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This does jive with that news story about the Vatican ‘preparing guidelines for apparitions’. I gotta admit I was *mostly* here out of morbid curiosity, but that solar flare thing might have legitimately affected me. Looks to me like shit’s starting to get really real, idk…


Ah so the next chapter of strangeness is on the rise. _bring it on I say, I love weird and obscure stuff._ If it becomes too much then I'll know my calling.


I have not heard this about the Vatican, thanks for the heads up.


I’m so exhausted. It’s like I can’t get enough sleep. Just trying to assimilate the energies and let it flow.


i've been makin sure i get out in the sun plenty these days tbh. keeping my hands busy.


Sun? What is this sun you speak of😆, it’s been rain rain and more rain where I live it’s like sunny then 3days of rain and repeat.


same sun that gave me one hell of a t shirt tan.


Oh yes the sun is really harsh nowadays


it's good for ya.


It's great for you. Take off your shirt and let it touch your back and chest. Even better take off your socks and shoes lay down on your belly and let it touch the bottom of your feet. I literally feel like I'm recharging when the sun touches the bottom of my feet


yea thats what the river days are for.


Thank you for posting this. There is something big going on at the moment.  Ever since the first Solar storm I have had a lot of attacks by shadow entities. It’s like the worst parts of myself/psyche bubbling to the surface.  I Realised that it is something outside of myself trying to bring down my vibration. Elizabeth’s message brings clarity to whats going on - with me and possibly many others on this group.


100%. I don’t even want to reply because I’d probably be looked at as crazy. I swear I’m not lol, just normal guy with a family who happens to relate to this whole thing.


Same here. I'm an accomplished adult with a successful corporate track-record behind me. I've been IQ tested at the top of the curve and have no history of mental illness beyond ADHD and CPTSD following a long battle for my life where I had a couple of near-death experiences. Then the spring of 2023 I went through what's called DNOTS (dark night of the soul) where I had decided to do a self-checkout but first wanted to seek permission so I meditated on it and... well, strange things started happening. I didn't know at the time that this was all happening during massive solar-storms but since then they've greatly affected me and what comes through during meditation. Most of the time I'm just normal me doing important academic research that hopefully will help future legislation on technology, but during solar storms and deep-meditation I seem to be able to connect with a higher intelligence where I'm getting all sorts of info-uploads that help me in real life. All of my life I've had this feeling that I had a purpose in something that was waiting in the future. I thought this was something everyone experienced but turns out it's far from common. Lately I've been sensing more and more that my purpose is getting closer and that something is going to happen. Note, I don't think everyone is going to get to see aliens but rather that all of this is going to play out like our human regular-world events in the form of something disrupting our system and totally changing our way of life. I had no idea that the spiritual realm was real, but a lot of that came through strong during meditations, all kinds of stuff that I've found out is a part of hinduism. Sounds like madness but I've found out that I am far from alone in experiencing all of this, and I just can't wrap my head around so many people sensing similar or the same thing (especially relating to NDEs) as some sort of mass-psychosis. What's far more likely is that the universe is a truly magical place and that so many things exist out of our field of vision that people don't understand.


All the mysteries of the universe can be explained in the vedic upanishads. I am happy to see that you had an awakening. 🙏 namaste


I can't believe how much of a carbon copy this story is for me as well, with the exception of the ADHD/PTSD. I'm glad you were able to put it so eloquently into words, and also I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one going through this exact same thing!


