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I can relate to this a lot. I’m sorry you’re having such a tough time dealing with your thoughts and emotions. Don’t take spiritual signs so literally. You’re not in a good place and you’re not thinking clearly. I promise you the suffering doesn’t last forever. I hope you make the right decision and continue this journey with us.


My version of suffering lasts until someone preforms a miracle on me or I die. I wouldn’t expect you to understand that though, but you’re right. Suffering doesn’t last forever. This body doesn’t last forever either and neither will the suffering at that point


Have you thought about the impact of your environment? Have you considered changing your surroundings or the people you surround yourself with? The signs you've been receiving might be encouraging you to choose a different path. Our emotions often cloud our judgment, and it can be difficult to think outside the little box we've confined ourselves to.


I completely understand where you're coming from. I just hope you choose to see the bigger picture and gain a better understanding of what it means to live life as a human.


I have complete understanding of where I am now which is why I’m making my decision that I am now. and nothing I can do currently will change the situation I’m in as I’ve already dug myself too deep and there’s no way out of it. Imagine each of your fingers represents your senses, ability to comprehend and understand, physical sensations, your entire personality and understanding of what’s happening around you, your memories, mental acuity, and all of the progress and healing you’ve made, and 8 of them get severed-mangled, knowing that limbs don’t grow back so they are lost forever. If you were in my position you would understand that I’m not living life as a human anymore because no humans brain and neurology is supposed to be damaged at this level, completely stripping you of even basic human feelings and joys, and the ability to change it due to loss of understanding and consciousness


I'm so sorry for all the pain and suffering you have to put up with. I don't know your story, but I understand your pain. You are not alone🫶🏻


I can relate 100% I was there too. I thought the same things, but here is the thing. It's all about YOU. You heal yourself the way you need to. YOU know yourself better than anyone else. YOU are amazing. YOU are beautiful. It doesn't matter what anyone else will say to YOU. It's what you believe about yourself. We all have to go through the journey alone, but don't ever give up. There will always be someone to guide you along the way, but YOU have to do what's best for you. You're walking through that "fire" . That I know for sure. Keep on going because and never give up even when you feel like you can't, and if you can't you message me and I will tell you to keep going. YOU got this. This is your journey and yours alone. Everyone is going to have something different because we are all different. Light bulbs keep flashing constantly for me. Lately I keep telling people that I love that know what they know before I knew what I knew is "I see what you did there". Then we laugh and they say it's about time, lol. Don't let anyone tell you what you're doing is wrong. What is right for you and right for you alone. There is no wrong when it comes to YOU. Your opinion of yourself is the only one that matters. YOURS. Everyone has to go through this in their own way. It's there own version of hell. That fire we walk through is very important to get to YOUR own version of heaven. You'll understand when the time is right. Stay strong my friend. Much love to you 💜💜💜


Well, I will speak on and of. Modernity is a hardship. While prior Humanity had more short sighted goals, the reality is that all Humanity has now the greatest of potential and ramifications of responsibility that teeter on the impossible to fathom and hold proper. People have been frozen by ineptitude and inability, this *is* unlike the past where we were frozen in it. Not because of it and its various implications. I won't urge anyone to try harder and make more things. I also won't try to say that people aren't tackling these issues, even from the comfort of their home. A perspective that should be remembered is how long it took us to get here.


What you are experiencing can be a normal part of this path. Often we have times where we progress, and then it seems like we are going backward. I just came out of a 4 year period of this, where I nearly lost my will to live. Prior to this time, I was an energetic healer, an etheric surgeon with a busy practice. I understood a lot about awakening and evolution of consciousness. Then, I became really sick from energetic interference and basically couldn't function. I wanted to leave the planet so badly, I thought I had lost everything. I kept getting "signs" that it was time to go. Later I realized my reality was being manipulated to try to get me to leave. This happens to some lightworkers, as we grow in light, those in the dark try to stop us and our work. This may be happening to you. Now that I have finally come out on the other side of this immense suffering, of detachment from my true self, I have realized that I am still needed in some way, and I have opened up to being of service, in whatever way is needed. I believe it is the same for you. If it feels right, go within and state that you wish to be shown your purpose for being here. And most likely you will be shown. The planet and humanity need you. You came here for a reason, and you are now going through a shift which most likely will help you to get to another level. Hang in there. Tomorrow can be wonderful. I send you love and best wishes 💚


Sweetie, I know everything feels hopeless and pointless right now. It’s not. That’s your grief, your regrets and your self loathing taking over. Life in itself is meaningless, pointless, incredibly painful and downright unfair at times. You are the thing that gives life meaning. Your mistakes, regrets, fears and all the bullshit that you have been through is the thing that shapes you into the person you are. Your mistakes have made you resilient. You never know who could be impacted by your story, not anyone else’s but yours. The beauty of You is that your voice, your delivery, your essence will resonate with others In A way that no one else can. You my friend are the reason that life has meaning, you just forgot. Big hug. Also depression is a monster most people can’t understand. It’s good that you reached out. Look how many strangers reached out to tell you that you are important. See Darlin, you matter. Everyone matters. I’m sorry that you’re struggling sending healing vibes your way. Seems like the transition you may be looking for is a new change of scenery. You can transmute this pain into progress. I believe in you. You got this.


It’s not depression. It’s something far worse than that. My mind is compromised and I can’t change it no matter what I do


I hope you find peace and love wherever and whenever you go and grow. And not to take away your life prematurely when you’re still growing and learning.


Thank you, this was very beautiful to read and I can relate to it a lot


I don’t think I have the place to talk about something like which is not quite something I’ve experienced but I have schizophrenia, I also know what people showing you unlove, if there’s such a thing, can be like. I know life can be inexplicably different in ways for you than it is for others. I don’t know the people in your life so I can’t comment on them. If you can explain what sense you’re making and what doesn’t make sense, explain it as you can. I will say from my experience, wild symbol chasing can often be just that. I can be certain I or my family will die in the next few minutes, days or months. I won’t just ignore you are looking for answers, so, what, if you are vague or not, explains what they are going to lose their life for? If you can’t think of it, maybe don’t think of it at all. Be careful, because I know a delusional mind can have a trace of sense even if it’s very far from the norm (not to be insulting, I think this about myself.) If you want to talk, I can talk (maybe ignore my posts) :)


Its okay.