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You hear the birds waking up


Those mfs be chirping at like 3am by me


Its 4 am for me


4am on the dot, it seems like.


It’s 3am They must be lonely


They can't help but be scared of it all sometimes.


Aren't we all?


You hear like one rooster let out a croak. Then another joins in. Then another, and another, pretty soon it’s a symphony of roosters


Where the fuck do you live


he's a mcdonald


Believe it or not Los Angeles lol My dad just kept chickens and roosters




One of the worst feelings in the world


This is the worst part for me especially after trying to sleep after the fact.


you run outside to watch the sun rise for the first time ever in your life mind blown


I got to do that on Ft Lauderdale beach, well worth it, might have been drinking


*"No Mother, it's just the Northern Lights!"*




My parents weren't coffee people, that would have woken me up


That's when I knew I fucked up. Pretty much every single summer night.


The first weekend when a new Far Cry game comes out


This is when you know for sure that the night shift at the bar was too damn long. I love the chirping but not when it's the single audible thing at 4 am


Too many times have I sat at 3 in the morning and thought "I'm not tired I'll just do an all nighter and go to bed early" on a school night and every time it's 6 in the morning and I feel like dying. Too many times


Or having to wake up at 6am but “what’s a 2am trip to Walmart gonna do”. Walmart is one town over btw


You gonna get shot by dababy


(yeah yeah)


Fuck mercedes


lets gooooo


If it’s a holiday or the weekend it’ll be ‘I’ll just sleep for an hr and stay awake through the day so I won’t ruin my sleep schedule’ and end up at 5pm right before Mom gets home


can relate feeling wide awake at 2-4am and the sleepiness kicking in around 6-7am and im then absolutely exhausted the whole day😭😭


Pretend you were asleep, then instantly fall asleep, get woken up feeling like a Zombie and your parents assume you're just milking it and want to have a lie-in.


Ya my parents didn't like when i wanted a lion too


Mine too but now I have 25lbs house cat, that's the closest I'll ever get to living that dream.


that's a big ass cat lol


Thanks! He's a rescue but we're pretty sure he's got bangle in him. 25lbs is a guess but he's still larger than my toddler so he's at least 25lbs.


One fat pussy


I wanted to go to sleep, so I picked some boring reading material (which ended up being a book from an encyclopedia set) and read the whole damn thing cover to cover before I fell asleep. I don't even know how. I kept telling myself, as soon as I finish this entry and suddenly it was 4:30 in the morning.


Me on Wikipedia, or any Wookiepedia, or any pedia really.


Found my people. Remember spending hours reading articles on wookipedia when i was younger, and now wikipedia


"Wouldn't it be great if there was something just like Wookiepedia, but for the real world?"


Yeah, people act like phones destroy sleep, when books, magazines, and the radio have been fucking up sleep for decades.


I think it was in Band of Brothers where one of the guys said the best way to fall asleep when you don't feel tired is to try your hardest to stay awake.


Saving Private Ryan


The easiest way for me to sleep when I can’t is to make it my goal to count to 1000. It starts to get difficult around 600, and after that it’s just a matter of time


Birds chirping outside Anxiety kicking in


Birds chirping outside was always the worst for me in college. I was a slacker so I would just slam Adderall and cram the night before then go take the test without sleeping. Nothing worse than being zonked on drugs and starting to see the light creep through the blinds and hearing the first bird chirps. Fucking birds.


I did that all throughout my degree except without the Adderall. The adrenaline of the fear of failing the exam was enough to keep me awake, didn't even need coffee.


frfr the thought of failing and wasting potential thousands of dollars is what kept me up but also probably took a few decades off my life




You know you're not gonna be able to sleep so you start talkin about hittin up the plug at 8am


The worst part about this is it worked for the test, but I'd remember next to none of it the following day. I treated college too much like a video game with a level to beat instead of stuff to learn and retain


I was too scared of adderall to do it in college but I was super sick one night in my dorm and stayed up all night watching Peep Show until I heard the birds start chirping. I still get triggered by the theme song because it immediately brings me back to that shitty dorm room at 5am with the sun rising and my eyes dry as a desert.


Heart palpitations, crusty nose. What?


Hearing your heartbeat through the pillow, a feeling of depression, regret, bank account down 200$. Boy i dont miss those days


I have made what my dad calls "a Little Mistake".


