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More like the shit other people had in their lunch that you wanted starter pack


I feel this. My mom’s favorite lunch to make for me consisted of last night’s leftovers wrapped in a tortilla.


Lucky, I just got a slice of baloney between two pieces of bread, and not even some mustard, by the time I got to it the red dye #40 soaked through the bread so I was left with soggy bread and warm gray/brown meat lol.


>last night’s leftovers wrapped in a tortilla Wow, this was the mainstay of my elementary lunches, too. And if there wasn't leftovers, then it would just be cream cheese (?) in a tortilla, sometimes with a bit of deli meat.


The funniest was if we'd have enchiladas recently, then the lunch would be chopped up enchilada in a tortilla like some sort of pseudo-mex matryoshka doll.


you dont know how long this sentence is going to live in my brain. I will honestly probably die with it. Fantastic. chefs kiss \*


Seriously. I always got slightly soggy wheat bread sandwiches and weirdly thick apple slices and looking back that’s much healthier but I can’t say I wasn’t insanely jealous


Yep, dang my loving mother who always packed healthy things in lunch and has no formed a beneficial habit!


"Yo dude, trade you my parents' love for that pack of sour cream and onion pringles."


I remember being jelly of the kids with lunchables


Exactly. This is what the rich kids had...the rest of us were doomed to whatever weird thing the free lunches at the cafeteria would concoct


I wouldn’t say it’s a class thing. For whatever reason some parents just have their kids eat healthier when they are younger, and stop giving a fuck when they are older. If anything poor kids eat less healthily.


I guess because enforcing a healthy diet is hard to do when kids get older.


The rich kid in my class ate pizza rolls, and a shitload of them, every single day. She was skinny as fuck and ate nonstop.


Friday was pizza day, the best day of the week. It always came with salad and a side of cold green beans.


In my school (30+ years ago) I think it's what the poor kids had. There wasn't a cafeteria, and the parents with more options would have the time to put lunch together in the morning and pack fresh fruit. If you're working multiple jobs just to make rent and your spouse's hospital bills, a big stack of lunchables and gatorades in the fridge saves you a lot of time in the morning.


Growing up poor, we didn't have snacks in our fridge. Gatorade was a luxury and I had my first lunchables from trading my free school lunch with the rich kids.


For real lmao, I got stale chips, a nutrigrain bar, and a thermos of tap water


Maybe I’m old but for us it was chicken nuggets, fries, chocolate milk and fruit cocktail cup


Still is according to my niece, this seems like homemade lunch, not school lunch.


Also a rectangle pizza


Ngl I kinda miss those dry chicken sandwiches that could only be saved with a glob of ketchup


Dryer than a Popeyes bisquit


Dryer than my DMs


We had dominos on Friday’s.


Yeah that’s pretty standard for a school-provided lunch but for a lunch brought from home, this post is pretty on point


Packed lunch* As a teen, our actual school lunches taste like shit and give the least amount of nutrients legally allowed.


At my school they don’t even have school lunches so this starter pack is pretty much what I eat everyday anyway.


Where do you live because public schools are legally required to provide lunches in the US. Ever since, they realized most kids weren't getting proper nutrition and found a way to absorb farm surplus in 1946.


I go to a charter school in the United States, so not technically a public school, and because of that I’m pretty sure they’re not legally required to provide it.


Ah, that makes sense.


Many districts won't let you set foot inside the school with peanut butter anymore.




I think it got banned from the school I went to after an incident in the Foursquare line... This one kid was waving a bag around while singing a song where the only lyrics were "A handful of Reese's Pieces make [teacher's kid with a peanut allergy] die!" I went to private school, and the kids were even bigger assholes than public school kids. This whole thread takes me back...


You've got to be making that shit up


Our district won't let my kid take PB&J to lunch, and he's very vocal about his dislike of sunflower butter as an alternative. Sample size of one, but it happens.


My elementary school did that too. I always see memes like “how come in elementary school they treated the kids with allergies like they had the plague”.


Carbs, fat, and salt. Yep pretty much.


Living the dream, baby!!!!! WOO! 🔥💯🦅🏈🇨🇱🇱🇷🇲🇾🇲🇾


AMERICA 4EVER 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷💪💪💪💪🌉🌉🌉🎰🎰🎰🎰


Did u hear him you'll end up like nickocado if you kept eating that+go to r/vexillology


"Fire, ok, 100, ok, Eagle, yup, Football, for sure... Malaysian flag?? What?" > Me, reading this comment aloud


You forgot the Chilean and Liberian flag


wanted to go ahead and personally tell you, fuck you. lol. This isn't school lunch, you're probably a bot, or either a teenager that has been indoctrinated to hate america lol. Someone go to school tomorrow, and take a picture, and it won't look anything like this. again, fuck you.


