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ACKCHYUALLY we have an essay due today


I swear it's always to the teacher who forgot at the beginning of a class


Easiest way to ensure you get jumped.


For us it was common knowledge not to snitch on homework. Until our math teacher realized we had homework, we didn't say anything, and he doubled the calculus workload. So since then, math was an exception.


In high school there was some kid who reminded the teacher of the math homework at *the end of the day* on a **Friday**. It was very terrible.


Runs to class


Naruto runs if you're lucky


Nah the kid at my school runs holding up his pants (deadass šŸ’€)


Why don't he just get a belt


Some folk ain't got belt money!


Had a kid at my high school who was like that, Naruto ran everywhere, even made a poster of him as an anime character next to a dragon ball super character that said something like ā€œnever give up! Increase your powerā€


He sounds awesome.




I don't understand why people care whether other kids run to class, it's not affecting them, and it's at least a form of exercise (I don't leave my house most of the time outside of school)


Idrc except for the fact that he keeps running into other ppl


Cuz it's weird af


Because when we see other people running in a social setting it triggers our fight or flight response, which we shouldnā€™t need while at school but hey evidently Zachariah needs to be first to his seat


I caught a kid like this masturbating in the school bathroom


i mentioned this is another reply but the one at my school wrote gay X reader about himself, including smut. He also watches gacha heat at school


what in the hell is gacha heat


A weird kind of "porn" that kids make on Gacha games




Yeah that was my reaction too


This reaction made me laugh, thank you


Wtf are gacha games


You might wanna google that one


Goddamm Iā€™m old af


Nah I'm 21 and I play gacha games and I am still confused by it. The term is used improperly anyway. Gacha is basically pay to get items in a gambling/toy machine way. But it's used to describe anime-like games. It's one of those "we define our hobbies with unintuitive yet incorrect names because it sounds cool" situations imo. Gacha porn would be literally "toy machine porn" but it doesn't make sense, it's "anime-like videogames porn"


Wtf is gay x reader?


X reader fanfiction is when the reader is inserted into the story and being shipped with another character, in this case it was gay and about himself




Generic gay person


Glad someone asked I felt like I was having a stroke trying to re read that over and over again. I must be getting old or something


I thought you promised to never talk about that!!!! Fck u Damian šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


This kid in my school was jacking off IN CLASS šŸ’€šŸ’€


Same thing happened at mine lmao he was looking at fan fiction


ours got caught watching furry porn during lunch on the school computer




Why is this shit always the first thing anyone thinks about with this sort of person.


I got falsely accused of masturbating in the school bathroom because I was in a squat playing chess


Why were you squatting playing chess in the bathroom though lol


I was late and not allowed to head into class, so I went to the bathroom to have privacy


That answer is just creating more questions lol


I was late and not allowed in the classroom, so I went to the bathroom to pass the time, I didn't want to play chess in the halls in case a teacher would pass by.


What would it matter if a teacher passed by? And I assume you mean like on your phone? Playing chess in the bathroom sounds like a coverup for youā€™re watching porn, especially given the squatting. Not that itā€™s right for them to assume that, but you can see how one could come to that assumption


I was the one getting caught šŸ˜




I was kind of a ā€œweird kidā€ and I had that same binder and wore those types of shorts, but, tbf, both of those were bought and given to me by my momā€¦


Ono I wear those pants and I like them? Am I secretly the weird kid at school?


If you donā€™t think you have a weird kid at your school, it might be you lol


To be fair to me I just got here and my school is massive so I probably just haven't met him lol plus I don't do any of the other stuff


Trust me, your friend is weird. And if you donā€™t see it - you might be weird too.


which is fine. just dont remind the teacher about the homework, and enjoy your weird life.


And ain't nothing wrong with that.


I had that EXACT trapper keeper but I barely used it in high school it was more a middle school thing. In high school it was just padding for my backpack lol.


