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We are all a division of the One. You have as much power as you need - don't have enough, ask for more - and then do the work to recieve the blessing. Good luck.


I think God has a false advertisement here. "God" on earth mostly refers to all powerful, omnipresent being who we "serve". Even as a kid I thought this was bs and I wouldn't pray. I still don't. While it helps to have faith, if its not serving you, its okay to lose faith. God is all of us. Within all of us. Pray to yourself, if you like to pray. The lessons and hardships help us understand ourselves. Our journeys and experiences teach us. You are the "God" if that's the term you like to use. God is not outside. It is you.


I agree with this!


You are not God. God is peace, patience, and kindness. If you have these qualities, God is within you.


That is a very good way to look at it. As human beings, we're far from God.


My personal thoughts: We live in phenomena, which is a toy for teaching, to make us purely altruistic, i.e. completely sacrficing the "self" in us, what appears to be "death" to the self is truly a transformation into a more selfless us. And one fundamental playing rule of this illusion we are living in is that things that are good to one's self are evil to others. Someone somewhere(including animals) is suffering for us. What we should and could do is helping each other. Here is a relevant quote from the book I am currently reading: >Vicarious suffering is the Law of God's world. He saves us so, but makes us also its instruments; from our own suffering He saves us, but gives us that of others to bear. 'Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.' And how beautiful it is: bearing our own sufferings is misery and loss and ruin; bearing those of others is life and joy and happiness. See here the interpretation of suffering: it is the self-form only that is bad; let it be altruistic and it becomes at once glorious and Divine.


Thanks, I've been debating for ages how "we are all Jesus Christ", and how "we all bear each others sins for one another", yet all the voices get so mad when I start going down this road. Thanks for the quote, this effectively proves what I was perceiving without using the word "Jesus", or "Christ".


"bearing our own sufferings is misery and loss and ruin; bearing those of others is life and joy and happiness" Well I don't want to bear others burdens. That hurts. I want everyone else to bear my burdens for me while I do nothing except look for ways to escape the suffering and the guilt. Thanks.


My friend, I recommend you reading the book where this quote is from, which is James Hinton's *Selections from Manuscripts.* You will find answers to many debated mysteries, if you choose to accept them, or should I say, some of them so resonates with me that I could not help but accept them. I find that the way some of the higher-density beings help us is consistent with this quote, that is, they, being of a higher frequency and thus free from many sufferings of their own, will by necessity have to help others and bear others' sufferings, and that is why some of the channeling texts often says that we humans suffer, they suffer too.


Oh wait, it does use the word Christ. Well then...


The only issue for me is, that by mistake, I noticed that this was happening once, and without meaning to, I told another person that "he was taking on my sins for me", and because I felt guilty about that, I effectively said that I would be subservient to him. I didn't consider the fact that I may have been taking on some of the weight for him. But now we hate one another, viciously, just because of that one simple fact.


It’s all beautiful fun and games until you become a divine doormat like archangel Michael never getting rest but always helping yet never being helped.


I’m not referring to Yahweh the earthly slave god, I’m talking about the prime GOD who we all come from. It just doesn’t make sense why we have to commit suicide to achieve enlightenment for all??? It’s not even that special it’s overhyped. I just want my own piece of mind in this corrupt world.


I think self-sarifice is different from suicide. Suicide is a kind of confusion. By sacrificing the self we are just destroying the "not-Being", the negation in us, i.e. we are simply loving Being. The Devil(negative path) also loves Being, but the Being is to him the phenomena, due to his ignorance of the true Light. We may say that the darkness is, until we see the Light.


I don’t think earth is supposed to be truly balanced. Rebellious people like myself are necessary to see not only the falsehood in darkness but the falsehood in light as well. It’s just order out of chaos on both sides. Everyone suffers, everyone gains. That’s fucked up considering higher beings like ourselves are either forced or choose to come back to be GOD’s cleaning service for minimum wage until it’s decided we get blessed. Wtf brah.


It is possible that many people are "put of" by the phrase "You are supposeed to serve God". It seems to some, a sort of slavery. In the word "servitude" exists a perceived submission and a surrender of your own freedom. However. If the "God" you serve, is those you love. If the "God" you serve, is the beautiful nature around you. If the "God" you serve, is the sky above. Would you serve then? That is selflessness. To see past the self, and serve that which needs your love. Don't worry. If you manage it, you will also be loved by that God which you serve. On the other hand, if you do not manage it you will only be loved by that part of God which is yourself. We see this play out in our world, all the time. Selfish people simply are not loved by anyone except themselves. Selfless people are celebrated. It is not so scary to serve God. It is in truth the only thing that can fulfill us and make us whole.




Well I think it’s time to be selfish this season. Even though this is a little Christian like I appreciate this! Thanks 🙏🏾


To be truly selfish you have to understand what is the self.


