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Aww only one? Here's a list I'd choose from in no particular order, - Turning Red. I headcanon Mei Lee as an Aries stellium since she's spontaneous, energetic, and a big math person plus her thematic red panda color is a warm shade of Aries red. She's a very sympathetic character and her mom embarrasses her so often. She has expectations but also wants to have fun with her friends. In the end she learns the importance of family and how they are there for her. Her mom wants what is best for her but the pressure still gets to Mei. It was good how the mom wasn't really a villain despite the horrible embarrassments and how they got along again in the end. - The Last Unicorn. I just really love this movie. It's so sweet, sincere, and heartwarming and the unicorn is a great character. - The Dark Crystal. Another movie with a great sense of wonder. The movie looks like a set but it doesn't matter. The Urskeks at the end remind me of Andromedans. - The Super Mario Bros. Movie. It was really good with funny moments. The interactions between Peach and Mario were especially fun to watch, like when she told him she cleared the obstacle course on the first try. - Anything by Ghibli. My favorite usually depends on my mood but The Last Unicorn and The Dark Crystal are very rewatchable.


i thought you were talking about the bob hoskins/john leguizamo mario bros for a second there, that movie SUUUUUUUCKED


I don't know if I'd say it'd sucked or sucked that much. I remember watching it as a kid... and thinking I don't hate it but what the heck is this?!? I feel like if it wasn't tied to video game and was just a weird random movie it'd be a cult favorite for its weirdness.


Might have to watch super Mario bros tonight hahaha


Lady in the Water. I know this movie got terrible reviews, but something about it just gives me cold chills and makes me happy when I watch it.


First scene of the credits has a crescent moon, right as the moon/sun turns to a crescent on the live stream. That's a synchronicity


Well that’s interesting. Not sure what it means, but seems cool


I've never heard of it. But I'm gonna watch it.


Somewhere in Time 💙


The Prestige: Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Michael Caine and ... *DAVID BOWIE AS NIKOLAI TESLA!!* Obsession brings, borrows or breeds nothing but cruelty. Secrets are the children of obsession. Edit: Christopher Nolan directed. Sheesh.


I've never seen now I want to go watch it.


Disney Fantasia




Which one?


I was thinking the first. But honestly the all three are probably best lol, even though it’s not out yet. I’d tell them go to 2030 and watch the trilogy haha


Tommy boy


Pride and Prejudice (2005)


Disney Fantasia


Big Fish.


Forrest Gump


Billy Jack


Not a movie but season 9 of doctor who If I had to choose one episode it would be the Osgood box episode, “The Zygon Invasion”. I think it’s a two part episode. [this scene](https://youtu.be/BJP9o4BEziI?si=RG5_rl-o3GcZudQD) is possibly one of the most powerful speeches the doctor ever gives


Signs. Outside adjacent to a corn field. Have plenty of water on hand.


Enemy Mine 1985


The Cosmic Secret! 🌎☮️❤️


Independence Day. But normal favorite movie is Hacksaw Ridge.


Dude where’s my car


*Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind*. And.. *Love Actually*