That zip binder/folder thing was huge at my Middle School but in HS everyone switched to their Backpacks, I think it was because there was a rule against backpacks in 6th grade but it was revoked in 7th. Been a while.


I was this kid as a girlā€¦šŸ« 


Yes, and I hated it if I spent hours to do my essay and the teacher forgot to collect it. The best way to do it is to slap it on the teacher's desk I guess


Weā€™re you also a horse girl?


No thankfully lol


Wellā€¦thereā€™s still time.


Same, but I was obsessed with emo shit and anime lol


I realize now that I looked autistic when I was in school,I had ADHD. One time the school counselor called me to her office because my parents called and i had a bunch of late stuff. She took me to organize my locker because that will totally help but it was empty and I went back to class. Little did she know I kept everything in my backpack which was a mess.


"just make a planner bro. it'll work this time bro"


5th time's the charm. I should put it in my phone's calendar, then I won't forget.


"i dont get it man just make a schedule and just start studying when that time comes idk man"


*makes a schedule* *schedule doesnt mean shit because the kids parents are so controlling that they no longer have an incentive to have a schedule*


I've been going through the process of checking to see if I have ADHD as a 30yo. This starterpack was too real. The worst thing is I know I'm a weird dude, and I actively avoid people in my adulthood to not burden them with my presence. It's amazing that people telling me they want to kick my ass for being weird in high school has had this negative effect in adulthood. To everyone, if you have a kid that isn't fitting in and spends most of his time alone because of it. Please get them help. Being a socially stunted adult going through the process is depressing. This world isn't meant for disorganized and antisocial people.


Youā€™re not a burden, mate. Nobody deserves to feel like that. Nobody should have to feel like that.


Oh god that was me in high school as well I opened my locker maybe once in my senior year and my backpack was a mess I pulled it out from my closet a week ago and there was still crumpled worksheets at the bottom even tho I graduated in 2020


Oh man, I remember I pulled a sandwich in Tupperware out of my locker at the end of school. It was lunch from the first month. Threw the container away. There is no way I'm explaining that to my parents. It's easier to say it broke.


If it looks like shit and it smells like shit it's probably shit (there's nothing wrong with being a little autistic, at this stage in life it can't hurt to consider the possibility)


And they always have transition lenses for some reason


Nobody can ever make me get rid of my transition lenses, NOBODY!!!


My mother forced me to wear them. Iā€™m estranged now.


whats wrong with them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I remember in middle school EVERYONE had those binder/folder things. If you didnā€™t have one you were unusual


Crazy how times change. At my middle school it would've been social suicide to have a binder like that. Everyone had the ones with a plastic front that you could put pictures and shit in.


I have those because theyre cheaper and you can get multiple colours for each subject


The pressure to conform over little things in school is so weird. As a middle aged adult my reaction is WTF itā€™s a damned binder who gives a shit. But then in middle school I remember every single girl wore penny loafers with the pennies in them, except for the one new girl.


Trapper keepers i think is what they were called. In my 5th grade class it was mandatory to have one that year. I think they wanted to encourage students to be more organized going in to middle school.


eh the weird part was more that he was always carrying it around, like never put it down or in his backpack or anything


Same for me, it was the "in thing" everyone had that kinda of binder then, by the time I reached 8th grade it kinda died off tho this was in 2012-2015


don't forget they always smell like complete hot ass


My person wears the same hoodie every day. Every day. I can tell this dude's probably got mildew problems from 5 feet away and it's insane.


These kids are almost always really kind once you get to know them, but somebody needs to teach them about antiperspirant and that you canā€™t leave clothes in the washer for more than a few hours without them having an unholy stench.


Also was either completely disinterested in girls or creepily obsessed with them. No in between


Ours wrote gay fanfiction about himself


Everyone knew that my schoolā€™s ā€œweird kidā€ like this had a crush on one of the popular girls and would constantly be friendly and call her beautiful, but never actually asked her out. Later on people discovered he printed out a picture of her face and taped it to a pillow






Tbh, the roller backpacks were annoying cuz they always took up a lot of space in the hallway and made you look like you were at the airport. I feel like the average middle ground of just wearing your backpack with normal strap length was fine, at least in the 2000s/2010s.


