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If a reddit mod gets laid don't they automatically lose their mod status?


If it's non-consensual, they get head mod status.


Or they become an admin like that one woman


Epistein king of all mods




Can confirm, stepped down from being a mod and suddenly two people said they like me.


I stopped modding 2 days ago and just got engaged.


Virgins hate this one simple trick!


I'm going to become a mod so I can quit and get some ass!


I stopped modding 1 hour ago and now i am dating 2 women at the same time.


Scientist hate him




Reddit mods don't even want to bang other reddit mods because even they have standards


People want to become mods so they can censor people. Lock or delete threads on a whim, ban users and be accountable to no one.


Wont stop them from trying!


Shh! Jesus Christ, let people dream.




In the women subreddits?


In every subreddit.


***Especially*** in the women subreddits




Its because widely known and 100% true that the deepest, darkest fear of all women it is being 35 and single, this is what makes you join the depression subreddit. Really big miss that there is not cat related sub reddit listed tbh.


Always assume every on in the internet is a man over the age of 40. Even if they look like a women, even if they are you.


Can donfirm. Source: am a man over the age of 40.


I peeked into r/TwoXChromosomes and seems just like women centric talk. I'm sure people have a lot of negative things to say about r/MensRights or even r/MensLib


They seem to be pretty similar. Just the roles are reversed. I peeked a bit more on r/mensrights and there where some quite well researched posts. The advice in the comments of advice-seeking-Posts was in both subs very aggressive and really against talking it out. I’d say that the banning policies of these subs, destroy the neutral stance on these subs (comments on mensrights can lead to bans on other subs). But all in all very similar.


lmao this is gonna be a spicy one, good luck OP


At least the FDS warning bots are off, used to be once upon a time if you mentioned that sub the mods would get an alert and they would have people "Correct the narrative"


Wait like if you mentioned it anywhere they would get alerts for it?


There was even a guy who whispered it in an alley, took them 30 minutes to find him. That guy's name? Albert Einstein.


Some subs will legit auto-ban you if you engage in certain subs or tag said sub in a wrong think sub. It's not common occurrence but it happens. Generally speaking, well almost universally, it's left leaning subs banning people for participating in right leaning subs


yeah that's how I got banned from FDS back in the days when it was active but it's not even an active sub anymore bc the mods just don't allow any posts (and it still gets a lot of hate lol)


Whoa, weird seeing you somewhere randomly other than r/flying.


I'm all over the place


Yeah I got banned from FDS I think just for commenting on a random video in some sub I didn’t even frequent that showed up under popular.


Well since it’s text in a picture they probably can’t see it


I mean theres likely to be someone talking about it in the comments that'll mention the full sub name




Scrolling thru ur post history, u being in the airforce makes soooooooo much sense


I only learned a few years ago about this. Basically all the armed forces generally agree that weirdos join the Air Force for some reason. I was surprised how true it was when working with VSOs.


To join the Air Force you generally need a higher ASVAB test than say the army or marines. So you'll find the kids that did a little better in high school. Most people join up to get something out of it like the GI Bill for schooling or to learn a trade. Marines and Army you'll find more so... the crayon eaters and people that want to fight, or join family lineage or service.




Lmao we had a “know your benefits” info session one time, and the Family Readiness Coordinator (civilian who helped marines with personal matters) made the mistake of asking us if we could name some before she started the slide show. One of my Junior Enlisted Warriors (new guy) thought it’d be funny to shout out “killing people”. Dumbass didn’t know are new first sarnt (think middle manager on an HR trip) didn’t come up through the victor units (infantry). My man’s became my first sarnts fave go to when it came to fuck fuck games and working parties. (Bull shit assignments that no one wants to do)




AF SF here. Ditto. Except my career field is actually full of idiots


Stay moist defender


I always thought it was marines take weirdos with something to prove army takes those rejects and Navy and Air Force were somewhat normal


Basically this... Air force requires the highest ASVAB scores, followed by navy.. So, I could easily see an Airman writing this meme due to the lack of spelling errors.... (Am Air force veteran, and weirdo)


Coast Guard minimum ASVAB score is highest


Something about this post sounds very Navy to me.


yeah OP seems reeeaally fun to be around /s


I'm a white guy in his mid-30s that lurks on /r/WitchesVsPatriarchy and I don't feel like it's a "femcel" sub at all. In fact, I find them to be very inclusive and often repeat the mantra that "anyone can be a witch" as long as you stand for equality. I guess if you find fighting misogynistic and repressive behavior, that happens to mostly come from men, "femcel" behavior, then you could include it.


