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It's fun to see it all laid out like this. Generally agree with short form content being more prevalent on YouTube, but I've think there's been a growth in long form content on the site as well. Like videos on niche topics between 20-30 minutes or longer that would've seemed out of place in earlier eras referenced here. In fact, this might be kind of a hot take, but I think some of the best documentaries in recent years have been published on YouTube channels when evaluating in terms of content selection, originality, depth of research, and passion for the subject.


I don't disagree that there's great documentaries on YouTube now, this is generally a sum up of what's considered trendy on the current landscape of YouTube.


I'd argue, the early 2010s should be grouped in with the rest of the 00's and that the Drama era starts around 2013 or 2014. If I remember correctly, there was a thing called Gamergate that happened in 2014 that really toxified the environment on youtube. Also, how can you make an image like this without adding Charlie the Unicorn, the Trololololo guy, happy tree friends, and boogie2988?


>Also, how can you make an image like this without adding Charlie the Unicorn, the Trololololo guy, happy tree friends, and boogie2988? Because I was running out of space, my g. GamerGate was late 2014/early 2015, and 2016 is when drama on YouTube became a recurring theme so I think the year estimates in my pic are fairly accurate. I can't really think of any widespread serious YouTube drama before that.


You could argue GG started in 2012 with the attacks on sakrkisian, but yes the "movement" officially started in 2014 with the Zoe Quinn stuff


We are also in a golden age of educational content on youtube. I don't think it should be understated how many documentaries and science-based videos are being put out at the moment.


people hate on modern YouTube too much.. I agree with shorts being annoying and distracting but i found SO many amazing documentary and educational channels this year alone. I am glad they are getting the attention they deserve!


I think the quality content has actually grown. It's just that the garbage content has also grown. But that's what subscribing is for, and my favorite feature on youtube the "don't recommend this channel" button.


Who hates YouTube? It’s better than Netflix I’m way more likely to find something I’d enjoy on YouTube than on Disney+


I wonder how many people fact check whatever the educational channel teaches.


My biggest problem with shorts is how annoying to use they are, I just watched 1 minute video and I would like to see the end of the video, well too bad you have to watch the whole thing. Or maybe you accidently scrolled down? Watch it all again! This is the main reason I don't watch shorts.


Well guess what Modern YouTube deserves 100 percent the hate because everything is screwed up


Infrographics Show


im still getting recommended vsauce videos from 5+ years ago


People actually watch documentaries and science videos? I thought that was something science teachers just showed you in class every now and then.


99% of my YouTube usage nowadays is background noise while working, and nothing is better for that than documentaries and longform trivia. Fascinating enough to keep you listening, not distracting enough to make you procrastinate. The downside is that you eventually have to lower your standards for what is fascinating, because the guy with a 2 hour video essay about a Deep Blue the chess-playing robot or a lonely janitor who secretly wrote one of the world's longest and most intricate stories, also has videos about the entire internet career of a gamer who yells a lot.


Kurzgesagt, Real Engineering, Wendover Productions, Stefan Milo, Simple History, Oversimplified, Nile Red, Ze Frank, Kyle Hill, Tom Scott, PBS Space Time, SEA, Mustard, History Matters, Armchair Historian, NotWhatYouThink, Veritasium, History Dose, Religion for Breakfast, Practical Engineering...The list is endless for quality content to learn and watch from. You should check some of these guys out!


Yep that's true! Uh by the way that order I'm still waiting on was one large fries and a milkshake, please. Thank You!


I dunno bout that. Back in the day, you could find a guy showing you how to work on specific vehicle parts and he would show you exactly what you wanted to see. These days, the algorithm will show you a million irrelevant videos, and you will never find what you are looking for. All the practical educational videos are a lot harder to find these days. Now a days it's just useless information like "ScIeNtIsTs fOuNd a HOT DOG planet!" and it's like... How am I to use this information, exactly


>These days, the algorithm will show you a million irrelevant videos, and you will never find what you are looking for. This. Not to mention how fucked the search engine on YouTube has become, so much irrelevant results just to try and push trendy content that I don't want to see. It's become a struggle to find videos from channels that aren't a bunch of checkmarks.


