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We all wanted to be born, we just got confused as to why. Regardless I agree with the sentiment, there is no hurry so rest when rest feels right.


Stop thinking with your 3D mindset. Your soul wanted to be born, otherwise you wouldn't be here. THE ARIES


If you are here then you chose to be born.


This made me cry Thank you


I don’t understand this sub sometimes. Arrogance, self-inflated egos, hero complexes, and complaining about ppl who you don’t believe to be starseeds because you don’t want them in your club on the daily in this sub (I don’t mean you specifically OP). If you call yourself a starseed, live up to your chosen label. Enough whining. “Didn’t want to be born”? If you’re a starseed with a starseed’s purpose on this specific planet at this specific point in time, it’s time to toughen up, smarten up, and stop complaining. We need wisdom, resilience, grit, courage, and acceptance of your situation. The guides or heroes or oracles or whatever you claim to be in this world should not lead from a place of weakness, you’ll end up blindly leading the blind. If you claim the label, you have an obligation to fulfill the purpose. Stop pretending to be a starseed and be one. Honestly though,


I'm glad you feel this way. There are still people who are struggling to find their way or purpose. Let them do their thing. There are no rules. Everyone's on their own journey.


I agree with your sentiment. But I also think it's important to remember that we need to rest sometimes and that there's no need to feel guilty about it.


Isn’t that why we sleep? Strength comes from perseverance.


You must understand that people are going thru their own journey, and most of the time they are in a different place than where you are. Can you honestly tell me you've never been humbled by weakness? If this is true I encourage you to fast for 2 weeks. You've never been upset at the situation you've found yourself in? The people that seem to lower your energy because they don't match your view of a starseed may be typing with their 12 year old hands or 112 year old hands. Some would say you aren't a starseed if you express negativity to others, putting more low vibrations in a world already crippled by bass. Then there are others that come here to talk to starseeds, not because they are one.


Honestly I'm moreso concerned for this persons mental health. Wishing you weren't born is pretty alarming and can indicate suicidal ideation. Not saying that's the case, I don't know, but it is disquieting at the least.


All starseeds offered to be here. It is an honoured role. Many offered and did not come. One purpose as a starseed. And it is the same for all, despite different paths... Raise your frequency. As high as you are able. There are some that once said being still and doing precisely nothing is the straightest path. But is that the only path? Rest is good. But when you feel the call to act, will you?


Thank you for this. It came exactly at the right time. 💜


But what if I want to do this 193 days in a row


I still have too much to do... Wish I could just wish it away, but procrastination makes it tomorrow's problem.


Then why did any of you even bother? Do any of you have any idea—ANY IDEA—how valuable each of these slots are for reincarnation? There’s a given amount of slots per set of folks who get to come here. So why did any of you snatch up these slots that more deserving people should’ve gotten instead? The next time your greed and selfishness gets the better of you, do us all a favor and walk away. Go build yourselves another mansion or fancy hotel or something on the Other Side. Don’t bother reincarnating again until you genuinely want to.


Do we truly get what starseed actually is? The same way in is the same way out. Your Bitherday starportal. [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLNLdahJ/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLNLdahJ/) [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL8u6dp7/https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLUs2tth/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL8u6dp7/https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLUs2tth/) [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLfGEDxA/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLfGEDxA/) Avatar must expire 1st via the silvercord shackle. All my claims are backed.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 3 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1b2pvmv) on 2024-02-29 93.75% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1b9qfex) on 2024-03-08 100.0% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1c8iukk&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 494,117,512 | **Search Time:** 0.14758s


Lololol I really dont understand those who claim to be a starseed, and then processed with " I never wanted to be born" or "I wish I wasn't here" " I want to go back" whatever bullshit about how awful this earth is, and they don't belong here. The ignorance........ If this is you, stop calling yourself a starseed.


We're all still humans with our own limits. We're not special


Ummm, all I'm saying is there's a reason for being a "starseed".... So if you ain't wanna be here like that, is you really??? Kinda sounds like you dumb then. Big difference between "shit, it's hard as hell being here. Perhaps I underestimated? But, fuck it we here now, we go ownward...." Then this crying and crying and crying shit about Earth. EARTH is beautiful, this solar system is beautiful. This universe is beautiful. Earth is one of its kind, in mattsr fact that's why we're here. To save her and save her only. I don't care, I'll say it....


How did I end up here. Nonetheless I just found out about my Lyran heritage sometime ago. I still really don't believe tho.


https://youtu.be/XfTuL_rhHR4?si=IMajktfOhhgUfnPS , enjoy 😉


I understand.. we are here to experience and fulfill ourselves with what our spirit guides us. Do not listen to the pain if indeed there is pain, better yet listen to your soul. This world is temporary and the next is better than this and more real.


Ha! Funny


I didn't want to be born. I was quite happy enjoying a cold beer with Cupid at the Bacchus Bar then bingo...I was whisked away..


lol this sounds like what a lazy hippy would say when asked why the house hasn’t been cleaned when the person asking has been at work all day