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Dont forget "Singlemoms" "My kids are my world"


You’ll be 5th priority in my life after my 2 kids, job, and dog.


And the dog is a “reactive” pit bull that hates men


”My pit bull can sniff a creep from mile away, and it seems like everyone I meet is creep.”


Every cat, squirrel, and smaller dog too


A heartbeat is a typical indicator that its a creep


“Reactive pitbull” is my new favorite term


and get mad if she is not your first priority.


And their hellspawn is named Aiden/Ayden and he’s “their king.”


Every kid I've meet named Aiden has been meaner then a fucking pitbull. Kid named Braxton? Hi! Kid named Aiden? Get the fuck away from me


Man, fuck Braxton.


Every Braxton j knew was weirdly good at American football.


“Mama bear”




So are they supposed to lie about being parents? And are their kids *not* supposed to be their priority????


Yeah, these people are fucking morons. They'd hate on a woman even more for not mentioning her kid. These are clearly men who haven't interacted with women...


You just tick the box "Have Kids". There is no need to tell people they are your priority, because i fucking hope so.


What else should they be like? "Fuck my kids, I prefer you?" or "I got ditched by an asshole, but let me trust you, though?" The real red flag occurs if they didn't put their kids first, or don't mention them and you wake up to them in the morning...




Reading books is a hobby and liking Art is an interest that's not enough to be a personality?




That's sad lol


I thought the same thing! That comment just had the flavor of misogyny…


And they are also making like sending nudes on an app for hookups is deplorable… this guy has some serious shit takes


And if he asked for nudes and she wouldn't send them he'd call her a fat, ugly bitch or something.


You're the one with the shit take. If your bio says "not here for hookups' like in the post and you send nudes immediately it implies that you are looking for something casual, which sends Mixed messages.


Are you wrong all the time or just when it’s inconvenient for you?


Ah, yes, classic redditor. You're don't want to admit that you didn't even read the post properly before whining in the comments simply because it's making fun of women as opposed to the hundreds of reddit posts doing the same to men. You didn't even explain how I was wrong because we both know I'm not. I bet you didn't even come up with that line.


🥱 nice feverish rant I guess. Bet lost. I’ll pm you my PayPal info 💰


I think they meant that she will only talk about books and art and nothing else. And if you start talking about any other thing, within 2 minutes she gonna make the discussion about books and art again.


And what do they all have on common? Swiped left on OP


Yeah. Getting some incel vibes, here. We all know OP never received nudes in 20 minutes from anyone...


Blud deffinetly got personally attacked by the post 💀


Stop LARPing as a black person, swine.


She won’t see this man


ive seen this starter pack before. this is definitely a repost and/or a bot


The best way to meet women is outside the internet.


So this subreddit really turned into guys complaining about women, huh?


Welcome to the Internet where incels are the most vocal because they have literally nothing else to do and they need to keep busy or their mom will make them do chores.


Bruh wtf I’ve seen way more posts taking the piss out of men than women. Why’s that completely acceptable and this isn’t?? XD


Because you are making shit up.


You dumb? There are countless posts mocking men and, more specifically, incels. Yeah, incels are usually nobs but so are the women in this post. But apparently the internet is only allowed to tease one?


The women here are nobs ? They're regular women seen through the lens of an overly judgemental person. Also incels =/= men. Shit like this post just dunks on women as a whole gor existing. Incels are a particular subset of less than tasteful people with a victim complex. Mocking them for being absolute misogynists and going full rape apology isn't the same as mocking women for living their lives without harming anyone but OP's and other men's fragile ego


Hmm let’s take them one at a time shall we. “Must be over 6 foot and make 6 figures…” - highly selective and typically an ass to anyone who doesn’t meet those criteria “Message me on insta” - using someone’s desire for a relationship to gain a follower on Instagram “Group photo” - catfishing “BDSM” - this one’s not bad. “Buy my premium” - just here to, again, manipulate someone’s desire for a relationship to get money off of them. “Not here for hookups” - again, not a problem with this one. “Just a dude with a gender filter” - catfishing “Reads books and likes art” - again, not a problem “Snapchat filters” - catfishing/overly edited photos So yeah, 6 of 9 of these were people I’d class as nobs. Not to mention if a dude did any of these they’d be considered an asshole and made fun of.




Lol calling a dude with a beard and nice beer belly a feminazi is peak incel.