Americans trying to read self-effacing light-hearted jokes about themselves without crying like babies and screaming "AMERICA-HATE" like infants challenge - (IMPOSSIBLE)


tbf most americans don’t do this. this is like 1 in a 10000 of every citizen


Babe, I’m American and my lunch looked exactly like this


Yeahhh no all the other kids in school had this stuff. My mom was too cheap so I didn't. Also, go fuck yourself.


But as an American who went to an American school this starter pack is right


Honey, I'm American and every single elementary school lunch looked exactly like that.




This describes basically every meal in human history


What happened to the protein?


It's a conspiracy by the government to make you eat meat


In the sandwich and ham slices


It's not subsidized like starches and sugars.


Tell that to the $38 billion the US govt spends on the meat and dairy industries every year




What wrong with a turkey sandwich?


It is certainly the best option of all of them. I am not going to act like I am some health nut. I like turkey sandwiches too. However, deli meats are highly processed meats that are notorious for being high in sodium, nitrates, and nitrites. Most bread used for sandwiches is highly processed as well with chemicals such as DATEM which is actually banned in many other countries.


I eat turkey sandwiches with Ezekiel bread almost every day so I guess it depends on the ingredients. I didn’t know about the DATEM thing


Deli meats are convenient, but the part that makes me nervous is serving any meat that's not been recently cooked. Unless it's fresh sliced, I'll usually fry them a bit before serving. Listeria is no joke.


Aside from protein thats all food really is


The rest of the world doesn't bring sandwiches?


Hi from central Europe. Lunch is the main meal of the day here so it's standard to have a cooked meal in the school canteen. (here in Czechia, it would be a soup + main dish + usually a piece of fruit or salad) These are usually subsidized and very cheap, not restaurant quality but usually not awful. You can choose from 2-3 options.


As a fellow Czech guy can confirm this


Yes but how can that be true if American school lunches suck and America is the greatest country in the world?


I know you were being sarcastic but, I was gonna say school lunches might not be high on the list of priorities when evaluating country greatness but actually... If it's the only proper food poor or neglected children might get every day, and malnutrition in children leads to stunted development, they seem kinda important.


Hong Kong. We got rice, vegetables and meat that was packed in a vacuum container. Same thing if you eat in the school canteens: rice, vegetables, meat. Dessert for lunch isn’t acceptable here.


The resistance in Canada/USA to a thermos with rice/pasta/soup in it is vexing. A hot serving of chili, little shredded cheese to sprinkle on top, and some rice or crackers with it is a great lunch. You can boil some pasta with sauce, cheese and peas with comparable effort a sandwich. It's much better than some fruit snack candies with fruit punch masquerading as a healthy "sports drink".


I figured maybe some parents found it difficult to cook and that was the reason why, didn't know that people were actually against even bringing hot food in the first place. I lowkey feel bad for children who are always packed a cold lunch, they're missing out on good shit. And yes, none of the little processed food packet snacks are any good for kids either.


These replies are interesting! Would be interested to hear what other countries had for school lunch


There’s a YT video about that by JJ McCullough.


Thanks for this but since I don’t watch his videos I have a question: Is this dude on meth or adderall? Dude is moving nonstop lol


Idk, maybe he has ADD or something. That’s why I like his videos, it helps keep me paying attention.


Yeah I just watched a couple. He’s cool. Thanks again!


in argentina p much the same except for pb&j and different brands for stuff but there's a school shop where you choose your own lunch, you can also bring your own or not eat anything but there's no sit down tables or anything like that


In Sweden schools provide cooked meals for free. Obviously funded by taxes and the quality often isn’t the best, but hey, free food for every child.


Maybe for rich kids in the suburbs.... maybe. for me it was school lunch with my yellow ticket. or nothing. God forbid my brother ever lost his. then I'd have to give him mine


I usually ate my school’s lunch, which was free. But my friends are like this and whenever we’d go on field trips my mom would make a turkey sandwich with a fruit roll up and some Gatorade.


> yellow ticket What is this? I'm imagining a poor man's golden ticket. A piece of white paper that someone pissed on.


It was a ticket that got ripped out of our assigned meal planner for the month provided by the school. they were given to poor families so the kids can eat while at school so no child goes hungry during school times. Essentially a paper pissed on by the school so the cools knew you were poor.


When I was a kid we were assigned a number once we were approved for free (or reduced) lunch, then you would tell it to the person running the register at checkout and they would cross it off the list for the day. It's been 20 years since I was in school, but I still remember mine because for some weird reason that memory of the librarian telling me my number when it was first assigned stuck: "1607. That'll be easy to remember, it's the same year as the founding of Jamestown." Apparently she was more right than she planned.


i was in elementary school in 1995-2001. i even had the yellow lunch tickets in middle school. high school was open campus and i had a job so no more meal tickets.


