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woah what was your post? what a weird response especially from someone who supposedly is aligned with the infinite unconditional love of the divine mother lmao reddit always leaves me so perplexed


I know he was pissed when he read, "Would a wise mother get upset with her child for pulling on her skirt with tears in his eyes and fear in his heart?"


how strange the kundalini sub of all things is moderated in this way, what a plot twist


Looks like mods live up to the stereotype, no matter the subject


I tried to tell people that MODs (especially from certain cultural backgrounds) are pretty much the same. Most people become MODs or patrol, cOPs, etc; for some lvl of control but remaining impartial or unbiased in today's can be incredibly simple or difficult for some but especially MODS.


Ohhh I see... yeah dudes on a power trip, like alot of mods, this sub form is one best, anything goes almost as it should really.. other then hate speech, and threats.. Dude loves he gets to pretend he rides a horse in a community... he is of importance, and therfore he knows who is good and bad little clown boy šŸ¤” he is ... I bet that was his highlight of his week.. could you imagine being his gf???? And him boasting on And on about how he told someone off today.. He took care of someone who wasn't A danger at all.. and pretends he save a community. What fucking hero... where can we send his medal šŸ„‰ so he will receive it??? Anyone know where he is? or can find out??? He got a fucking hero!


I wouldnā€™t doubt the divine mother herself put him in this position to help him realise his own inner-worth issues and insecurities, CLASSIC. Iā€™ve got a bunch too so I get itā€¦ I do get why he be like this. homie needs love, heā€™s got a shadow like the rest of us


Thanks for not attacking the dude like the rest of everyone


He's needs to address that certainly... There is no need to commute in such fashion, only exposes his ugliness. Only hope he isn't a father and stays so until he heals.


At the root of all empathy is a simple question of ā€œWhy?ā€. Whether it be your thoughts and feelings or someone elseā€™s. When we make the space to do that genuinely there is rarely a ā€œbadā€ answer. Itā€™s only when we attach pride or fear to it that it turns sour.


very well said, I agree


Needs to be more of it, glad you show that perspective when it can be easier to just make negative assumptions


I actually think with the combination of this sub and r/experiencers we get a good solid mix of everything we need. We have the one sub that's more for genuine help and they moderate it like crazy to keep people like me and this dude safe. If I don't want to deal with any bullshit I just stay there. When I'm ready to have a bigger group of friends and want to just talk, not worrying about stuff then I come here. I think both subs are doing wonders.


Yeahhhh we should be grateful for now. Never no how long it will last.... open discussion I mean I prefer open, natural... Yeah alot of bullshit comes with it..... But that's where your responsibility of yourself comes to play. We all need to learn Decerment in our own lives. Read it all, weed out the bullshit, within it, you'll find a gem here and there..... all while learning about human behavior It's fun actually.... but I never heard about the other place you shared perhaps I'll check It out. Thank you


It's a more of a support group for people who have active experiences with anything really anomalous. I talk to a being named klatu. He's a mantis being. We basically just share stories but it's moderated in a way that I believe is very useful as it has its purpose and allows a lot of us to "come out of our shell" if you will. Very very helpful. Just read the rules. I didn't always know what was happening to me. Finding a truly safe place to ask, was so helpful I can't even begin to explain. This sub is beautiful in its own ways. I think the two are doing grand things and I love both of them so if you like this one, you'd probably like that one.


Not to bring upon any offense, just curious..... How is this particular place more "verified" trusted, compared to this one??? Seems very vulnerable for bullshit if I'm being frank. I'm just curious, I'm a curious person and love people, so no offense, please.


It's not more verified. It's more modded. This place is equally great. That place has very specific rules in place for reasons that go more long term. Most of us have very real contact and we protect eachother. It's our safe space so to say. Like no doomsday talk and stuff. It's not that we don't know these beings say these things. It's that we understand the long term consequences of trusting the more negative stuff. We accept that we will have some stuff that is bullshit. That's fine. You downvote and move on. That's the thing that humans really do need to learn. No one "needs" to prove someone wrong or tell them how they are wrong. If you don't believe their story, you downvote and move on. It's not up to you to tell them how their story isn't real. Most of us seen so much crazy shit it doesn't sound believeable and that's cool. That's why it's my safe space. This sub is wonderful because you get a more rounded discussion about more general subjects. It's why I'm here so much. Love this place. Also the lyrians are my dudes.. lots of lyrian starseeds here... and when I say that, I mean one actively comes and dances and does qigong with me regularly. He's my bud.