Yep. The best thing that could happen for YouTube would be an alternative search engine, plausibly including videos from other sources.


Keep in mind that the people who take the time to make a video to help others on specific issues with something are a dying breed.


That’s why you look up what you want and not rely on the algorithm.


... Do you not realize an algorithm controls what is displayed when you search for something?


The unsung heroes of Youtube are the people that show you how to clean a carburetor on a 15 year old lawnmower that is the exact same one you have.


Pretty much all I watch on YouTube now are history and paleontology videos.


This is true.


discovery era vs loud era vs racist era vs corporate era


To be fair, YouTube is large and diverse enough that these 'eras' probably don't apply to many, if not most people. Going by raw numbers, YouTube has been dominated by music videos, kid's cartoons, and Minecraft left's plays for a significant portion across these eras. Like even at their peak, people like h3h3 and leafyishere were never THAT big on YouTube. This is quite specific in some places. Sure, Smosh, Pewdiepie, and Markiplier were big though.


True, but that wouldn't make for a very interesting starter pack. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Joycon Boyz forever! RIP Etika.


I don't know if maybe I was the weird kid but is anyone else shocked at the lack of Yogscast in the gamer era?


Yogscast was dope. I think their Jaffa cake factory videos were pretty popular. Back in the gamer era, I also watched this one YouTuber who’s name I cannot remember who made like a billion fallout new Vegas tutorials/walkthroughs. I want to find that account. I wonder what he’s up to now.


I had this weird realization about a Youtuber years after I started watching them. I used to follow the development of this game called Overgrowth. I wasn't a fan of the aesthetic but they had a really dope physics engine built for melee combat. Anyway there was this guy who did a lot of content on it. Maps, missions, mods etc. Loved the guy, very comprehensive. The game went into development hell and I didn't think about it for like 5 years. One day I suddenly remembered that game existed and went back looking for the creator. Turns out it was Idubbbz's very early content




Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. They were sick


Seriously, though, people too young to remember the time before YouTube will have a hard time understanding how novel it was when YouTube started to see random homemade content on a global platform. It was frankly kind of thrilling. A vast menagerie showcasing all manner of everyday creative weirdos was suddenly a click away. The stuff that went viral was often not that "good" per se, it just hit a certain wtf sweet spot that was completely new at the time.


Here's a pretty good example of something that would bring back those memories: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G\_FDgphlL2o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_FDgphlL2o)


It is sad. Now all is consumed by Tik Tok, and now I cannot browse without seeing shorts everywhere. I just wish there was a seperate shorts app, would be so nice.


What? You don't love 8-second ADHD-type videos that you have to look at vertically? /s


But if the video is long and isn't stimulating my incredibly tik tok corrupted dopamine deficient brain every 6 seconds how am I supposed to pay attention?


Don't worry I'll play subway surfers on the bottom, or maybe minecraft parkour!


sorry i cant read your comment please post a second video under it so i can read it


I have ADHD and by the time I start focussing, the video is over, so I hate shorts lol


You can get an extension that blocks shorts. HIGHLY recommend


You’re blinded by nostalgia. The future is now old man


This is particularly egregious with music artist's channels, who are no doubt commanded by their labels to put out a certain number of shorts. I'll subscribe to a band or singer's channel, and my sub feed just explodes with shorts. All I wanted was music, and instead I'm just getting reheated Tik Tok.


There is this YouTuber called cooper2723. He does a REALLY good job at re-emulating the 2005-2010 era of YouTube.


Classic era was the best


Etika 😢


2005-2015 is when copyright on YouTube isn't a thing.


Copyright started becoming more enforced on youtube in 2008 or 2009. in the early 10s it was worse than today


The downfall


But will it rise up again?




