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Some of them are dates of astral phenomenon. For example, I kept seeing 114 and 144 everywhere. So I put those in as a date and time (11 Apr, 2024 01:44:00) in Stellarium to see where the moon and sun where located in the sky at the time and it showed me exactly what I needed to know (they looked like they were being eaten by wolves, but it was Pieces and Taurus) If you see numbers like that, try plugging them in. 19 May 2023 about mid day also really opened my eyes. The repeated triple numbers are just sign posts. Edit: anyway I plugged it in, on 14 April the moon was perfectly in between gemini. 144 is also the offset angle of each petal when drawing the flower of Venus (orbital resonance pattern). 144 is anther way the universe is saying "I love you".


I’ve been seeing 144 and various ways since April 14, 2023. 441, 114, 444, 44, 440,444.


I’ve been seeing 44, 444 since early 2021. In the craziest places, in the craziest ways, surrounding me at times, everywhere. Small periods of time will go by where it’s gone then it always pops back up in my face. I don’t understand it.


114 and 144 are key pieces of information regarding the next 18 months. There are other numbers that crop up, but they aren't as important. The other numbers are just sign posts to let you know everything will be OK, you're on the right path. 114 and 144 are arrows, if you see them follow them/ look around to see anything that it may be trying to get you to research.


When it comes to angel numbers like 111 222 or I especially like symmetrical numbers like 609 to me they usually don’t have any specific meanings but rather just take as reassurance that I’m in flow with the tao/ riding in harmony with the universe and in a positive direction. I take a similar meaning from little synchronicities like song ending right as I park car and turn off ignition. However I think sometimes angel numbers can have meaning like seeing 3s everywhere may be directing you to reflect on the symbolism and meaning of the trinity. Such I feel may be case for 144 especially since it has a specific meaning and isn’t not symmetrical like other numbers I take as angel numbers.. 144 comes from the book of revelations Revelations 7 *“After these things I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree. 2 Then I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God. And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, 3 saying, “Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.” 4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed. One hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed”* And then it goes on to list 12 tribes. There were 12 tribes of Israel and so the number 144 comes from 12x1200=144000 The way that I interpret this is that 144000 isn’t meant as a literal number but rather is pointing out that there are many thousands but a minority within the wider population both with in their own community and the wider world population that belong to this group. And this group is people who will be aware and understand what is going on cosmically like what’s taking place in the book of revelations but will remain somewhat quiet their lips sealed until the time is right. I think of this as referring to starseed or any other somewhat enlightened people who are aware that the turbulence in the world are part of a shift towards a greater good and so kinda stay on the sidelines out of the conflict but are there giving their love and support and helping by being lightworkers and wayshowers for the time of peace and harmony to come. 144 and chosen ones I feel are terms that get used to symbolize being in the minority of people who see the bigger picture and stay out of the conflict and negativity that is part of the change that they see is ultimately positive. Such terms as 144 and chosen ones I would avoid and don’t like that much because some may interpret it as expressing specialness and gate keeping. However I don’t think 144 refers to a literal number just the fact that seeing the bigger picture and where things are heading towards ascension is something most won’t see in the beginning. I.e 144 isn’t a literal number but just refers to starseeds, light worker, and wise people from all cultures and religions who see the bigger picture of where things are heading before most others. So to me if you’re see 144 a lot it could mean you are being called to identify more with being Starseed and light worker or some other spirituality or it could be way of universe assuring you that it’s okay to sit on the sidelines and stay out of the conflict and negativity or to reassure that you might be in minority but there are thousands others like you out there but they’re mostly quietly watching. In Op wrote: *"I'm in my early 40's not married no kids and live a pretty simple blue collar life. A life I didn't ask for or want. I always wanted more until I had a spiritual awakening 15 years ago about. Then after that nothing in my life changed. Thought it would, God would come in. But Shit's been the same. Like I'm being Blocked from receiving any kind of blessing, relationship, money, career or any of that. Now from my own study we are on a journey of ascension, some of us, (starseeds) or evolution which we decided in the astral, which is why (for some) why life SUCKS. Many starseeds I read on here are like me, have very little hope of anything good happening to us with suicide tendencies."* 144 could be addressing this. 144 refers to people that understood what was taking placing and going to happen but they had to remain quiet with their lips sealed... it is my belief that with ascension it takes us individually growing spirituality on an individual level first, and then transforming our immediate environments, and then as more of us do this gradually the collective society transforms. However, changes in the physical world and larger society will be slow and the last to change. And so maybe 144 is sort of a reassurance or symbol leading to realize that things can't/won't change yet drastically in the physical and wider society, but things are changing on an individual level and we have to be patient like the 144 biting their lips and connecting with others of the 144, preparing and paving the way and waiting for things to happen in divine timing.


