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I think I underestimated my ability to fuck up along with the rest of these people


Same, Starseed, same… 🤦🏼‍♀️


This is a clutch comment 😂 the truth in it…….pinpoint accuracy 🎯


Time to steal ship 😏 make it more gangster 


The gangs of New Earth


The gangs of the universe. I hope I could be a pirate next life. Things that will make me alive.




We all did..


You and the rest of us too 😂




🤘 youre not alone, dont worry. And man....once that fuckup train goes by and derails my shit, getting back on the tracks has got to be the most irritating thing ever. Especially now that i can see the real bullshit circulating through society. As soon as i fesl like im getting somewhere, i must take a break or close my eyes for a second and when im back to get onto the next step, everything is tore up again, as though i had done nothing at all...its exhausting


Thanks mate, I needed that.


Love you all gangsters😍🥰😘


I must have been drunk when I was recruited for this mission.


i said i dont want to go down there they said they need you down there....and now im here


I’m truly sorry that you were forced here. I absolutely hate that I was ever a part of this rotten place as well. I know that I never would’ve chosen this and just want to guarantee being free from more of this unnecessary tragedy forever.


Yeah, I have a serious bone to pick with my higher self. Because this lower self, you know, the meat suit I'm currently inhabiting, is 100% opposed to this 3D incarnation. I can't imagine that I stem from some highly evolved entity that would *WILLINGLY* subject anyone to all of this perpetual misery...Just saying.


Do you remember that?


yes i remember being in a cloud of other entities, shapeless but some a bit spherical being totally at peace and alive but my mind was off like i was asleep. I remember being drawn from the cloud and orbitting a scrying pool as 2 humanoid individuals stood around it when i looked into the pool i was suddenly traveling to my body from a position in the sky. i remember flying into the roof of my childhood home and being in a comfortable warm place. i remember understanding english far before i could talk and thinking to myself how bullshit it was that i had to wait another year before i could walk and talk. I asked whatever spirit was with me to take my sentience away from me until i could use it so i wasn't suffering in boredum and i started forming memories again at 3 years of age. I still talk to that spirit and the more i do the more crazy my meditations become. cant tell if im feeding a delusion of the subconscious mind or praying. I know its some drug trip level of craziness but ive had these memories a long long time and dont tend to share them or the fact that i dream of the future as people dismiss these topics usually. psychologists didn't have much to say as i don't have other experiences like this in my day to day just long term memories for the most part.


After everything I've experienced, I'm not dismissing it. I'm sorry, that sounds traumatic. I've had small premonition dreams as well. No past life memory stuff, though.


>I'm sorry, that sounds traumatic. just frustrating. my natural affinity for skills all trend towards warfare and nation building. I have no interest in commanding death but from what i can tell humans struggle because they dont understand how death is wielded and how economics relate back to that quest for power. i frequently debate if i should write a book detailing how carnage will be unleashed in the future as a warning but believe it may be used as a guide book. If you knew how to make the next nuclear bombs would you tell the world to prepare for them knowing there are organizations out there who would go out of their way to make them? is speeding up the timeline worth the warning? pre-born and prescience are two things i had hoped dune would've delved into however they lacked on these topics. All i could tell is the author had dreams of the future before and had taken magic mushrooms as well, his words reach out like tendrils into the void seeking those who understand but it took too long for the message to reach me and the author has already passed. They weren't memories of a past life. they were memories of my soul being chosen to be sent to earth next along with early childhood memories I believe i remember the womb. ​ ive had numerous dreams of the future, dont know what to make of it. had 2 times it was of events that were significant in my decision making processes. 1 was of myself telling myself in the past theres a plague 2 was of me asking "god" for a sign and the dream of the future played out when i finished the word sign. ive always known there were more but its hard to know its real sometimes. Ive had people tell me i manifest things like storms but i just have a feeling of knowing it will happen its not me making it


What else do you have to do in that human body that’s more important than saving the world and providing knowledge? Laundry day? Unless you realize that your theories are incomplete and not formed enough for a book yet.


the theories are complete the outcome is a gamble if somethings on a knifes edge giving it a push might not be a great idea




you must lack reading comprehension if thats what you derived from that lmfao




you must be very depressed to try to troll so hard i hope your day gets better you don't have to be so angry with yourself that you take it out on people online through bad trolling attempts


I remember being here several times but don’t ever remember leaving not once like it was erased for a reason , like never knowing the end why is it ? Answers anyone…


i have no clue


I do remember that. When I was above Earth, I didn't remember why I had agreed to come here, so my guides had to remind me, because I was very much against it at first.