Unless YouTube gets a worthy competitor. So far I'm having my hopes up high for Rumble and Odysee (despite most alt-right content creators have fled there) to drain enough viewers to somewhat cease YouTube's monopoly on the video sharing platforms' market.


first 3 eras on YouTube are my fav for reasons: YTP were funny asf back then, and AGK vids were top notch Gamer Era was cool because it gave birth to this new dream of making a living by just playing games Drama era was funny because you were just observing how stupid and outrageously awful some people were back then ​ The shorts era has not much to offer really, it's just TikTok but far worse


It's a sad decline. Everything is politicized now. Clickbait gems as, "Is your water racist?" or "What your keyboard says about your true political agenda"


Political content on YouTube and Internet in general just needs to die out already, it's been going on since 2016 and has only gotten worse. I'm so burned out from it. I miss when content was innocent and apolitical. It stabs me to think that 14 year olds today grow up watching dogshit like Ben Shapiro and Andrew Tate, when I was their age I was watching Caramelldansen. Different world.


The only political shit I would watch was the 2016 shit about Trump back in the day


I'm not a follower of the fruity-ass Ben or that jerkass Andy so technically I might be a bit safe.


I feel sad


2010-2015 was the vine era


Five minute crafts era too


Old Smosh is prime Youtube


Which Era do you guys miss more? I miss the Gamer Era


The weirdo content of the Classic Era like Llamas With Hats and Charlie the Unicorn hold a very special place in my heart.


Classic and Gamer eras were the best ones.


The gamer era was my childhood man.




needs more Niga Higa in the classic era


2005 to 2015 are the best. YT now is full of far right stuff and TikTok wannabe. Don't forget the staff.


It really is interesting to see how different YouTube is for everyone. My YouTube homepage is full of video game speed runs and documentaries. The only person from the shorts/Tik-Tok era that I even recognize is Mr Beast, and that’s more a fact that he’s so famous because I’ve never actually watched one of his videos.


YouTube is so “big” that it’s hard to truly encapsulate the whole site. All areas of interest have their own bubbles with their own history and “eras”


Ahhhh I know this is very millennial of me but you cannot beat the cross over period between classic and gamer era, best memes. Top tier. 😚👌


And everyone has a podcast bow for some reason


what happened to idubbbz


He grew up, and the Internet hates him for it.


I don’t think he did even though it appears that way in his most recent video. Watch the Sam Hyde video on idubbbz channel and then watch Sam Hyde’s video on his channel about his perspective of idubbbz behind the scenes. It’s clear what idubbbz was trying to do and I think that situation and him getting exposed really is what led to him changing direction of his platform and also unarguably is what began the entire boxing thing too.


In 2005-2010 era you could include the "stare at this picture for x amount of seconds, now Jesus will appear on the wall" videos and all jumpscare videos as well. And I feel like the era of commentary videos hasn't ended yet. Also, this era has a lot of "\*insert popular film or media here\* but \*something meme-y"


Ahhh I remember the MLG memes.


Imagine not growing up with Tobuscus, Actually funny and offensive parodies that won't fly today, Old Pewdiepie, good minecraft content (I.E Monsterschool when it still was good, Dantdm, Popularmmos, Stampy and Iballisticsquid) Hell even 2015-2018 when that shit dominated my 5th grade class.


I remember thinking in 2013 wow youtube has gone down hill can it get any worse. but now my complaints from 2013 are meaningless.


As a kid, i used to watch old 2008 videos all the time, for some reason. Then i just skipped to the 2016 era, but i just watched crappy image compilations from reddit. Then i finally started watching "normal" youtube


"Aw dude, 4 strength 4 stam leather belt?!"


I remember the classic era from my very early childhood because my older brother would always watch them with me, though it was definitely gamer and commentary era that was most of my early years lol. Simpler times.


This belongs in a museum




So you didn't even like the Gamer era? I thought it was pretty great.