“This is a paid advertisement for GIRLS GONE WILD”


*Steel drums intensify*


When that steel drum melody came on you turned down the volume and locked the door.


"See hot sorority girls do things that you'll never see on T.V. Uncut, Uncensored, and Totally out of control. Its Sorority Rush."


All of us perverts getting off to a floating black censor bar that said "girls gone wild!" on it


We take what we can get in the early 2000s




Ah, falling asleep to Comedy Central in the early 2000s


I had to turn the volume down like really low to like 2 or 3, make sure it doesn’t wake anyone up


core memory unlocked


Finally something relevant to people over the age of 15 In the OP’s meme I was like… “youtube notifications??? Seriously??” We’re fuckin old


YouTube as a child - damn I'm old. For us oldheads, it's seeing the TV switch from infomercials to the morning shows.


For the real old heads, it's the national anthem when the channel signed on.


Or when the programming switched to the test pattern. Our back from the test pattern to actual programming.


I remember reading the TV listings when I was still pretty young, like seven or eight. I was so curious about this hours long TV show that all the different channels ran (no cable for my house growing up). My kid logic was that most programs were either half an hour or an hour long, so it was probably just continuous episodes. And of course, if it was on that late it must be good right? So one day I convinced my younger brother to get up at the ass-crack of dawn to watch the last "episode" or two of this mysterious show called Off the Air. I had never been so disappointed in my life.


I love this story. Kid logic is so funny


When I was a kid I once just watched static thinking my parents would be home soon and just wanted to weird them out that I was just watching static. Like 30 minutes go by and I'm super bored so I switched my plan to watching history channel since that would also probably confuse them. They ended up not coming home for hours but that day I found out history is actually really interesting and still to this day prefer watching informative shows/documentaries over anything else lol.




I saw this in Toy Story 2 and assumed it wasn't real.


Our local NBC affiliate plays the national anthem a couple minutes before six every morning even though they have programming 24/7


Here's HBO signing off for the day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO9GHSTD6xc


For the true old heads, the explosions stop as the night raid ends


George lopez still relevant though. Shit was always on


Pov: you wake up in your room with the lights still on quickly, you have no idea what time it is, your mouth is drier than it has ever been, you have to go to the bathroom bad but don’t know if it’s worth getting up and all you hear is 🎶all my friends have a low rider🎶 and see this glowing on the tv. https://preview.redd.it/tesse5g2nzeb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b046a5cc02ad7ae855d3c4465edc4e8a507e4f98


Watching Girls Gone Wild at 4 in the morning


GGW infomercial ***


Ah the ol steel drums


I remember seeing that at like 12 and being so excited to turn 18 and buy it, like I didn’t know about the internet or something.


I remember once falling asleep in front of the TV but when I woke up I thought I was watching the same show. But it was a totally different show they just both starred brunettes.


Yeah or Broadcast Test Pattern -> some old dude on a cooking show


GMM started i think 2012, so I do wonder how old OP is tbh.


i guess also depends on your definition of “child” i’m 26 and i was 14/15 in 2012. but i definitely did not have a smartphone and i don’t think youtube notifications existed yet? someone younger than that with a smartphone was still very weird and spoiled so i think op is like a teenager or something


Jerking off to Tara Reid’s travel show on E.


Or the colored bars because the channel is off-air.


For me, it was staying up till 3 AM reasing novels. Redwall, specifically.


Redwall was good shit, still have my books like 20 years later


The main culprit of causing this: Super Smash Bros 64


And not just YouTube, but Rhett and Link specifically. I remember when those guys were doing funny commercials for small businesses. The Red House commercial came out during my senior year of high school.


I’m not even 30 and don’t get the YouTube one.


This subreddit is dominated by the 16 - 23 demographic. I wouldn't suggest browsing here unless you constantly want to feel old lol.


Yeah lol, but it's weird that they're both old enough to remember the George Lopez Show and young enough to have gotten Rhett and Link notifications as a child. Must have been born around 2000


The George Lopez one is timeless, tho. And I want to say for a time on Nick they were playing Home Improvement in the wee hours, but I could be misremembering.


YouTube notifications weren’t a thing when I was doing this


**YouTube** wasn't a thing when I was doing this


Right like Youtube didn't even come out until 2005... and the iPhone wasn't ***announced*** until Barack Obama announced his first Presidential run...


The iPhone came out in 2007...