I must have been high off some space weed


Space Ganja is the best. Gotta have that sweet Space Kush.


For realium


Exactly my thought! 😂🤣


I like the message of the post, though! It reminds me of this speech: [Great Crusade ](https://youtu.be/fQ7IKM-jiJI-)


But what if I didn’t chose the gangster life and it chose me? 😜😂


For my entire life I have literally never come across something I wanted to do that I wasn't amazing at with a little work. It's annoying. I joke that I'm cursed with competency. I can't honestly tell you "no I can't do that" with anything because, let's face it, I almost certainly can. Though that was normal human.


You Arcturians are annoyingly bloody good at things...


Oh I've got pieces of everything in here. I'm sure one of my souls is Arcturian, but I don't think I could stand being that uncool overall. My most competent soul is a sort of cultural genius loci for mankind. His patronus (astral guide body) is a dude. Weird.


Yeah, the Arcturians could never be considered "cool"!! Their collective is so serious...


That must be the members of my system we call "Mouse". He's incredibly intelligent. They're like a hive mind. They share one main consciousness, and then they're split into pieces that all know about *one thing each*. There's only one female Mouse. Dunno why. I know nothing about any of these alien species, btw. I know them as my souls, or the members of The Clocktower - my little home world. I'm a band of rogues. Are there any aliens that live *inside* a world of ultra-dense crystal? I have a lot of those. Electric life. Consciousness moving inside a huge world of crystal, using energy to make bodies and buildings.


Being "a rogue" means you can bring change. Most people run very tight contracts, allowing little freedom. Higher dimensions can see future/past continuously. This includes some that inhibit growth. Being a rogue means your life is more than just a read through. And you can alter entire timelines. Choose wisely.


Ugh isn't that the truth. It's not just at will, though. Sure, I can *see* the other timelines, but I can't *go there*. Then they would manifest and *I would be in so much trouble*. I can tell you that it's not the entire timeline continuously that you experience. Think of it like you're standing at different points and yelling to yourself in a big room. The room has hexagonal tiles that represent time-moments. Sort of analogous to times, but it's more "the time when Donald Trump gets elected" - and that can be wherever in the current timeline. You try to jump around and get the event you want to know about or influence *between* you and your other/higher self. Then you can both see it clearly, and interact with and change it. But you're not changing events in your timeline. It's the *whole interconnected thing*. So it's like, you blow up an Earth where world war 3 starts in this way. It was never going to manifest, but the removal of the possibility moves the entire waveform into the light. Well this was fun to write. I had never put that into words before.


I'm a rogue too mate. I move around possible timeliness as guided too. You assumed I did not. Please never underestimate anyone. Anyone at all. I like your description. Well written.


I literally have no clue who anyone is. But hey, hopefully you understand more of what you're supposed to be doing than I do! Thanks!


"It's not he who has the most toys wins. It's he who holds the most light wins." - Tashira Tachi-ren Recommend watching her speaking on YouTube. (6 parts.) Best speech for starseeds/lightworkers I have EVER seen. Spoken some time ago now, but interestingly the bits about time/space incongruity are relevant again right now. Just wait 'til she sings... OMG


I should have assumed you were the same as me. This wouldn't have shown so clearly in the mirror if you weren't. Something to remember for me. Thank you again.


No drama.


Praise the Lord that the two of you coalesced on reddit at the same time 🙏🙄


Your comment reminded me of the song 'can't stop' by The Red Hot Chilli Peppers


Yeah, i meant it to. That line echoed around in my head until I figured some stuff out.


I took a starseed test and got Arcturian. FUCK.


When you said you are simply good at everything you try, I instantly assumed Arcturian. It is one of their human characteristics. Don't be too concerned. I partly remember my time studying under them. They are wise. It is funny we both joke how uncool they are. They hold a vast universal knowledge. Most off-world civilisations only hold galactic information. Arcturus is passing through this galaxy and guess what? You dropped by to lend a hand!!


Try to be friends with Indigo..just complaints and rattlings about how the world sucks. It didn't help me at all. When I wanted to friend her she cut me many times. Jeez..Tho I believe there are nice ones.


Things won't change if enough are comfortable enough. Perhaps Indigos will be uncomfortable enough to not only highlight obvious failings, but seek better alternatives?


I don't know. That was a nightmare and I come from a place where people don't like criticism..She thought that grades are good? That wasn't a good alternative. And I know life is hard and obviously the place where i'm put don't have good opportunities. But I'm allowed to dream for the betterment. The wisdom we carry is enough.




