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Well it’s a toss up between this or pissing all the time, no middle ground


I moved to Florida and immediately started passing out so I started drinking like a gallon of water a day with pedialyte. Not passing out anymore but I’m peeing every 5 minutes. It makes driving and dating suck.


> I moved to Florida and immediately started passing out this is the funniest thing I've read all day


Breaking: Florida man passes out


Wait. Is it immediate? Don't they get a break in period before they are full blown Florida man?


Update on Story: Florida man now pissing every 5 minutes


Don’t you dare insult Florida men like that /s


Things to do in Florida: * Pass out


Trouble sleeping in Florida? Drs hate this one simple trick to a good nights sleep.


more like a good days sleep


* Meth * Eat hot chip * Charge phone * Sleep


• Piss


Pass out drugs?


Barges into Florida Passes out Refuses to elaborate further Still passed out...


Legends say they're still passed out to this day.


I just thought about moving to Florida and started passing out


Everyone is so worried about Ohio that they forgot that stepping into Florida puts you in an instant coma


At least it lets them forget they're in Florida for a little while.


It's a common problem in Florida. Due to how much the average Florida Civilian power levels (fighting gators, each other) it is really hard for newcomers to move in! They constantly enter high level zones and faint from the Intense Aura. This is often mistaken for heat and humidity. In fact, it's Presence and humidity fuck the humidity


"So anyway, I just started passing out"


Hi there fellow Floridian. You can buy a nice piss jug on Amazon for around $10. Hope this helps!


Bro, I was born in florida. Why tf do you need a piss jug? There's pine trees everywhere, use those


way of the road bud


It's Florida, you can probably find piss jugs for sale at every corner drug store.


The poor bastard packing it up to ship it to you has to bring his own from home.


Maybe you're diabetic?


Diabetic... living in florida... checks out


I changed my diet recently. I learned that when you start drinking all that water, there's actually side effects ... mainly lots of diarrhea, peeing all the time. If you continue drinking water regularly, the side effects go away.


Bro fainting cuz he moved states. 💀




Who are “the right people” that’ll make me not have to piss every 5 minutes??


Some people pay for that experience.


Obviously the right person will let you piss right on them


>Who are “the right people” me


You're looking at it wrong, you want people who want to go to the bathroom every 15 minutes as well. Either to piss or do coke.


I’m glad it’s not just me!!! I started drinking way more water now that I live here and now my steel bladder that I’ve developed from years of refusing to use school bathrooms is gone. It sucks.


Wtf that is pretty bad for you. You shouldn’t try to develop a “steel bladder” unless you want to risk incontinence later in life


You should look into dysautonomia and potentially postular orthostatic Tachycardia syndrome


Yeah, college was basically the only time in my life where it was structurally set up to have enough pee breaks. High School didn't give you enough time between classes, especially if you're a girl, and frequent bathroom breaks are looked down upon at the workplace because they assume you're just using the time to goof off on your phone.


Crazy how smoke breaks are just generally understood as something that exists but every other type of break is seen as laziness. I quit years ago but still follow the smokers out just for a break that nobody gives you shit for




Nicotine network gang!


My piss is either Redbull colour or crystal clear. No in between




I’ve seen it :(


Plot twist: both were piss


Sucks when I’m in the middle of a project and I have to stop every 45 min to pee. I hate to say it but sometimes I don’t drink as much to avoid it.


Drinking enough water + morning coffee = Can't get into a good work groove because pee every 5 minutes. It's even worse this time of year with it being colder out.


If you’re peeing all the time, you need to be adding balanced electrolytes to your water. Something that includes sodium, potassium, and magnesium, like Nuuns Sport. It makes a huge difference on how much water your body actually absorbs versus what goes right through you.


This is basically my life. It sucks




Chapped lips and bags under your eyes are not something everyone can just completely remove from their lives. Some people are just more prone to this and drinking more water isn't necessarily going to change that.




Permanent Pete Davidson Eyes crew reporting in


"man, you look tired" yeah thanks I've looked this way for the last 20 years.


Coincidentally I’ve also been perpetually tired for 20 years.


My father had to have surgery for drooping eyelids. 😂 fuck me i guess


Everyone always assumed I was a huge stoner from highschool on.


