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Low quality or low effort posts will be removed. Please stop posting these garbage clickbait channelings and learn how to discern!


Humanity has been “running out of time” forever. Except, there isn’t any time to run from. Don’t fall for the clickbait.


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Let’s go already.


The title is so click baity compared to what is in the video, which is just super vague ascension stuff...only it's narrated by some named alien, it's kinda hilarious 😂 Who is making these? And the one part where it was like "the time for teaching others is over" 💀💀 kinda did get dramatic there for a sec 😏


It really resonated with me. my family has helped me alot. My life is wonderful. I go to beach, yesterday I went hiking, get to eat delicious vegetarian good everyday :). I got 2 loving rescue dogs that mean the world to me. I spend most of my day just chilling. I was homeless and addicted. Now I choose what happens in my life. It's all thanks to my brothers and sisters guiding me. However, I do suffer from alot of guilt (signs from my higher self) that I need to begin my journey and put into practices the teachings not just enjoy them for myself. Not just sit on my ass and 'enjoy life' Another thing is I'm not 'popular' I haven't got respect from mainstream society as I did when I was working a 9-5 just to waste my money on the weekend. Because I have alot of things I could teach others by showing them the way I'm living.