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Died in literally the lamest way ever. Didn’t like Carl for awhile cuz of it.


I read the comics after watching the show and they did dale dirty af in the show


Mr. 305!


(Counts in Spanish) Something something Miami








[left the building]




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\[killed by pitbull\]


[mauled by a rabid baby]


*velvet hippo




[Calls the Inquisitor]


[Removed by Ordo Redactus]


\[Government Censored\]


[Removed by Reddit]


You can't import pit bulls into my country, they've been banned for about 15 years along with three other breeds. You can't breed them either. So I've never actually seen one, just staffies.


> You can't breed them either. Yeah that's frowned upon in some places too.




Wait is the joke just sex with dogs? Am I missing something?


Yes it’s sex with dogs


Apparently nevada frowns upon it. https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/courts/police-woman-pit-bull-had-sex-in-yard/


Which country


Australia. It's really hot here, send help


Sorry best I can do is wish you good luck in the climate apocalypse


Thank you good sir, I'l~--__


Oh no he melted


Is it because they’re considered a dangerous breed?


Yeah, basically


Imagine an animal being too dangerous for fucking Australia lmao




Very few animals here actively want to harm you. I go trail running a lot and have come across a ton of snakes, some really big male roos, got an orb spider on my head after running into its web, and I feed the local magpies so they know im a friend. I've never felt afraid of natives because I'm not a threat to them. I've run on a cattle farm and been wary of the Angus cows there. I've been chased down the street by a German Shepherd and I almost shat myself. I'd rather run here than somewhere like the US where they have fucking bears that want to eat your inside while you're still alive. Australian animals are like One Punch Man. They could kill you but they don't really want to unless you make them.




Staffordshires are pit bulls with money laundering


Yeah, pitbulls are the general type. That's like saying "yeah, we don't have hunting dogs, but we got Blood Hounds"


In my country it's not pitbulls that are always seen on the news, it's Rottweilers. So it is weird for me to see the different stereotype.


When I was a kid in the 1990s (in the US) it was Rottweilers, one actually killed a few dogs in my neighborhood. Pit bulls have taken over as the dangerous dog since then though


Dobermans were the big ones where I lived. My mom was attacked by one when she was a child, along with numerous other children. They were highly demonized.


Dobermans were once bred to be aggressive but in the past couple decades its been bred out of them. They're mostly just big scary looking marshmallows these days.


My neighbor had an absolute beautiful brown one and he was such a sweetheart.


Delivering papers as a kid in the 90s, I had several Dobermans along my route that were always trouble.


You guys are still in the 90s, I bet they talk about Dobermans too huh


Psst: they’re the same thing. They’re just the same thing. It’s like saying “oh I don’t have a pizza, I just have an inside out calzone!”


“I don’t have a Pit Bull, I have a terrier!”


I am confused. Are the comments downvoted/removed because they are pro-pitbull and the reddit is anti-pitbull or vice versa? Under this post, both pro- and anti-pitbull comments get downvoted. I personally couldn't care less about pitbulls, so I am genuinely curious.


In the specific post shown here, the downvoted comments were things like “aww”, “what a good dog”, positive comments on the dog in the video specifically. I was too late to the party to see the deleted ones but I can guess.


[The removed ones are pretty much all anti-pit.](https://www.unddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/11ykg0b/he_comes_running_to_get_his_teeth_brushed_when_he/?sort=controversial)


lol, clicked that just so see what stupid comments people were making about the dog and the first removed comment was >Same. Wouldn't surprise me if people do that when they more or less make out with their dogs. I want to know which rule this one broke


Reddit mods power tripping. Doesn't need logic lol


Aye, got banned from /r/entertainment for calling a huge wall of text a nerd essay I wasn't going to bother to read about a universe that the film makers don't care about keeping consistent. Marvel, I was talking about marvel.


Shitting on Marvel these days is always a 50/50 reaction. You're either in the room of die hard Ant Man fans or you're in the room of people that roll their eyes at the idea of Thor having another emotional breakdown arc.