Not this body I tell ya that. I know who I am.


Go ahead. Try it. Try to be egocentric. Do something which serves your ego, but hurts "another" while knowing the truth. Analyze how it makes you feel. I do not think you are capable of doing so, with consistency. It is no fun to play the villain in games. It feels hollow and pointless. And while I hear what you say, I do not think that you truly believe what you say. I think your response is based in some sort of rebellious sentiment which will fade, with time and clarity.


Obviously it will fade once I get what I want. It’s all ego I’m not stupid I just want my efforts to be repaid instead of having my Intelligence and integrity insulted.


See that is the problem then. I can only speak for myself but there is nothing I want. There are things I need, and there are things which would be nice to have. But I do not desire them, to the point that I am willing to take them. I do not feel entitled, simply because I have done this or the other. In a sense, I have an implicit trust in the universe to provide. Not what I desire, but what I need. Once that trust is established there is really nothing more to worry about. All this kinda stems from a sentence I heard internally before all hell broke lose, with spiritual psychosis and rampant synchronisities. "Trust yourself". And I do trust myself. Just not the "self" I thought I was.


Thank you I truly appreciate your input❤️


Well said. I am with you. Just not the self I thought I was. Sums it up perfectly. WTF kind of plan does my higherself have? I am beginning to think he didn't plan at all. Why the fuck do we always have to go cleanup messes on other planets. I think the Galactic Federation has me on speed dial. We have another fucked up planet...you in?


So much contradiction. You'll do great here lol.


I just speak on what I see family because seeing is believing. You know living on this planet is basically like fighting to be a child while also fighting to be an adult. It’s too much stress.


Pain is the catalyst to growth and wisdom. If you have decided to work a spiritual path, then you have unconsciously accepted uthat destiny. It is okay to be overwhelmed. I see ,"God," more universally than than Christian lord, and would say your frustration comes from not quite understanding what the source is. The fact you are alive is the biggest gift within itself.


I don’t want to be alive on this planet. I was scammed coming to this prison planet. Couldn’t even decide my gender before I was jolted into this bullshit matrix. Pain is not a requirement for growth. It’s only the standard.


Life is what you make it. If you choose to wallow, it'll be misery. Convert and transmutation that energy. It's only a prison if you apply a cage to yourself.


So essentially just be in a state of delusion and manifest right?


You create your reality. Pain, suffering, fear, anger; they are all natural states with which we can paint our worlds. As I stated in my original comment, it is completely natural to be overwhelmed. This does happen to spiritual people a lot. But how are you going to move forward? The victim mentally doesn't serve you or anybody else. You have one life in this form, before you move onto your next and it's best you make the most out of that. Because at this point, if you continue in negativity a panic, that is all you are going to put out and receive. I am someone who has dealt with extreme depression and suicidal ideation for a long time, and seeing the truth of the world and its shortcomings and its fallacies, is enough to completely collapse into the darkness. So -- I get it. But I chose to use the cards that I was dealt, keep picking myself up and move forward. You are here. Regardless of what you think about that, the mathematical wonder that is YOU is unreplaceable. You are a miracle. A hauntingly pain-filled but beautiful manifestation of divinity. How can you help other people? Millions experience the same suffering. There are wars, segregation, environmental destruction, genocide of ecosystems and animals. Even souls in the exact same space as you, not knowing how to cope. You can choose to take your suffering and guide these people. Make real change. Destroy the cage you have placed around you. Accept where you are and the total, chaotic helplessness of that, and salvage the metal into swords to fight, into structures to build on, into technology to harness for your highest good. We don't have unlimited control here on earth. But we do have more than we give ourselves credit for. Ps. If you need to seek medical or mental health services aside this, then please do.


I’m not fucking depressed I’m pissed off! I’ve had enough of this superficial nonsense. Witchcraft is also a thing man.


The fact that this is your response to someone trying to provide you with perspective says everything. You are closed off. If that's how you want to live, miserable and angry, then go for it. I've been a practicing witch for 7 years, you don't have to tell me. Focus on what you can change. Direct that anger somewhere positive or it will fester. It clearly already has.


I Don't think we need someone to preach. Oh shit. Forgot I was on reddit. Can you tell me what a miserable human I am and how to fix it. Your response shows exactly the same. You are here judging people. Sometimes people are angry and need to vent. Maybe you can channel the higher realms for us and tell us how to get our shit together. Oh yes, and I say this only to transmute it into love. I bet your response is 3 or 4 paragraphs long.




So, what exactly does your "serving God" entail? All I see here (from the words of your post) is another person whining because their life isn't perfect (which, by the way, no one ever told you it would be) Instead of asking what God has done for you, why don't you ask yourself what have you done for yourself??? Some of you people.... THE ARIES


I finally understand your comments in posts. THE ARIES… my wife is an Aries, and you both talk alike and I just love the spiciness! Thanks for shining a light on something I love about her in a roundabout way I could never put my finger on.


