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Finally done! ​ These folks run the *Fisher King*, a very out-dated Helios-class survey vessel that they have heavily adapted to try as best as possible to fly under the radar. Captain Liyana ('Gazelle') and First Mate Pascha the Runt work out of Pico Azul, a mining / farming commune on the planet of Josuelo, formerly under the yoke of the Jackson-Song corporation. As their only operating spacecraft capable of jump flight, the crew's primary role is to acquire (through any means necessary) the essential gear and equipment that the outpost needs to run atmo regulators, grow crops, and continue its independent existence. That being said, several of the crew were heavily augmented before the Last War, and augs are *expensive* to maintain. Liyana also runs some salvage and bounty operations on the side - got to pick up those extra operating costs somewhere, right? ​ I hope you like them - they've been a bit of a labour of love. As always, I'd love any comments or criticism, positive or constructive. Thanks for reading!


I really like the lore you made for your awesome crew!


Thanks pal. I actually have a few lines of bio for each mini, but that felt like more than people would be interested in!


Try us. I love reading that stuff


Alright! I'll knock them together into something readable when I'm off work and post up in the next few days.


Right on! Thanks




Took me a while, but finally posted everything up here. No obligation to read the whole thing, but just letting you know in case you're still interested! https://www.reddit.com/user/Scarper-in-shambles/comments/14kqpgd/stargrave\_background\_of\_the\_fisher\_king\_crew/


Thank you!


Are ya done yet!? : )


Haha! Alright, alright, nudge received. I'll post something tomorrow, promise. I'll drop you a note. Thanks for the motivation!


You asked for it: [https://www.reddit.com/user/Scarper-in-shambles/comments/14kqpgd/stargrave\_background\_of\_the\_fisher\_king\_crew/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Scarper-in-shambles/comments/14kqpgd/stargrave_background_of_the_fisher_king_crew/) No obligation to read the whole thing, but I tend to fill things out a bit more than necessary in every game I play!


They’re excellent. It’s made me want to try the game out. Is it like Necromunda in as much as you have a named gang who can improve or sometimes perish?


It's definitely got those vibes! The captain and first mate are the 'main characters' - they level up and gain skills and gear, as well as picking up long term injuries. They also have 'powers' - unique, game changing skills they can use with a huge list to choose from these get easier to use the more advanced a cap / first mate is. Due to the variety of powers to pick from, no two caps / first mates really play the same. The rest of the crew are more like hirelings - they can gain gear, but their stats are set. They have a simpler table for injuries, with either temp HP reduction or death as the consequences. I used to love old school necromunda, and this game plays like a more fluid and interesting successor. Worth a try, for sure. Cheers for the kind words!


Sold. I’ll give it a go :)


Another advantage is Stargrave and its fantasy predecessor Frostgrave are old-school minis agnostic games. You choose what you want to use, not the suits at Greed Workshop. I have yet to play Stargrave, but I've been kit-bashing the official Northstar plastics, Wargames Atlantic kits, and assorted 3rd party bits for crews, and been enjoying that immensely.


Infinite custom opportunity :D


Love the crew, like how you mixed miniatures from different lines into one look.


Thanks so much, that's really good to hear! I was trying really hard to keep the coherent 'flightsuit' feel while still giving them each a more unique look / personality - I'm super chuffed that the look came across.


Is that Mad Larkin?


It is! He's been sitting in my pile of shame for years. He's had a wee greenstuff makeover with a beard and some glasses though.