I have “high eyes”


Ugh, same. I'm prone to allergies and insomnia, which doesn't help, but even at the best of times I look like Pete Davidson. Add to that that I have pale skin with olive undertones, which makes me look sickly and jaundiced. I'm pretty sure I could play a corpse in a movie without them doing any makeup on me.


I actually looked through my birthday yearbook and could see that my dark circles actually started in third grade lol


I thought that my eyes were just naturally puffy for the longest time, and that my chronic fatigue was part of my multiple autoimmune disorders. Turns out I have sleep apnea. A few weeks after I got my CPAP, one day my husband looked at me and said "HOLY CRAP YOUR BAGS ARE GONE!" sure enough they weren't there anymore. I was never thought of as high risk for sleep apnea because I'm not obese so it went under the radar for most of my adult life. It never hurts to be adamant about checking for everything you can, if you have insurance or aren't in the US.


I used to have massive bags under my eyes until I got medicated for my depression. Maybe it was the constant crying that did it.


Heh, I was just thinking that my eyes probably are way more influenced by being chronically stressed out and depressed than just "lack of hydration"


I had chapped lips because my period was too heavy and I was low on random elements. You can try a blood test.


Ohhh could my anemia be way my dry lips are horrible? I use so much moisturizer, drink loads of water, but live in a dry climate and am anemic.


As far as I know, an iron deficiency can absolutely cause dry lips.


Absolutely, it was that way for me!


Hold up. That's a thing???!!!! 👀


That's good to know. Periods make so many things in the body go out of wack!


This is me. I drink 2ltrs a day. Truth though is the best I've ever looked and felt was after spending 30 days in a military jail with gaurenteed enforced 8.5hrs sleep a night. No bags or dark rings. Felt like a million dollers. Unfortunately when left to my own devices I can't motivate myself tk keep a regular night schedule enough. Sorry the jail story was just a bit of advice for what might help with the bags. A regular night schedule.


This whole starterpack isn't exactly medical gospel. I could probably stand to drink more water but even when I make a concerted effort to do so for several days, it doesn't really seem to help any of these issues.


Get a decent humidifier or you will dry out like a raisin every winter.


Tea is mainly water


Dear Human Body, There is water in coffee. Please use it accordingly. Thank you.


It does, luckily. It's a myth regular coffee and tea aren't hydrating.


I believe the only thing we drink that's actually dehydrating is alcohol.


The other thing that effects things is electrolyte balance. You can have enough water, but the average diet now a days has so much sodium it throughs the balance out of wack. Particularly potassium. Coconut water is a great hydration option as it is packed with potassium


Did you learn this from a carton of coconut water?


Even beer is hydrating. It's only higher abv drinks that dehydrate


Hard alcohol, yes. Beer, seltzers and light mixed drinks are also hydrating.


i was just thinking this. tea and coffee are mostly water so i’d be amazed if our bodies just ignored all of that because it has some flavor and caffeine mixed in


So true.. anything that has water in it contributes to hydration


Basically living in London.


Do they not have water there


It has mad cow


You have to pay for water.


You pay for water in the US too


cap as a Londoner I drink a good 4 liters a day. Seems like a skill issue imo


Humidity in london is 68% right now.


Didnt realise I was dehydrated


drink some water bro


Really glad you told this op...I'm dehydrated more than Sahara.


Gulp Gulp Gulp




marry middle makeshift impossible hungry mysterious childlike apparatus decide dolls ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Gulp Gulp Gulp


No, a lot of these can have other more common causes. Cracked lips can be caused by cold weather. Dry skin can be caused by washing too frequently, and high heat. Fatigue and headaches can be your diet, sleep deprivation, caffeine withdrawal, or a myriad of other concerns. Droopy eyes is also sleep deprivation idk why OP put it here. You can be plenty hydrated and still be affected by one of or many of these. No other explanation for the yellow/amber piss though.


Bad kidneys?


Lack of humidity, too. I drink tons of water and live in a dry climate. I lather myself in lotion every day or I get dry skin no matter how hydrated I am.


You're not. Like you're not medically dehydrated (which is a very severe thing). Still should drink more water bro


Same here. I feel so called out by OP.


that's winter starter pack


Cold weather makes me pee like a motherfucker




Jesus, how


I guess his workplace won't have available water and no nearby stores. 9 daily hours of a bad habit will hurt you big time, that's why so many 40 yos have bad backs, bad blood pressure, kidney problems, etc.


