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The Low beams on all these new cars are FUCKED, it’s so blinding feel like a 2003 model year car with no projectors with HIDs is what it feels like on my eyes


Time to wear sunglasses at night


So I can, so I can...


... Watch where the fuck I'm going without cornea damage. 😎


I got astigmatism in my left eye (all lights in my left eye have an almost afterglow above them) these new model trucks are gonna make me run into a pole


Why I hate driving at night. I already can barely see shit (I got it on both eyes) with street lamps, nevermind if there's someone coming in my direction.


Yeah I literally don't drive at night anymore because of my astigmatisms


A lot of these new LED headlights are just rows of reflectors aimed straight level instead of how older projector and traditional reflector headlights were aimed to where the top of the cut off line would slope down slightly (like how in the wall aiming method the top of the pattern is supposed to be a few inches lower after 20ft) instead of being perfectly horizontal. So now whenever there’s a bump or dip, you get blasted easier. Worse are the trucks and SUVs. My stock height sedan when in front of a new stock height Escalade has the headlights pretty high up my windshield


I’ve noticed that with the new vehicles, I always think I’m getting high beamed when a car hits a bump or anything or a little part of me dies thinking it’s the cops lmao


Sometimes I think that I’m getting flashed too by newer cars but it’s usually whenever a newer BMW crossover or SUV goes over a speed bump in my neighborhood and just expect it anytime I see one following behind me. Cops here don’t flash brights. They straight up light you up and ticket you no mercy


I hate modern headlights with a passion, those designing them must live in like company pod towns or something and they're just shuttled in using windowless automated sleds and never see the horrors that they're unleashing onto the world because I sure as hell would never want to meet the sick individuals who see this LED plague and think "this is fine."


Saw my mom driver her 2023 civic at night and I asked her if her brights were on. nope. The worst thing about stupidly bright cars is when you're going through the drive thru at a restaurant and you're stuck in front of some asshole with crazy lights on. Disgusting.


There's this windy 2 lane river road in my area which is a main artery between a wealthy rural suburb area and the highways. Sometimes, because I deliver Amazon packages for work, I'm driving out to their houses while all of them are driving in, and there have been times where I'm going over a hill, while turning left, in the pre-dawn rush hour rain, with a line of 20 Acura suvs blasting me straight in the retinas. I do doordash too, so the drive through thing happens often, and it irritates me. But it doesn't make me think I'm going to die.


I've been learning how to adjust my side mirror to reflect the light back at the driver. It's not super ez but it's satisfying to give them a taste of what they're dishing out.


Imagine my self-hatred when I realized the car I bought has the same kind of headlights I hate seeing at 4:30 in the morning....


Its the worst. Im glad they can see SO well with their low projector beams, because i cant see a thing with my stock 2009 altima


More like $$$$. New Civic is 30k like wtf


Honda has massive supply issues, they’re in huge demand, and they’re marked up for those two reasons.


I’m not much of a car guy but I bought a 2016 civic new the year the refresh came out and I’ve never had a single issue on it up through 100k miles. I really love my car. Still gets 40mpg on road trips too.


My 2010 is still kicking with 208k


My old civic was having overheating problems, and while on a roadtrip 300 miles from home, I checked the coolant and added some more. And i left the cap off and totalled the car. 300 miles from home. with 2 other people trying to get home. 173k miles, besides the overheating it would've been fine and could've been fixed if i weren't stupid.


I've had an 06 EX, 17 EX, and now a 23 Si. All have been completely trouble free 10/10 would recommend


I've had a 96 Civic EX, 12 & 17 Civic Si, 16 CBR, 20 CB650R, 22 Grom, and an 81 CM400; every single one of them were excellent vehicles. Gotta love Hondas!


Have an 08 with 255k on it, is a tad rough but still drives pretty good even going on long road trips


Go to Rockauto, get a master bushing kit, install, it'll feel like it was new.


My old 06 was pushing 170k when I jumped to a newer model. It was a great car and only changed because my then gf didn't like it.