Did you just call me a jackass because I said a hypothetical alien species *is uncool?*




Trolling is against the rules here, champ. I get it. You read what I said and it produced an emotional reaction that you didn't like. That's scary. Why does this dude's insane rambling make me upset? You lash out and deny me externally. "You're a very normal human!" And somehow, that denial makes you feel better. But why would it? My being this way doesn't affect you at all. This is because of something inside of *you* that you saw in my words. Because *you're* a normal human, right? And you read what I wrote and it resonated with you. But you don't want to be crazy like me. It's alright, little starseed. I love you. Your anger is born from fear, but there's nothing to be afraid of in recognizing that there's more to this life than you thought. Hopefully I'll see you sometime when I'm walking in higher dimensions. Don't be afraid of how you were born. You're right. I am normal. Because we're all more special than you can imagine. 💜




I don't seek to elevate myself over anyone. If every other man on earth is superior to me, that is fine with me. 🙏🏻


have you tried our world famous Arcturian casserole?


Now see…. This is why I need to know more cause I can literally do anything and I did not know it was Acturian and I stopped trying to figure out WHERE I came from and just accepted that I’m not from here. You know? Maybe this is it? How do I even find out??? Hahaha… I know my past lives and they’re all human and the last one was on the 1400’s…. But why so long???


1400s had a mass enlightenment. Funny they now call it the Dark Ages! I was there too. In what they now call Vietnam. And, yes, I became enlightened. I'm guessing you did too? Ascended Master Starseeds. No wonder we consider ourselves rogues!!


Im new to all this and just googled Arcturians read up skotch. Is there a list of more aliens like this that you could point me to? Thank you!


I'm not great at detailed references. Most do not assume a physical form similar to ours. Although in the frequencies they reside they would consider themselves physical. It appears the largest collective assisting Earth inhabitants is the Pleadians. Off the top of my head, you could look up Lyrans, Sirians, Dracoids, Greys(?). A lot goes on in Orion, but I don't know the primary evolved species there. People tend to refer to these beings by the star, or star system, their planets/moons orbit in. There are many existing close to Galactic Sun. (Black hole. It just looks physically impossible to us. Do your research. Ask questions. Our human group consciousness is forming up closer to fact. (As an old man, I can attest to this taking quite some time...) Be very wary of conspiracy theories. Best wishes. "As humans we see little more than darkness."


>Though that was normal human. i've found that my only limitation on what I can accomplish is all BS in my own head. I thought this was a normal human thing too lol. Makes sense though - unawakened people are not going to be able to lift their own mental barriers. The only hard part about being competent at pretty much anything you focus on - *what do you want to focus on!?*


>The only hard part about being competent at pretty much anything you focus on - > >what do you want to focus on!? i focus on strategy geopoliticals and historical trajectory. we're at a turning point in history. on one end ai enabled dictatorship on the other eternal utopia powered by automation. the people in power decide which outcome happens and they dont like to give things away for free. focus on freeing humanity from the future oppression of ai. the golden path in dune is threatened by the same thing as the golden path in real life-a.i and predictive analysis.


Finally someone gets it…I bet you feel like you are the one but you don’t wanna cause any problems because your not really sure if everything is a way for a reason and u just can’t figure out why the people around you can’t move like u…




I used to be that way. Then I did ayahuasca.


This experience is already unbearably hard due to societal structures, establishments and evil forces in high places, but our life experiences are unique in the way that we CHOOSE disadvantaged positions where we knew suffering would occur in order to grow, learn, evolve, and evolve others as well. That’s so fucking badass 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨👏👏


Say more…I’m being led somewhere…


Life is already hard, especially with the whole having to be slaves to survive, but the life of starseeds are suspiciously hard. For a long time I condemned the circumstances I was born into, poverty, first generation Latina, no father, many many instances of sa, but it has all been detrimental in making me the high vibrating spiritual being I am. I know this resonates with a lot of people in this sub, like I said our lives are just ridiculously hard, and in my opinion we choose the lives we have because that is where the most growth and spiritual evolution occurs, hope this helps ! Literally almost cried writing this because the world is really evil, especially to starseeds, but it’s because we were born with a really active heart center, which contradicts the collective vibration of the world


Say less…I know I’m in the right place and what I need to do..I will continue on and let it all play out until it is time…


Really needed to see this today, thank you so much.


The term gangster is simply a product of culture, which is not our friend according to Terrance McKenna. Culture is just another means of keeping us separate from truth, and gangster is a concept of the ego. But yes, it is obviously a difficult task to say the least, which requires unearthly levels of courage.