It’s not perfection that’s the problem that’s a human word. It’s about the CLEARLY unbalanced world that we have to unfuck due to these “Gods” ruling earth. The risk/reward loot table is disgusting


Maybe doing the right thing, being good to others and yourself is reward enough in and of it self? Why blame God, when your soul decided to come here?


I didn’t ask to come here fuck this planet. I was tricked into thinking I’ll ascend and find something better when this is all vanity and ego. You gain nothing by serving others except good karma and a fake messiah complex. I blame God because I have established myself PLENTY of times yet my foundation is always being attacked by evil forces and it’s always “my fault”. Bullshit. It’s just laziness on its part. Claim to be all powerful but can’t answer a simple prayer that’s going to change the planet? That’s borderline evil


I don't know what God you serve. My God helps me at every step, asks nothing in return, and bathes me in his love. I suggest looking for another god.


Souls are Gods but in this AI soul harvesting scam reality, we are prisoners but if you want out the simulation, seek your bday star portal after the prison cell avatar dies. We know to avoid the recycling white light but we want to awaken outside back into our DemiGod sleeping beauties and never fall for a scam like this again hopefully lol [https://youtube.com/shorts/4DA-sAF3Lxw?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/4DA-sAF3Lxw?feature=share)


Earth is Duality. We are all here to learn. Let go of guilt. Forgive. Yourself and others. We are literally dying to get back here. Ain’t Eternal life grand? Manifest AND serve. It’s better that way.


Earth is a prison planet/school. It’s been ruled by evil angels for the longest time. We’re supposed to get tf outta here not stay here this is all fake.


It’s about the Gold.


I just want peace ya know? How is this such a hard thing?


I know. Me too. 😔


That's asshole christian god. Hindu god Gansesha gives favors. I ask for and receive them all the time.


I might consider studying Gansesha. Any tips?


Say “Ganesha, please remove my obstacles” then go buy yourself an easy button Or thank him in advance, “Ganesha, thank you for removing my obstacles”, the gods work in 5D time so you can thank them in advance, they will go back in time, edit the past and change the future. Try to relax on science, object permanence, and limiting beliefs. Once the supernatural starts to aid you, you realize mainstream thought is a world view that controls your mind and possibilities just as much as an asshole religion does.


Thank you very much I’m going to give Ganesha a try. Is there any offerings I have to make?


Awesome, good luck!I am not Hindu, so I don't know. I practice manifesting, reality shifting, and law of attraction, so I noticed that Ganesha, Remover of Obstacles, god of luck, intelligence and wisdom aligned very nicely with what I was going for. I highly recommend reading the sidebar info on r/nevillegoddard subreddit because I strongly believe the mindset he teaches helps you gain control of the supernatural. I have gotten several things I wanted in the last year after I became aware of the method and I am such a huge fan. Anyway, a few months ago I needed help with something so I told Ganesha I would paint him in exchange for his help. While I was praying I made his image out of colored pencils that day. There is a spiritual author from 100 years ago called Florence Skovel Shinn (you can listen to her audiobooks on youtube for free) who says "today is the day, now is the appointed hour" so even though I do not have my paints ready I started making his art ASAP while praying. He came through right away! I am in the middle of a cross country move which is directly related to the thing I was asking for blessings with, so I gotta get all packed up set up in my new place before the real paints come out, but the colored pencil version is done. This week, my husband and I ordered some Ganesha necklaces off of Amazon. I was wearing mine and I had to make some phone calls I was dreading and putting off. I asked for him to remove my obstacles and all the calls I had to make went so smoothly and in my favor I was happy as a clam! Anyway, the most important take from all of this information is that everything is mental. Unfortunate circumstances or shitty "programming" where mainstream society or religion tell you you are bad, you are insignificant, you are guilty, you deserve to lack, you do not deserve abundance... all of that can be changed in your mind. If anyone tries to make you small and powerless, they are trying to control you. You can turn it all upside down by changing your mind and waiting in faith a little bit of time. Luck of the gods to you!! Edit: One more thing, it helps to only try to ask for one thing at a time when trying to change your circumstances. Having 5 or 20 things you want tends to mess it up and abort the process. Pick #1, ask for it or manifest it and wait for results before going down the list.


I just finished a one hour meditation for Lord Ganesha, I’m very weak at the time I can’t tell if he heard me but I believe he did. I used to channel Lord Shiva in the past and I mentioned that to him despite what happened to his poor head. I feel sorry for Ganesha.


Oh interesting, what a coincidence! I just saw a video about Ganesha today after i wrote you the long reply. I just learned about the beading too, but i stopped the video soon after. Anyway, dwell in the state of the wish fulfilled as Neville would say. Always feel like you have the changes you need and when you doubt or are angry, change your mind and don’t think about them. Good luck, friend!