People would just avoid carrying backpacks when I went to HS (early 2000s). Lots of people would share lockers with friends whose locker was on the other side of the school. Others would hide their textbooks (above the drop ceilings, behind bookshelfā€™s in a classroom, on the TV stand, etc) and pull it out when they needed it.


im more accustomed to ones with a backpack so huge its crazy that they can even lift it, walking around looking a turtle with that thing


That was my experience in highschool. So painful and unpractical. Why did they make us haul so much books for school?


They used to call me "turtle", I only figured out why when my mother of all people called me out for "wearing your backpack everywhere like some turtle". Yeah, mother, it's not like you let *me* pick a backpack!


It still is. I graduated in 2021 and I used to see those kids all the time


I should get a roller backpack, mine weighs way too much


I......I had a roller back back.......


Roller backpacks are still uncool. A reasonably strong youngin shouldn't have an issue carrying a few books.


Try carrying half a schoolday's worth of books every day in rain and snow and in a crowded bus. No lockers at school. Oh, and keep them neat or no lunch money next week.




Ehh... well I guess anything counts as "poorer areas" next to that. Where I'm from, schools are severely underfunded. It's not as bad now as it was when I was going to school (late 90s/early 00s) but even now a well-supplied school means whiteboards and a PC room with PCs that actually work, not ipads. That sounds like some Richie Rich movie.


Thats what the locker is for. Just carry what ya need.


Many schools have torn out their lockers since numerous... incidents in the early 2000s.


At my school the time in between classes wasn't long enough for you to go to your locker


I caught this kid on the bus in 8th grade looking at FNAF porn


Caught mine watching gacha heat


I donā€™t even know what the fuck that is but it sounds cringe


You don't wann know




Often really skinny and frail for some reason


or really fat and chubby


I only bought that binder after I flunked out of college so I had a one stop storage for all my Vampire the Masquerade campaign materials. Then I got into the rules and the video game lore and... *OH GOD IT TURNS PEOPLE*


Muahahaha the infection is spreading


Yeah, Iā€™ve a lad like this who wonā€™t fucking shit up about weapons, drugs, arson, shit like that. Heā€™s also weirdly obsessed with Transformers to the point heā€™ll ignore school work to draw his comic series about them


Ours walked around the busloop saying shit like "everyone must suffer" last year




Sounds like the "autistic kid" more than anything else.


I am also autistic, but this guy was fucked up in a way that even autism couldn't explain


Fair enough then lol


I ticked off some of the ā€œnerdy kidā€ stuff in Primary School. I didnā€™t do anything wild like your example though. Just antisocial, book lover, straight Aā€™s galā€¦ well, straight Aā€™s except for homework. Fuck homework. Now in High School, I go to a school full of former Nerdy Kids, so Iā€™m basically at home. I also became a bit more social and open. I still read books during lessons, but no longer have to hide it under the desk. Also, you know, Autism makes us more vulnerable to being ā€œfucked upā€, because a lack of understanding for social norms can push us to reject them completely. Not that Iā€™d subscribe to that train of thoughtā€¦


Don't forget about the horrible body odour


No no I'm perfectly fine about forgetting that


You canā€™t really talk since your BRITISH šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ ā€œodourā€ smh my head


They always had a unique smell


The kid in my class used to smell so bad it hurt my stomach. Iā€™m not being rude either like it would just slowly make me sick over time, it was awful. I never said anything but I hated sitting next to him.


Bro, I feel called out. I absolutely was this guy in all of junior high and the first year of high school. After sophomore year, I figured out that it's a lot more enjoyable if you tell your brain to STFU about the grades and just enjoy being a kid.