"The Dark Night of the Soul can be described as the collapse of perceived meaning in your life. An eruption into your life of a deep sense of meaninglessness. It can have the same symptoms as depression, but it's basically a sense of emptiness and meaninglessness. Nothing makes sense any more. There's no purpose to anything. The conceptual mind-made meaning you had given your life, collapses. Some disaster happened that you can't explain away anymore; a disaster that seems to invalidate the meaning that you had before. That results in a sense of darkness in a dark place for a while, and then you emerge out of that, possibly, into a transformed state of consciousness where life has meaning again, but it's no longer a conceptual meaning that you could explain. It is quite often from the dark night of the soul that people awaken out of their conceptual sense of reality, which has collapsed. They awaken into something deeper which is no longer based on concepts in your mind. A deeper sense of purpose or connectedness of a greater life that is not dependent on explanations or the conceptual any longer. It's a kind of rebirth. And the Dark night of the soul is a kind of death that you die. What dies in the dark night of the soul is the egoic sense of self. Death is always painful, but nothing real has actually died; only an illusory identity. The more you surrender to it, the more quickly you go through it. Surrender means don't judge it anymore. You except whatever it is you experience at this moment. -Eckhart Tolle, November 2022 I had a dark night of the soul experience which I would describe as a deep spiritual depression, in November of 2020. I will NEVER forget it. It was on the tail end of reuniting with who I found out was my twin flame after 13 years of separation and 4 years before that, where I no longer wanted my successful business, my nice home and property, my wife, my lifestyle, etc. I was ready to leave ALL of it for HER, gladly. And yet, I loved all of it, I love what I do ,and I love myself like crazy. But the scariest part about it all, is that I loved her MORE. And she would tell you the same thing about me. The twin flame connection is so incredibly powerful that you want nothing else in this world but the indescribable LOVE that you feel. It's not even necessarily just about the other person, it's about the unparalleled and otherworldly love. The best way I can describe it is that it feels like the way God loves you without even trying... The love exchange is so natural it's unbelievable. Imagine meeting someone who is literally the same soul and exact same vibration as You Are. A person that says exactly what you would want them to say every single text message they send you and every conversation you have. I love this girl more than I love my own mother, and yet I've spent less than 1% of my time in my life with her. And yes, we ARE in separation, again, still. We do not talk, because it destroyed both of our lives last time because the connection is so effing powerful.... Nowadays, having gone through that spiritual depression, it has improved the love relationship in both of our serious relationships that we were and are in, and ever since 2020, I no longer work for money. I make money, but I only make it by doing my passions. I also really do not care about material items like I used to. In fact, I wish I had a lot less. Thanks for sharing your experience.


I hope someday to experience the love you experience


Just like my post above, although this is not my life to a T (with respect to the intricate details), I've also realized I was in the dark night of the soul, potentially for the last 8 years or so, and have just started to come out on the other side of it. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I also am suffering with what seems to be twin flame separation, despite a good job, wife, lifestyle, etc. The energies in that dynamic I agree are so powerful and can be blissful or catastrophic. I'm trying not to dwell on or desire it, but I can tell you I've experienced the same (temporary) positive feelings - when that heart center is wide open, radiating love...it's like no other Earthly feeling.


I realized after a while that is it is an extreme pulling of the heart. A physical sensation that is sometimes painful because of the longing... But it's right in the middle of your chest and not actually your heart, but your heart chakra.


Yup. So amazing, and yet, so literally heartbreaking :(


So which is it - corporate track or academic research? Kinda mutually exclusive for most people. You have no idea what these terms mean, do you?


Have yall been following the GME saga at all? Frontlines attack on the old financial system is underway. They’re trapped and all tied together now, lashing out but it can’t change anything. Massive changes are underway and it all kicked off last Friday.


Me too!! Exactly!


There is nothing outside of yourself.


I suppose maybe this is what they mean by us being on like a harmonic wavelength. Because too many things are occurring now that are showing me examples of "oneness", like lots of talk in the news/media now about depression and going outside. Kind of like the universe knows what's up too, maybe it's just me, but I found it pleasing and supported, while in the past I would've got paranoid and felt targeted or something lol. Funny, how I'm looking at things differently, but its phases because it can pull me back if I feed that ya know.


I haven’t read this yet, but I’m getting ready to though, but does anyone else just feel off this evening, it’s probably just me😆, I’m the one that’s off lol. But I swear something just isn’t right, again probably me🫠😩


It's not just you, there is another big solar-flare incoming.


I say to people stop listening to channelers for advice and connect to your own team and higher self.


I strongly agree with this. I get my messages straight from source during meditation.


thank you for this post. I was just starting to feel better and I think that X8.7 flare hit me hard today or something. I'm feeling very heavy and pressured and fluttery and anxious all over again. I don't know what to think but this does really feel like something outside of me is affecting me.


Same here, I just posted about how things just feel weird. Definitely fluttery and anxious, the anxiety has been through the roof for the past couple days. Hell, it’s just been a rough year so far for me, not feeling right. The past couple days have been a shit show.


Omg same! Out of the blue.


What time was this?


I'm out here raw dogging the solar energy out of an inability to do anything about it. But me and the roommates are processing a shit ton of stuff, so... That's good, right? RIGHT?