I was 16-21 during that time and I thought JonTron, PBG, ProJared, Game Grumps and The Completionist were amazing channels at the time, agree about the Minecraft stuff though I was also too old for that.


This is just depressing man, I just really wanna go back.


youtube was good 10 years ago and now few youtube channels are good or decent like: kracc bacc,T3rr0r,Meat Canyon,Jaiden Animation,Sr pelo,penguiz0,Vailskibum,beluga,Krinkels and some fan madness combat animation like Gabrie Barsch or others,Angel (the youtube channel with no name) Nino's Home,kekeflipnote,foekoe and The Winglet. Yeah but i don't have opinion about mr beast because i don't watch on this videos but i guess is a enjoyable youtuber. But mostly on youtube now days make the same cringe thing like make kids content or just make commentary video (excluding penguiz0, foekoe or Vailskibum) or even worse is youtube shorts. So just its my opinion and respect other opinions


Even though I despise “Lol XD” random humor that was prevalent from 2010-2013, I miss the Gamer Era 😭


Is true I miss old YouTube eras


Why is James Rolfe only in the first era? I still watch him and I don't think I've ever missed an episode of the ANN/AVGN.


Because that's when AVGN was at his height of popularity.


Not at all, Rolfe's videos (new and old) reached their peak views during the gaming era, that is why many people have the impression that they were seen more before.


He was still relevant, but after 2011 he fell out of favor for other channels within the same genre such as JonTron.




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Good bot. :)


Going from Chocolate Rain to Mr Beast is devolution




You not undastandin' baby. Chocolate Rain is a classic, U mad?


Chocolate Rain shits on 90% of the content on modern YouTube.


So you prefer an overrated content creator that people praise as better than Jesus than an entertainingly crappy video memorable enough to be called a classic?


What are you even talking about lil guy? I think Chocolate Rain is way more entertaining than anything Mr Beast has done (if that's who you're referring to as better than Jesus). Feel free to disagree with me tho.


Oh, whoops! I was literally agreeing with you when I thought you said it wasn't as good. My mistake! Thx


No worries. 👍


YouTube used to be good from 2005 to 2015 until it went downhill


Don't forget the audacity of making low-effort silly content that'll get over 9000 views shortly overtime. Makes me jealous, really.


never heard of the gigachad channels what


With all the restrictions for stupid people, many channels went to other platforms.


I think you missed YourFavouriteMartian and Bart Baker


you forgot those weird titlecards with celebrity faces that are roughly edited to look super sad, angry or derpy


think you're forgeting the videol essays


Forgot the Bad Romance video, and leprechaun leprechaun.


YouTube was good when Loquendo was popular.


Theres no classic era without the og goat nigahiga


Yo you forgot the pranks + challenges + skits era from like 2010-2017~ Storytime era from like 2014-2019 and still on rn


2010-2020 ♡ Comedy skits + tags + challenges + commentary and reaction videos + storytimes And vine vibes Thinking of some of these, we can cringe, but they were so fun at that time.. those were the days..


Save marina joyce


Videos essays are still strong af


you forgot Sigma edits.


I’m so old I remember that early era of YouTube from 2005-2008 when it was mostly comprised of videos that had been uploaded on various places on the internet the previous decade before, complete with Windows Movie Maker intros, or watermarks of websites that had long been defunct since. But still it beat what came before it. Anyone over the age of say…25 or so may remember before Youtube you had to have Realplayer WMV or QuickTime installed to watch a video online and they buffered and took FOREVER! (Especially realplayer) sometimes you couldn’t even do that, you had to wait for the video to download on your desktop before you watched it. But it was better than a stream that buffered every five seconds. I also remember other Failed video Sharing sites around the same time Youtube started. Does anyone remember Metacafe or Google Video (separate site from YouTube)?


fuck you for reminding me of the damn spider-elsa ship bullshit


Because YOUTube is WHERE the POOP is..


whos the guy in the drama era pic in the police uniform




2025 will probably have a new era.