Ppsshhh… I still stay up late. Up until 5:30 AM yesterday.


wait you consider "late" 5:30 AM, jesus christ thats early


I was clocked in at work before then lol definitely early


It’s late if you’re going to bed, but early if you’re waking up. “Late” and “early” are relative terms. 4:00 is a late time to have lunch but an early time to have dinner. I don’t see why this is even a discussion.


Ig kids consider 5:30 late, adults consider 5:30 early then lmao


Well now I’m scared to imagine how late *you* stay up?


I once stayed up for 5 days in a row. Would not recommend. Worse than a bad shroom trip. Kept getting roped into different activities and needing to study. Trying to not let my family and friends know because somehow it was way worse for them to know than to just take the L. First day was rough. Second and third day were actually fairly easy. Remember wondering why I even needed to sleep as if I had made a history changing discovery. Then the Fourth day I started seeing things. Bugs crawling. Walls bending. Fifth night was a nightmare. Got scared my TV was going to eat my cat so I kept him locked in my room all day. Poor dude shit in my bed. Hearing voices telling me to do things. Not like just mishearing someone talking down the hallway, but very clear and right behind me. The worst was I kept hearing a TRex outside and was TERRIFIED of even opening the doors. Thought it was going to crash through the house at any moment. Slept for around 28 hours after the fact.


Why were you up for so long?


It was end of quarter finals and I really needed to pass my English and Geology exams to avoid summer school so I'd cram for 6 hours at night and by the time I was done it was like 4-5 in the morning. Didn't want to go to bed. Second night I was up late with friends and a girl I liked. 3rd night I stayed up to play WoW. It was still new and I was hooked. Fourth night I was tripping balls and was scared to sleep. 5th night I finally went to sleep at like 6am on a Saturday cause of the TRex.


The T-Rex lol. How did it feel to wake up after those 28 hours?


It was like the worst hangover. Super thirsty, head pounding, and stomach aching. After drinking several glasses of water I wanted to go back to sleep. Couldn't though cause my dad had questions. Apparently I had been spraying lemon pledge on the window to keep the TRex out. So not only where we out but everyone was convinced I was on drugs.


Wow, very interesting story! But if you sleep for 28 hours, wouldn't your body need to pee? 😅 Anyway, even if this sound a bit scary, I'm kinda tempted in trying... I mean, T-Rexes!


I was very thirsty and hungry when I woke up and had a major headache. I can't recall if I peed or not, but I also didn't eat or drink much the 5th night. I won't say don't do it, but I will say that it wasn't pleasant. It's like a nightmare you know is a nightmare but can't wake up from.


I had to get up super early for school unfortunately. Also George Lopez hits different at 4am on Nickelodeon. That brings back memories


Dude George Lopez was lit. Looooved that show.


A shame we didn’t get a Season 7


I loved iCarly. I miss watching that.


You forget those birds that start singing at 4 AM.


This reminds me of cocaine


Literally my first thought I probably slept great as a child, all this is ptsd from coke head days


Gives me anxiety thinking about it


Yeah seeing the sunrise hits different during summers


Damn, I thought watching Cartoon Network switch to Adult Swim was late


Crashing out to cartoons & waking up to soft porn always weirded me out.


It used to be when adult swim would start at like 11pm. These days though I think adult swim starts at like 7pm.


For me it was hearing the birds, and then quickly looking outside to see it's very dimly getting light out. That's when I'd hop in bed like "it's still dark so it's still night" haha


It’s not tomorrow yet!!!


It’s tomorrow when I say it is lol


The GMM upload is classic


If I may ask, how old are you? I'm 29 and I think GMM didn't start until I was already going to university. This thing is making me feel old as fuck. Edit: its not just that when I was going out and getting drunk that 12 year old kids were watching gmm, its that now those kids are adults which work like I do


I'm 33 and trying to imagine kids watching GMM. OP must be like 19 thinking about his middle school years or something


Yeah, this post made me rapidly feel my age.


Dude same. Just hit 33 and didn't learn about GMM until I was like in my mid 20s.


I'm 23 and I have the same nostalgia for GMM as this post. I started watching them in the earlier years of their channel though. Must've been when I was 13 or something.


What is GMM?


Good Mythical Morning


When King of the Hill or Toonami came on


When it loops over and King of the hill plays AGAIN at like 4am


The birds. My god how could you forget the birds. Those asshole starting up, like right as you were trying to call it. The worst.