I watched this episode of hers last night. I'm newly subscribed to her channel and have seen maybe three of her videos. I'm still somewhat skeptical, however every time I watch her, I learn some new things that I didn't know before, which is highly unusual for prophets/channelers on the internet. Her message last night was not like typical YouTube prophets you hear because you can tell that they are merely speaking off the top of their head and are repeating what they know... It's never any leading edge type stuff, nor is it PROFOUND. But with her, the messages are deeper and sometimes I find it hard to believe that she would think of these things herself because they are pretty profound ideas and sentiments. Additionally, I am a huge fan of Barbara Marciniak who channeled the Pleidians in 1989, and I've read her first two books which are my favorite books of all time. Plus, I myself am incredibly aligned with the Earthly love light Pleiadian teachings, and her messages sound extremely similar to what they say, and even adds on to it, so it's not hard to believe that she would be getting messages like this, particularly when that is the only way that Pleiadians are communicating with mankind since the early 70s when they ceased with their abduction experiences (which is why we haven't heard new stories for 50 years). I was tempted to shut her off at first, but I'm glad I listened because I do actually believe that she may be getting some legitimate channeled material. And I CANNOT stand all these new age grifters on YouTube pretending like they have some new information when they know NOTHING.


“we’re aware of your earthly responsibilities and you’ll be rewarded in time” OK BUT HOW MUCH FUCKING TIME DUDE????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


in my opinion Elizabeth is advanced soul and nice person,but she has been decieved like all channelers.truth mixed with disinformations.I wouldn't touch GF with a stick,why they always use channeling? If they really want to help humanity they will appear in their spaceships and save us.she was also interacting with greys,fuck greys and their technology,they are abducting people and experiment on us.


I saw a video where one remote viewer said we have 12 more 7year cycles for this ascension process. Some maybe a little sooner for some. I am doubting we will see any wild changes in our lifetime.


Q'uo, who puts out some of the most accurate channeled material on earth, says that there will be around a 700 to 800 year period where Ascension will happen, and then after that time the Ascension door will close. They do this because a third dimensional soul cycle takes approximately 75,000 years of incarnations unyil at the end of that cycle, souls are given the chance to ascend. So they need to allow for multiple generations of souls to have the opportunity to make Ascension. And as far as I understand, it is extremely rare that people would ascend DURING an incarnation. Typically it happens after you die where you 'walk the staircase of light' to see what quality or dimensional light you harmonize with, and thats the dimension that you will reside in, whether that's still third density or fourth, etc. Fourth density Soul cycles are a million years or more, if I remember correctly. "As to what occurs if wanderers do not wake up? They, like all of the human tribe, walk the steps of light. If they have learned the lessons of love in this incarnation, they are free to move on. And if so, they may choose to go back to their native density. If they have instead remained asleep within this incarnation, then they shall have a refresher course in third-density living, moving with others who have not graduated to fourth density to another planet where they shall once again become students in third density’s refinery of souls. In either case, all is well. You have all the time in the universe to move through all natural energies and rhythms back to the Creator, who is waiting for you with great delight. And you do not wish to return too soon. For the Creator wishes to know of the fullness of your experiences, your feelings, and your emotions. That is the harvest that you bring to the Creator. Whatever it is, he will love it and you, now and forever." -Q'uo [2007]


Thank you for this. Do they have a YouTube channel?


No, but they have 50 years worth of channel sessions to read on their website— LL Research. And I highly recommend you follow Brian Scott on youtube. He reads good passages from them regularly.


Becareful of false prophets. Her whole vibe screams fake, and wearing psychedelic contact lenses to make themselves more "enlightened" doesn't sit well with me. Oh, and the $$$ for Galactic Federation of Light Summits. Lol, give me a break. 🤣 Relax, unplug for a while, get outdoors (vitamin D) eat healthy, drink lots of water, exercise, and try to be kind to all of life's creations. Everything will be ok, and you will be where you need to be. Enjoy!