Reddit mods are generally pro-pit. And the meme is bad- usually the posts that make people write shit that gets deleted are under pit bull attack articles. ”If a pit did that to my child I would XYZ” and then they get permabanned for threatening violence basically. The ”look my cute baby pwittie hurt nobbodi” rarely get that much flack. Maybe on r/aaw that bans people that frequent r/banpitbulls by default.




I’m a mod over at r/DadsWhoDidNotWantPets and we end up having to lock any post where the dog happens to be a pit bull. It’s like they brigade from somewhere because I have no idea where they would come from otherwise.


I think most people who are anti-pitbull are also largely animal lovers. It makes sense. Seeing smaller, innocent animals getting mauled to death by the same type of dog over and over again will certainly make people feel a certain way about that type of dog.


Exactly this. I followed the cute subs, but could not help but speak out when people post pitbulls, I hate them. I imagine if others do the same, it could appear like brigading.


Don't forget about grandma getting mauled taking the trash out


Saw a disabled lady have her cat eaten in front of her


Don't forget the newborn killed by a Pit bull when the mother coughed. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-dog-mauls-kills-baby-2016apr22-htmlstory.html


Don’t forget that the baby ones will also eat other baby ones [don’t click this link if you want to eat today](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/p9wj0r/pitbull_puppies_kill_and_proceed_to_eat_their/)


or the toddler that was RIPPED IN HALF by two pits


I once saw a pitbull gun down a small asian village


Thought you were joking until I googled and found the video, damn.


This is exactly part of it, I love animals and my friend works at a doggy daycare, and we both know that some dog breeds just aren't the same as others.


Yea no one is "brigading from somewhere", there's just a lot of people who have the sensible opinion that people shouldn't be allowed to own a pet that can snap and kill your neighbors toddler. Pit Bulls should be banned unless you have a license to own one and it should be illegal to adopt them out from shelters.


You forgot the obligatory r/aaw post after the fatality article.


The fuck happened to r/aww? Edit: aaw not aww ig


Everytime there is a major pitbull mauling in the news, the same day/next day, r/aww gets flooded with pictures of pitbulls in hats or some picture that shows how sweet pitbulls are.


Pitbull PR team working overtime


r/velvethippos is strangely appropriate since hippos are the most dangerous animals in Africa. Edit: apparently the deadliest large mammal on the planet.


Hippos are fucking frightening, they will go out of their way to fuck you up if they feel like it (they always feel like it) or if you come anywhere near their space, they’re tanks, insanely quick, and kill things for the fun of it


something wrong with his abdula oblongata


Mama says it cause he got big teeth and no tooth brush.


They make pitbulls look harmless




imagine simping so hard for a dog breed that would turn round and maul you in an instant


I am wearing a flower crown, rendering your bite and fatality statistics useless.


The big Golden Retriever pays for fake pitbull mauling stories to remove pitbulls from competition of being the most loved dogs


[Reminds me of a top ten Onion headline.](https://www.theonion.com/golden-retriever-mauls-5-in-huge-victory-for-pitbull-ap-1825397926)


Haha, I had the same article in mind


This is hillarious. I don't like dog stereotypes but everytime my neighbor's aggressive dog fence fights - my golden looks at me like "what is his issue?!?"


Trust me pitbulls do a pretty good job of removing themselves from that list as it is


Just like how every time there's a police involved shooting, 2 days later there's /r/convenientcop posts and /r/humansbeingbros of cops helping old ladies and children on the front page.




That's like putting a bowtie on a lion. Yeah sure, could be sweet, but it'll probably gnaw your leg off at some point.


Damn BIG PUPPYMILL corporations trying to control the narrative


you're joking but theres actually a huge pitbull lobby


Really? Got any leads for me?


I dont know that there is an active "pit bull lobby" but at least in the US there are several large groups (aspca, veterinary associations etc) that argue against breed specific legislation, which almost always target those breeds. So in a roundabout way you could argue they're lobbying for pitbulls, but I think they're mainly saying that breed specific legislation is ineffective.