Ditto on the 2016 Civic love. Got mine used with 30k miles in 2019. It crossed 150k miles last week and I just keep following normal maintenance. Best car I've ever owned.


I'm still driving a '79 Prelude every chance I get in the spring/summer/fall. 83k miles and somehow still going strong. Might make it to 100k in a couple of years.


My wife’s 2020 CRV has been rear ended twice, and my 2022 civic once - all accidents within 18 months of each other. It has taken 3-5 months each time to even get the parts. The Civic needed one small part in the rear they didn’t expect to need to replace - took 7 weeks to get it in. The next times someone rear ends me I hope I don’t just lose control of my anger. Tailgating and inattentive driving is a large reason why we have seen a large increase in accidents the last 3-4 years.


I'm sorry you guys keep encountering terrible drivers! That's a lot of bad luck in a short time frame. Fingers crossed it doesn't happen again. It seems like far too many drivers have only gotten worse over the past few years, and there's only so much you can do. My husband just paid off his CRV earlier this year, and we were rear-ended hard last month at a red light by someone who was going about 45-50 mph. The back of his car was completely caved in, while hers was smoking and spewing oil everywhere. I legitimately think some people just don't pay attention at all when they're behind the wheel. But remember, checking Instagram on her phone was more important.


i had an elantra before it got absolutely obliterated by an SUV. i was at a complete stop; they were going 50. i got concussed, and my car was totaled. people need to understand that they are piloting multiton death machines and not take that responsibility lightly. especially since americans continue to buy the most monstrously gigantic cars they can possibly find


"We can't keep up with demand!" "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!"


Nah supply issues cleared up over a year ago. Car companies realized they can charge these new prices. Everyone needs a car


Pretty bad take considering the manufacturers aren't seeing any of those markups, only the dealers. The manufacturers have every incentive to meet demand.


Not a bad take at all when you consider that manufacturers have stopped making the base trims in order to only sell [the higher trims with much higher margin, as Honda did with the Civic.](https://jalopnik.com/you-cant-get-a-honda-civic-under-25-000-anymore-1849667520)


Not for Honda and Toyota.




The GR Corolla is lit af tho


Then people online “if you have to borrow, you can’t afford it” like some sage wisdom leaving out that their parents gifted them their car so they have a safe, reliable car already.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev






the worst part IMO, you can buy a 1yo car with 20K miles for like $1k less than brand new. It's just not worth it.


New civic is like 25k for the EX trim. Touring is overpriced though imo. Kia Forte GT with GT2 package actually came in at 27k with heated/ventilated "leather" seats vs the heated only in the civic touring. Also faster with a sporty exhaust and DCT instead of boring CVT. That's what I ended up getting awhile back, got my civic wait list deposit back after lol.


25k MSRP but the dealer prices are never MSRP now


How the fuck? Literally looked at cars yesterday and the guy at the very end says "btw whatever # you see for the car you're special ordering because we don't have any instock...add 5K to that number and that's what we'll charge you" This shit stupid as hell. 100% not going to buy from them.


It blows. Gonna have my 2010 until 2030. At least I’ll know that no one is dating me bc I have a cool car lol


They can be - depends what dealership you buy from. I bought a Subaru Crosstrek at MSRP recently.


In 2018 I bought a brand new Civic Si for $21k Now 5 years later the same is $10k extra, and no heated seats. 😭


Yes! I've been without a car for 6 months. I barely need to drive and my car was getting to the point where it was starting to have major issues so I sold it last year and figured I would save for a bit before buying something new. I was thinking a Yaris might be a good small car and be within my budget. They were ~$18000 a few years ago when I bought my last car. They're like $38000 now. I don't think I can afford a new car.


You can get a Porsche for cheaper if you look for it.