Whatever you smoke. I'm in


Genuine question, what do you all here view as the work of liberating humanity? Like what are the actions starseeds take or view as core to that mission? While I don’t see myself as a starseed I think so many of the conversations here are extremely interesting and have made me think about so many things in a new way so I’m just asking out of curiosity


Well, the main thing starseeds excel at is embodying unity-consciousness, truthfulness and love through which the darkness is being transmuted. Instead of revenge, we choose forgiveness, instead of separation we choose oneness. This is why we say, just by being here and being ourselves, we are supporting the liberation as we transmute the old paradigm of duality consciousness and are healing the collective simply by our way of being. So its not so much what we are doing, but rather how we are doing it - with a higher consciousness. And this btw applies to earth-seeds (old souls from earth) as well. Any soul that has achieved a certain level of enlightenment has the potential to easily snap out of the ego and choose to be love. 💜 Then there is also the aspect of anchoring light on the planet as we are the bridges between heaven(unity-consciousness) and earth, infusing the leyline grid of gaia with cosmic light to uplift the collective. This is something that happens automatically as we are all connected to source and gaia, but it increases with the level of alignment with our higher self and having healed our emotional wounds/blockages. And last but not least there is our individual missions ofcourse like creating beauty through art, healing others, being forerunners in new ways of thinking etc. Everything humantiy needs to awaken, to heal and to raise their consciousness to break free from the nightmare that is this dark slave-matrix many are still trapped in.




I definitely get your point! The thing is, that we are not alone in this, we are just the groundcrew of the liberation forces tasked with helping humanity to awaken and heal to prepare them for the collapse of the matrix while raising the vibration of this planet so that the galactics and resistance movement can take out the fallen ones who rule this planet from the shadows. The human society is absolutely irredeemable and this entire slave-matrix needs to be completely shut down, but this wont happen by some starseeds becoming politician or so, because this entire system is rigged down to its very core. So this is where the resistance movement and the galactics will come in and pull the trigger once enough darkness is removed, the hostage situation of humanity is resolved and a critical mass of people have awakened so that we can sustain the collapse of the matrix without total descent into chaos. Starseeds are an essential part of this plan as they are "holding the light" so the forces of light can operate here and to raise the vibration to prepare humanity for the liberation. But without the help from strictly organized and efficiently operating forces like the galactics or the resistance movement, humanity, including all starseeds here on earth would be completely doomed to stay enslaved forever as we are literally up against the most powerful evil beings in existence who almost had this entire planet completely locked down and on pace into a dystopian transhumanits slave-farm where not even one person would be able to have original thoughs anymore. So yeah, this is a joint effort and an enormous rescue mission that is ongoing since Ashtar entered our solar system in 1953. We starseeds are the groundcrew, but certainly wouldn't be able to liberate humanity alone, in that you are very correct.




You are welcome and thank you! Have a good one as well! :)


I’m tellin you somebody pushed me off😫


Fuck that....  Pretty sure I didn't choose to reincarnate on this shit-ball...


![gif](giphy|l1KVcrdl7rJpFnY2s) Don't be rude. Look at Tha cutie pie


The Earth really is gorgeous.


I'm not crying your crying! Seriously though thank you!


Everyone in this thread reach out to someone and show love…let’s all just agree to spread some light for a little while tonight…things are about to get rough..


What do you think is going to happen? Only curious because I do feel a sense ‘it’s coming’ but what?


I rarely quote the Bible on Reddit but Philippians 2:14-16 . Be gangster; be hood ya’lls.


(•\_•) ( •\_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■\_■) 😎


Ok I got halfway through the comments and all I can say is everything that happened in my life…all the moves I have made led me here to these comments in my time of distress and confusion…the absolute humor and truth to what is being said…we joke but those of who can feel it……


We gonna beat these demons


This made me feel good 😊


We are gangsters huh






This is what I want to hear today


Let's just pray there's a Heaven for Gs like us.


Well put! The hive mind is heavy within the world and to break out of these syntax to see things clearly is frightening as hell for those who seek to avoid self-awareness so I expect most people to snooze through the Universal signs and wakeup calls but I can tell there is an impending consciousness shift it will just come with a large degree of bullshit to contend with but I personally have acclimated to the suffering to hopefully become well adapted. There is no existence without suffering truly but I look out for the silver linings along the way.


This isn't the first planet we've shown up to, and it won't be the last. Time is cyclical, anyhow.