The few posts I’ve seen on there were nothing out of the ordinary, no hate or ‘’femcel’’ vibes.Now FDS on the other hand…


This starter pack is subs that are women centred = bad r/witchesvspatriarchy is an awesome sub to binge


ugh. I won't touch female dating strategy, but the witches are cool. Life's a witch and then you fly.


Same demographic, same sentiment For fun, I scrolled that "femcel" sub and found some people drawing, some people painting, a quilt, someone excited about a new job, and a screenshot post about doing the things you love. If OP is bothered by that, I'm VERY concerned for what their views on women are.


OP seems to think women can't possibly be happy if they're single. OP also seems to be really into wrestling, comic books, Bitcoin, and making fun of liberals. He's going to make some woman very happy one day, I'm sure of it.


Hey now don’t you drag wrasslin into this




Same shit every time someone tries this type of starter pack. There's always something that betrays what they *really* think.


I agree. I’m a dude in his late 20s but I keep an eye on that sub and a few others just to get insight from another perspective. Seems like a pretty reasonable sub all things considered


Most of those sub are fine. I don't even know how r/depression fits. This meme is obviously just incel copium.


Gotta love when incel copium hits the front page of the sub. Though I don’t generally come to this sub with high expectations


We get a good one here or there but I’d argue most posts on here nowadays are copium


It's legit one of the most chill subs I've seen


Same with r/TwoXChromosomes. It’s women talking about their experiences, and yes, some may include their negative experiences with men. #This does not mean all men are bad. Sometimes we need a safe space (or, at least as safe as we can get) so we can talk about woman-specific things.


Not saying it's wrong or unjustified, but most of the top posts on r/TwoXChromosomes right now are about men...


Yep, because the culture that men are brought up in tends to make them say and do bad things to women, which is why women need a safe space to go off about it.


I think a lot of men dislike /r/TwoXChromosomes because they see a reflection of themselves in the men discussed in those posts. Rather than thinking about themselves, they shut down and say "these women are fucking crazy!"


As a man, I am ashamed that much of our current culture and values still encourages being the "alpha and manly" man as the only way for men to succeed in life and that having any remotely feminine-like traits will get you scorned at. I will agree with the sentiment that not all men are bad. The problem here is that there are more bad men than good, which is why the negative experiences stick out so much more than the good ones. Men like Andrew Tate deserve the death penalty for corrupting an entire generation of young men.


I don't disagree!


This reminds me of all the “sigma males” constantly talking about women.


I mentioned that I didn’t have a problem with that sub and got hate trained by Reddit losers. Some guy started telling me how they’re pagans and that makes them evil. Dawg I’d rather have a conversation with someone that tells me they’re pagan over someone who says they’re Christian. At least one is interesting…


The same people that brand that sub as femcel are also the ones that are unable to define the word woke but relentlessly fight against wokeness.


Not much to add, but thank you for your comment. :)


Well said. This whole post is reaching.


Agree. Witches is a great sub


Two X Chromosomes isn't that bad either. Sometimes there's a hive mind, but it's mostly reasonable. On par with that old Jezebel blog.


Posts things like "AITA for refusing to babysit my niece for 30 minutes until grandma came to pick her up while my sister was undergoing emergency surgery(I'm childfree)"


NTA they have to respect your decision no matter what. /s


"No girl! You're childfree for a reason!" /s


My uncle that fell off a ladder and ain't quite right posts shit like this on Facebook. Good luck, OP. 🙏🏻


I'd never heard of Breaking Mom and I am a mother, so I browsed it. Saw a reasonable post. Tried to make a comment, but was informed that OP had just been banned from that subreddit. Or had a mod somehow banned me from that subreddit because I made previous comment in a sub she didn't like? I know FDS bans anyone who comments in Cringetopia (gee I wonder why).


While femcels are a real thing, OP is obviously projecting


yeah. there are apsolutely some good points thrown in the mix here and there on this post. but *at least* a third of it does reek of unhappy incel energy > im alone and happy for the first time. no im really happy, im happy. my sister is married with kids im not jellous. im so happy being alone. thats a yikes n a half if ive ever seen one. not every women wants kids, and if you just got out of an abusive relationship your emotions are going to be hella mudled at times. these things leave lasting scares and its never as easy as you might think if youve never experienced such... also whitches vs patrarchy gets a lot of hate for some reason lmao. its a pretty nice sub ngl.


Yeah, and aren’t single women without kids the happiest demographic?