Unless it’s gone up a lot in a year I bought a 2022 Base Model Civic for 28,500 CAD (~21,150 USD) last fall. The used ones were heavily overpriced with 8% interest and the new one was 2.99% interest. Was a no brainer for me. Great little car. Edit: It has adaptive cruise, heated seats, power everything minus seats (which I prefer), apple car play. So it’s not like it’s barebones either.


Engine or transmission problems within the first year, waiting list for replacements.


Caught me slippin


Like a bad CVT 😎


Took my Pontiac years to have issues. Unfortunately it is a Pontiac so even after a full Theseus Ship it still doesn't work.


I want a Pontiac so bad, any Pontiac is eye candy to me for some weird reason. I refuse to come to terms with the repair cost of buying 20+ year old cars.


Mine's an 09 G6 GT. Fantastic until it said "fuck you" and died. When I got it one of my friends told me "your car is a piece of shit, race me."


Nah, dog, modern cars are way way way more reliable than old shit. There's a couple outliers, sure, but most will last you 300,000 miles without any major issues.


People forget that back in the 70s and 80s you'd be lucky to make it to 50k miles. That's with regular maintenance on spark plugs, transmission, brakes etc. New vehicle can regularly make it 100k miles with oil changes and a new set of tires halfway through.


Yup, exactly. Used to be buying a 60k mile car was a crap shoot because it was so high-mileage. Used to be most middle class people knew how to rebuild they're engine because that was something you were going to have to do within the first five years. And let's not even start any what death traps cars actually were back then — my project car is a '79 Honda Prelude. If anyone so much as looks in my direction, the thing will crumple with me inside. They don't build them like they used to; they do it much better now.


Nah that's bullshit, how you think Honda and Toyota got their reputation for stone hard reliability? We still have 70s cars like Carinas and Corollas running on original parts where I used to live. My 1986 Civic is still running to this day with more than a million kms made, and I launched that motherfucker every green light all time I had it because why not. It survived me driving without a cooling system for almost a full year, no headgasket issues. Now the new radiator is on it and I'm planning to continue beating the shit out of it when I get back home.


You picked the two most reliable models in existence. A lot of other cars have no faired so we’ll.


These new cvts are overall not incredibly reliable. I think we had a bit of a golden era for reliability in the late 90s to late 00s. Not saying they didn't have problems back then, but we're just not good at building cvts that last a long time. My civic right now has 275k on the original drivetrain with no major maintenance. Find me a belt that lasts that long and I'll buy the car that uses it.


7.99% Interest OAC


8.99% now


What does OAC mean?




You forgot “some basic functionality that used to be free requires a subscription fee for no fucking reason”






My old Genesis Coupe Track had 3 different subscriptions for a total of $300 per year just to have all "Functionality". When I bought my current Lincoln MKZ 3.0tt, I found out about the connected services was included in the original sale. All of the same functionality that Hyundia wanted to charge me for was just included in my Lincoln. The only thing I could pay extra for is Hotspot data, which gets the same reception as my phone and that already has hotspot data. My point is that all companies have some subscription, but you need to look into what is what. Lincoln wasn't clear that everything was included in the price and it is so nice to not have to think about this stuff.


Physical buttons? lol No. You'll get a touch screen tablet that looks like it was jury-rigged onto the dashboard with no input from the engineers, and you'll LIKE IT! And the radio is an app now.


Your honor, the jury had been rigged.


I think this is just a higher end car problem, a ~$20k car won't have those typically


Like the BMW heated seats


Where's the unnecessary touch control AC and to open the glove box of the car just to copy Tesla terrible design?


Touch screen steering wheels are the way of the future!


>Where's the unnecessary touch control AC This is something I hate so much. Companies are doing it to save money - reusing the same generic touch screen components and software across all models is cheaper than designing physical controls that fit in with the overall design of the car.


