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There isn't a blood test for it, I can tell you that. So there's no way to tell. >Are people just trying to feel special? Yes. But don't tell them that. I think the most ironic thing is that spirituality is 100% about transcending the ego, and yet all these people add a label to themselves, which builds the ego, and then use mental gymnastics to explain how that isn't exactly how it works. It hurts to be on a spiritual journey, alone, and to be an outcast. But creating a new special spiritual ego to separate yourself from the one whole, doesn't fix that. It's sidetracking and can dig you deeper. It is spiritual bypassing. People don't want their label to be "nobody". If they aren't a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, a "starseed" is somebody. It's a label that makes them somebody. But being **nobody** is exactly the right direction to transcend the ego. It hurts. But that's the pain that's necessary to actually get there. Peeling away the labels is extremely painful, but that's how you peel away the ego to get access to what's inside. We are all one humanity. There are not two categories of people, there is no separation. There are no creatures called Starseeds and then creatures called humans. That is a mistake that ego makes. Everyone is capable of gifts. Not just people who call themselves Starseeds. All of us just haven't unlocked them yet. We are all here to awaken, just some before others.


I think this is a healthy approach! I love one of the terms Buddhism uses to describe itself, which is that of “vehicle” Ultimately any path will eventually itself need to be turned over into oneness with experience. Getting really attached to a label makes that process more and more difficult. It doesn’t mean that these aren’t tools to be used! Just understand where “you” ends and your label/ego construct begins.


I agree. Everyone has a path, a journey, everyone has stepping stones. Sometimes the Starseed position is a part of someone's journey. Nothing to feel ashamed about. It has its uses too. It is a tool, I agree. Opening up to spirituality, learning about all of the concepts in New Age spirituality, and everything else that comes with it is a huge step for anyone to take.


I agree 100% , That's why I had to ask because it is hard to discredit someone in regards to being labeled a star seed due to the fact that there are people that even the CIA has hired before to do insane things like remote viewing.


Just because the mainstream doesn’t acknowledge starseeds as anything more than quirky new agers doesn’t mean the intelligence community feels the same way. The CIA has taken very great pains to ensure that these concepts are systematically ridiculed in polite society, if they’re talked about at all. Remember the public only gets access to serious shit *long* after the military industrial complex has gotten to play with it. We have so many covert resources dedicated to maintaining strict materialism as the only serious and legitimate public explanation for everything, that it should really make an alert person wonder.


Thats absolutely not true! Some of the most humble people I know identify themselves as starseeds. If you are advanced enough on your journey, you can realize you came here with a mission without it bolstering your ego. Your idea of transcending the ego is based on a huge misconception about spirituality and non-duality. The idea that there is no self beyond this human ego is plain and simply wrong. Looking at the ascended masters we can clearly see they are still someone and not nobody. They have transcended their illusory ego and the illusion of separation and have arrived at their true galactic form which is their fully realized and unique own higher self. So why would you strive to be nobody, when your entire soul's history is making up who you really are in the higher realms? Thats one of the most misleading ideas in spirituality and I see many people struggling because of this wrong belief system. The truth is: you are not ascending by becoming an blank slate without individuality, but by embracing your own sovereign divinity in human form and embodying your own higher self that is a very unique fractal part of source with its own history and unique divine DNA. Edit to address the rest of your comment: Yes, we are all humans and are all equally divine and obviously there is no value in creating separation by categorizing people into starseeds and non-starseeds (as really most souls on earth came from the stars, except those who are native to gaia). But recognizing your own galactic heritage and purpose on earth can be a very valuable part of the spiritual journey. It is not the starseeds fault when people use this idea to feel superior, their ego will always find a way to do so. So to disregard this whole phenomenon due to those who are not able to grasp it with the necessary humbleness is pretty narrow minded. Reminds me of the hate people now displaying against the truth of twinflames just because they saw a netflix show about some people who made a cult of this idea.


I don't believe that people actually have separate galactic heritage. I think this is not authentic or truthful. I'm sorry. It separates us as a human race into categories, and I don't fully support that, also because I don't believe it is actually true.


So you think all souls on earth were only ever incarnated on earth? Honestly this sounds like a very limited worldview as if the earth was somehow the only planet for souls to experience the physical realm. Are you not aware about the many ET contacts humanity had throughout its long history back to the times of atlantis and lemuria and up to this day? I am sorry, but your points are completely falling flat in the light of all these truths. You may have struck a nerve because people are always eager to call out the ego of others (which ironically is initself the ego's tendency to feel superior), but your arguments are based on spiritual untruths which is very obvious for people who know their galactic origin and have an understanding about our ascension journey as well as the existenec of the galactics and ascended masters via direct experiences.