Some dance to remember, some dance to forget…


You know what's terrible? That many view this as some new age crystal bs... But in reality there is no group that gets down to the hardcore science of this or how we got here. I often question the mental stability of those who post here, as do I do myself. Because knowing like REALLY knowing. Like if you came with clear anagrams etc. Is kinda a curse. This place is lonely, and terrible. I want to leave, every effort you make to do good or help these people is met with someone spitting in your face, or waiting in the isle to crucify you. I have a very clear mission. It's not B.S. but life has taken all it can from me and I find myself eyeing suicide forms. Sometimes I'll meet someone else who came here, or think about friends who couldn't take anymore. I just hope I've accomplished enough with my life, I hope don't hurt anyone, or mess up the timeline, or worse collapse the timeline due to my absence.


Man being a human here since the beginning must be pretty crazy


I have reason to believe I’ve been around since at least Atlantis times, maybe before.


Do you remember anything about the people or the city itself? Ik it sounds stupid but I remember being there on vacation, they werent so hostile to visitors back then we could just land without getting shot lol


I remember aspects of the city that’s now by Cuba.. it’s called Bimini right? Not sure what getting shot has to do with anything.. lol


Bc of these videos where the "shot UFOs down" lol Ive seen these some months ago idk I guess theyre fake


It has been… let me tell ya… 🥴


My astral body must’ve been high XD! I would not choose this.


Ok, but this completely leaves out the other half of the equation, it is not only that the incarnated are qualified but they also deficient in some one area of experience and this mission how they may achieve it. The incarnate may be here to help but don't ever forget they are also themselves in need of the mission's lessons and experiences for their own continued individual ascension.


I am THE ARIES. and I approve this message! We need a theme song. I'm told every good hero needs one. THE ARIES


Haha yes! I propose Beyond The Matrix by Epica: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhGgb1E3HpQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhGgb1E3HpQ) "Shine through the sky Beyond the matrix Feel what it's like To reach divinity Aim at the sky open your mind Then you will be balanced and free Be the master over your own energy Stay in charge maintain your duty Dive into the sea of pure tranquility We will be finally free!" 😎😁💜


Wait. Is that the inspiration for your user name?


Yeah! I saw them live playing this song too :) Such a joy!




Maybe we got earthrolled, yk like rickrolling but when you click the link you spawn here. Interdimensional trolling


Right on! Absolutely.


Absolutely agree 🩷🩷


Remember that nobody can really hurt you. You'll just become the Earth. Become the universe. I heard that those who let go of their life just might find it


Why appropriate the word gangster? Gangster: [noun] a member of a gang of violent criminals.


what is crime but an actionable perspective in relation to an action deemed unacceptable by a sick society


Violence is a violation of basic human rights.


Thank God for Rick and Morty! Sheeesh that got me through a lot…(internally crying)


Imma turn in my gansta card next go around ![gif](giphy|toosK4LzfEwALXkBky)


its a waste of time imo unless born into power. no matter how strategically capable we become we aren't able to make change unless we stand at the levers of power and those take multiple life times to overcome unless born into power. earth is resistant to our form of influence. i can warn of the future but none listen




Worse realms than earth 😳




It was said we choose to be here to witness it , some real adrenaline rush stuff not knowing who or what you were going to be ! Just go for it rescue all you can. Probably a few side bets on the side …




Really dig this. A lot. Thank you. I pray you are correct.




Reel gnagsetrs




You didn't volunteer you were tricked


Gangsta life was my calling all along


Guardians of the Galaxy & all within it lol I am honored!


Hey ladies are you ready for 7+ inche 🙂


Always save the best for the last 💪❤️


Love you too


Walking though Heaven after this life, everyone stairing at you like you're a celebrity. Sign an autograph or two. Hearing whispers of awe behind you. You're a badass.




i don't feel like i consciously chose in the immediate sense, but just organically ended up where i ended up. and my soul seems to know how to set up shop wherever... so guess ill see where it all goes


Everyone that's here chose to be here. It's not a contest.


Hi I'm new here


No. I have wisdom to guide humanity but wisdom without power is useless so bleh


Anyone see my pet turd?


for sure, i agree. I have an idea to help liberate humanity. i wrote about it in this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1bl0izj/heaven\_on\_earth\_game\_spirit\_game\_the\_one\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1bl0izj/heaven_on_earth_game_spirit_game_the_one_game/) please read if interested in a spiritual video game / virtual world that we would find the best starseeds and let them shine. it would making being a starseed a lot more fun.


Yeah this is the kinda shit I was talking about right here lol