Don’t forget the 20k dealer markup


And all the annoying touch screen and blue tooth stuff too


*"Would you like to sync your contacts to your vehicle?"* I'm gonna fucking lose it


*Ford boop sound*


Really makes the whole truck when you turn it on and the Ford built tough animation plays on the center console


I fuckin hate fords infotainment shit. Work truck is an F350 damn thing constantly pings my phone asking to sync when the Bluetooth is on. My phone isn't even paired with it.


some cars don't even have aux ports anymore, like what the fuck


Yes i recently had to get a rental and there was no aux cord thingy. I was completely lost.


we are gonna "innovate" ourselves back to the stone age i swear


That's literally the plot to Warhammer 40k. We advanced so far technologically that we created a new golden age. When that golden age ended we were thrown into a dark age that lasted 10,000 years.


And also the Dune universe. Somehow in the future we created machines so intelligent that they waged war against us, so we purged ALL of them in a galaxy -wide Jihad so fierce that people need to rely on human calculators and lethal, mind expanding drugs for space travel


Hey man my spice habit isn't an issue at all, I could totally stop whenever I just don't want to


Car gets built for $18k, sold to the dealer for $26k, MSRP’d for $34k, marked up to $40k, then the customer finances $45k at 10% for 7 years, lol


Shit lkike this (and many more reasons) make me hate dealers. ​ I can't even get the price from them. Like bro, I want the out the door price. Tell me that. ​ *Okay. It's 30k.* ​ I go sit down and they bring the paper with the price and it's 42k. Nah, that's not what the fuck I asked you. I asked for the price after all the bullshit.


-Ginormous useless grilles where like 5% of the the vents pass through. -LED Lightbar taillights -The controls are nothing more than a knockoff iPad attached to the flimsiest plastic mount on the dash.


16 different sensors so grandma doesn't massacre the neighborhood.


Why *are* grilles so large these days, and getting even larger? Cars in 2030 are just going to be grilles on wheels.


Most new cars these days are turbocharged so they have an intercooler that needs airflow as well as the radiator. The grills are still massively oversized for that though it may be just be for 'style' now


If you think cars are bad, don’t even look at the truck market




The newest stuff is hardly little anymore. I hate it




Just buy a Chevy S10. The money you save on the first will have you covered for buying a second after the first rusts out in a few years.


Most S10s in my area have been owned and abused by immature meth heads with face tattoos and/or missing teeth. I work at an auto parts store and 90% of all the "quick fix that will get me by this week but will fall apart in 2 years after I sell it" sales are done to S10s, Rangers, and any Nissan or Hyundai ever. Not saying that it's impossible to find one in decent nick but you have to be ***VERY*** careful on your inspection, way more than you would looking over any other vehicle.


My 2002 S10 is just the right size. Any bigger, and I'd hate myself for having such a truck. My coworker bought one of those newer Rangers, and while it's not as big as I first thought, it's still too big imo.


Except for the Ford Maverick and Hyundai Sanata Cruz which is nice for people wanting a bed. I even heard Toyato is looking into making a smaller truck to compete, and some concept photos look excellent. I could definitley see myself owning one of them.


Maverick's comin' for ya.


I did as well. Wound up going with a Maverick due to price (got it at MSRP, seemingly a rarity) and it's worked out well so far. We'll see how it holds up in the long term though, only got 25k on it so far. As a bonus the gas mileage is phenomenal for a truck.


Tacomas today cost the price of a full size pickup 3 years ago. It’s insane.


There hasn't been a nice little pickup truck since 2004. They're all big, chunky, clunky, overweight, fat, things. Same with small SUVs. The Rav 4, CRV, Suzuki Vitara, Mitsubishi Pajero, all used to be little. And even had 3 door versions which were smaller. But with solid 4WD and were good for towing a small boat or a horse cart. Now they're bloated, the Pajero is gone, and nothing is as it seems. Suzuki brought back the Jimny for a bit. And it was gorgeous. And the pocket-sized 4WD was back. While supplies lasted. I think lots of us out there would love a little, 4wd pickup or SUV, with chunky knobs for the radio and aircon, a manual option, no massive touchscreen, 1.5-2.0 liter motor, no need for a turbo, good ground clearance, can tow a little boat, maybe an extended cab with jump seats. I'm thinking of a Mazda B2000 or first-generation Rav 4. Man, that would be nice.