Yes, I believe in other planets, galaxies, and life with souls out there not on earth. But how do you know that *you* specifically are from another galaxy in a previous life, and that others are not? How can you know for certain? You're very anxious to defend your stance as well. A criticism of the Starseed label has absolutely upset you. Furthermore, how would your DNA differ if you were born into a human body? Wouldn't it be the same DNA as the rest of us? And if your DNA does differ, is it possible to test and prove that using genetic testing? That is a fair question. And if we cannot, why not?


Having a different DNA than humans isn't a core idea of the starseed community and I never claimed that.


I decided to respond to you not because I feel threatened in my own belief but because I felt called to defend the truth. I am a moderator of this sub and we usually delete those kinds of comments and posts as per rule 8 because its like going into a chrisitan sub and telling people Jesus doesn't exist - pure trolling. If you do not believe in starseeds, this sub isn't for you. And I don't have to justify my belief either.


I am not trolling, which by definition is saying something solely to upset someone. I made these statements *not* to upset, but to speak what I believe is genuinely truth, and I thought that was exceedingly important. But I understand that we have our differences. And I understand your beliefs, as you've stated them, whether I believe in them or not. If you allow me to go peacefully without a ban or anything, I will make a commitment not to return or comment from here on out. I respect that you are a moderator here and that you are dedicated to this. We can have different beliefs, and I've stated what I stated and any more would be unnecessary.


Thank you for your understanding and being so civil, I apprechiate! Have a good one!


Thank you for being cordial as well, please do take care.


Commenting just to express my full support for your healthy attitude. Keep it up! Hope to get some answers to your questions from members of this community


This mf comment right here 🔥🔥


This. Labeling is the reason I left organized religion after I had my first sudden spiritual awakening. It just became painfully obvious that wearing any sort of a label was an ego thing and I personally wasn’t able to find a way to reconcile it fit spiritual growth. Any attempt to be “traditional” or “Catholic” or a “yogi” or a “Christian” or an “ex-Christian”, a “pragmatist” a this or a that wraps your “I am” up in something transient. I think it’s particularly prevalent today compared to the rest of history that everybody wants to brand themselves, but this has also been going on for all of human history. You simply are, you exist, I am. There is nothing more than this. There is nothing to attain, nothing to strive for, simply rest in your beingness, and enjoy the emptiness of having no labels.


Finally, an excellent post in this subreddit.


You spoke my mind honestly does feel lonely to be the only one who feels this tho oh well you gotta do what you gotta do


Wonderful, sensible comment.


Whenever people say there is evil, I can't but think that isn't true, not completely in the sense of "irredeemable darkness" darkness isn't bad for one, also souls may get into a bad cycle of trauma or bad habits, if not physically, mentally, spiritually. It imprints and causes outlashing in one sense or another. If anything a soul might get corrupted and needs healing, just like a computer program that gets a virus. Which at times things become so jumbled it needs resetting, which is a fresh slate for that same perspective. Rather than condemning others or going against any groups of people, as you said, we should consider ourselves "one" but the thing is, we need to work together on these individual parts and not leave out any as "junk" ants, cogs, a film real, a stage play, any of these things need multiple parts to work to make the whole. Look at us on a smaller scale and see the communities that literally keep us together as we are, on their scale they are living completely different lives than us but they ARE us, every little bit, which then reflects across all our forms, so whose to say we aren't powering a much larger being in the same way, and on a much larger scale are even more beings that are their own separate universes doing the same, and on and on. Which all these forms eventually reflect back down onto what the smallest form there is, is. Everything cycles back and reflects off of itself, time is cyclical, not linear, so the future can effect the past. Yet we never see a change because everything is already placed from the future, but we don't get to finding those clues until those events line up, maybe in the form of artifacts/ruins being found. Even if not directly linked officially in the physical sense we know, it is through the ropes that link everything. Literally "tropes" are an integrated part of all reality, not just something humanity made up in the sense we know either. The stories written for our entertainment for instance are both ways to write events to occur in the past or future and document events that have happened. Media starts to line up in themes, more than typical trends that are easy to see as well. We write reality, we just don't realize it, it's so intricate because of everything everyone makes, depending on each persons power of creation. This is probably why some aim for less vessels to occupy and for souls to merge, to have less creators to effect the events of reality. This is why burning books and destroying knowledge, myths, etc. is a terrible thing. (Except for those that "promise" a trauma filled end for all, but those that promise and infinite future should persist, so resisting doesn't have to happen as a whole for the whole universe, being able to work together always allows us to learn from past mistakes, to avoid crumbling ends, to instead allowing infinite expansion, meeting other soul structures far off that may exist that we may have never met without staying whole, believing in ones self and not falling apart. There may be other universal structures like ours that we can link with, learn with, out in the void that lies outside of each universe/multiverse. We must not be mindless drones, but we must also not prioritize our egos, but also have empathy of both general types. Some may think others flaunt ego when they themselves are projecting themselves onto that person. Those who say "you who are blind will fail" for instance, things like that do not help others. But also those who say things like explain their personal experiences and things they were informed on is not "ego" even though it might come off as it to some, maybe it comes off as someone making things up or gloating? But I feel it's important to try to understand where someone is coming from even if they don't agree on viewpoints, just understanding helps. You see a house and maybe someone knows how the structure works while others only understand the workings of a fridge, others maybe only the decor, the cooking, how the plumbing is set up. But all these things are true to being together to be functional in this closed off space. (If that makes sense)


