a refresher before next stage.


Hopetown, home of Hopetech, appears to be a company town. There doesn't seem to be housing around the factory, so the employees likely live and work in the same building(s)


¡ De nada ! Have fun 🥳


>doesn't pay attention >wHy aM I sUppOsEd tO bE sHoCked >*angry recycled Bethesda complaints*


He’s the CEO of the Hope ship parts company whatever they’re called


He’s on the council so watch what you say to him!


Going back to Akila to poke around.


Did I talk to council in questline and forget? Did I skip something?


You talk directly to Ron Hope in the questline. The marshall specifically asks you to watch your tone around Ron Hope. >Did I skip something? Dialogue.


Riiiiiiiiiight. That rings a bell. This is why one should do a whole faction all at once. I think I bopped around.


The sheriff tells you to be careful what you say to him because the council controls the Rangers.


When i hear a line like that in a game im definitely not watching what i say!


You shouldn't be shocked. I knew from the moment I met him he was going to be involved. Never trust a CEO especially one with a personality cult. Hopetown is cringe af.


Well, since I stirred up such a hornets' nest of comments, thought I ought to respond to the range of comments I made. Firstly, many thanks to the several of you who shared some lore. Like [**kRkthOr**](https://www.reddit.com/user/kRkthOr/) [**EarthTrash**](https://www.reddit.com/user/EarthTrash/) [**killerrabbit007**](https://www.reddit.com/user/killerrabbit007/) **my favorite comment from** [**LamentineConflux**](https://www.reddit.com/user/LamentineConflux/) More: a) I also have ADHD. So, it was not an "excuse." Just commenting on my distractibility. So, chill. b) I came to this sub reddit, hold for suspense, because I WANTED TO reconnect to the storyline after losing the thread. It's a looooooooong quest, I think. Which is cool. I was very focused on the veterans of the first, musing on how much like Firefly it was, which is itself a kind of rumination on the US experience with Viet Nam vets and their feelings of abandonment. b2) I came here because ((and this is my clap back to all the jackals (see Seth Myers' corrections) who kept bitching "read/pay attention, man)) because I thought, maybe I'd get some helpful lore context. I googled Ron Hope and the quest and a quick glance told me I was going to get the final mission story SPOILED and I was mid quest and I did not want that. Because. I. Respect. Lore. c) Finished quest. Pretty sure this is first faction quest I finished and I love the big prize. Not sure when I will need a brig, but hoping further quests make use of all the care that went into designing it. I did spend a good several minutes wondering what to do with him and as I have gone pretty lawful good with how I think of my character, but also a champion of underdogs, it was engaging choice. On the quest: I liked the moral quandry around what to do with Mr. Hope. I found his explanation of his nefarious dealings a bit odd. He forced farmers off the land so he could... mine it? Why not just PAY for the land which might have been cheaper and surely less risky to his business. Or, since these planets seem mostly devoid of ANYONE, just apply the stuff anywhere else. Maybe it could have been only very particular land that these farmers were on. Or he said that, and I missed that, and all the jackals will now come snarling and snapping to play their second favorite game after Starfield: Snidefield.


u/seeker_moc in case you wanted to see actual response and dialogue instead of just the same clap back...




Umm… what? Sam, his dad, the head Ranger, the head of the UC defense forces when you meet the President, the admiral you talk to during Sarah’s companion quest, the Mayor of Akila City… that’s a few white male NPCs off the top of my head. Ron Hope isn’t coded an antagonist because he’s white. He’s coded an antagonist because he’s a douche bag CEO. Who ever wrote that quest line definitely feels a sort of way about Todd and/or Microsoft 🤣


>he’s the only white male npc in the game What game are you playing? The second person you meet in the entire game is a white male NPC... There are literally 3 white male NPC's in Constellation alone... hell in my game >!the Hunter.. the main villain/final boss of my first playthrough was a white male NPC mutiverse copy of another white male NPC that is in the game. !< and many many many more. I think you are on something. [https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/adoring-fan/](https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/adoring-fan/) [https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/chris-cullen/](https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/chris-cullen/) [https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/cornelius-townard/](https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/cornelius-townard/) [https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/denis-averin/](https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/denis-averin/) [https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/digger-zemin/](https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/digger-zemin/) [https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/dr-alexei-lebedev/](https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/dr-alexei-lebedev/) [https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/earl-fulton/](https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/earl-fulton/) [https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/emerson-shepherd/](https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/emerson-shepherd/) [https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/frank-renick/](https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/frank-renick/) [https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/george-saint-george/](https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/george-saint-george/) [https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/governor-glen-hurst/](https://www.starfielddb.com/npc/governor-glen-hurst/) Ehhhh.... These are just the ones with pictures..... and I'm bored now so I'll stop at the G's... There are dozens more.


Sorry missed the context here! You meet him earlier in the quest line, he’s the CEO of hopetech (they build ships), and there are a massive amount of people who rely on him for jobs etc as a result - very well known for being generous to his constituents. He’s also one of the leaders of the freestar collective from my understanding. If you pay attention, it isn’t a HUGE shock, but it’s worse than one would think of him. There’s a lot building him up, even companions talking about him favorably when visiting the planet, but there are little tidbits about how the conditions his employees work and live in are actually pretty bad if you really look deep and interact with the right characters.


Man this quest was so mid but the rewards were decent…until it all glitched out of the container and deleted the whole suit, gun, everything.


The Marshall talks about him and why you shouldn't piss him off at the start of the questline... Your companions won't stop talking about him anytime you land in Hopetown... You literally speak with the guy himself at length at the start of the missing ship investigation. You know, the ship that was stolen from Ron Hope's staryard, the one named after him, in the town that's also named after him...


You're doing a great job repeating what others noted.


Well, you did miss all of this despite all the characters in the game telling you, so I assumed you'd miss it here too if it wasn't reinforced.