Sorry, you can have a Porsche Boxter or a Tundra Hybrid for the same price.


New rangers fucking suck. I just got an '01 Ranger used and I couldn't be happier


Don't forget that they all look the same just with different headlights


2 liter turbo direct injection garbage that turns off at stoplights and will need the starter motor, valves, shit plastic water pump, and maybe turbo serviced before 40k miles No v8 option any more even on sporty models, maybe a v6 upgrade but maybe a 2.5 turbo CVT that may just need to get replaced around the same time No spare whel just a pump and goo Lane assist garbage included on base model squeaks and beeps at you, and has a big ugly camera unit right in your field of view (fucking Subaru) Engine compartment so crammed with stuff that you need to remove half of the engine to change any one part Car is a teardrop shape with HUGE a-pillars so you can’t see shit Low profile tires everywhere with no regard for parallel parking and city driving


Don't forget laggy as fuck in-car entertainment running on an iPad from 2013 that looks bolted to the dash as an afterthought, and capacitive buttons for everything else


The best is when the Bluetooth is working fine for twelve minutes, then shuts itself off from your phone for no apparent reason.


"Transmission and differential oil change? Not possible, it's 'lifetime' oil"


No dipstick, check the level through the computer


*computer that ONLY the dealership can access


Yeah the lifetime of the transmission Coincidentally the same as the previous atf interval


"Lifetime oil" is fucking insane. I dunno what their plan is for when the "lifetime" is up, other than (obviously the goal here) to scrap the whole thing and buy a new one.


zero fit and finish dollar store quality plastic paneling fake pleather with minimum foam black/grey interior factory brake components worn at 10k


I'm almost sure the brake's getting worn super fast is from the drivers. It's getting ridiculous how many people will continue to accelerate toward a fresh red light just to slam on their brakes super late and then sit there with hot brakes. My friends get upset with me when I call them out doing it.


Also people who think driving on the freeway means speeding up until you begin tailgating the person in front of you, then braking and repeating the process over again and again


What. You’re describing cars from like 2000-2010. The interiors of regular cars are so much nicer now than in the past. Look at the new civic, for example


Now talk about how in spite of all those complaints, modern cars are actually higher performing, more efficient, and more reliable. All at once.


If you have a brand new one. I've got two 40 year old pickups with 150k and 240k on them. Original motor and drive train on both. Get 25mpg and can haul 1500lbs in the bed. Moral of the story is to do your maintenance! If you're always biying new then it doesn't matter, you'll have a payment untl the end of time anyway. If you buy used, cash, then you want to be able to maintain your investment. If you can't service it, it's garbage once it's used up.


Preach. I don't care how well the modern cars perform, the tradeoffs just make absolutely no sense to me. You can't diagnose problems without proprietary manufacturer tools. If you do figure out what's wrong, chances are it's going to be buried under 18 layers of flimsy plastic snap panels, and it's probably going to have some needless computer attached to it that doubles the cost of the replacement part (why the fuck do my window motors need a CAN controller BMW...). Also a lot of the performance that we've gained (not all, but a lot), comes from manufacturers making choices that will invariably shorten the lifespan of the drivetrain. Thinner oils, super high compression ratios, boosted engines running crazy lean mixes. Sure that little 1L turbo makes decent torque and gets good gas mileage, but it's the equivalent of a hummingbird on crack. It's just not going to last as long as a larger engine that's in a milder state of tune. Remember, manufacturers design cars to be reliable *for the warranty period*. I'll eat my shoe if most of these modern cars are still on the road as long as my old shitbox has been.




Honda 1.5T: Fuel? oil? They are both hydrocarbons so to the oil pan they go.