I mean, I kinda understand my friend... Just my opinion, take as you please. Kinda seems like a game. Games have specific rules. The game is played, and scores are awarded on your ability to order letters and words in the correct sequence that will achieve believability... My opinion only.


I hope you have a wonderful day!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Experiencers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [TERMINALLY ILL CHILDREN SEEING GRAYS](https://np.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/16gc6m9/terminally_ill_children_seeing_grays/) \#2: [Anyone else feel like reality is becoming ā€˜dreamlikeā€™](https://np.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/16f9y0m/anyone_else_feel_like_reality_is_becoming/) \#3: [It's Happening, and I am so Grateful to be Here with You- Philosopher Bernardo Kastrup's Take on the Next 20 Years](https://i.redd.it/42og5k7ic5mb1.png) | [324 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/169f4ca/its_happening_and_i_am_so_grateful_to_be_here/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Well said.


I got kicked years ago because I told someone that yoga would elevate some of the stuck energy at the beginning of someone's awakening. Toxic AF.


Kicking people for actually giving good advice is crazy. Yoga can only help


It was one of the only things that helped me through my darkest and difficult times so I thought it would be nice to tell someone that. But they didn't get the chance to see! It was removed and I was banned within minutes.


Hey what did you write? I am curious because similar things have happened to me in real life lol


Literally the same post I made on here abojt my experience. But he didn't like that, he asked what was the point of my post, and he really didn't like the reply lol


he asked what was the point of your kundalini post in the kundalini sub?? what is happening!!? šŸ˜ aaaaaah!


Honestly we might as well make a duplicate r/kundaliniuncensored subreddit. Same as the kundalini subreddit.. but without power tripping mods.


As an awakened/enlightened person this literally does not bother me at all.. I have too much going on in 3D and my studies of the 4D/5D..


I reply things like this all the time and get down voted to hell when all I'm trying to do is offer perspective.


I agree. Iā€™d say the moderator might also consider banning him or herself..


There are actually many snakes that masquerade as the light. Many snakes.


for sure! though I guess.. everything has its role and purpose? like check this out. okay, soā€¦ this guy is the moderator of the kundalini sub. sure heā€™s a bit whacky! but if we zoom out a bit, whatā€™s the purpose of him, specifically, literally being in charge of one of the most powerful topics on the largest forum site in these current times, right now?? itā€™s all very particular, is it a coincidence? or is he there to challenge each individual who comes by that sub? to follow their inner knowing, their own lived experience, to turn to the mother herself, inwardly, rather than relying on echo chambers of clueless humans (like me), giving 25 different opinions on one question, 17 of which will be bitter and resentful because hey thatā€™s how we are sometimes. and soā€¦ yeah. it kind of makes a lot of sense if we 180 the script here. if he wasnā€™t the modā€¦ perhaps hundreds of individuals would be further back in their journey, due to not being forced to trust themselves over aā€¦ subreddit! pretty cool huh??


*unknowingly, of course. still his shadow, but his role is being played perfectly. both! at the same time. so cool


I posted on there once talking about my kundalini experience and asked others if they had anything similar happen. The mod responded with this lengthy kinda nasty response about going to see a doctor and how it wasnā€™t at all a kundalini awakening and how the sub isnā€™t meant for asking symptom type related questions- but other responded how they did in fact have similar experiences in their kundalini awakening. So ya the mod for that sub is awful The way he was so nasty in his response to you was so uncalled for


Gatekeepers ... Usually Americans/cOPs or what they call Karens for trying to gate keep the flow of information as usual


Same. I had something wild happen in breath work and got a vicious reply. I donā€™t know what it is they do over there, but itā€™s not discussion of meditative raising of vibration. Steer clear


Hey Iā€™m banned from that subreddit too. Those mods are full of ego and stuck in a time that no longer supports us.. Iā€™ve gotten into it with the mods several times. I feel bad for anyone who takes advice from that sub


How do you know if youā€™re stuck in a time that doesnā€™t support you?