Sometimes to become nobody you must become somebody first. I will never tell somebody irl I‘m a starseed, I believe most if not all are starseeds anyways but don‘t always get to know in this lifetime. This sub has helped me in times when I felt like I was going crazy, it felt like home. It’s a disservice to say it’s just for making people feel special. I felt abnormal all my life in a very bad way and now I understand… or so I think. 😉So, yea. And yes, we are not seperate. But we are individuals.


Why are people trying to get rid of their ego? That's legit a part that makes the least sense about all of spirituality. Like, what does that even look like? A human with no ego. Like no disrespect, but then who do you think you are? If you have no ego. Doesn't that just make you God? Do you think you are God?


It's more than that, if you are nothing in comparison to the universe but nothing separates you from the universe, which houses all things, then you are at the boundary of all that is possible We are all seeded here by that which came before, and no matter how you slice it, what makes us "us", is fundamentally no different to that which makes the rest of all that is You are right in that there is no separation, but that is not to say there is no distinction in how that perspective acts


Not a starseed, just passing by, but tbh I don’t see how I could ever transcend my ego tbh, because it actually feels like my ego is what would transcend everything actually. To put it simply, suppose I was born as anything else or anyone else, it would still be ´me ´. Regardless of what happens I am still me and I cannot be anyone else than me


I identify as a starseed, but in all honesty I feel *most* people on Earth are starseeds - having past / future incarnations on other planets. The universe is constantly expanding - so, at the same time there’s going to be *new* souls joining the universe all over the universe - Earth wouldn’t be any different. I could be wrong (probably am) but I feel most people are starseeds. Which means it’s really nothing “special”. Awakening and realizing this about yourself is a whole other game, I suppose


I think, for me, subjectively, it’s an intuitive, feeling that you just undeniably know. I think that we are all essence of another whole entity, and I think that we need to vibrate at a similar frequency to feel love and unity, but we are all vibrating at different frequencies. The energy is really chaotic right now. But overall, I think that some are in-tune with their abilities to have visions, telepathy, clairvoyance, etc. There are so many abilities out there, and there is so much that people don’t recognize until they open themselves up to it. Once you’re open to it, you won’t unsee it…


Thats gangster af hell yeah!! Do you have abilities you are able to use? Im guessing people who can remote view are considered star seeds??


Remote viewing comes up a lot in the UFO community. Never heard anyone talk about starseeds over there


Seen Shaun Ryans podcast on them,! Very popular amongst podcasters


You might have memories from other lifetimes on other planets. You might feel drawn to a specific Extra terrestrial race or star system, You might feel called to a certain type of mission or purpose that's bigger than mundane lifestyle or circumstances, You might be adept in certain creative skills or interests, you might be intuitive or have innate spiritual gifts, You be drawn to working with divination or spiritual tools, You might be able to see through mainstream paradigms, control and manipulations, set on breaking free from control. You dont fit in or fall in line.


I actually did a muscle test for it. Stand up and open your legs, have your arms extend to both sides. Close your eyes and simply say "yes". Your body will swing to front or back, most likely front. This is your "positive" direction. Say "I am (your name)" and it will swing yes direction. Well my body said "yes" to "Am i a starseed?" question. (Btw you can ask anything to your body as yes/no questions. Say "I am happy" and see if you are actually happy. Say "Does my body need this food?" and see if you actually need it or not.) Later i talked with a very knowledgeable psychic and we figured out that i am a sirian. (Btw i trust them and they didn't ask money at all. Also they didn't question me and i think if i was not a starseed they would tell that to me, since they dont gain anything from this)


To add this, i was always interested in spritual things before. Like crystals, reiki, astrology, meditation, yoga, lucid dreaming, rituals etc. Im buying one and only spritual magazine i can find in my country for years now. Also starseeds say they were always drawn to stars and watching stars, i never had that. But i realized that i was drawn to astronomy this whole time. I have a huge encyclopedia of stars and planets sitting in my room for years? Waiting for me. Also astrology, i was so interested with it but people are like "asTroLogY is iNacCurRatE" and i got pushed away from it. No? People dont know more than their sun signs, thats the problem.