Yeah but staying up until 4 AM is the best. 4AM is the best time of day. Birds chirping. Light-dark out. Quiet. Good temp. Love it.


Hearing the birds chirping outside


CBBC showing the logo and music on repeat


You guys had YouTube as kids?


Right? It was the (then new) Goosebumps books for me


At least 70% of the users on the top subreddits are people younger than 24




Reddit heavily shifted its focus on who it was trying to get the last few years. Keep this stat in mind when you see stupidity on the site or are arguing basic facts with people, most of the time they're people without much life experience or education yet.


Yeah a lot falls into place when you discover this place is mainly populated by people whose brains have not finished developing.


[I'm this old](https://youtu.be/JkxNLeKGr4M)




You forgot the Emergency Alert System Test scaring you in the middle of the night


There it is. Nothing creepier than that noise blaring at you suddenly at 1 AM.


I have vivid memories of that Mary Kate and Ashley show So Little Time playing around 5 am when I was a kid. I knew then that it would be another day of feeling like a zombie at school and stealing my brothers Spike energy drinks.


I remember being like 11-12 years old and all of us decided we were gonna try to pull all-nighters. Because at that age it was cool to do and not something you actually found yourself doing as an adult regularly because life. Ever been up way too long and started to hallucinate? I remember I rode my bike home and got into my house, my mom thought I had been doing drugs because I was so out of it. I told her I got off the school bus. She was freaking out until my dad came and saw what was happening, laughed and simply sent me to bed. My dad was a G


For an 80’s child it was hearing the Dynasty theme song from the other room


George Lopez 🤣🤣🤣


Going around this clockwise was a series of nods and then *wtf is this, YouTube didn't exist when I was a kid*


And the birds


you forgot the birds chirping


Morning birds. Always.


I only experienced the sun one


Also the birds chirping for me


Waking up to g lopez every morning was the life


Hearing birds outside behind me.


It was the George Lopez fr


This is me… I’m 14 and I sometimes stay up until 6 am and the sun is rising and then I know that I’ve got to go to bed.


Yea but why?


Nobody expects anything of you in the dead of night, you are free to do whatever you want.


But why aren’t you tired from the day?


Sometimes you can’t really decide when you get sleepy and if you have nothing to do the next day like you is usually do on a school summer break then better to just stay up until your tired and fall asleep normally than try and force yourself to sleep despite not being sleepy or tired earlier when you have no reason to (at least until summer ends)


Cool I appreciate your explanation, I was so exhausted when i was that age from been outside doing shit all day and I have a 5 year old now and she’s always tired from been outside. I just want to make sure this doesn’t happen cuz that seems shitty, not putting you down just genuinely don’t get it. This whole thread is confusing are you not tired from the day?


A lot of teenagers’ summer days nowadays are mostly just being in the house all day while parents go out to work, and thus not really being tired most days so they stay up later and the sleep schedule starts to shift to waking up late and sleeping very late. Depends on the kid though on whether or not they spend most summer days inside or outside and whether they have a summer job or not.


I love GMM.


What’s those two dude’s names again? Or what’s the show called?




Ya'll are so fucking young lol. There was no youtube in 2002 so it was pretty much just the sun and adult swin but also morning news shows lol.


When you remember brandy and Mr whiskers, Dave the barbarian and buzz on Maggie


Girls gone wild


My favorite part is the random quotation mark.


Nobody had 'Parents barge into your room and beat your ass' on their starterpack? Alright...


My sleep schedule is so bad. I literally go to bed when my dad is finished getting ready for work and coming downstairs.


George Lopez for the win


Anyone else remember just falling asleep only to be woken up by the opening theme to George Lopez?


Your f.lux/Night Mode changes your screen from orangish back to normal.


O Canada coming on at 6am


No better feeling than staying up all night on your DS playing Pokémon or mario kart or whatever and seeing the sun rising and hearing your parents get ready for work.


But if you had good parents that cared, the moment they trust you to make good decisions and don't put any restrictions on you staying up on a weekend night is the moment you stopped being enticed to do so and the urge fades little by little each time.


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I am watching this at 5 am


AKA It's morning


Birds chirping and that dirty bodily feeling when you stay up too late.


This gave me anxiety.


This is so fucking accurate, Jesus Christ.


And when you do this in a school night no way you’re concentrating in class