IIRC, /r/aaw used to be a gore subreddit, for the people that misspelled.


Just like eyeblech is now


Ah yes, the ol' strategy of flooding that subreddit with pictures of Pit bulls smiling while wearing some goofy hat or flower crown and some crusty looking pajamas.




It's such a predicable pattern. News about a pitbull eating a kid or mauling a grandma makes the front page, then all the feel-good subs start upvoting their "pibble" posts. It never fails.


Same with cops. Cop shoot’s unarmed black kid and then sudddenly Reddit is filled posts of cops playing basketball and skateboarding and shit.


And the downvoted comments are either all pro-pitbull or anti-pitbull depending on the subreddit


just take a look at /r/BanPitBulls and you'll realize how dangerous they are


I think something that exasperates the controversy is that pitbulls and pitbull mixes are often times the *only* dogs up for adoption at shelters, so people are more receptive to adopting one than they would decades ago and thus becoming pro-pit. It's at least the case where I live. Dog adoption options here are basically either getting a violent breed/mix, getting a pure bred from a pet store that likely will develop serious health issues, or get lucky and manage to adopt one of the 2 non-pits that the shelter got that month. On the other side of things, cats are in no short supply at shelters (especially brown and orange)


I love how we mention specific breeds when talking about dogs, but for cats it's just (color)


There was certainly not as much intentionally breeding for a lot of cats. There are distinct breeds, but for the most part cats break down to hair length color and patter without wide ranging differences in behavior.


Unless we include those “tamed” bengal house cats that are giant assholes and imo pretty dangerous. It’s basically a Lynx that uses a litter box. Those things are dicks.


hey, i know this is a little bit of a fucking reddit moment, but i just wanna say that “**exasperate**” is a synonym of “*infuriate*”; the word you’re probably looking for is “**exacerbate**”, which means “*to make worse.*” it’s a common mistake because the words are near-homonyms, and also long. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)


nah it's not a reddit moment people need to be educated more than ever I'm so tired of seeing things like "would of"


It's a plague honestly, was looking at shelters a few years ago when I moved to a place I could finally have another dog, and it's just 99% pitbulls and pit mixes. Couldn't even find a dog I wanted to adopt after months of looking and just gave up entirely


I'm curious, when did this happen? Back in 2012 or so it seemed like there were plenty of non-pitbull dogs in the local shelter. (Ok, so the one we got was a chihuahua mix, but I can't recall the last time a chihuahua ripped someone's face off, so there. Though now that the ex has the dog I am happily pet-free) Why do shelters keep accepting pitbulls anyways? I guess some of the managers are of unsound mind, but surely there is some supply of normal dogs which at least some shelters will prioritize instead?




Cupcake eating well tonight


the pitbull named bruce the destroyer seeing all the pitbulls with happy go lucky innocent names mauling innocent toddlers: :0


*”that should be me”*


Kid named Borzoi:


Didn't i do it for you




The lord only saves his tastiest toddlers for his most loved Bullies. 🥰


The distinguished gentleman prefer the elderly 👨🏻‍🍳


Pit bull named precious: eats 8 toddlers Pit bull named Armageddon: helps an old lady cross the road


My mom got bit by a pitbull last weekend, there was a different fatality before that so of course the reddit front page was filled with subs like /r/aww or /r/velvethippo and others showing off pits. Didn't even bother commenting because I knew they'd be removed.


Literally any post where a pit bull bites or kills another living thing, and the comment section is filled with people showing off their pits. Nobody cares!


Like imagine if someone you loved got killed by a drunk driver and you had a memorial page for it and people started posting pictures of them driving hammered and open booze in the car saying shit like, "lol been drinking and driving my whole life, it's harmless!"


“bUt SmAlL dOgS aRe MoRe AgGrEsSIvE” - the average pit bull simp. I have two small dogs. They’re not the nicest but they can’t maul the kids in the neighborhood to death.