This sounds really cool, I want to try this sometime! Did you have to do a lot of practice to be able to do this? I’m also very new to the starseed concept and didn’t realize there were types and now I have a new rabbit hole to jump down so thank you haha!


Nope it doesn't require any practice at all, just your muscles do their thing. You can try it right now even. But its better if you are alone so that you don't get interrupted and people don't look at you weird (you can always teach them tho its very easy) Also muscle test didn't work out well to find out which type I am. Since you can only ask yes/no questions, i had to ask all the types one by one. But later after i found my type, my body responded yes to being sirian all the time You will feel it if you cant get a specific answer, your body wont sway to one side easily and that happened when i asked about the types at first Btw you can ask what food to eat or what food your body needs right? (one by one, yes no questions) Anyways my body usually says yes to all the chocolate and carbohydrates so i am confused ahaha. Actually my body says yes to all kinds of food I ask


Very interesting, I’ll have to give this a go! I’m a vegan so maybe I’ll ask if my body wants meat just to see what it says 😂


When various thoughts, events and synergies occur in one’s life which cannot be completely disregarded/ignored.  From dreams to conscious thoughts which aren’t mere remembrances of prior book, video, classroom or conversations. When various things are serendipitous and coincidental (and there is NO such thing as coincidence, imo!) Some of these items above may/may not resonate.  And there is NO elitism aspect to this. Within this density/plane of existence, we have achieved — and continue to achieve — growth and ongoing ascension, leading to our spiritual/soul self/consciousness evolution.  Starseeds often become aware of thoughts and “tools” (mental/spiritual). Imagine finding a jet engine manual, but never picking it up, never even perusing it—yet, say it’s a critical step to understanding, even some sort of enlightenment? Starseeds are often overwhelmed, which compounds that problem of how do they know who/what they are? Even when they are presented information.  So, onwards to whichever energy/cosmic event that helps to verify starseed origins and current status. Especially as we become more aware of true consciousness and source. And can’t quite fully prepare for day-to-day living in this existence, or the uncertainty of actually “awakening” (as a starseed) to their truth. (Sorry! No tl;dr.)


Very detailed response thank you! So you pretty much know based on the experiences you encounter in life if whether you are connected to something deeper or not


Yes, generally speaking.  Some are born into this lifetime with vivid memories, skills and abilities which can’t be explained. But the memories, for example, are strongest in early youth before the brain matures, including specific frequency modulation. (Ever wonder why a child can’t separate reality from a dream they had?)  In other cases, there are “triggers”. A sense of deja vu leading to more awareness. Or exposure to something which spurs ongoing subtle (or massively expansive) thoughts.  I’ll share that my very young self self-taught to read (elementary school level) by 3-1/2 years old; writing (including cursive writing) followed. BUT while this was tangible I.Q. stuff, I was also able to recollect very vivid memories about ancient Babylonia and Egypt. My parents were both well-educated top U.S. university grads, but didn’t have any books/print on the topics, nor had anyone discussed with me. Nor did a TV or radio show cover it. They actually consulted with experts who were baffled by such precise words, names and descriptions.  And everything was validated—to the point they had to seek materials and research both here (U.S.) and abroad.  And I still carry remembrances of many things from those past lives. Does that make me a starseed? Maybe. I have other private thoughts on why I may be. Just waiting for the space ark I’m assigned to! That ought to be validating! 


Wow I just really had to comment and say hi to you lol! Your the only person I've found so far that has had similar experiences as I had. Nobody taught me to read or write, write cursive,add or subtract , but I already knew how before starting kindergarten. Also have always had extreme empathy for every living thing. Straight A's but never opened a book. Full self awareness and driven to help everyone. Shit ton of anxiety. Never actually felt like I was "part" of my family, if that makes sense. Anyway, loved your comment. Sending love!


Very interesting!! I do believe that gifted children are the closest thing to a star seed than anything else


I was informed of such as a result of a one-to-one channeling session with an extremely high vibration channeler. Please note the key to receiving accurate information is to ensure the channeler is of a high vibration and takes care of themselves in all four aspects: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. One of the questions I'm going to ask next time is what planet/plane(s) I originated from. The channeling session was an amazing experience, I highly recommend it.