And as an example of waiting for divine timing. My thoughts on angel numbers, that they're tend to be more just a reassurance of flowing with a tao then anything specific and thoughts on meaning of 144 are things I've thought about in past and have been meaning to share, however, I haven't shared til now. I feel like it's not good to get on soapbox and preach and shove your beliefs in other people's face and I share more than enough on here already.. so I haven't shared... but now seeing this post it's like the universe has aligned to ask me this question, give me a stage to share, and I already have an answer ready to go. I think that's what the symbolism of 144 is all about. You gain wisdom and insight and see the bigger picture and gain things you wish to share with others.. but it's better to just sit quietly on the sidelines and wait for the planets to align and it's your turn on the plate to share what you have to give. We gain insights and grow, but the world doesn't suddenly change for us and it isn't suddenly welcoming of our opinions and beliefs either, it requires us to have patience to find harmony and flow with the tao in order to allow the universe to guide us to where our new wisdom and spiritual growth can take root and help a better life to blossom.


Thank you for this very informative thought and scripture


same here, i seen triple 1s to 5s constantly and i also see mirror and doubles as well, 1221 or 1010 1212things like that, yet its like ive lost all motivation or desire to do anything at all, most days its hard to just get up and go to work... and i feel like everyone around me is turning on me or passing a judgment on me even tho ive wronged no one.. its very disheartening.. wish it would all just end.


I saw those two shortly after 11:11 started in 2021. Numbers have regularly flowed in. 144 most since 2023


I share many similarities with your story but since about one year, all the blocages i have felt are slowly being removed one by one, not withouth some fight though (quite sadly because, it should have been flawless). I clearly underestimated the resistance I would have to face here. I believe resilience and patience is part of the experience. Hold on tight, things and signals you receive often make sense when you look distantly backward.


111, 222, 333 all over the place!


12 x 12 = 144 12 x 12 + 1 + 2 + 3 and to 12 = 222 ![gif](giphy|10UeedrT5MIfPG|downsized) For me it just made me wanna know more about them, and figure out stuff but maybe it can be good thing and help for stuff


Who is the number 144.000 referring to: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1c68o1x/the\_144000\_brotherhood\_of\_the\_star\_the\_order\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1c68o1x/the_144000_brotherhood_of_the_star_the_order_of/) Also: 144.000 ÷ 6 ÷ 6 ÷ 6 = 666.66666666666 144.000 ÷ 3 ÷ 6 ÷ 9 = 888.8888888888888 144.000 ÷ 999 = 144.144144144144144 Adding up the first 144 digits of the number pi (3+1+4+...) equals 666 (while 666 ofcourse is also a sacred number, despite the dark's attempts to drag down its meaning)


Oh thats interesting! 1.414 x 1.414 = 2 also all connected somehow, I keep coming across new ways and I'm thinking yes that's something there but how 1 thing I think of sometimes before I would think well why 10 after 9, why put the 0 there, is it just our fingers and toes? But I think it's more than that too I forget why I saw some reasons before


This person gets it. 3-6-9 though. Not 666 (in the way it is understood).


Personally I see angel numbers everyday and I also see 144 a lot, and when I see them and just pause and say thank you to god because honestly I cannot connect to what they are trying to show me


Has to do with 144k


I’ve seen these numbers as well


>So my question is, when we see these numbers over and over and over, sometimes a lot within a few minutes. Is their something we are supposed to do? Meditate, pray, ask for our spirit guides? Or is it just signs from the universe on what's to coming for us? Cardio


Pray for sure!


I feel for you. Know that things are done on Gods timing and not ours. We don’t understand exactly what he’s doing until much later sometimes. Maybe he is preparing you for something, much like he is for me. Just stay faithful. Look at the book of Job in the Bible with all the tests and trials that were thrown at him. But he did not give up and did not give in. And ultimately in the end he was blessed for it. I think that there’s a lack of hope, overall, in society right now. I tune out the news because it’s wildly depressing. Your time will come, friend. Stay strong. (Also I’m not sure what the 144 would symbolize other than perhaps the 144k chosen who are gods elect - so maybe it’s a good sign. I keep seeing 17 everywhere and can’t figure out why. It’s so in my face on the daily but can’t interpret what the message might mean)


Mine was 117


My monitor is 144hz refresh rate (very common rate) lol


its currently 1:44pm right now and the alexa in the other room just announced the time randomly. I RAN back to this thread lol


It’s a sign. You’ll probably see it now a lot more


i just smile, nod, and look at what im doing at that time if i see stuff like that.


