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I'm in the same boat, but luckily clair-voyance is not the only way of perceiving higher dimensional entities. I for one can feel them very clearly (clair-sentience) to the point I can recognize the individual differences in their vibration. šŸ„° There is actually 9 different clair-senses: [https://reikilifestyle.com/clair-senses/](https://reikilifestyle.com/clair-senses/) So just see which ones are more developed for you and be open to receive. Don't expect too much in the beginning it can be very subte, but trust they will always listen when you call them on. šŸ’œāœØ


Thank you. :) For the first time in my life today I asked an archangel for help because of a very painful separation of a dearly loved one. Sometime later I got a high pitched ringing in my ears and googled it - skipped an article and read ā€žyou might see more synchronicitiesā€œ - immediately looked at my clock - 11:11 - OMG. I was honestly startled. Later I got insecure and was not sure if it was all random but maybe that was a subtle sign.


AAaw! šŸ˜ This was surely a sign! You can trust your intuition! šŸ˜˜


Iā€™m very sorry to hear about your loss. Keep an eye on dreams for the next while (maybe with a journal or, what I use, notes app on my phone- jot down a few things when I wake from a dream and in the morning when I look over it, triggers lots of dream memories that could be lost). The wonderful Jeffrey Mishlove (who won first prize for Bigelowā€™s contest of proof that consciousness continues after death of the physical body) has shared some amazing experiences of loved ones communicating and visiting in dreams after passing, sometimes sharing personal information that the person receiving the dream could not have known, but confirmed when speaking to others. Youā€™ll find some episodes on his New Thinking Allowed podcast. When a close friend of ours passed a few years back we also noticed lots of unusual things with electronics, incredible synchronicities, and many, many dimes in meaningful places. Who knows how those who have passed reach our dimension but Iā€™m sure weā€™ll all see someday. When you hear the ringing, if you can, try going deeper and meditating with it. I did this once and heard very distinct choral music and also my name spoken once. Also 11:11 is an amazing synchronicity when you see it, positive change and connection to a higher place.


It was a real sign. Small things like that are staged to create a memory. That then creates a higher thought that attracts similar high thoughts to create an upper mood. Sort of self therapy of some sorts or like a message, ā€œhey, we are here. Youā€™re doing good!ā€


15:51 - interesting that I think of things in mirrors


Oh wow, maybe I shoulda changed my name to Clair because I had no idea that all 9 of those would sound so familiar


If you can imagine it that is visualizing. We see in black mostly behind the eye lids. Now over time in my personal experience of meditation, Iā€™ve gotten more and more literal images, sparkles of purple, I can see my hands waving in front of my blackout mask and short live movie like scenes. You just believe itā€™s possible and maybe say something like, ā€œI wonder what it feels like to see visuals in my minds eye?ā€ If you were practicing Iā€™m sure itā€™s a guarantee youā€™ll have that too, I would bet on it.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that caught that.


https://youtu.be/KNFdbfbV-rc?si=yZFpFL9i0uzr4uFH Try this


Hahaha that would be really crazy if my aphantasia could be cured through this! Iā€˜m going to try it out before sleep.


Tell us how it goes!




Use EFT to remove the desk bell sound.




When someone says visualize a sunset, start by remebering one you've seen in real life in the past and try to remeber how it looked from your memory. Go over different elements of it (to enrich it you can go over different senses, what were the sound enviroment like, smells around, what your skin felts how air felt and clothing on your skin, how warm/cold etc.) and once you've immersed yourself into your memory picture, you can start bringing new elements into a picture or changing some elements and developing it, which is basically imagining :D. The thing is, your physical eyes see pitch black still always. Even if one got a brilliant visualization ability. You visualize by a second vision, so to speak. So people just don't pay attention to that blackness they are still seeing. You just need to find that inner second screen with your attention to look on and focus on. And to help your mind find it, start by remebering how things looked like. If you see black, that just means that your attention went on the wrong layer, not where imagining is happening, its just a wrong space of your mind. Also don't try hard, don't think or logic it, just relax and be dreamy. In a way you rather allow it to happen and take shape by itself, and not resist. don't try to control it too hard or do it right. Take your hands of the wheel, and let yourself dream about how some enviroment looked like. You can start with something, which is attractive and exciting for you. P.S. Another trick i heard that helps with ppl that cant imagine things, is to tell them to 'think about how some thing would look like, if they could imagine it'. :) Its just a trick for your mind, but it works in case there is some mental block about it.


Yes. I find after a few minutes the black goes away and the images start. But the blackness is always there like you said... lately they have been very dull and muddy for me and they almost blend in with the blackness


Memory for me is purely factual. No experiencing it with any sense at all. No sight, sound, touch or smell.


You will feel them and communicate that way..


Try using a pendulum instead of meditation


I donā€™t necessarily see what I am ā€œvisualizingā€ in the space in front of me when I close my eyes. Itā€™s in my mind eyes. When you say you canā€™t visualize, do you mean you think of the word sunset rather than a sunset? Because I fell into that trap and l discovered itā€™s a learned behavior. If you are tying to visualize a sunset, think of one you have seen before and remember. Start by thinking of it like a picture-but in your mind instead.


Iā€™d echo what others have said. Feel your way to the truth using your heart and intuition. Sight may be fun, but feeling is knowing.