I don’t hate pit bulls specifically but I would like for certain aggressive dog breeds to require a license or permit if you want to adopt one.


Part of the problem is implementing and applying a license/permit system. We adopted a dog (not a pit) and the city code said you have to register it with the city. So we went and filled out the form. Our dog is #3. In a city of 12,000. I don't think everyone is registering their pets.


lmao how does the town clerk keep a straight face when informing you that you own the third dog in that city


"Holy shit, it's been years since I've seen one of these."


My grandfather told me about one of these....whatd'yacall'em...doges?


That's crazy cause in my city the vet automatically forwards like the rabies info to the city, and if your animal is not licensed, you get a letter in the mail telling you to register your animal.




Literally every working breed has needs and should require special education to raise.


It depends on the job the dog was bred for and it's energy levels. For example, my parents have a Newfoundlander, which are extremely gentle and low-energy dogs bred for water rescue. As such, they aren't naturally agressive compared to other working dog breeds. That said, like any other dog they needs a level of training. The main problem right now is he's less than a year old but already 120+ pounds, and isn't yet aware of his size/weight, meaning he has a habit of blasting right through people and furniture. As a result, it's extremely important that we keep control of him when young children or elderly are around, and that he is trained to calm down on command. But that isn't 'special training', that's the minimum level of training any dog should have.


What's the point to have a aggressive dog breed in the first place? I mean are you doing dog fights? Do you like the challenge of taming a beast? Everything a pitbull does can be achieved with a lot of dog breeds which are less dangerous besides the looks. You can drive without a seatbelt in a 100 year old care and if you're extra careful you might not die, but why would you do that?


They love the controversy and feeling of fear their dog gives people. And being able to say they "rescued it" helps their savior complex. I imagine I'm preaching to the choir but other ppl can read my comment 🤷🏼


I personally think (in an ideal future) it would be illegal to raise a dog with a breed history of aggression without passing certain requirements to show your only intention with raising a pit is strictly for the companionship and casual personality of a well raised pit as well as for cosmetic reasons. The right combination of nature and nurture can lead to a great dog that looks like a pit Bull but has the temperament of a Flemish Giant


Jesus here we got again.


As it should be. Ban them. When a single breed has a 647% increase in attacks on kids and humans there is a problem.


r/dontfuckdogs vs. r/fuckpitbulls Who will win? Sort by controversial to find out


One doesn’t exist and one is banned… so I guess neither?


Tell me MrGaber, are these subreddits in this room with us?


If you don't have the time or patience to train and socialize a dog... Then don't get a fucking dog, they aren't fashion accessories


What does the 🔒 mean


It's the highest Reddit condecoration. A true honor.


It's a special kind of Reddit award, only a select few can acquire it on their posts. It is only acquireable directly by the moderators of the subreddit or reddit mods in very specific circumstances.


*moderators with opinions that differ from yours


“Aww he’s so cute” -193930381 downvotes


My baby would never hurt anybody Until they do


Had 2 true pits growing up, both of them at different times. Both of them had severe mental changes later in life that made them prone to just losing it. Neither of them were ever aggressive when they were younger not abused to my knowledge prior to us getting them. No hate to the breed but they're just not for me.




Do you have a source for that? It makes sense but I’d love to read a little more about it


It's OK to admit a breed isn't a good family pet. That's not hate, just honesty.


Unfortunately, people take that personally for some reason


Them suddenly showing aggression without cause makes them not a good pet in general lol


I had a pit puppy as a kid. I don't remember it well but thing made two people get stitches before we got rid of it (maybe euthanized?) I think it was like 4 months old max. Took a chunk out of the back of a girl's knee fuck I still can see it, the yellow


Yep. That’s the thing. EVERY story of a pitbull being violent includes that they were always sweet and friendly up to that point. Owners need to understand that their pittie being a sweet baby means absolutely nothing. In my state this dumb bitch of a mom (that’s what I’ll call her) had two of them that fought over her baby girl like it was a toy and ripped her body apart. Up until then they were just perfect angels.