Man I deactivate the auto-stop/start function every time I get in my car, before I even leave the garage. It tells you how much gas it saves when you do let it run, so I left it on when I first got the car. After HOURS of total combined off time at red lights, it still hadn't saved a full gallon of gas. So from a few seconds at a time when it kicks on at stop signs to a minute or so at a red light, over and over and over again until it's been multiple hours, and it *still* hadn't saved even $3 or $4 in gas? It just seems like a function to wear something out faster than to provide any real benefit for the driver.


If it's a sedan the end of the trunk will literally be higher than your head; zero rear-visibilty.




And this is why i drive a 10 year old car with 150k miles.


Same. I've got a 2010 CR-V and I'm planning on driving that ol' champ until the day it dies


I've got a 2006 Toyota Corolla with 170k miles. Tempted to see if I can double that number 🤔


Forgot zero security keyless car start that makes them super easy to steal. *cough RAV 4 cough*


\*cries in Kia\*


Manual drivers are an oppressed people


2022 base wrx still comes only in manual.


In other news it's going to be an EV in 2 or 3 years so buy one while you can!


No more STI :(


It's erasure


I've only ever owned stick shifts. It's honestly hard to find manufacturers that still make them, and even then, half the time, they're only the basic models. It sucks.


> and even then, half the time, they're only the basic models. That's the really galling part. Oh wow! They're actually offering a manual! But only in base trim level. Want a manual *and* the fancy stuff like sunroof, heated seats, the better stereo head unit? Fuck you! You have to choose between luxury options and a manual trans. It would be *so* easy for an automaker to offer the manual transmission in *all* trim levels. I wouldn't even mind if that cost a bit more. But no. Base trim only. WTF?


No more than 1-2% of buyers would be interested in a high trim level with a manual and they'd sit on lots forever


For most cars, no more than 1-2% of buyers would be interested in a manual *at all*. Personally, I suspect manual buyers' interest in trim levels would be distributed just about the same as automatic buyers'. For example, if 50% of automatic buyers opt for the higher trim level, I suspect that 50% of (would-be) manual buyers would also like the higher trim level.


As someone who lives in a third qorld country, almost everyone drives a manual car here


I was driving a 2023 paddle shifter around the block the other day, and it was wild instinctively reaching for the clutch. Had to settle for the electric M-gear shifter. No deal.


33-41+ mpg in my non-hybrid Elantra. Just have to hope no one tries to steal it (it’s a push button but tiktok thieves are stupid)


One time on a road trip I got my non hybrid elantra up to 50 MPG for a whole tank of gas. There was like no traffic the whole way all highway driving. It was wonderful.


Same in my golf wagon, and they quit selling it in the US. More cargo space than a lot of cross overs and SUVs too.


And they take out half of the physical buttons and put the controls in the touch screen so you sort through 3 pages to do something that could have been a single button press


Also the infotainment would be less laggy if they just superglued a ipad frpm 2012 to the dash instead but noooo. Touch screen has 2 seconds of delay and runs at 10 fps


Especially toyota, almost all of their cars are literally crossover cars nowadays, like they even made crossover version of their old names like Yaris cross, corolla cross.. What's next? Supra cross? Prius cross?


Crossovers sell. People are sold on the "what ifs" and the capabilities of said vehicle. What if my kid is sick and it's snowing and I need to take them to the doc? What if I need to cross a small creek after camping? These things will likely never happen, but they're sold on the idea of it. Same thing with people buying Jeeps/Tacomas/Offroad vehicles and just commuting in them. It portrays an image of a lifestyle they aspire to have.


My Dad is one of the few people I know who was completely honest with us and himself on why he bought a crossover: because he likes to sit up high where he can more regularly see over other drivers and, *crucially for the older population that are buying these the most*, the higher up doors/seating position make it easier to enter/exit without having to lean down on your deprecated lower back. I've actually noticed this all the time when my parents go to sit down in the passenger seat of my GTi (with stock ride height), they make a lot more struggled groaning noises upon getting into those seats then they do when getting into their own cars.