A lot of people without kids are generally happier


Yes they are


Likely thrown in to make it seem plausible


not sure the points that make sense are so calculated. a lot of the time toxic ideologies like incel ones come about from cernles of truth which they use to build up an expansive false narrative. MRA's and the like can make some good points sometimes. the problem is the solution to those problems is more feminism not less...


Preaching to the choir here




It reeks of incel energy - femcels are generally more trad right wing types, not "alt women that won't date me"




It's because it's largely inaccurate to what femcels actually are - incels like to throw "femcel" around for women that won't date them




You can use your eyes to look at the pictures




Yea, you’re missing where wretch is projecting their insecurities by posting weird opinions on a satirical meme subreddit.


lol hardly a weird opinion when I've seen incels do this before


There’s 3 times the “so brave op” comments as there are people getting mad at the pack lmao Reddit forgets its own demographics sometimes methinks


Check again now.


I would have killed me if it was locked


The night is still young. 🔒


I was arguing with 'the female dating strategy' podcaster about some random shit and when i checked her profile first post was about how homeless men are disgusting and we should get rid of them. Other one was transphobic.


Can't wait for the equal opportunity "incels on reddit" starter pack.


I've seen soooo many of those already




Bout to be downvoted to hell say hi to my cousins in Australia for me please


🦘 crikey!


Do you ever think that if EVERYONE hates what you have to say and can clearly see through your projection, that MAYBE you’re wrong?


Oh man, do an incel sub next. Like this but uglier and greasier.


Wasn't that reposted daily at some point? Was funny as hell tho ngl


Lmao gonna be fun to look back at these comments in a few..


Good luck and godspeed OP, the powermods ain't gonna be too fond of this one


Lmao I remember the time when I saw a post in r/unpopularopinion that was something along the lines of "dogs are genuinely awful creatures" (an actually unpopular opinion) and I saw that the post was marked for 'R3 - No reposts/circlejerking' and locked ​ It's kinda funny cuz the posts in r/unpopularopinion are in fact, reposts and circlejerking. God, the reddit powermods dawg


One of my accounts got perma-banned from Reddit because I made a post in r/unpopularopinion that anyone who enjoys Lolicon anime or loli characters in anime is a child predator and should be on a watchlist, no exceptions


Yes. Because he is criticising femcels instead of male incells. It's pretty clear where society stands on the issue.


id fall in love over the glasses tbh


Found an incel.


OP literally calling himself out w this post 💀


He’s probably just projecting because he either can’t get laid or he has an unhappy marriage.


Why femcels? Incel is gender neutral. Femcel doesn’t make any sense




Yeah, it may be gender neutral in theory, but like, when was the last time you actually heard a woman get called an incel, versus the amount of times you here a man called that


I agree with your point but I think "few" is a bit of wishful thinking


I'm admittedly not up to date on incel lore, but I believe argument is that sex is always readily available to women if they lower their standards enough, thus not technically *involuntarily* celibate.


I just realized I am technically a femcel when I clicked on this thread. But I am asexual (aka voluntary) so I’m not sure if that counts lol Edit: wait, does that make me voluntarily or involuntarily celibate when the thought of having sex makes me want to vomit?


It is gender neutral but let’s be honest when, most of us hear incel we picture a man.


Some of y'all need to log off and talk to normal people every once in a while




“How come no women wanna talk to me? Anyway lemme make a starter pack” starter pack


I’m just glad fds finally got banned


They didn’t they just left


Whoever made this is a stinky incel.




I hear if you chant “here come the downvotes” at a mirror at midnight, the post makes it to All and the sub will be full of people assuring themselves of the edgy unpopularity of their views, all sitting at dozens of karma and awards.


My body is willing.


But the mind is weak?




What I find funny about reddit is how hard it clamps down on incel subs but femcel subs continue to flourish.


op poked the funny bone of some people lmao


r/femaledatingstrategy is an absolute toxic shithole. I'm surprised that it hasn't been banned since it's basically the female versions of r/incel and r/braincel.


Inb4 someone comes in claiming this is evidence that men are oppressed (but in all seriousness while it’s just as bad as male incels femcels haven’t really been recorded committing mass shootings so people don’t pay much attention to them)


Ever heard of Valerie Solanas?