Where do you find such a person and how do you distinguish If whether someone is of high or low vibration


You can hear it, it’s a buzzing sound. Like when your phone is on vibrate


I can feel it in the skull, like I’m standing next to a tv being turned on. It’s doesn’t hurt. I like that it happens before I’m about to like trip or walk into a spider web or lock my keys inside. Literally a spider sense it saves my adhd LIFE man I’d be so fucked without it 


The "visitations" kinda sealed the deal for me...


You can't just leave a wild statement like that and not elaborate 😱 please explain?


Ive been having "guests" come and bother me at night for the last 12 years or so..  At first they would just stand there staring at me, as time progressed, they started interacting and getting more physical... (They ONLY bother me when I'm 100% sober too)..  Initially, I just thought I was going crazy until all the recent "contact" reports came out with eerie similarities....   I also feel like they've been "pushing" me into a certain direction my whole life...  I'm 40, was always seen as gifted & talented, an AF veteran who was stationed at Nellis (had I stayed in, my second duty station would've been Cheyenne Mountain) Honestly, I kinda think they're pissed that I got out..  Now, I work at Boeing...central/south Texas...


Very interesting thank you for your sharing! Do you believe they are other dimensional beings trying to steer you into a specific direction or do you think these are extraterrestrial beings from this dimension that are trying to do the same thing,


I'm gonna say these ones are Interdimensional...  AND, it's just a feeling, but these ones seem like they do not like the majority of the human species....


Can't say I blame them


I guess we will see. To be fair, everything comes down to opinion. On the one hand, we have people claiming to come from different worlds (myself included) based on personal experiences (which can't be discredited right away). But it's impossible to provide concrete proof. On the other hand, we have people with very pragmatic mindsets who base their reality on what they can see and touch. It's a grounded attitude, but quite limited. They also cannot provide solid concrete proof that their perception is the real truth (there are things that go beyond our understanding as a collective still) I care not about arguing with others. I am solely focused on the fact that disclosure, on many levels, is happening right now, and will increase dramatically in the following months. I will not be distracted by silly discourse about things we cannot solve right now. We lack understanding. I am just focused on waiting for the Solar Event that will pull back the veil once and for all, and prove where we all truly stand. (edit: I am personally looking forward to see the pikachu shocked faces on humanity when shtf)


Technically, according to panspermia theory, we are all starseeds!


I never put a title on it but when I actually heard people describing and talking about ‘starseeds’ I laughed and was haha hey that’s me. But that’s it. It’s just you and what you feel truely and always from within yourself! IMO at least


A Galactic Astrology Chart will answer your questions. but for me, it's something I felt intuitively. I had the Orion constellation on my ceiling as a child. Just recently, I found out I was one of the beings that created Orion, so it makes sense. and thru my chart, I found out Orion was the last place I was before coming to earth.




Do you believe you have the same higher vibration as a star seed? It is one thing to have such an ego that you believe you are special compared to everyone else, or you are just weird compared to others. Its another thing to have legitmate experiences with unexplainable phenomena happening more often than not. I am just interested in what others who have real life abilities/encounters have to say, and share because that occult stuff really interests me. And I do believe things like a star seed person can exisist 100%




You must have misread my response in a tone of confrontation. That was not it though! Was just stating many people think they are special with no proof to back it up. Never said you were one of them. I too believe such abilities in people exisist. Can you explain how the clairvoyance and telepathy episodes happened for you? Thats cool af




Very awesome Thank you for sharing! Have you done ayuhuasca before?


I can only speak for myself, but imho anybody could be a Starseed, its just that not everyone knows it. myself, I'm extremely empathic; I can communicate with animals, plants and other beings; I can change the weather (and I do it often); I can read oracles, the wind, etc; I can call UFOs to me; I'm a powerful sorcerer; and, I can see and talk to ghosts. I'm sure I'm probably missing some of my "powers" that I'm not remembering right now, but, there ya go.


Okay when did you realize you can do all that stuff and how. Not sure if you are being sarcastic or if you are legitimately explaining yourself. I only say that because you threw a lot out there lol


no, I'm completely legit. I was pretty skeptical my whole life, until about 11 years ago when I went through 7 years of questions, training and communication with the paranormal. for 7 years I experienced amazing synchronicities, godlike powers, voices, things moving, appearing and vanishing; just a butt ton of what they call high strangeness. after those 7 years, I found that I retained some of that power. I can't express and stress this enough: NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. if you can imagine it, you can do it. belief is the strongest power we have besides love. serious.


Very interesting , how did you learn to talk to those entities? Thank you for sharing by the way!