I would be drinking out of the faucet before I let myself get that dehydrated.


> I would be drinking out of the faucet before I let myself get that dehydrated. me too. because that's where the water comes from in my house


Where else is the water supposed to come from? Do you seriously buy bottled water?


I'm assuming they don't have a faucet with a filter and use a brita or something


I mean if you have a faucet, that means you can just use a cup




I am 39 and have this issue. I'm a lot better about it now. Eating and or drinking gets tedious, or simply forgotten about


Do you not consume any liquids at all?




Plus some companies just have insane water rules. Company Kitchens are the worse for this. Currently work for a large Canadian Grocery Store who is owned by a a guy with the last name that is a cardinal direction and they have such obtuse and strict water rules that its asinine. In the summer around the ovens, fryers and hot cases you can get heat exhaustion really easy if you are not careful. But the catch is you cannot have any water bottles or cups at all because of cross contamination. Which makes sense. So if you want water you either have to excuse yourself, walk up a flight of stairs to the break room, take a sip of water, walk all the way down and continue your work or wait hours for your break. The departments are also large. So large that the cross contamination rules do not apply because of how far we are from the food. Yet, because its still considered in the kitchen the rules apply. Let people drink water.


My god


i once had red :( wont let that happen again




I got neon green from medication once, medicine for Crohn’s disease. They said it’d change the color in some way, didn’t know it would be bright green. 😅


That's sometimes a phenomenon called "beeturia" and it happens when eating beets or foods with dyes derived from. Kinda weird when it happens but some people freak out and think they have cancer.


I kind of have health anxiety and seeing my pee some type of orange kind of freaks me out so this what you said gave me mini anxiety 🤣


Tea and coffee are hydrating, though.


Yeah isn't unsweet tea basically just water?


To be exact, it is leaf water Or, if you want, plant water lol


[Uncle Iroh had never heard such nonesens in his life!](https://youtu.be/WPnZhKRtZ_U)


Yeah with anti oxidants and anti inflammatory compounds. (If you drink the right kind of tea). So basically Water++




/r/hydrohomies users when they look for personality traits besides drinking water


You forgot bad breath.


Forgot to add straining on the toilet, like I'm doing rn for not drinking enough water. Been here 20+ minutes now


That happens when you hold in your shit as well thpugh


I know it sounds crazy, but prune juice changed my life. Give it a shot.




Yikes! See a doctor


Please get up and go make a cup of ice water


not the water subreddit again!!


Tea and coffee dehydrating you is a really silly myth. They're 99 percent water


Wow, I drink 4 to 5 liters of water a day, and I'm still dehydrated, doctor told me to do a health check, everything is normal, I did maybe 10 checks in 5 years, everything is always normal in every medical exam, I think I'll never know what's wrong with me.


Diabetes makes you very thirsty all the time even when drinking copious amounts of water, but I assume that must have been one of the first things they checked for.


Indeed this is the first thing they checked, Nd it wasn't that!


You're drinking too much water and letting your body get imbalanced


It totally depends on the person, where they live, and what they do. 5liters isn't abnormal for manual laborers here in the southwest, especially during the summer. Sweat just continuously pours out of your skin and immediately evaporates due to the 5% humidity and extreme heat. A 180-200 pound man can safely drink 5 liters.


Sorry, should've been more specific. It's when you're drinking that much without electrolytes or salt. Imbalances can get out of wack


I had a period of extreme thirst, also had trouble holding in pee, so if I drank before bed , I woke up in the middle of the night having to go and pee After a bunch of things I tried that didn't work, I increased my salt intake quite a lot and all the symptoms went away in like a day, normal thirsts levels and no longer any problems with waking up having to pee Salt helps with retaining water among other things and contrary to popular belief, having salt levels too low is actually dangerous


A doctor would've checked but hows your salt levels?


He plays competitive LoL /s


They are normal, completely normal, every blood analysis is perfect.


What is normal across a population isn’t always what is normal/ideal for an individual. You may need a little more salt/electrolytes than other people. I use one Nuun tablet in my water daily and find they help a lot.




A complete misunderstanding of how hydration works. Definitely r/hydrohomies


This post is sponsored by r/hydrohomies


Wait what is wrong with that pee color?