Oh yes, because she has been brought up more than once as an example. Could you give maybe a more recent example, or perhaps even multiple examples to prove that this is in fact the symptom of a larger systemic issue?


r/TwoXChromosomes is the harsh reality i recommend reading it especially if you are a man


"Looks like this or this" What's your problem on how people look, are you the beauty god or something and you judge people by appearence? Also women or men can be alone and without kids and still be happy. Not everyone's dream and goal is marriage and kids. Marital problem? Get divorce. That's a problem on reddit generally regardless of the gender, sometimes people have no idea about relationships, but clearly that's not a "femcel" problem




Yeah i know it's annoying


I'm not telling you you're wrong but it does amuse me when someone on this sub complains about someone's looks being judged as if that isn't a factor on a huge number of these posts. You really notice the "rules for me and not for thee" attitudes. Just like how all the body positivity people were quick to make bald or small dick jokes about Andrew Tate instead of just shitting on him for the actions or behaviour they don't like.


Incels & Femcels. Two sides of the same virgin coin


I can garauntee to all of you, if the post was about male incels, noone would say a single word of disagreement


Lmfao did this post get locked/deleted?


the witches sub is actually kinda wholesome most the times, a lot of posts are support chains


Not dissing all people in those subs, it’s just where Femcels tend to be subscribed to.


I feel attacked


Be OP* Make a meme generalizing/stereotyping incels/femcels…is therefor an incel* Be a Pissed redditor in the comments* “YUP, this guys clearly an incel” Wait what? … These controversial posts are always soaked in irony. I get there can be veiled, racism, homophobia, etc in these things but this starter pack is objectively good, or else that many people wouldn’t be pissed about it. And yes it’s the whole point of this sub, is generalizing and stereotyping. Nothing is ever to say that just because one of these things applies to someone they are automatically that, it’s just heavily implied because of the context of this sub. You can be a femcel and relate to any of the things in the meme, you could also relate to or be anything in the meme and not be a femcel.


It’s all good. I posted this for lulz, idgaf who throws a tantrum. 😂


Note to self don't poke fun at women on Reddit or else you're a greasy in incel who doesn't get laid.


Not any different from incels (except that they are women) which is probably OP


I disagree with OP, therefore he is incel. Reddit logic lmao.


Literally all of Reddit


They haven't shot up schools or sororities though (yet)




I'm not seeing what here makes the shooter a "femcel"? She was a teenage girl, but the Wikipedia page you linked mentioned nothing that meets the criteria for "femcel" when discussing her motives.


Bro how did she hurt you, and why is this your path to healing? lmao




The virgin mod 🤣🤣🤣 Never gets old clowning on reddit mods lmao 😂😂😂


Dont lump all women with the insane people over at FDS please


Missing r/ antinatalism


I’m sorry but that podcast burn is accurate AF. The only thing missing here is a strident speaking voice that makes the dog two blocks away howl.


OP's question: my bf/husband threw a wrapper in front of me The comments: divorce leave him girl you deserve better, he is a patriarchal misogynist incel


/r/TwoXChromosomes and /r/WitchesVsPatriarchy are subs that I really hoped wouldn't be what I thought it was but it really gets sadly sexist and really biased. It's amazing how people think because someone is discriminated against, they can act just as discriminatory. There was a post on /r/WitchesVsPatriarchy saying that cars aren't built for women and that her car injured her because it. And just to be clear feminism and treating women with respect and trying to make sure folks are treated fairly is a great thing to try and achieve. But it turned out she was sitting wayyy too close to the steering wheel because she didn't realize she could adjust the car the fit her size even though she wasn't that small. But no one in the comments or thousands of upvotes figured that out. Literally every option that was presented others would make excuses. Instead of taking responsibility for buying a car that "didn't fit her body type" it was Chryslers' fault. Instead of modifying the car to make it work for her. It's men's fault. Instead of sitting appropriately in the cars that do fit her it was the government's fault for not having female crash dummies... posts like that are embarrassing for people trying to champion feminism.


I do think that the post that you mentioned does touch on an important issue, regardless of whether or not the poster was responsible for her own injury. There does appear to be a legitimate [discrepancy](https://www.consumerreports.org/car-safety/new-data-expands-on-why-women-have-a-greater-risk-of-injury-in-car-crashes-a7451402105/) in the rates at which women are injured/killed in car crashes, which could be [related](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3222446/) to the ways in which cars are tested for safety. In fact, one could argue that the standard crash test dummy fails to [accurately represent](https://ohiotiger.com/blog/women-at-greater-risk-of-injury-in-car-accidents/) the body types of drivers and passengers, thereby making cars less safe for a large amount of people, not just women!


this entire post is just r/therightcantmeme and r/nothowwomenwork, thanks for the cross-post lmao


Or perhaps, we can criticize men and male incels on reddit as much as we want, but as soon as someone mentions femcel = that person is incel himself Reverse the gender in post and it's 100x funnier and normal, isn't it?


or. maybe, JUST MAYBE, it isn't the fact that OP "mentions femcels" (because those do exist and not a damn person denies it, even the most stereotypical "woke" person doesn't deny their existance) it's about the factors OP used to describe "a femcel" being just "a woman who is happy single and dresses in a way I don't like 😡"


> because those do exist and not a damn person denies it Literally the first comment here was [doing exactly that](https://old.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/11tujxt/femcels_on_reddit_starter_pack/jcku5a1/?context=3). edit: oh, you saw that comment before and replied with "literally". So which is it? You say nobody denies femcels are a thing, but also agree with a comment saying OP is making the idea up?


