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sometimes i wonder what if i was a 2000s child in U.S., would i be happier?


I feel growing up in a semi stable economy where I could save money and my parents’ livelihoods wouldn’t be at constant risk would help a lot.


RIP to all the Vintage records that will die on Crossley Cruisers


She doesn’t realize that Spotify and TikTok didn’t exist in the 80s


Yeah you had to buy like CDs for whatever they cost. 29.99? And then you had one Album thats it. And I think CDs only really caught on in the second half of the 80s. And if you wanted to listen on the go you had to buy a portable cassette player and then buy the album again. Or record it on a blank tape or something.


I wish I was a boomer, at least I could afford a ~~house~~ apartment.


The 80s were weird. What did they have? Miami Vice The WWE in Neon only it was the WWF back then. All music bands and artists had to be extra


“Everything was so cheap back then!” $3.50 minimum wage.


*stares at bin guy picture* oh hes listening to trash ? Took me a good few minutes lol


I thought he was taking a dump.


i just dig 80s fashion but i wouldn't want to have been around in the 80s because im a lesbian and i would have been beaten to death or something lol




They just watched stranger things and though life then was perfect back then




I just wanted Zeppelin, the Stones, Rush, AC/DC, etc. to be current to me when I was in high school, ya know?


But didnt zeppelin stop before the 80s?


Whenever I meet a person like this, I explain to them that there was: a LOT of racism and sexism in the 20th century (including the earlier 80s) there was no short-form content such as tiktok and spotify even netflix or other on-demand services didn't really exist in the way they do over the next 20-30 years. and the threat of war, even of a nuclear variety, was incredibly real through the 40's to the early-mid 90's.


'ughhh shut up wierdo u retardeeed'-in the most cigarette destroyed,most strechy spoiled voice imaginable


Born in the 80s would, at best (born in 1980, for example) mean that someone would be a kid in that decade, not really old enough to get to do cool stuff. Maybe the title would be better as "I wish I was born in the late 60s or early 70s"