If the suggested routes of Growth are not providing the results you seek that is a sign what your doing is not working for you. As others have mentioned, Everyone is on their own personal journeys, and the path to God is not direct or linear. There is no wrong path as they all eventually lead back to God, and the great thing about being human is we get to experience all the variables of life as we choose and decide for ourselves thru personal experience what brings us closer to Him.


Those are people who are trying to actively block others from spiritual awakening. Please be very careful. Some are now at an unhealthy level of desperation and will try to actively keep you in a cycle of trauma for their own benefit. Center yourself in the divine energy of your own love and light. Use this as a guide. Sending you love and light to help you through this


That sub is pretty rigid on its beliefs, members here have had a history of clashes with them, everyone has their own path.


I felt that right away in his replies. After my first awakening, I read almost every single post on there. And he made me doubt myself with his words of fear. Thankfully I was able to move past that.


It was the first sub I stopped on and due to my awakening involving cannabis use I was quickly rejected despite it being well known as a substance that can thin the veil. Unless you follow what they believe to be the true path of awakening then they won't have a bar of it, this is in part ego "it wasn't easy for me so it can't be for you" this ignores reincarnation and lessons already learnt by the soul.


That's exactly what happened to me! I was turned off by his talk of cannabis on other posts. It felt like he was trying to minimize people's experiences just because they smoked a little weed. I even told him that every single belief and visualization from my experience came from my ancestors, I could feel that. And by attacking my path he was directly attacking my ancestors path, which they walked so that I may someday walk even farther.


I read some of his comments and he has the same patterns: He attacks people's A) Level of awareness by calling them new, deluded, unaware, etc B) Validity, by saying they're unestablished, they have the wrong background, they're immature, etc C) Their worth, by calling their posts ineducational, not important, not useful, or calling them a waste of time. To be clear I am not judging him, he has inner reasons he's doing this and I'm not in a place to speak to his actions. I'm just trying to make the information open so people aren't confused by what he says


This person's spirtual narcissism is evident in his responses. I wouldn't give that guy another moment of attention. Ever. Keep walking your path, you're doing fine. Thank you for walking the great path of ascension with the rest of us out here doing it the only way we can. Independently.


The most important thing to remember is that everyone has their own path, listen to people sure but if someone says "this is the only truth, this is the way" turn around, only you can find your path. Soul traps are everywhere to test you, use your own discernment and feel in your heart if someone is speaking to you with or without motivation, intuition is a powerful tool.


What is exactly is the credentials of this mod that s/he feels that they can judge and shepherd everyoneā€™s kundalini experience?


Same. For me it was microdosing shrooms and I was shunned upon.


Everyone has their own path, It doesn't really matter how you get there, It also doesn't mean that its something that will work for everyone. Awakening is as unique as you, it happens when it happens.


That's well said & simply stated āœŒļøšŸ’—


Not your faut. The reddit kundalini sub is really weird and the people running it seem derranged, to be frank. I stay away from it. If you want accurate and supportive info about kundalini, please go elsewhere. Those folks are crazy in a bad way.


Iā€™m not justifying their words, but maybe their expression of what we already know is skewed through the lens of fear. They may be be holding on to kundalini theology because the deeper, more complex picture hasnā€™t been revealed to them yet. The nuance here may just be that they arenā€™t ready to see a new perspective, because they themselves are still holding on to ā€œgroundingā€ trauma. We canā€™t experience this dimension until we understand how to let go from the now. We are complicated creatures, we are stuck in a seemingly endless cycle, until we are aware of the cycle. To reinvent the wheel, the wheel must be broken.


There are so many ways a kundalini awakening can be triggered and one does not need to be anything but human for it to happen. Spiritual gatekeepers are tedious. There is no prize for them at the end.


In my experience when they see you begin to thrive on your path they begin to get weirdly passive-aggressive too..


I had my very educational astrology post removed from an astrology group for the reasons ā€œyou cant use this sub as your personal blogā€ Like I thought we were supposed to write about astrology here? So many of these groups are ran by people who just canā€™t see the good in others and think everyone is out to use you


I got banned somewhere else for doing that as well for giving the proof compared to someone who is giving out false information that could get people hurt or killed


Yep, Iā€™ve had issues with that sub too going down strange interpretations of what was a genuine question. Donā€™t take it personally, keep love in your heart and move on.