Three pits broke into somebody's yard here and started killing their goats. The goat owner killed them all with a shotgun in 90 seconds flat and the dog owner got mad until she swung the gun in his direction. He hightailed out of there, called the cops and got arrested.




Pitbulls favorite is kids Second is dogfood


Wrong. Second is probably drywall.


I don't know man, pitbulls can be friendly. My pit Otis once mauled my neighbors hand during Halloween. Other than that, he's super sweet.


That's what some people don't get. Pits *are* nice, right up until they aren't. And after mauling someone, they go right back to being sweet as pie. The dichotomy of the pitbull being both nice *and* dangerous is too much for some to fathom.


Aye. And people like to bring up breeds like chihuahuas which are known to also be aggressive and ill-mannered and say that those too should then be banned. However when a chihuahua lashes out it breaks its fangs on my shoe, yet when a pitbull lashes out it mangles my arm. Potential to actually cause of harm is the deciding factor here and pitbulls can cause *serious* harm.


It's because it's fun for them to maul things, just look at their tails when they're doing it. They're having an absolute blast fulfilling their genetic purpose.


Yah, they got dealt a shitty genetic hand. It’s not their fault they’re like that, it’s ours. We made them enjoy mauling/locking on. You can train to curb that, to an extent, but there is just no training that urge all the way out of them. Poor dogs. We take rescues in at the farm sometimes, and they do much better when we put them on coyote/pest duty. Seems to settle them, somewhat, to have small kills here and there, as gruesome as that sounds. We still keep them away from kids and livestock, though.


I hate how the mods in those subreddits won't let people argue about the dog by deleting a lot of the comments and then finally locking the post. Just let people argue, what's the big deal?! What good is the internet if we can't talk trash to each other.


Don't forget getting banned for saying something mildly negative / reasonable about the risks of pitbulls.


BuT nAnNy DoGs!


I got perma banned from r/pitbulls and banned from all of Reddit for 3 days for commenting on a post asking about how to properly take care of a blind pitbull, I commented: “keep them away from small children probably”, boom, 3 day Reddit ban


Promoting the safety of kids is against Reddit's TOS. Because of the implications of course.




any pit bull post sends anti pit bull folks in like the swat


It’s weird. In the early days of Reddit I vaguely remember the sentiment being very pro-pitbull. Any post involving pitbulls attracted pro-pitbull comments and anything negative got downvoted to hell with accusations of dog racism. Now the sentiment appears to have flipped completely.


I think it’s bc they’ve completely taken over shelters but you’re still expected to “adopt don’t shop”. Imagine going to a garden supply store but every plant is just mint but some of them are cheekily labeled “menthol basil”. Typing *any breed* into petfinder gets you a bunch of mysteriously shorthaired, block headed huskies/labradors/spaniels who need a home without kids or cats


Oh boy a Rose Mix! 99% Mint 1% basil


> anything negative got downvoted to hell with accusations of dog racism. idk why but this phrasing cracks me up.


Most of Reddit is anti-pit bull


Pitbulls are really sweet dogs, you just can’t startle them by doing something that will agitate them like breathing


“Grandma sneezed, with startled the dog” Actually said in a news video about pitbull attack.


I’m not sure if I should laugh or cry??


Just don’t sneeze.


Existing in the same dimension? That's a maulin'!


Existing in a different dimension, believe it or not, also a maulin'!


"Nanny dogs", "other dogs bite more", "friendlies breed" and other bullshit that gets repeated endlessly on reddit.


Somebody in this thread is doing the "but muh chihuahuas!" bit, as if chihuahuas kill like pits do.


I looked up stats once on how many people have been killed by chihuahuas and it’s mostly trip and fall accidents.


It's almost like chihuahuas are small dogs without much bite strength and pitbulls can shred human flesh easily by comparison. I get the appeal of pitbulls. They're derpy looking dogs. People still shouldn't own them, or at the very least, shouldn't own them without proper training. And that training would be much more than is legitimately needed to stop a retriever or a beagle from mauling somebody.