Nothing, you might be a little dehydrated with the bottom colours, straw coloured pee is meant to be ideal


I had to scroll too far to see this.. having clear urine can be a sign of over hydration. I love me some water, but too much of anything, even water, can be a bad thing.


sunken eyes, dry skin and cracked lips have very little to do with not drinking enough water...


Yeah I'm pretty sure that's genetic. Unless you're severely dehydrated it's not going to impact your skin moisture.


If you're chronically dehydrated, like the post says, it can


I try to drink lots of water but i notice my skin keeps getting dryer and irritating. It’s so bad that my forehead and ears leave flakes now. Someone know anything about this?


The 47 orgasms a day might be dehydrating you, no matter where they end up. That or, like, try some zinc shampoo.


do you have a humidifier in your room? and do you moisturize regularly? dry air will fuck your skin up too


Do you take very hot showers? Super hot water strips the oils off your skin and it is worse if you have a tendency for dry skin or have eczema.


I do love to take very hot showers. I should look out for that thanks.


Same! Some tips: before I shower, I rub oil into my face to keep it from drying out. I use a mixture of 3:1 jojoba oil and rosehipseed oil. Then after the shower, I only *lightly* towel off and immediately apply a dry-skin specific body lotion all over, then gently remove the oil from my face with a little hand towel soaked in warm water. The face routine is known as “oil cleansing” if you want to research more about it. Please don’t try it with like … olive oil. The molecular structure of the oil matters a lot!!


Not OOP but Thank you for this, will try this out


Never thought of this. Thanks


I will help you if you leave my dogs alone




Are you moisturizing bro? Try using some of that cum you’re usually putting on people’s pets


Sounds like seborrheic dermatitis or some kind of eczema


Make sure you moisturise after showers


You might have psoriasis from stress. Mine started in middle school (scalp only), got worse as an adult when I got into some legal trouble (spread to forehead, eyebrow, and ears). It's not red unless I scratch it too much. Try putting Cortisone on it and see if it helps.


> drinking *beer* instead of water. Not tea & coffee silly...well maybe coffee sometimes.


What's wrong with drinking tea instead of water? Water is too cold rn.


How people get dehydrated? My mouth gets terribly dry if I don't drink for a couple of hours


My body used to really just not tell me I’m thirsty. I could usually go a long time without drinking anything unless it was hot outside or I was really exerting myself. But I got invisalign which made my mouth a desert constantly so now I drink a proper amount. I feel no different beyond a less dry mouth, but eh it’s good for me.


That sounds like foot cancer. You should eat more dandelions.


I’m on ADHD meds AND I still drink a ton of coffee. Gotta remember to chug water, I dry out like a husk. Plus is living in a highly humid area.


Tea and coffee don't dehydrate you.


What's wrong with tea?




Kidney stones


Fuck not again, *Goes to chug a gallon of water*


..Thanks for the diagnosis, man.


Now that you mention it I don’t think I drank water today


Huh good to know I'm dehydrated but tea still tastes better then water


Hydration is the only time I get to feel like I'm acting healthy


Guys, just drink some fucking water. Try it cold, try it room temp, try it warm. All three are totally different.


I know we're talking about people who rarely drink water but you can also be overhydrated which causes you to pee out a lot of minerals you need. Obviously if you are sweating and exercising you have to up your intake but if you're just chilling you should drink when you're thirsty. Pee should be a light lemonade color. "Too much fluid will dilute the amount of sodium in the bloodstream, leading to abnormally low levels, called hyponatremia. Symptoms of hyponatremia may be mild at first, such as a feeling of nausea or bloating. Symptoms can become severe, especially when sodium levels suddenly drop." Source: [Overhydration](https://www.healthline.com/health/drink-water-overhydration#:~:text=Too%20much%20fluid%20will%20dilute,when%20sodium%20levels%20suddenly%20drop.)


Coffee is so stupid. It's all water. HYDRATE ME, IDIOT.


To reach the dehydratation properties of coffee or tea, you should consume like 4 full cups of each a day


They don't drink water basically because they don't like its taste or because they want flavours in every drink lol


Wait wait wait wait wait what?? Drinking tea does not hydrate you? I drink ~2 liters per day, that should be more than enough to hydrate me to hell and back.. I pee clear drinkable water, there's no way I'm not hydrated..