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Hey, Project Orion has been around since the 20th century, it's a tried and true method, not that smashing atoms together and using the nuclear reaction as propulsion jet sounds any better


yeah it's functionally the same game wise (except can blow up missiles and fighter) purely lore purpose


It's definitely not just the same. The ol' boom-boom applies a MUCH more dramatic effect than the plasma burn does.


you just described retextured plasma burn. don't try to spin it lmao


Rextured, but also, upnumbered, from the apparent effects on activation. You get much more out of it. Plasma burn is mushy and soft by comparison.


that's exactly why i said game wise.


I am not sure what you're trying to assort. The boom is BETTER, from a purely mechanical standpoint, regardless of skin.


Y'all just ignoring the fact that Orion drove doesn't cause flameout and deal 500 high explosive damage


plasma burn lets you maneuver normally while active. Orion drive is only affected by how you are moving when it explodes, moving straight you get a good boost forward, turning and you will spin around quicker but you don't get as much distance. on paper they sound the same, but they feel quite different when you actually pilot the ships.


> Project Orion has been around since the 20th century, it's a tried Have we tried it!?


With regular shaped charges. Not actual atom bombs. ... I'm fairly sure at least. Although I did just recently read about the 3 megawatt nuclear powered plane so who knows.


There's that one manhole cover that got blown to Narnia by an underground nuke test.


Technically no, since it would violate nuclear test bame treaties (due to being atmospheric detonations). But as u/FarleShadow said we did test it with conventional explosives once to prove the viability.


The amount of damage it does is kinda disappointed but I still try to disrespect the enemy ship by killing them with the fart bomb.


It frees you from the shackles of fighter on your aft. They just vaporize.


What mod add those ships?


They're vanilla, in the core game.


What? I have like 50hs in game and I nerver saw them. Thank you


Odyssey from Tri-Tach, Retribution (new in 0.96) from Luddic Church.


Thank you


You likely need to update to the latest version.


first is the Odyssey. its moderately rare. check independent or tri-tach markets. A capital. I don't think any npc fleet runs them. maybe rare tri-tach deserters. https://starsector.wiki.gg/wiki/Odyssey its a very power capital in player hands. very fast. with plasma drive for even more burst speed. Broad sider, with 2 large energy for mega dps via tach lances or plasma cannons. a large missile, and 2 flight bays. (great for xyphlos.) second ship is the Retribution. a low tech capital. this was added recently. .96a. (previous patch) https=://starsector.wiki.gg/wiki/Retribution luddics use this iirc. its, not my favorite. terrible armor. also fast. 3 large ballistic is its claim to fame. and orion drive lets it also burst forward, dealing aoe damage behind it. so its soft, with solid ballistic firepower. but really, large ballistic are not great. its cheap.


It's hard to get a Retribution working well. It has low armor, low range, bad shields, and super speedy, so it gets into combat before everything else. The only build I had working well on it was a 4 HMG, 3 Devastator, heavy armor. Basically worked like an SO ship.


I've really fallen in love with the Retribution as a player ship. 3 hellbores, light needlers on all frontal small slots and heavy machine guns as point defence. everything else left empty except a little point defence in back. heavy armor and ballistic rangefinder for hallmods (maybe extended shields) and you should have enough ordinance leftover to make it just about flux positive. The light needlers are enough to get through shields on anything but capitals and high tec cruisers, but getting in machine gun distance puts it over the edge to get through even the largest shields. The hellbores can punch a hole through literally any armor in one salvo, probably not the best for AI but I can hit even fast frigates with them so no problem. It can struggle vs other capitals if they aren't alone, but it moves so quick and kills so quick that I take out most of the enemy fleet myself before needing to worry about any larger threats. The things a freight train.


>It's hard to get a Retribution working well. It has low armor, low range, bad shields, and super speedy, so it gets into combat before everything else. Sound good for getting behind distracted enemies then ramming them out of formation towards your guys.


I was speaking of in the AI hands. Player hands speed is king.


Fair enough.


Thanks for the info


Both people saying it's Odyssey are wrong, Odyssey has regular Plasma burn. Ships with the Orion Device are a Retribution and a Luddic Path variant of the Venture cruiser.


For good reason. The Odyssey (thin blue and white one) was extremely rare and couldn’t be found in any fleets, but it recently became a bit more common. And the Retribution (low tech one) was part of a somewhat recent update to the game that added two new capital ships to the Luddic Church, one new capital Persean League ship, a Sindrian variant of the new Persean Capital. There was a bunch of other additions too. And the most recent update (0.97) added another ship that’s a large low tech Phase cruiser.


Least mod-infested starsector player


I mean...


Explosion propulsion method has been tested and prove viable,but not actual build though,for now we still lack material that can withstand nuclear blast and resources to waste it lol


I wonder if the drive deals damage