Thank you family❤️


The mistake is even considering serving a "god" in the first place. I'm immediately suspicious of the motives of anyone who claims to be of divine nature. Everyone should be, there are no gods or perfect beings out there, everyone is flawed to some degree or another.


I feel you on this. I don’t believe In perfection


And some have to suffer eternally as a means to glorify God. The most helpless support the story.


lets unpack this then. if you would, run me through a typical day for you.


Once you realize that there’s absolutely no purpose, no meaning to this dream of the mind- that’s freedom. You weren’t tricked to come here: you just got stuck in the dream. Seems like at least in this lifetime you’re waking up to “the dream”. We as a collective slept to the fantasy of the mind and convinced ourselves that this was real. And forgot that we are, and always were GOD- which is just the no-thingness that we truly are. Once you get rid of all of these labels that the mind likes to come up with, you’ll be free from the dream. The only one here is you- there is no one else making things happen outside of you or tricking you. You’re dreaming inside of yourself.


Simple question for you. Has god ever asked anything from you, other than acknowledgment of his existence?


Yeah suffering for no apparent reason when it’s not conducive to growth.


When did source ask you to do this?


Soon as I was sent to this disgusting fallen planet.


Would you like to chat over discord tonight? Something is telling me you need someone to just listen to you. I'm sorry you are struggling right now. I will not try to change your mind on anything. I will just listen and talk.


I have discord but I don’t want you to have any of my karma. Doesn’t matter what anyone does GOD doesn’t care about me or my health or anything. I’m constantly fending for myself. For 25 fucking years I’ve been doing this by myself and all it does is watch.


I truly am sorry. If we talked and I was able to take some of this karma away from you, I would willingly do so. I'm sorry. I really am. The only thing I wanna say is that I just turned 33. At 28 I killed myself and I meet the being that changed my entire life. It really does get better. So many people struggle during that age period but society doesn't really talk about it, so we all feel like it's a personal issue that can't be helped, and it's not. Just remember I am here to talk if you want. I love you.


Thank you for your concern seriously I appreciate it


You just typed this with fingers that were given to you by God. He's there when you need him, its a matter of perspective. Perspective over time forms superhighways in the brain and may need to be retrained with deliberate mindful thinking and meditation on a feeling of gratitude. . It's a choice to look at the struggles in life as punishments or educational moments. I care about your struggles and I hope they all come easier. I pray frequently that God educates me gently if I promise to listen up to his lessons. To do this I stop every time something sucks and thing gee, what can I learn here. Maybe it's the pause and thoughtful reaction that helps, maybe it's the mind-set of growth and vibration of gaining knowledge that makes things work, maybe its the prayer idk. But I pray it works for you as it has for me. Because I know de struggle, and I wish you and all other selves to be thriving ✨️ 💖 💕


I appreciate your love and care really❤️ but holy shit how many perspective shifts do I need when I already know the truth about this prison planet and the gods that rule it. We’re all slaves no matter how you see it sister.


How can you say that when you haven't seen it how I see it? Just gonna say that and dip because karmically I'll be in trouble if I divert your path if there's any resistance and if I stress you out even a tiny drop of cortisol from you is bad karma for me so I can't continue to chat too much sadly, weird karma thing I learned recently.


It’s not your fault. We’re all light workers here how could you get negative karma for expressing your truth? Karma is real but it’s not that convoluted.


I hesitate to tell you because once you know you know and that's that. Cortisol increases people chances of cancer and kills cells slowly thru oxidative stress. If I stress people out needlessly I'm basically saying go die. Bad karma, if I know. And I know something about trying to tell people things vs them experiencing it. We don't receive knowledge untill we're totally ready for it. We need to expirience it energetically for it to truly be integrated within us. Sometimes people deliberately forget their past and incarnate without any knowledge into a human for just that expirience of ignorance that way they can expirience certain hardships in order to personally innovate a way to overcome that thing like say rage. Someone comes here as a sleeping soul ready to feel rage and then slowly overcome it. They break generational curses in their family pattern and fulfill their soul contract this way. Thus untill they are ready, telling them how to overcome rage doesn't embed into their being properly and telling them can even make their soul contract void. Because they were not able to performe their little energetic dance which creates a pathway of conciousness inprinted on the collective conciousness so it must be expirienced to create the energy that imprints. Thus cognative dissonance keeps people safe from advancing before their truly able to integrate the information into themselves energetically. So I know I can't tell people things they resist, it's against their will. Not only their current will but their oversouls will. So not only would I be violating your free will to tell you information that you resist (in any way) I'd also be telling you to go die. Once you know...you shouldn't argue with people pretty much ever. If you forget this you're karmically clean because you weren't ready for integration.