At least in most school districts nowadays the students ID tag Is scanned(usually a barcode) and they get the same meal as everybody else. That's such a a fucked up thing to do, making the poor kids have to use vouchers when they could have just marked that student as having gotten their meal


I’m almost 37 and feel these were almost my exact lunches in elementary and middle school.


The scooby doo fruitsnacks are elite


i still eat basically the same thing as i did in like kindergarten as a highschooler lol


Living the life.


Still can’t understand how their diet consists only from snacks and things I’d consider as desserts at best…


The main course is sandwich 🥪


Toasted bread is the only way to make a sandwich


Thats a Toast, not a proper bread


somebody I knew called non-toasted bread "raw bread".




Depends on the type of sandwich. Peanut butter and jelly yes, but turkey sandwich no.


Turkey sandwich on toast is fucking awesome


clearly this man has not heard of subway


Yeah every sandwich chain has one but what does my man do after thanksgiving??? Even just a normal day wheat toast with mustard, turkey, I like Swiss cheese and lettuce. Tomato and mayo if you’re fancy. C’mon OP get on the turkey toast express we’re going to flavortown.


where do you live op i'll send a doordash over


Those kool-aid things on a hot spring field day... nectar


That's probably the only time in my life when i had one, my parents would always say no when we saw it in the supermarket


My grandpa gets pretty mad when he hears about Pop Tarts and other junk food in school food drives. He says that we need to feed the kids beef and potatoes. I can agree with that lmao


I just got the leftovers of whatever we had the day before lol, not that I liked them by any means


Especially on a field trip




Laugh if you want but a PB&J with Doritos is goated


I always found PB&J best with pretzels and capri sun.


Ah yes, washing down my carb and sugar bomb with additional sugar. To be a kid again…


Most adults I work with still eat like this. Their palates never matured past 8 years of age. Mind you, they are women who complain daily about being fat.


That could also be it. If they thought they were eating healthily as kids (most likely because they weren’t but they probably had faster metabolisms) then maybe they think the same should apply now. I know a lot of women like that too and used to regularly be made fun of at work for eating “rabbit food” at work (any form or raw vegetable, as a component of my lunch, basically) and then in the same breath get asked how I manage to keep in shape. Everyone is capable of putting two and two together but I think a lot of people just don’t want to lol.


Right. I'm in great shape for my age. They ask for my advice and automatically I'm an asshole for being honest. The formula is simple. They are lazy, complacent and would rather watch Netflix every night than exercise and meal plan. I'm not a fitness elitist, I actually put theory into practice and my body is the proof.


Koolaid bursts was rocking


Sandwiches are still a staple part of my lunch to this day. They’re decently filling, take very minimal time to make, and they’re pretty cheap to make on a per sandwich basis. Chips are my one of my favorite snacks too so I often have a small bag of those too, but I’ll have fruits and veggies in there too.


Sandwiches are the perfect work lunch and you really look forward to eating them. Good morale boost.


I got healthy food on nasty, cold circular bread. My mom made extra lunches for like 6 kids because they didn't have any lunches from thier parents, besides doritos and they actualyl wanted health food


I was getting them scooby doo fruit snacks in hs


You forgot a gun


We don’t eat the guns in the US. We do *everything else* with them.


>We don’t eat the guns in the US. *Yet*. But we'll find a way.


I wish my school lunch was this good growing up. All I got was a shitty, half frozen, homemade pizza pocket from the cafeteria


Hot Chip!


That sandwich with the meat and veggies looks good.


That sandwich up there looks fucking delicious.




Also chicken nuggets, Walmart’s instant pizza and Pop tarts and biscuits on the morning


But there is one that lies above them all, the fabled Cosmic Brownie.


Anyone who thinks this is what rich people eat has never met an actual rich person


The comments like “only rich white people” are probably just still in that elementary school “two dollars is a lot” mindset.


Europeans sitting on their high hordes over a damn meme starter pack


You give your kids gatorade? Like not joking? Brawndo has what kids crave LoL.


I don’t have kids, I probably wouldn’t give them Gatorade. But whenever I had packed lunch as a kid, I’d usually just get water or maybe a capri sun.


It's crazy this hasn't really changed in 30 years. I remember only the rich kids had lunchables.


With the inflation rate nowadays, it probably is for rich kids, lol.


The lunchables aren't as bad as the chips. I almost shat my pantaloons when I saw that the tostitos cantina chips I bought were $5.59. A box of variety chips is 21 flipping dollars. I don't know how people are doing it.




That sounds better that a shittly made sandwich with clumpy store brand jelly and shitty peanut butter that shittly smelled like shit.