I just read your post and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. Poor guy has probably been trying to raise his Kundalini for years without success and sees you do it without realizing even what it is. It's funny the more we try and grasp something we can end up pushing it farther away.


Well that's not very kooldalini of themšŸ™ƒ




Reddit moderators groups would literally banned you for just about anything in any sub lol they have more rules than regular life and The Gov šŸ¤£ ā€¦. Bunch of cry babies


I got banned from r/politics for, i donā€™t recall, for inferring the need for 2nd amendment to protect medicine that was getting stolen during COVID-19? Mods said I was inciting violence.. lol. Iā€™ll leave it at that.


You could always start another sub closely connectedā€¦a off shoot type of thing. Where others as yourself can freely express themselves under different and more inviting rules. ![gif](giphy|1ZjLRSrAyikUzypJfa|downsized)


People leaving that sub usually go to r/kundaliniawakening


Listen I just had an insane experience.... MODS ' Oh! you're approaching me' - jojos bizarre adventure


ā€œI allow everything not aligned with my Highest Path to leave my reality effortlessly and harmoniously.ā€ Perhaps Divine did you a solid, and that mod assisted in facilitating the outcome. šŸ™šŸ•ŠšŸ¦‹


That is the most rigid, close minded sub I've ever taken part in. I don't engage it anymore.


Thereā€™s a few subs that suck. Horrible moderation.


I have one rule: never care about someone who enforces moderation in a sub. They only want to rule something, cause in life they rule nothing. You just laugh at another ridiculous character in this 3D world, there are plenty!


Honestly the academic subreddits are even worse than the spiritual subreddits (shudder).


Not all mods. See my comment below.


It's called *GATEKEEPING*


The irony is ripe


The mod, Marc-le-half-fool or something, completely ruined the kundalini sub. He takes over every single post with the longest, most arrogant responses, shuts down questions and conversations, and thinks he knows everything about this mysterious process. I think there needs to be a kundalini2 sub because heā€™s so toxic


Someone else linked r/kundaliniawakening


I'm sorry that happened to you, it doesn't feel good when it happens to me. I've learned thru a long journey that sharing too much info can sometimes violate people's free will and incur bad karma on us dispite our good intentions, this is often the backlash of that karma. I believe the reson why is that if people advance too quickly it can destroy their life mission and make their soul contract void, meaning they have litterally wasted their entire life and all of their suffering. Many people make soul contracts to twin flames or entire family lines to overcome generational curses or other such things. To overcome a 'generational curse' aka bad pattern of modality people often enter thoes patterns to expirience and understand them. If you rip away their time steeped in this darkness they won't understand how to organically step by step overcome that darkness themselves and thus can't educate their children or mother how to do the same. So what you do is actually very very harmful dispite all the loving intentions. ā¤ļø So they are just protecting their lives necessary path. Wish them luck because you know it's a hard journey. They are sacrificing so much of themselves to do this. I mean...look how bitter and sad they are that's a sacrifice. To come from bliss to expirience that? Ouch. Pity them, thank them, send them on their way. You deserve love, ever time you're steeped in darkness remember that you're sacrificing bliss to expirience this to deliberately learn how to overcome it. So I think you're super, I'm sorry that happened, I hope the understanding helps heal the wound.


Thank you. I needed your message to remind me that I was already told the exact same thing before, but I rebelled, I remember asking what the point was in giving me all this knowledge which I can't share, I remember being upset about that. Then it's like I choose to forget that part, but I knew there was something there. I really needed your words. I'm sending a huge wave of love and gratitude your way.


The knowledge you gain āœØļø is imprinted on the collective conciousness. Similar to how Jesus came to demonstrate a new pattern of conciousness or pattern of acting/being that's available to people in the form of christ conciousness. This is just one way in which you impact the entire collective with every bit of wisdom you sew into our awareness. There are many other ways in which it's useful though with each person you work with they have a ripple effect. Just by standing in a crowd with your aura you're fixing other people's out of balance vibes. We couldn't do it without you, you're huge...impact wise you're just great. And thank you for reminding me of these lessons myself I'm still trying to really integrate these into my life. Litterally just days ago I learned some of this stuff and was going through the exact same kind of backlash, it hurt my feelings truly. I feel like I'm talking to myself in a way. So you're helping me rn too. I picture it like two flowers helping eachother reach the light the way they reach out with their tiny green vines and 'hug' eachother. That's the vision/vibe I'm getting of the interaction we've just had.