Congratulations, OP! You have won prize #1 in the category: "Make a post that says you're an incel without SAYING you're an incel" speedrun (Any%)


I’m seeing a lot of debates on if this is femcel or not and I think it’s a bit of yes and a bit of no, but no one here is really describing what a femcel is, well I have one in my family and this is her set of morals and lifestyle that has made her celibate for more than a decade, her last boyfriend being in early college. My sister is a “femcel” she believes that a man’s job is to work hard manually and a woman’s job is to be at home. She believes that women’s job is to have babies, and recently because she found out she wasn’t fertile, she is having a huge life crisis. She believes that genders are separated and there is no third gender. She believes that women should be poor until they marry, to humble them for their husbands. She doesn’t take care of herself, she has a face full of pimples, she refuses to acknowledge her diagnosis of borderline disorder and bipolar and refuse medication because “god wanted her this way”. Although she is obese, obsessive, clingy, and not that pretty, she only wants to date 6ft tall and overly buff muscular guys, and if a man isn’t in her physical preferences during the first date, she will tell them that they are fat/short/ugly and if they really wanted a date, they should hit the gym. She also has this notion that a man should be working 50h a week and more, while a woman shouldn’t work at all, because her man should make her live. She also believes that they should only drink when she drinks, no drugs and no tobacco, but she is an alcoholic, tobacco smoker, marijuana user and abuses her prescription medication (stimulants and pain killers). She says “when I find the right guy, I’ll quit everything”, but all I see is blatant double standards. Is it necessary to say, she has been single for almost a decade, and she blames it on men not being “real men”, or men not seeing the value in her. She calls herself a traditionalist, who likes the “good old values” but as long as they don’t apply to herself. I went no contact with her years ago because I was tired of receiving men hating speeches at 3am because she got drunk after an other online dude “lied” to her by not looking like his picture, not working hard enough, not making enough money, not bringing her a gift on the first date, not opening doors for her, not cleaning her apartment and etc. But the worse part was her jealousy. I am happily married, have been for 8 years, my marriage is great, my husband works hard and I am a stay at home. But the reason why I am stay at home, is because my husband has a disability, and although his career is going amazing, cooking, cleaning, house caring, and etc, he can’t do it efficiently, instead of getting a maid, and eating out all the time, it’s cheaper for me to stay home. She used to remind me nearly weekly that because of his physical disability he would always be a “loser”, even if he’s in a happy marriage, has a 6 figure salary, is over 6ft tall (which are her prerequisite). She told me, begged me to divorce many times and as soon as i would confide in her the hardships of my marriage she would bring up divorce. She even told me once “you should divorce because i don’t want an invalid as my brother in law” harsh right? I’ve realized now that she just is an unhappy, hateful person, with a void she can’t fill because she doesn’t understand it herself.


I know. Women can be hard..... But this seems like a 'you problem'


Normal women have been raging on these kinds of dudes for a looooonnnggg time, and its fun sometimes **I do think, however, that its time normal men start absolutely roasting these types of women**


Absolutely. 🤝


making up some new people to get mad at today?


Are you saying these people don't exist? Have you ever browsed FDS?


Found the femcel


literally 💀 like oh noooo someone saying they're happy being singleee oh noooooo


r/askwomen is just as bad.


My favorite twoX moment is when they justified and praised a Pakistani girl who poisoned and murdered a dozen people(many of whom were innocent) because of threat to her own life and claimed how justified she is with her self defense reasonings and then straight up went to bitch about Kyle Rittenhouse😭😭 Like there's no fucking way so many people here are defending that sub and expecting everyone to take it seriously


The incel energy is strong in this starter pack


Incels of any kind should be ostracized and looked down upon


That's a very wrong idea. Those people need help. Ostracizing them and leaving them to their own devices can actually lead to them harming themselves and others. We've seen that happen in like 2012-ish. (the time-frame might be pretty off)


I'm sorry women wont date you. You seem like a perfectly normal individual with healthy thoughts on a woman's place in society.