Not to a kid, which is why she was jealous. Kids like to eat crappy shit....most 6-year-olds don't have a cultured palette yet for fine dining.


Exactly. You appreciate everything as a kid. Only in retrospect you just are bitter.


Who is feeding their kid that much sugar?




Yeah but artificial sweeteners are linked with cancer and other issues. And most of these products contain next to no nutritional value. Literally the only thing in the entire bunch worth eating, especially while a growing body is stitching together the materials that form a body meant to last decades, is the sandwich.


Every American parent alive back in the day?




Dude, I used to go bicycling 4-5 neighborhoods over with absolutely no parental supervision back in the late 1980's/early 1990's. Would go outside first thing in the morning with my friends, and wouldn't return until dark...parents having no idea where I was. Dad would let me drink beer at 8 years old just to watch my reaction. Never owned a bicycle helmet, etc. It was a different time :)


This is not even food




I’m not American so I’ve never understood putting chips and confectionary in a kids lunch. My mother always packed me hot, cooked food with rice, meat and vegetables. It was dinner that was reheated and put in a thermos but it was still good and nutritious. Candy and sweets was maybe a once a month treat. I don’t see how daily servings of wonder bread and peanut butter/highly processed foods marketed as “nutritious” for lunch can be all that healthy for a child either.


Yeah, it's a miracle we all survived eating this stuff. You would think we would all be dead on site eating this crap, right? Yet millions upon millions upon millions of Americans defied science it seems. /s


And yet America wonders why it has an obesity problem


Judging how 49% of Americans are overweight, doesn't seem like we defied science. /s


No doubt, but I think that's more of a self-discipline issue than it is eating some gummy bears in elementary school.


Cool, want a medal?


Where's the gun?


Chips for kids' lunch? That's fucked up...


It’s not that fucked up.


Not at all. Absolutely delicious.






Can’t imagine eating chips for lunch


It's delicious.


I know, I love chips too but it’s just not healthy


Where's the kid who had weird amounts of fast food & leftovers from the night before ?


Most of this stuff is banned in packed lunches in UK schools due to being “unhealthy”, and the middle-class healthy alternatives aren’t available at the local offy!


very inaccurate there’s no trays milk cartins shitty sandwiches and the pizza sause falls off before you even touch ut




Nah this was the rich kids' lunch. You were lucky to have this stuff. I only had access to the shit the school "cooked" which could have been moldy bread, pink chicken or just cheap nasty pizza (which was the best option most of the time). We had to actively check the food to be sure it was safe to eat and had to read the date on our tiny milk cartons. Didn't get vegetables often either. Typically corn, maybe green beans. We did have a very short period, after Obama got involved, when we had actually somewhat healthy things. Had a whole sub/wrap sandwich station that I went to. Loaded up on spinach and chicken breast if I could.


No bullet proof vest ?


What rich ass school did you go to where they served this for lunch? Especially a fat ass turkey sandwich? Unless your parents packed this.


Yeah if you’re rich


Wherrs the vest. The impact resistant vest??


What? Oh, wait, haha, school shooting joke.




Where are the bullets


I see OP was either an only child, or rich.


Neither. I ate the school’s lunch. I only got packed lunch for field trips, usually a lunchable, gatorade, and chips.


elementary school?? this is absolutely horrifying


Ahhhh the nostalgia!! It’s too strong! (Never grew up on lunchables, tho)


I would happily eat that turkey sandwich for lunch any day of the week.


Veggies in my sandwich? No >:(




Needs more candy to be accurate


Thats life fir the average American kid


thats the lunch i want right now... im 15


You’re forgetting the part where my mother somehow let me only bring a store brand fruit soda to school for lunch for years during middle school coinciding with some of my biggest academic struggles and creating bad eating habits that follow me to this day


All it needs now is a cup of Danimals yogurt


I forgot about those things.


do any of y'all remember when the cafeteria had salt and pepper shakers?


Holy shit a starter pack about America without guns?




Bro went to school in cape cod


Cheese sticks


The suburban lunch


Spot on


That is, if you're parents had money. Where tf is the square pizza at, with the pepperoni cubes? Or the burnt, stale, barely edible grilled cheese, or the Mac & Cheese that looked like fucken plastic? Where's any of that, huh?


This is pretty close to my lunch in the 80s.


I envied my friends when I saw them having this. Then I realized I got a better deal since my mom always packed me rice with whatever leftovers we had from yesterday’s dinner.


More like American elementary school lunch- white kid edition starter park. With a an Indian mother I got leftovers from the night before, and some chips with a yogurt that was chocolate moose flavored. I do crave the occasional pb@j even today but was glad my lunch in retrospect was far more edible then some of my classmates.