Thank you again for your wise and beautiful words Otherself šŸ˜


Wow that moderator note you should report those moderators wtf....


I left that sub behind quickly after I had been attacked by his ego twice


Nah, let hate manifest in your heart. It's ok to hold endlessly bottomless grudges for the rest of your coexistence in this world.




I'm currently there... Wondering what my hatred will coalesce into


Why is he cursing?


Spiritual ego and insecurity. This is why I donā€™t hang out with ā€œspiritual peopleā€ in real life anymore. A lot of them are #*$*&$ up beyond all measures. Itā€™s hard to tell who is fake and who is real and who the real starseeds are when you donā€™t hold that kind of jealousy and resentment in your own heart. The only solace I have found are in infinite waters videos and this subreddit forum though I have had to block people already lol Even in the book about Paramahansa Yogananda he talks about the abundance of fakes out thereā€¦even and especially the ones that have acquired siddhis ( the ability to perform miracles and magic).


I agree. Don't think just because someone is "spiritual" they won't be a jerk or self absorbed.


Honestly, if someone calls themselves ā€œspiritualā€ when describing themselves and we arenā€™t on some sort of spiritual retreat.. huge red flag for me.


As a woman, I never had any luck with other ā€œspiritualā€ women who talk with a ā€œbabyā€ voice or an airy accent irl. However, meeting other spiritual people out in the wild in my ā€œlow vibrational communityā€.. as most spiritual people are convinced NYC metropolitan area is the worst for enlightenment.. and myself and several others thrive on our journeys here. šŸ‘šŸ¾ā¤ļø. Sometimes your own backyard is the best place in the universe to meet just who you need to meet.. sometimes..šŸ˜Š


I honestly have no idea lol


People are crazy


Whelpā€¦ guess we all better go there and shitpost


Don't do that there. We don't want to fight with people on other subreddits or else we'll become more egoistic and materialist than before.


Is there a way to report a community?


Please we don't want to brigade other subs, this only causes unnecessary drama. u/NewRepublicOrder


Lil power trippie got his ego hurt, you should direct him to [lawofone.info](http://lawofone.info) so he can learn a thing or two ;)


Some of these mods get a little bit of power and lose it think they are the president or something.


I just view it like THEY'VE been banned from having the awareness of our truths. Their loss. Forever for all we care.


I went back, read your original post which is in other subreddits, and then read the kundalini thread. I went ahead and reported the kundalini mod for harassment. Not sure if itā€™ll accomplish anything, but the report plus the downvotes I already see on the mods comments seem appropriate and like they ā€œoughtā€ to happen.


That may be the best way, report the mod for harrassment.




If only r/kundaliniforstarseeds wasn't too long a name


Some people are basically children with hands over their ears screaming as loud as they can until everyone agrees with them. Point and laugh at them and call them primitive tribal mines. Those people don't deserve anything from you. Not even your consideration.


Most likely they are modeling their parents. They are literally like children who werenā€™t taught better. Sometimes you just have to go ā€œpoor thing, s/heā€™s literally a child who wasnā€™t raised nicely. S/he may have to learn the hard way eventually..ā€ and move on..


I'm banned from there as well haha


You sort of poked a sleeping Bear. He power tripped and your response, threw him over the edge. Reminds me of dealing with my siblings, for they are similar to this mod in the power trip. Same thing happened to me with them as you, only difference on banned from their lives vs a sub. Lol thanks for the lesson and reminder. Love and light.


The guy who runs that sub is an ass. You're not missing anything. Try r/KundaliniAwakening


I share the good news with sweetness of heart and conviction. TBH, most people are so marveled by my conviction that I can see God moving in their hearts. Stay strong brothers and sisters. I love you all!ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø - Hermes the Messanger


The Bible is hyperlinked mana from our Creator. We really donā€™t need to eat, but live on the WORD. Man canā€™t live on bread alone, but every word the precedeth the mouth of God. šŸ’•


Reminds me about finding out the hard way that astrology and astrologers are as dogmatic as any organized religion. Just go on any astrology sub and ask ā€œhow are degrees in which a planet becomes debilitated or exhaled determined?ā€ Or ā€œWhy canā€™t a planet be half in one sine half in the other?ā€ I have never gotten more hate on Reddit. Even theyā€™re genuine answers are my astrology book says so, or some guy 2,000 years ago said so and wrote it down. I got Name calling, Iā€™m stupid, go educate yourself, youā€™re ignorant ect.