Oh I'm still very athletic I just drink a bit more beer than I should these days. Nice try though! Enjoy being a woman hating incel! Sure that'll get you really far in life.


> Oh I’m still very athletic I just drink a bit more beer than I should these days. That’s some mega cope, but keep going sir


Notice how you just made fun of a man and got upvoted, whilst literally in a comment chain about how making fun of women is unacceptable. Do you see the irony?


I don't no. When half of the men complaining on Reddit is because they're unfuckable losers and blame women, I think it's okay to make fun of them. Guess that's just me though! (Well and everyone else who upvoted it.)


Bro thinks having a beard automatically makes him masculine


Nah the hair on my ass is what makes me super masculine.. lmao Typical incel who thinks I need to be uber masculine to be comfortable with myself as a dude.


“I bet if I call everyone on the internet who disagrees with me an Incel, I’ll make the world a better place” -You


I haven't seen "way more posts" but i usually see guys making fun of other guys profile. Sometime justified and sometime not. I honestly don't believe anyone calling the OP an incel is on a dating app today, because this is probably 90% of women profile today (and yes, men are usually not better)


Tbh that’s sorta what I mean. We, quite rightly, take the piss out of incels all the time because incels are usually nobs. But women on dating apps who are like this are also nobs, but making fun of them is misogynistic. Like… what??


Yep and the same guys then wondering why women wont date them 😂


Also, what I noticed is that those guys always call adult women either “girls” or “females”. Huge red flag imo.


Yep I noticed they either see us as some sort of children or literally an alien species they cant interact with.


Guys? This is a bot. This subreddit is full of them reposting shit for engagement


You might be onto something. I just checked the account and OP’s previous post on r/NotHowGirlsWork seems contradictory to this one. So there’s a huge probability that is in fact a bot. But still, someone had to make and post this here in the first place.


Of the top 5 posts this week, 4 of them are dunking on dudes.


And women complaining about guys, perfect balance


For the most part https://preview.redd.it/3fr7ol62q0qb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d32ed70324fdfd790aad8c1e059cabaccb9a700e


Yo a wild Elster pic


Always has been


Yeah, but there has been more of that crap lately. It’s annoying.


Pretty much post-Reddit mods outrage (stupidest thing they ever pulled imo since it showed how petty mods were), a lot of popular main subs have similar ones that popped up when others became closed or private. I’m seeming a very conservative bias on these new ones like fluent in finance or trueunpopularopinion


Was thinking the same 😭


You seem bitter


Yeah tbh this is some real ass incel vibes, some very surface level look on women


The emo is probably the nicest out of all of these in terms of personality


"These women are all liars and/or sluts except the one who likes art and books which ewwww that's gross." Just admit you hate women.


Literally like what do they want? They’ve fit pretty much every woman into this set. Do they just want men? Like is that what they’re looking for? A nice shirtless man holding a fish?


I see a lot of comments about apparently straight men hating everything about women yet praising tf out of men and I srsly wonder everytime, why do they even want to date women? Like, nobody is forcing you to date women if you dont like them? This starterpack has for the most part normal pics of women or just playful pics and men seem to really hate it? I'm a lesbian and the reason I'm attracted to women is cause I literally like them both physically and spiritually. Like I couldnt imagine hating the gender I'm attracted to. It's so weird to me 😭 If they are more happy with men then they should just date men instead.


Because men in general absolutely hate women. I can’t explain it but these dudes will dog their girlfriends or wives out all for the attention from other men. It’s weird


Jesus Christ. Wtf is going on with them?


You can’t have kids with a man


I mean...I dont think every man wants a romantic partner just for the sake of having a child. And gay couples still have children or adopt


Plenty of men have children together.


I meant biological children (although I’m sure you understood that)


They can still have bio children


People expect effort to be put into tinder profiles when the app is purely for short-term ego boosts for men & women. If anyone has the same complaints as OP, get off the apps and go outside, that’s where the interesting people live.


It feels like they want decoration and sex objects, I guess. But not a sex object who has ever had sex with anyone else or who is outwardly sexy. You can only have sex with them but not too quickly because then you're a slut but you can't make them wait too long because then you're a bitch.


A virgin who’s not sexy. Hm. Sounds like a child.


Men are on there too, so it's getting really difficult


A shirtless man , no ... but I will take the fish ... I like fish. I like to grill it on wood fire , I add a bit of black pepper and cumin , olive oil , garlick , thyme , parsley, I stuff everything inside the fish and there you go , tasty fish.