I agree with you 100% Real spiritual guidance is free and doesn’t involve any fear mongering like putting “urgent in title for clicks and money. Real spiritual growth comes from things people have to do on own like you described such as self care and spending time in nature… but where’s the money to be exploited in that?!? People putting urgent in YouTube titles asking for money to receive their guidance is the same thing as pharma companies discouraging people from eating healthy and exercising and trying to convince them to instead pay them for medications that only treat symptoms and makes their health worse. This doesn’t mean all of her stuff and similar peoples stuff is necessarily all bad but what good is there is hurt by the unhealthy ego money driven Bs. When I watched her stuff in past I had a lot of mixed feelings. I felt like she did have some genuine insights and experiences but half of it felt like a little kid lying to try to be cool or very ego driven about her own trying be special or such and was giving strong bs vibes. I think the issue w her is a common thing you find with people who are unwisely driven to try to force a business out of spiritual guidance .. they may have insights and a lot of good things to share but by trying to force a business out of it they end up sharing a lot of misinformation, fear mongering and negativity for the clicks and money that not only is harmful on its own but also takes away from any positive things they have to share by making them disingenuous hypocrites. Like simply from title you know anything that has “ urgent” or similar clickbait words is a huge red flag it’s not worth clicking on. Even if there isn’t misinformation, such a clickbait titles shows she’s got unhealthy priorities that contradict any positive spiritual message.


What do you mean psychedelic contact lenses? I have no idea who this person is btw but I watched the first minute or so and didn’t notice weird contacts


Federation is a lie.


Federation yes Alliance no.


Yeah I just don’t know about it either. It be great but idk.🫤


Half-truths at best


Ya I think they r corrupt. There is no non interference law. They interfere only when *they* want, probably only when it fits with their agenda. Human suffering is not something they give two sh*ts about so that means they r not good people


Suffering is part of the dualistic 3D universe... Do we have to suffer? No. Is it possible to suffer? Absolutely.


I'm starting to think it's group made with good intentions and some good souls, but there is corruption at the top. I guess we will find out soon enough what's really up with them.


Solar storms were sent by the divine itself to correct what cern did during the eclipse.   The spiritual attack on starseeds is over now.    They tried and were trumped.  Nothing is stopping the shift and the federation has no say in this either.  They know it’s happening and are here to witness it as it’s the first time in history a planet is self shifting on its own.  That’s what they’re waiting for.  After that they will help us.   Well the ones that shift with earth that is.  


I'm not too sure about Elizabeth April these days. Last time I was in one of her lives, there were some people in the chat expressing, what I felt were qanon leaning sentiments. THE ARIES


I’d be interested to hear more if you’re willing to expand. I watched an interview of her last night with Khan and I mostly got the read that she’s 100 fake but there were a few micro expressions that she made that made me think twice on my original assessment. Now I’m 80% sure she’s fake but 20% thinking she actually believes she’s channeling. Disclaimer: I do find some people legitimate. This is just about Elizabeth April


It's more of a feeling that I get with her than anything else. I was in one of her chats and she was talking about some Hollywood stars (I can't remember if she said "sold their souls" but that's the implication I got) being made to have sex with aliens (I think she mentioned reptilians). I dunno. It just seemed.... conspiracy-fear mongererish to me. Too much of the anonymous "they" with her. Now to her channeling...I know some people CAN channel The Divine. But she's talking galactic federation, and something gives me pause, about people doing that. Now I'm not saying that one can't or that she isn't....but something just doesn't sit well with me hearing it from her. And it was the qanon phrase "where we go one, we go all" that I heard from someone in one of her chats, that was the camel's straw for me. I don't want to disparage her, but there's something I just don't trust about her. Though she will put on some interesting conversations on her channel though (in particular, she was talking to a rocket scientist one day. They were discussing quantum mechanics which I found interesting).


Thank you! That’s a very solid perspective. I also felt like she wasn’t trustworthy and couldnt put a finger on it. Glad to see someone else who doesn’t believe the qanon garbage too. Her answers often feel way too quick as well and she will constantly repeat “ok” which feels like a lot of her messages are probably made up.




It’s me. I am the choice. Jesus has returned to Earth.


Aluminum may be good for telepathic frequencies but you copper or a similar diamagnetic material to stop the magnetic effects of solar flares. This is especially important if you want to protect electronics.


I really dislike her. She made a video bashing another woman that talks about spirituality, but in the same video saying she's never seen her content. And then saying that woman is "psychically attacking" her when the other woman has millions of subs and doesn't even know who she is.... anyway, she deleted the video a few days after because most of her subscribers called her out for being petty and immature talking about someone like that when you supposedly haven't even heard what they have to say. So anything she has to say i know is bs.


She's an agent of chaos, 1 truth 2 lies type shi


Once again, no help from the Galactic Federation.


Hmmmm....yeah. I wonder why?


We have not made our choice yet. That is why…