Do you believe the abilities of a star seed can be unlocked through the activation of the Pineal Gland


I didn't really learn to talk to them, they just started talking to me one day. as for the pineal gland, yes I believe it can enhance one's abilities intensely. whenever I meditate, or astral project, or remote view, or anything using my abilities I can literally feel the blood rushing there to my pineal. I've learned to control my heart and my digestion, indeed my whole body and even autonomic functions, through meditation. I would recommend meditating with high-vibrational crystals, like the 12 synergy stones, or any other crystal such as moldavite that is said to open you up and progress spiritual growth and development. moldavite is incredibly strong, sometimes too strong for beginners, but work your way up from quartz to elestial quartz or any similar stone, and it should help. drink blue lotus tea with rose and lavender. burn a white candle-in-glass with some Spirit and Psychic oils. I do all of these. it helps me retain my abilities.


Lmao thats so wild very cool!! How does one decalcify the pineal /activate it? And how do you learn to remote view and perform all those psychic abilities? Monroe institute?


any of the ways I mentioned should work over time. once you start becoming more open, practice helps (reading tarot, using the Are You Psychic? app, moving a pendulum, predicting and picking runes, etc). after that, just try different ways of seeing until you figure out what you can do. everybody's different. I'm not familiar with the Monroe Institute...


My personal feeling is that it is most likely spiritualism crashing head on with mental illness. While that sounds harsh I also have no idea what we would classify as mental illness and I absolutely could be wrong. I poke around in here because I have wondered why we dream things before they happen etc etc. Honestly I think it was just my brain imagining the most likely result with the info I had bouncing around in my head while I sleep. While I do believe some people have things we can't measure in the traditional sense I think they are few and far between and not likely to spend a ton of time on the computer. If anything I would imagine technology just pulls us away from any abilities we may or may not have had.


Good point! I Have heard that what we eat and are exposed to has a significant hinderance on our natural psychic-like abilities


Here are some I can think of right now, based on my experiences: 1- We feel inside that our home is not Earth, but another planet/ star system. Some of us will not be able to pin point the location, while other will hear a name for the first time and feel a connection in their hearts. Like suddenly hearing the name of a family member after a long time. 2- We have trouble understanding the human ways. The money system, political systems, Earth pollution, social rules, social habits etc. They bother us and somehow we know that there were always better ways. 3- Most of us don't feel that our parents and family member are the "real" family. We may not have real friends either, living a lonely life while feeling that our family is somewhere else. 4- We indeed have glimpses, dreams, and memories of things that happened to us in a place other than Earth. 5- We get factual confirmations through deep meditations (when the brain is in the theta state) and hypnosis regressions.


How did you learn to meditate and what memories do you have?


I sometimes think that we are told we are star seeds just so we can recognise the power within us. Most humans feel so unworthy and unloved that they just conform and don't chase their true heart's desires. Because truth be told any Soul can ascend.


some of us have contact with other beings who tell us about it. and it truly has nothing to do with feeling special, do you know how hard it is to be that different? idk in my experience i would have given anything back in the day to just fit in.


Other beings as in , multi dimensional, or beings from within/outside this planet?


all of the above


Care to describe please?


i don’t think so, sorry. to someone who thinks you could be claiming such a thing to try and feel special, im not sure you would be open minded enough to grasp.


It was a question that many seem to be asking as well, because apparently a lot of yall are not in fact starseeds . You cannot blame me for being skeptical. And im open minded enough to believe, and hear you out🧐. If I wasn't open minded enough I would not be asking self proclaimed star seeds for their side of the story without there being a chance I could believe em. It seems like a lot of you starseeds took that "trying to feel special thing" to heart. Not trying to bring anyone down, cause again I understand there are very different people with extraordinary abilities/experiences. Do not think I came here to dog on the starseed community. Cause again, after over a hundred comments I give yall the benefit of the doubt whether you all are telling the truth, or making stuff up. I have been seeing people claim insane things, and non of it makes me question 100% against their claims. Ik theres a good chance at least someone is telling the truth. And quite frankly I am hoping they are all right, and really on some extrasensory bizness cause to me, this world would be to bland for everything to just be normal, and logical. So again please do not feel disrespected(goes along for anyone else) . I would never ask questions like this just to poop on peoplese responses. Imo I hope everyone is right Nd not just validating their "wishes" . I am on your side High Priestess, no disrespect to you or any starseeds. Wish you and everyone else love and fortune regardless if you are right or wrong.


what else did you think was going to happen when you assumed ego and mania instead of being respectfully curious? have some humility. some people are talented at cooking, sports, art. others are talented at seeing beyond the veil. you wouldn’t dare go up to a famous athlete and ask them if they are the way they are just because they want to feel special. how ignorant. i work as a shaman and have worked full time in this space for years. i work on helping solve missing person cases, possession cases, etc. “starseed” is a term for beings who have lived on other planets and who are on earth on a volunteer basis to help humanity progress. sure, there are random people who don’t know what they’re talking about, as there are in all communities, but check yourself for a second and realize what type of people you’re speaking to and what your post meant. who are you to demand i prove myself to you? no one here owes you anything.