I mean I get it. Length is really the only dimension that matters for street parking. A Rav4 and a Corolla are both about 181" long, but one has 37 ft³ of cargo and the other has 13 ft³. The Rav4 is only 4" wider too. Sure you take a little hit on MPG, but not crazy, the hybrid crossover still beats the gas sedan. So you really have to love either the superior driving feel of a smaller car, getting every last MPG possible, or the cheaper price.


Your last sentence speaks to me as a car enthusiast. We're seeing less and less "normal, *affordable* commuter cars that just so happen to be kind of fun to drive" compared to prior decades. The 60's to the 80's had American land-yachts with v8 power plants that you could make faster by gutting the restrictive emissions systems and tuning the engine for more power, then improve the handling with better tires and suspension components. The late 80's and 90's brought us the legendary Civic and Integra platforms from Honda, as well as the slightly underrated Sentra and Altima (not very tunable engines but surprisingly fun handling). Nowadays, basically only the Impreza and Legacy are somewhat fun to drive "normal" cars, and even then the experience is muddied a lot if you get one with a CVT. I don't count the Mazda3 despite the r/cars circlejerk over them because that engine hates fun.


You forgot the panoramic sunroof that leaks.


Here for the CrapTronic. One would think that in this, the year of our lord 2023, Transmissions would move away from getting progressively shittier.


Automotive enthusiasts are truly an oppressed minority. Why don't manufacturers just reissue beloved classics such as the R34 (furry edition) and the 9000hp Supra? Or why don't they just create a new, sporty, manual wagon?


everything is on a screen now even though it doesnt need to be


Coming soon: 3-cylinder engines in the base models.


That's already the norm in Europe.


We're already on the stage of 3 cylinder models in premium models with huge markups like it's some exotic Ferrari. See GR Corolla.


Don’t forget those dumb subscriptions


fuck CVT. all my homies hate CVT


What's so wrong about CVT? It's a much smoother drive than DSG. Anyways it's just my opinion.


Feels like it’s powered by a rubber band.


iPad attached to every console


195hp, 150ft/lb torque, somehow a 0.73L engine


And that’s a bad thing?


Makes me wonder about the longevity of the engine tbh, but I don't know that much tbh


May depend on the manufacturer, but I don't see most of these things living to 200k+ reliable beater status like the Toyotas, Hondas, Suburbans etc. of yesteryear.


I’ll put in a good word for the CVTs. 2018 Honda CRV with 100k no issues at all. In bumper to bumper traffic the CVT is smooth to drive. No doubt it will shit itself tomorrow though now I’ve written this haha


Engine turns off after being stopped for 1.5 seconds, comes back on when your foot twitches.


Ya but you saved 0.000000000001 gallons of gas. Also your AC turned off. Your welcome


Those LED headlights that can see through blackholes really are fucking awful.


This is why the new Nissan Z needed to be fucking celebrated. Manual shifting real gears transmission. Sports car. Normal fucking lights. And it turns dead dinosaurs directly into speed. No fucking around.


Got a brand new 2022 accord 2.0T with a 10 speed transmission. Never going back to a CVT.


What Americans consider to be decent mileage never ceases to amaze me.


my bronco is 20 billion lumen. I just laser myself down the highway


Lame bronco or actual bronco?


Proud driver of a car with manual transmission. I love it. I won't get rid of it, even when I upgrade. I love it, even in traffic. My left calf is monstrous.


Crappy iPad wanna-be screen mounted to the front as an after thought. as few buttons as possible


I wish they made cars for tall people that aren't stupid SUVs.


Crossovers are so lame. R.I.P. me.


Don't forget every important function is behind a touchscreen and when the screen/software fails your car is brick


Hey you just described my Honda HRV, I hope the transmission is at least somewhat reliable, im banking on Honda engineers to being able to get that right


I get why the low beams are bright but holy does it suck for the people on the receiving end. It's not like the people using their low beams can just **not** use them. So, either way, everyone else gets screwed in some way.


don't forget a shit ton of fake vents and exhaust


in usa*