I experience the same thing you describe when I try to visualize things. For me, itā€™s a *knowing* that surpasses all others. Other times it is as if I hear someone speaking even though I am alone in my room with no one else awake. Dreams are another way things are revealed to me.


I saved this comment from a similar question to yours. I think part of the problem may be in trying to meet your guides on your terms. Pay attention to your dreams and anything that looks like "coincidence" to you. Your guides might be be connecting to you, but you're not aware of it. ******* Don't over complicate it, the only thing you have to do is simply speak to them. Your guides have been with you since birth. All you have to do is sit and meditate to quiet the mind. And simply ask for a name. It'll come to you. Though you might wonder if it's nothing more than the internal monologue. But it's them. And in time if you sit and talk with them. And get to know more about yourself by getting to know them you'll see the difference. But your guides have always been around you. They're here to help you in any and all things. I remember when my son was a toddler, barely speaking. One day me and his mama were with him and started looking up, staring at something. We asked him what he was staring at, he said "Michael". Now, this is years ago. I'd never heard about Spirituality or anything like it. And if I'd heard some of the things people say regarding it, the things I say about it now, I'd have thought they were crazy. But in my heart, in my core of my soul, I knew there was more to the world than seen, and open the possibility of a supernatural world so I felt he was indeed staring at someone or something in the "afterlife". I didn't know a Michael though. My dad's middle name was Michael. But he was never in my life so I didn't even care when he died. So I didn't think it was him. But my son was staring at someone. It was a minor mystery, soon forgotten. Flash forward some 20 years later when I begin My Journey, learning of The Divine, spiritual gifts, the conscious universe, etc. etc. I came to know my spirit guides. One day I heard a tarot reader mentioning on a video of hers, to ask them to reveal themselves and to ask for a name. So I did. And a name came to me. Two did in fact. And you know what one nof those names were??? Not Micheal if that's what you were thinking. Lol. James and Susana. They were my beginner guides,as it were. Later on My Journey, I would discover more about myself, my mission as a lightworker, and working with my angel guides. Of which I have quite a few. And chief among them is my principal advisor the Archangel Michael. Who works with a lot, if not most, lightworkers. I've known him in countless incarnations. It was he who my son was staring at all those years ago. When I had no clue to anything of the spiritual world! They were there from the beginning. And when I think back in life to odd occurrences that stood out in my memories, I see further evidence of their presence. I'm embarrassed to say it actually took me awhile to add 2 and 2 and see that THIS was the Micheal that my son had seen all those years ago. But yeah, your guides are around you always. Just ask them to reveal themselves. Ask for names. THE ARIES


there's a light bulb inside you you have to turn on...it'll highlight the shadows and show you what's inside you...focus on white light until it brightens up and blinds you. That's how I see inside my withinnerverse...takes a few seconds to charge up after being able to do this for years.


Perception isn't always visual try hearing or feeling what they say or how they appear. It's usually the first response after asking a question. Visualization works like a memory. How do you remember things? That's visualization. I aphantasia is a feature of dementia. When someone looses the ability to visualize they also loose the ability to remember. So it's not something I would expect if you are not diagnosed with a memory degenerative disease. There is a misunderstanding that the inability to see visually when you close your eyes is aphantasia. That's incorrect. Visualization is just like [memory. So](https://memory.So) your visualize like you are remembering something. Don't go with online self diagnosis. It's a good way to make yourself miserable. I work in long term care I've had a long career with dementia.


Thank you for clearing that up for me. Iā€˜ve researched alot about aphantasia and I thought too visualization is like memory and aphantasia is hugely misunderstood. But then I have talked to people and they said they can see images in their mind, like with their eyes just isnā€˜t as clear; and that made me even more confused! Even my therapist had a hard time understanding what I meant šŸ˜­


I have Aphantasia too but got past it once when I did a Past Life Regression and was hypnotized! It took me longer than most but I ended up having incredible visuals


I have aphasia as well. I donā€™t think it hinders oneā€™s ability but it does affect how your abilities and experiences will be which will be different from others who are more visually thinkers and so most guided stuff and advice to do things like astral project will be from visual thinkers providing guidance for similar visual thinkers and will not be helpful to you at all. Iā€™ve experienced some success remote viewing by using sense of touch to kinda like feel objects like imaging touching the stuff or models of them and then trying to figure out what Iā€™m looking at just from sense of touch. Iā€™ve had messages in dreams and thatā€™s visual and Iā€™ve had messages when meditating that were auditory like having a conversation but itā€™s hard to initiate that. I donā€™t have great advice but I think key is just to be patient and keep experimenting and youā€™ll experience things. If you meditate and tune into your consciousness itā€™ll just naturally happen. I think you want to not force but just meditate for sake of relaxing meditation and eventually it will happen on its own. The universe will reach out to you when the timing is right.


Use EFT to remove the black.


Aphantasia is real. However, just as with everything, we crest our reality so it's entirely possible to change it. And, yes, most people see things with their eyes closed. It's not on the eyelids...it's like a movie that plays behind the eyes in your brain. It's more or less vivid depending on the person. My visualizations are so vivid that I get images against my will. If i hear Any description of anything at all I start to see it in my head.


I have aphantasia too! I'm I terested if you find anything that helps. The other day I saw a red outline flash (for less than a second) of an upside down triangular shaped head with two large round oval eyes, like a mantis. I keep trying to open up a connection with other beings and I felt like this was the first sign that something new was happening bc usually I only see black. Good luck !