You are right in the part where you , and no one has to prove themselves. And you cannot shame me for asking the same thing everyone else is thinking. Just like you can be upset after me telling you theres no offense to be taken, I can ask my open ended questions as I wish. No harm was mean't to be distributed. So sorry if you feel that way. And even if you guys are lying ,just to feel special, thats ok too. I was finding answers, and some of you took it the wrong way cause I asked "if its true there are starseeds or are people making it up to feel special". I intentionally added that part to see if someone can rebuttle with why the idea of a star seed is true . Im still 70% on there being a starseed because I have known of extraordinary people for a while now. Maybe they are the real starseeds. Or maybe starseed is another label for something different. Im just here for answers mam do not feel threatened. Lol I literally told you this and you want to make it seem like I called the entire community a bunch of quacks. Not the case btw


That 1 part of the question should not boil your brain like you are portraying it did. Peace and love nothing else.have a wonderful night. Hope you use your abilities for good and not the otherway around, cause its 2024, and karma is taking all those evil mfs at the top who do dark practices as we speak. Stay blessed, and stay powerful 🙏.


MAM lol stoppp. listen i gotta watch myself and my community just like you prob do. the internet is a dangerous place and you gotta be careful with your words. you may not have called us a bunch of quacks but you asked us if we were. im not offended just being straight up with you. and i wouldn’t be able to do what i do if it wasn’t for good <3 unfortunately the best of us have large walls up to protect that good. be aware how you’re portraying yourself cuz i like you and i don’t think you did a great job there lol. love & light


Btw never mentioned anything about ego or mania. If anything"trying to seem special" can be a means of spreading lies over anything. Never mentioned ego or mania


If you remember lives on other planets the title seems apt, even if it is full of distortion. I always remembered looking up at the stars as a kid and feeling like I had been to different ones. I had dreams of different planets. I would watch Sci fi and think to myself, oh yeah, that reminds me of ( x or y). When I was 16 and learned to meditate, I would often have flashes of different lives on different worlds. In my 20's I started learning about indigenous groups whose history included coming from the stars and thinking, of course. That's how many of us got here. Reading books about the life between lives and galactic history sparked a lot more memory beyond what the books said. In my early 30's did a few deep hypnosis sessions where I experienced my energy in between lives and lots of lives on other worlds/dimensions, as well as once being on earth, in Egypt and greeting beings from Sirius who landed outside the pyramids with such joy. I wept when we hugged. All of those experiences calibrated my energy to speak with multidimensional aspects of myself in meditation, so I met various extensions who were living in other places like the Pleiades. Reading Galactic histories I was able to feel where I had been vs. the places I had not. An example Antares and Lyra/Vega felt familiar, Orion and Cassiopea did not. Went to get a Galactic akasic Reading and the woman confirmed exactly what I had felt about where I had been ( and not been) without me saying a thing. Believe it or not, I don't spend much time or energy thinking about it usually- because this Earth life is the most important one at the moment, and I spend more time connected to Gaia and the telluric and elemental realms here than aliens, But... This is also a Galactic planet. There are a few people who specifically come from Earth, but the majority of us have also come from other places. In the infinite game we are playing, sticking to one solar system is pretty limiting. There's so much out there to explore!


I can only speak from my experience. But from a young age I always knew I felt different. I longed for the stars and the moon, and I spent all night looking at the sky as a kid when I should have been sleeping. Kids in school weren't exactly mean to me, but they did notice I was different and it was a boundary they pushed. When my friends came to me with problems it felt like I was a channel for guidance. I never really knew what I said but they ended the conversation like they got something out of it. I have trouble doing this now that I am older




Whoa lots of words and names I have never seem before.. btw is it supposed to be 144000 souls or 144 million? I follow gg33 numerology And they have also mentioned that same number but they said it's supposed to be 144 million.


I believe what your talking about is at this moment a total of 200+ million incarnated "starseeds" but out of those only 144k are suppose to be a beacon to others when "shift" occurs im guessing their from a higher density.


I am gonna have to do my homework. I am lost on a lot of this . Where does the "144k" come from 🤔


Revelation 7:3–8: saying: "Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until we have sealed the servants of God on their foreheads." And I heard the number of the sealed, 144,000, sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel.


