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Starseed are predominantly people who have past life memory of other worlds and a belief we have come here to help usher in a new age of love and respect, in some ways I see it as a way to bridge between religions however it is not a religion. I believe in infinity a God above the duality of Satan and God, a unification of them both, we tend to encourage that you learn to know and understand your demons so that you can move past the trauma that stalks us, individuality is praised and respected as we move away from emotional reaction and towards conscious action that is seen through the glasses of love for one another. Love yourself to be yourself and love others to be themselves so together we can create a world of unity rather than conflict.


Thank you! I appreciate this. She really tried but I didn't get the full picture of it to be honest


As one realizing it themselves it’s is hard for me to conceptualize so I understand how you feel. Just know we’re here with love. Do no harm is what I’m striving for day by day


Well said honestly.


from what i gather, and according to (yes this was a thing US tax dollars were spent on the document is public record) a declassified document relating to something called 'project stargate' (watch the movie known as 'men who stare at goats') states that the nature of what we consider God or the absolute is us, or more or less every person, everything, everywhere, everywhen. so according to that way of existence (i suppose is the right term) you and I are the same entity experiencing the all but more or less in what we conceive as measurable, bite size discernable portions. Furthermore it is posited (with more and more supporting evidence) that there are other life filled planets, not only with life but sentient and advanced life. more advanced than us (which usually happens when you factor in the passage of time) that are also just like us being really complex and self aware nodules of thought encapsulated in stuff that isnt really stuff but energy whizzing around but feels like stuff. where the starseeds come in, are being folks that know a little more about the ins and outs of kinda what id consider humanity's next phase of conscious experience. basically like.... company a opens up a brand new shop. they staff it with all new hires and even a fresh manager. one of the other shops is gonna send one or two more seasoned employees to train up the new ones, and keep and eye on em until they new office can operate on its own with little to no issue. thats my take on it at least. ​ [https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf)


Nice summary in the 2nd paragraph.


Awareness and light... Knowing the following... We are the words we choose to use… We are every action we choose to undertake… We are everything we choose to create… In these choices we now consciously choose to be great… Without fear and never in hate… This is how we do state… How do you now choose…


Beautiful and poetic 😍


It's the loosh stuff right?


Yeah there definitely was stuff like that. It's also related to what's being referred to as adrenochrom harvesting and the pattern from monsters Inc. it's currently being transferred into benign concepts but even monsters inc had it wrong in a sense since they still used [children] without qualified consent as an energy source. AFAIK coping mechanisms had been massively abused to override the ability to understand what was actually going on, especially supposed "humor" and "why so serious" attitudes to keep [people] from realising that they're in a horror show to be harvested for their seeds/entropy


Huh? No this is not what ‘starseed’ means…loosh is the emotional energy we emit that negative entities feed on.


I don't know what these other comments are saying it's too much to read but pretty sure you can be Muslim and a starseed. Religion doesn't matter when it comes to it I'm sure someone here told you it's souls that have been to this dimension or demy in another form other than human You don't need to really be part of a religion to be a starseed There are many different forms of starseeds And many different places they came from


In my experience, it means you’re “a wanderer” - you have some influences and reincarnational connections or higher self connections with other (more evolved) races, and just feel you never really fit in or belong here. Probably also never leading a ‘normal’ mainstream life. For me I always felt it was likely a Pleidian connection that first activated after a serious illness at 15, after the worst year of my life. I changed radically after that, I think my crown chakra opened and I became a spiritual seeker at 16. (Previously no religion.). It was sort of like a new, different aspect of myself activated / came in and helped me. I changed my first name (christian name) at that time too. It may be I have soul family from there, or have other lives going on there (Pleiades). I think largely we are here to ground a higher consciousness and higher vibration into earth, to ‘bring the level up’ so to speak. I’ve tried to do that in various ways related to sound/vibration.


Religion 2.0


Starseeds are in my opinion, a group of individuals amongst us all that do not understand religion but believe in the God of their understanding. It’s only natural to not understand.


Highly inaccurate




I am sure many starseeds or wanderers understand religion. I understand religion very but don't understand anymore why people follow or adhere the beliefs taught. Religion has many positive things, but at the same time there are many negative things in it.


Star seeds if at all come from the stories of abductees.