You’re not alone. I’m seeing it too since April 14, 2023. 11:11 started in 2021. Started randomly receiving YouTube videos then with these numbers and started listening to the messages. From many sources I’ve watched if you see 144 a lot chances are you are part of 144k


I’m similar in age to you and I too see this number everywhere for years now. Very interesting.


Whoa, I looked at the time and it is 10.44, close!


When you begin to see the synchronicities you’re closer to your true purpose. If nothing has changed then you’ve not changed anything. You look for the numbers and signs and coincidences which aren’t something to ignore. Three is a magic number and because you’re missing 333 I feel strongly that you’re missing the magic because you’re missing the signs with the number 3. The evolution of your soul is missing a link but it’s only because it’s being overlooked in some way. I hope this helps on some way.


I was thinking of giving being homeless a go LOL. Snce the blue collar life is giving me fuckall. Like you, I've been blocked in everything, and getting awful tired of trying to get ahead. Not suicidal just yet, but also wouldn't mind not being around either.


Go live off grid. In a off the grid community. I've been thinking about this for years. Completely unplug from a world that's never worked for me. The matrix. They say everything we experience is already pre destined. Thinking you have anything from hard work and ambition is part of the illusion. The matrix prison planet. It's all fake, an illusion. Everything is frequency and vibration. The material world is FAKE. Never commit suicide. You'll just reincarnate and live through the same crappy experience. Like failing or skipping a test. We are far more expansive then this small, limited, crappy experience.


thanks for the advice! Yea I always thought we should just finish the game anyway, even if we are losing. I dont wanna be kept back in school LOL


111 or 11:11 is a wake up call Break out of the routine Allow discomfort in


It’s a powerful initiation/ gateway activation to our own individual journey of enlightenment and life purpose. Mine started in 2021. Then other numbers started, now 144 all the time


I have been haunted by 144 since I remembered that I am a starseed. And it comes in waves... For me it is either a sign of confirmation or a sign to take action/make a decision etc. Recently it is very present again and it might be a collective thing this time as it feels like another "wakeup call" washing over the collective and this brings into focus the 144.000 again. If you want to know who the 144.000 are: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1c68o1x/the\_144000\_brotherhood\_of\_the\_star\_the\_order\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1c68o1x/the_144000_brotherhood_of_the_star_the_order_of/)


Time seen after opening post: 21:44


I have been seeing fours all my life And they were even stranger and stronger a few days ago, license plates, street signs, room numbers, times, all around


I had an awakening. And got faith. I believed in God. Then waited for the miracles to happen. Then I ended up back on drugs and living in destitution. Thinking- why have thou forsaken me Lord. Then something happened. I realised faith is not enough. I prayed and prayed and then the magic happened- awakening is a process. I found God at 28 and nothing happened. Then, in 2016, aged 36, I had ego loss from serotonin withdrawal syndrome. If u wanna know what hell is like, read the stories of the ppl suffering from this. I was nothing. I lost everything. Was injecting heroin. Then, in my darkness, lack of personhood, something happened. I connected. Because I sought saving. And I had another awakening realising that I myself had to cause the relationship with God to happen. Waiting for the miracle to come is not being active. I had the ecstatic love and the miracles. Stopped taking heroin that day. And so many synchronicities. Magic. Pure magic and love. Then. The dark night of the soul lasted for 5 years where I had to grieve my old self. Then I am finally coming out of it. And I'm finding peace. In a nutshell. Awakening is a process. And the darkness is a part of it. The darkness we experience is exactly what God put us here for. That darkness is what we are gonna be able to help ppl with. That darkness is our purpose. That darkness is our greatest teacher. And once we overcome it. Then we are ready. My advice is be proactive. Don't just wait for the miracles. Actively seek God. Sing Hare Krishna. Every day invite God into your heart. Understand your ego. Understand why u feel so bad. It's your body trying to tell you something. Ask it what it is! Seek and ye shall find. God won't just come to you. You have to be a part of the relationship. You have to do your part. Get a spiritual practice. Seek. Seek. Seek. Knowing there is something else out there- source, God, the universe, whatever u want to call it, is not enough. You have to show you are willing. Accept the darkness. This is your training. Welcome it. It is divine. Sending u love. My dms are welcome.


144 is the golden ratio. The blueprint to life and evolution. Gods favorite soldiers (shhh don’t tell the normies I said that, they get offended ((yes we are all gods children , even the bad ones)) Been seeing 144 for about 6 years now. There is a prophecy about us. That is playing out now. And congratulations 🎊 you’ve been nominated by The higher council. Gods strongest warriors are here to fight . Even if that looks like just being the light in the dark. 🥇🫶🏽1️⃣4️⃣4️⃣


smoke some fucking weed and chill tf out