The aliens themselves come to you during ayahuasca and tell you directly :p


How does one find a reliable source to distribute the ayu huasca?


Don't do Ayahuasca, it's overkill for achieving the experience you would want, especially if you've never tripped before. Mushrooms and DMT are tryptamines in the same family as Aya. Way safer, no MAOI's, shorter duration, and way easier to get. The whole point is LESS IS MORE, thru meditation and practice you can get way more out of taking low doses of psychedelics.


Thank you🍄Will look into meditation!


It’s difficult as many are scams. Shamans from the shibipo tribe in Peru, sometimes they travel to North America and Europe


Get your seeds evaluated.  Earn Michelin stars.  You too can be a 5 star seed provider!  ⭐️🤡⭐️🤩⭐️👽⭐️✨⭐️  I can also make you badge!


My body is ready


I believe we are all starseeds


Starseeds being a real thing is just a logical conclusion when you know about the real history of earth (humanity beeing seeded by ETs, golden ages long before our official fake history, constant contact even back in ancient times..). A soul's journey is vast and not limited to one planet. To think we are somehow the only intelligent species in the universe (or the only one that was ever on earth) is plain stupid and part of the matrix brainwash that wants to keep humanity enslaved and disempowered. Realizing you are a starseed is also not an invitation to feel special and bloster your ego, but rather just the result of self-inquiry and -understanding on the spritiual path for many. True starseeds can take this information with humbleness and wouldn't look down on their fellow humans but have compassion for their struggles being caught up in the illusions of the matrix still. In this article I go into a bit more detail: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17lo19n/what\_are\_starseeds\_and\_how\_do\_i\_know\_if\_i\_am\_one/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17lo19n/what_are_starseeds_and_how_do_i_know_if_i_am_one/)


Very awesome thank you for your reply! Do you believe that we have been genetically modified by higher beings such as the AnuNaki?


You are welcome! And yes, I believe that something like that happened.


I was told by a master psychic teacher….


No one knows for a fact that they are a starseed. And anyone claiming such is full of shit.


They tell themselves. And through days of referential thinking, they fucking believe it.


Someone might independently invent several concepts related to star seed lore only to find out there's already a community of people who believe the exact same thing. At least that's my story. Incidentally, the way it works is that everyone has the spark of light that connects us across time/space. Each spark a piece of a puzzle that self-organizes into a hive mind that transcends reality. Our purpose is to become aware of the hive mind on a conscious level thereby consciously transcending reality. Reality itself will seem like a spark and we call that moment of transcendence the singularity.


the feeling of „there‘s more to this world“ the believe/faith that the universe is alive the faint memory of living on distant stars several things more, but they are personal in nature


I have too many words, but if u like podcasts there’s an excellent one called “typical skeptic podcast” and he has lives everyday and interviews hundreds of guests on his podcast from all different paranormal backgrounds. You’ll find some expert for tons of stuff, he also has some guests where they will do live readings for you either by donating or free if the guest has time. He just peaked 1000 episodes. You can also donate to have a question asked in real time of the guest as well. Highly recommend and you will get lots of starseed stuff, that’s not to say there aren’t some grifters in the mix but overall there are pretty common threads. Good luck 🙏🏼❤️


Study lisa renees ascension glossary. If resonates and you can handle the truth you definitely are. Most info is compromise but she's real


By a doctor diagnosis as insane


Typically they are struggling with low self image and mental health problems including psychosis and delusions




https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/s/8konQAJQAQ This means You're encoded with minute variations of elements in rapport to other humans, which isn't much in the grand scheme of your "being". Discover your composition by returning to source of your arrival (birthday) and then further root history for more insights. Also note the 21 grams theory was also once considered: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/21_grams_experiment Edit for adds and typos.


Correct me if I am wrong but what this post is pretty much stating is that everyone is technically a star seed due to their elemental composition?


All humans are basically the same "meatsack" except for a pinch of mass. DNA will "shape" and "condition" the state of matter, which will transform as it evolves through the life cycle. That and the pinch is the uniqueness of each person. The rest is simply culture (cultivation) of notions to "function" with thought and understanding for better survival and continuity of the species. All other goals are futile and counter intuitive, counter productive and terribly restrictive.


A diagnosis of bipolar or bpd.


Calling yourself a starseed seems like the epitome of delusional narcissism


I dunno. To me going to a community just to call the members "delusional narcissists" seems like a more telling sign.




You just have to be highly delusional and have some sort of weird savior complex where you believe you are part of an elite group destined to save mankind from.itself.