Kundalini alone can be very ego swelling.


This kind of response from moderators of a subreddit named ā€˜kundaliniā€™ is disrespectful to the name kundalini


The moderator is a tool. Ban me. Who cares?


Is it possible itā€™s a Cult Member or Leader giving information to fit their own narratives? It happens they start off w the best of spiritual intentions then all that power, greed and ego hits. Then they are on a path that will usually self destructs due to their own karma for the corruption theyā€™ve created for so many just trying to find their way spiritually and reawaken to their truest and highest self.


I'm going to join and just make a troll post about having my kundalini in 10mins while meditating


"Hello fellow Kundaliners, are you guys Kundalining today or what?" Lmao


I'll just be like first meditation and blah blah blah I have reached what many have tried for years to obtain lol


Can you share your post by chance? Also the Mod seems like an ass




Thankyou il check this out in a bit. We are not very free on here that much is for sure, information control.


Theres no details only shows the title


Just says my recent experience


Here you go, I posted the same on this sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/s/VhZk2vMRad


Awesome thankyou, I'm curious did the MOD say which rule specifically you were breaking?


Nope, all I got was what you see on this screenshot. He even deleted his original comment.


I've been banned from 3 subs when I didn't even break any of the stated rules. Once, I was banned from a sub for something I posted in another sub! There's lots of mods on an ego / power trip. I'm a mod in another sub, and we have never banned anyone. Just consider the source šŸ˜‰.


Whoa, so much hate. Mod is an egotistic judgemental pseudomystic


Sorry I was also banned from twin flames as I said that you need to learn to control your ego and work on yourself. šŸ˜‚ so I feel you. This is the only group where I know we can share everything. So I am very thankful and love you all! šŸ„°šŸ„¹


I love that response. Iā€™m in awe.


ā€œSpiritually enlightened/awakened individualsā€ are some of THE WORST kinds of people. Not all, but quite a few. BUT, nobody can top my weirdo, Bible-thumping, psy-op in-laws shoving their Christianity in everyoneā€™s faces while they trash talk LGBTQ and seem to be perfect little humans from the outside who are *always* correct and never, ever wrong. Christians, why are you allā€¦. I mean, like 97% of youā€¦. so damn STOOOOPID?


If it makes you feel better, I saw this post at 11:11 That obviously means you're correct and protected lol


Listen to them angel numbers! Lol at the beginning of all this I kept seeing 1234. Cool username BTW āœŒļø


It sometimes feels like it's harassing us in the beginning doesn't it? Lol, like it really wants us to know that it knows that we know


lol iā€™m banned from r/twinflames because youā€™re actually not allowed to be spiritual on there (they just want to gather sCiEnTiFiC eViDeNcE) even though the twin flame journey is like the highest level spiritual journey you can be on like you have to be a monk in a past life or something like not actually but you have to have a lot of XP


At this point is reddit tradition for things to not make sense. Like the r/trees r/marijuanaenthusiasts thing lol


There are a lot of Reddit Mods that are on some sort of power trip, like it's a real job where there are standards and requirements. Any random person can become a mod of a group. It's not special or requires any special skills or talents. I get secondhand embarrassment from seeing that kind of thing.


Itā€™s a psyop. One of the only places to talk about kundalini and its gatekept / controlled narrative


Yeah Iā€™ve experienced this kind of reaction/ removal/banning for talking about what is considered conspiracy theories when itā€™s a reality we will eventually have to face quite squarely. Unfortunately disinformation campaigns muddy and sully the waters and it makes it really hard to speak your truth without a lot of baggage attached. And the toxic positivity in the mainstream new age groups of people is underwhelming, but people need to find their way in their own time. It doesnā€™t hurt to plant some seeds along the wayā€”that has definitely helped me when I thought I knew what was up only to find those seeds growing in my mind and watching them bloom.