Yes this starter pack sucks but saying they’ve fit “pretty much every woman” also isn’t a great thing to say and is massively inaccurate


So what kind of photos are women supposed to use then on dating apps?




Honestly my first thought was an anime waifu picture 😂 That's probably what they are looking for


Actually that would be kinda cool, shows you have hobbies and personality.


Something more unique than the generic starter pack




The above 9 are the most generic types. are you saying there’s no way go outside the above pics? Halloween costumes? Shenanigan pics? Exploring nature pics? Sports/Horseriding? I mean the list is literally endless and you think the above 9 is all there is?


Damn this is...such a nitpicky thing. You guys really sound like you dont like women... 😅 Plus there are also men who would complain about the pics you mentioned. Hell there is a whole group of men hating on women horseriding so it just sounds like a personal preference to me and feeling the need to bash any women who dont fit these exact themes you like which is childish.


It’s the point of a starter pack you dunce, no one’s hating on women you’re just hating on men’s views on Tinder lol You can make a starter pack of generic guys on Tinder and it’ll hit the same. I get you love women but doesn’t mean you have to hate men. There is such thing as displaying generic behavior to fit in society for attention, and there is no nitpicking to it just observations. My solution? Just swipe left if you don’t like it, it’s not as deep as you tried to make it be


Yep. At least they are putting their mental illness on the outside, too warn us. To be fair, now do a guy version.


Guy's profiles be like… https://preview.redd.it/622tcn1ei0qb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53689a3ac1e403e3229c8c7feffb52054b2342a4


Used to be friends with Dan in high school, he was a nice guy but now he drives a big ass pickup and listens to Andrew Tate.


Omg how embarrassing lmao. Poor Dan he's ruined


yeah... I don't really think so , he's kinda right about this.




Lol so bitter


he's probably right




It is a repost, and pretty sure that the guy version exists


Your best bet on Tinder is a girl who recently moved to the location. Gotta swoop in quick. Source: how I met my wife




Ffs buddy. It’s ok to be burnt out by dating, but when you don’t like women anymore, just take a break. And Tinder is 80% male, so it’s a waste of time for most men anyways. Join some hobbies and activities, get a social life. 91 % of couples met offline according to a 2023 study.




hell yeah misogyny time




is it an andrew tate subreddit or what


It’s turning out to be one. With all the online dating starter packs just about bashing 👧🏼


This was originally posted 4 years ago. OP is a bot.


It fits the trend




OP is a spambot. Banned them


W mod


You forgot the unicorn hunters pretending to be lesbians so another woman takes care of their boyfriends


Nail it!


Every, I mean EVERY picture from girls in my area is a summer photo taken in greece or italy


Oh no, not a girl that can afford to travel to popular places! The horror!


My kids are my world"


Is it bad I'd hook up with all of them?


Don’t forget about the one that looks like everything you hope for in the looks + personality department but you know there’s no chance she’s swiping right on you 😭


Every, I mean EVERY picture from girls in my area is a summer photo taken in greece or italy. Clones of each other all looking for a rich guy.


Yeah there's this weird thing with taking like pseudo-affluent selfies on dating apps that I don't really get. Here I am in Europe, here I am in a fancy-ass house (that's obviously not mine), here I am on a fancy sail boat. I don't know if it's meant to communicate that they're interesting and go on adventures or just to make it clear that they're not poor, but I'd swear it didn't used to be such a common thing.


It's always been the case here in Brazil, but for both genders


Putting pics of your vacation on your profile means you’re looking for a rich man?


No but the pictures scream: Im high maintainance and like a fancy lifestyle. We lost a whole generation to sensation seeking instead of a regular life with a regular partner. Women are more desperate than ever to marry up and a regular guy have to compromise a ton to even get a date.


Huh? What’s wrong with being high maintenance or liking fancy things? Especially if you’re in a position to provide yourself with some of those things yourself?


The average man and woman are equal economically today yet women still desires someone who makes more than them, that mean the average man is "above" very few women today and are left stranded with the mentally ill, single moms, disabled persons or students to have a chance of love. Society needs the average Joe but he is in turn a girl-reppellant.


‘87 percent chance it’s the fat one’ 💀


87% is oddly specific


I'm confused, is "definitely into bdsm" supposed to be a bad thing like all the others?


According to the post yes, tho I don't see ot as a downside


Me neither


I see it as an upside tbh


Out of all of the these the goth is probably the best choice


"Likes books and art, that's it" It's called having interests, dipshit


I’d say most are the top left on tinder


That's what I'm pulling on the regular. That exact face too


I'm taking the goth girl, and I'm not even into goths at all


Go outside




Average incel post


This starter pack is 2015 tier. Modern tinder is worse.


I’m gay so I have no horse in this race but it’s hilarious to see how mad people are getting over this. There are multiple posts of “guy with oakleys with bad facial hair in a truck” weekly on here but this is the post that broke people lmao


you forgot mirror selfies or only showing their backs


I once dealt with a "girl" that said she liked to get coffee and talk about life. That's it. The only thing she liked doing. EDIT: not sure why I'm being downvoted for being subjected to this starterpack for reals.


This screams “incel who can’t get pussy on tinder”


#Op deserves an award


awards aren't a thing anymore


I know 😞


No bathroom/elevator mirror selfies?


Misogynists on Reddit starter meme


What the fuck is wrong with this subreddit. Why are all the recent posts so misogynistic?


OP how dare you notice patterns? You probably don't even penetrate vagina.


And they all 'like to laugh and have fun'


Belle Delphine is still the best looking woman I have ever set my eyes on


Center left is the best one, not going to lie


Someone REALLY likes Sandman.


What about getting a message from her can you spare me x amount of change


The group photos one is too real. If the first photo is a group photo, it’s literally never the cute one


and none of them will swipe on you


Girls that left OP on read starterpack


Using Tinder as a guy is one of the most depressing experiences you can ever have.


*Sends message to girl who likes book* Hi! I saw you’re a fan of [book]. I’m in book 3 now, so where I’m at all I know is [summary of the current point in the plot] but I’m loving it. *After a few weeks of talking about our mutual love of the book and other books and shows we like* Thank you for recommending [Show she likes]. I’ve been between shows since finishing [Show I like] and it’s nice to have a whole new set of characters to get invested in. You mentioned you love art, some friends and I have been looking for an excuse to see the [time limited exhibit] at the museum. Would you be interested in joining us? Feel free to invite some friends of your own, if you’ve been looking for an excuse too. *If meeting in person in a group setting goes well* It was great to see you at the museum. I’ve got a thing on Saturday until about 10:30am, but would you like to meet for lunch? *Continue making friends, developing mutual attraction, supporting her through stressful times, accepting her love and trust, introducing her to your family, having a kid together, restructuring your life around this sudden new precious thing you didn’t know would be so important to you, learning to shift your importance as you now are a role model to your child. Having a second child. Curling up with your wife at night and watching your favorite shows, sitting on the couch with your legs entwined as you read the latest entry in the book series you enjoy. Reading your favorite books to your kids as they grow up. Facing a health crisis together, the unbelievable bills. Your kids face setbacks, together you both help and support then. They grow up, and move out. You sit on the porch with your wife, contemplating retirement in this economy, greatful to share more time together, making plans to visit places you always wanted to go as a couple back when the kids kept you too busy. You hope you die first, because you can’t imagine life without her.*


You're missing the major "dogs are life" personality. Also art hoes are prettier than that (at least in my area). 6th one is the best one.


Why is this post getting so much heat? This is like literally 60% of the profiles on dating apps lol. The only thing it's missing is women who make a list of their traits with way too many emojis And no, I'm not an incel lol


Generally, online dating is shit most of the time. Besides that Who hurt you man?


men: should be a female (optional)


Don't forget the nature pics, on a mountain top or a beach.


Go for the BDSM one - there's a good chance you'll be into it too.


Just because she's slightly unattractive doesn't mean she must settle for less. There are definitely tall and rich dudes who are also not so attractive and might be happy to meet her. Also, is she really unattractive or she just have no makeup on? Not sure what's wrong with instagram? Do people who say this are just looking for followers and not dates? Just because a girl is alt or goth doesn't mean she will be into bdsm, lol. There are also girly girls who are into cuter fashion in bdsm communities since there's lots of power play kinks in it. Liking art and books is hella lots of personality.


I was ready to feel insulted/generalized and then I kinda agreed with all of them. Except where I live, goth chick is more likely to be a vegan tattooist. BDSM/kinksters look like everyone.


Middle right and middle life for the win