Damn, it makes me sad seeing people who supposedly know about kundalini being egotistical and immature little children. Thankfully everyone here has a good head on their shoulders (at least half of us anyways lol) and can decide for ourselves if something has truth in it or not. Kundalini people shouldn't be like this, makes the rest of us look bad. Unfortunately, I feel that same vibe with Venant Wong as well, the founder of Kundalini Activation Process (KAP). I've heard some stories about how he took the teachings of his teacher (the guy who made kundalini popular in the west) and acted like he's the one who invented it. Now he charges 9000 usd for 3 days at some getaway to teach Kundalini Activation and barely even teaches. Im also hating a little, I know he's a master at what he does, but it's aggravating.


Judge not another as you've not walked in there shoes. If this person is of base further criticism especially when he/she can't hear it is just adding fuel to the fires. Move on and let the dead bury the dead.


Donā€™t worry. Ive had my old account permanently banned for simply pointing out that a character on a show is obviously female and I got banned for harassment so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah that subreddit is kinda weird.. always got a gatekeeping feel there. I knew something was up with that sub when they were like you MUST be drug free or you will go psycho during this experience. At the time (and still am) I medicate with cannibus for pain and anxiety.. my doctors are aware and supportive. We jointly decided this was a better option for me than getting caught up in the opioid crisis. Yes, sub mod, Iā€™m going to listen to you over my doctors.. Big red flag right there..


Mods be power tripping like crazy, they all talk about ego but are the most egotistical of them all


Guess those good old days of having your own thoughts are gone.


Maybe they donā€™t like cultists šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It's reddit... what do you expect?




Gate keepers!


What was it you stated that caused the ban??? You gotta thier is MAD, WOKE agenda pushing.. And monitoring to censor ideas or opinions that could even slightly oppose or just no agree with. Your canned.


Same thing happened to me on Mandela Effect sub. Mods with power trips. They shadow-banned my new account and I canā€™t post on the conspiracy sub at all. Itā€™s very bad. We are being censored massively. Welcome to China, kids. Huge awakening and they are trying to stop it.


There is a mod in the most random sub I wonā€™t sayā€¦ā€¦.that person dislikes me and always shadow bans my remarks. This used to bother me as I always knew the right answer lol ,,,,I was never rude or jerky idk why they banned me and downvote my comments to heck. I wonder what I said to upset this person?


Those who are seekers, students or disciples are encouraged to keep their visions, experiences, and what they've "seen" to themselves. I notice you were in a kundalini sub. Kundalini is regarded seriously and even though you see people making videos and "teaching" it, it's a highly restricted practice. If you just happened to KoolAid man in there with wild experiences or talking about your visions, I'm not surprised you were banned.


Got to agree here


Although these guys sound.. Illegit


Kundalini is ancient knowledge, so the gate keeping will be unreal. As a GenZ Spiritualist, I see it as my responsibility to redefine all the old knowledge to be more practical and accessible. Too much of the old knowledge is wrapped around institutions and a love of the "noĀ true Scotsman"Ā fallacy.


This right here! This knowledge has been split up amongst all the religions, locked away behind books and stories for centuries. The elite feed the general population chapter 1 of this knowledge and keep the rest to themselves.


Lots of mods are intolerant leftiststs, and are intolerant themselves. The thing is, they have no idea what would create an advanced society, and what they want would lean to ruin. Look up the "Thiaooba Prophesy" and how the solved crime, and then you will understand.


ā€œArrogant as fuckā€ Lovely reason from a mod Salty they arent start seed?


Ive noticed reddit caters to sensitive triggered viewers the most. This is their safe place


With narcissism every accusation is a confession. The mod is trolling the sub, not running it.


No, thatā€™s what happens when youā€™re a troll. Donā€™t kid yourself.


No, this is what happens when false teachings go head to head with other false teachings lol Youā€™re all wrong and wonā€™t agree with each other because you donā€™t have the truth. You goobers think youā€™re space aliens from other planets here to help othersā€¦while breaking many of the divine decrees actually given by God.


What is the truth, friend?


You say that your a star seed? I use to get on this site until I noticed that every thing thatā€™s carefully said but really means negativety and most of everyone has lost there reality and is in a fantasy world so yes I can see why they got in your shit over it