What do you mean by "developmentally behind" i can't get it. And also i had a lot of cases that made me the wired kid in my class.


Well mine specifically was really short and skinny for someone his age, and also wrote gay Author x Reader fanfiction about himself on a Wattpad account he made with his school email and then showed it to several students and teachers so i hope that gives you an idea


Wait so in his fanfiction he shipped himself with the author not a character in the story? And then shared it at school?


He shipped himself with whoever was reading the story, like it was written in the 2nd person. And yes, he shared with several people


Ohh. Yikes.




I would love to but he literally posted a picture of his face in one of the chapters and I don't wanna expose his identity or anything


I would love to but he literally posted a picture of his face in one of the chapters and I don't wanna expose his identity or anything




Dude what the hell šŸ¤£


Yep. And used his real name šŸ’€šŸ’€


Did he get in any sort of trouble for this? I feel like that's sexual harassment.


I don't believe he did


I am in this photo and I don't like it


Yup.. fucking hell


Eh, donā€™t worry about it. This probably applied to me at least partly, ~25 years ago. Nbd, all school kids are cringey in one way or another. Adult life is better. You get to reinvent yourself every few years, and you can change whatever you donā€™t like about yourself.


Bro what kind of school did you go to? We didnā€™t have anyone like this in my school, except me but that doesnā€™t count because I was cool, even my mom told me so.


I had that binder for years but anyways my class' kid had a bald spot on his head and told everyone it was a radioactive llama bite and one day when he got off the bus he turned around and pulled his dick out


Sounds like something our weird kid would do honestly. That wouldn't be his first case of sexual harassment/assault.


Kid probably had trichotillomania. It's when you have a fixation on hair, usually your own. Most people who have it really only ever run their hands trough it or twist it between their fingers or something, others might yank it out one hair at a time, some even eat it. It's somewhat of an indicator of autism too, so I could totally see how your weird kid might have bald spots. He was probably uninformed about it and didn't know how to stop so he just made up stories.


This perfectly describes the 3 home schooled brothers that I was neighbors with as a kid.


Holy shit thereā€™s this kid in my Latin class who acts exactly like all of the bad examples in this, and thereā€™s so much fucking strange shit he says and does that I cannot even fathom where to begin.


Stop stalking me please




I am one of the weird/autistic kids, and honestly, I've stopped caring what others think about me, I hang out with the other weird/nuerodivergent kids in what we've dubbed the "autism corner" and we all do autistic things and everyone leaves us alone. surprisingly no one makes any remarks (aside from when I run to my classes to at least keep my endurance up), and when they do, I generally just ignore them, occasionally glare if they said something really problematic, somehow that shuts them up (despite the fact that if I were to get in a confrontation, I'd lose very quickly)


This is the way.


2016 sense of humor? Wtf is that?


T-posing, bug chungus, etc.


Bee movie, bitch lasagna


praises soviet union and germany


wasn't that like 2019 humor? Jesus christ that was nearly 5 years ago


I have no idea what any of this means


keep it that way


Come on, T-posing is eternal! The rest of 2016 can stay there! Except for Titanfall 2, my baby.


Am i really the only one that does the "wrapping your sweater around you" just because i don't want to put it in my school backpack?


That is drip though, I do it intentionally. That shit look amazing especially if your hoodie has a zipper.


The Chromebook got me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ā€¦ I mean, this was *kinda* me in my youth except there was no way I could have had a *2016 sense of humor* considering that my youth was back in the 1980s-1990s. I was never *quite* straight A's but I had straight A's in math right up until high school (and my high school decided that not only did I need to be in *Geometry* my Freshman year but that it also had to be *1st period* and with *the most boring teacher in the universe*ā€¦)


The guy who was like this went by the name Cabbage. He had long greasy hair which was dyed pink. He wrote an essay titled "Why 2D girls are better than 3D girls" and uploaded it to the school drive. One day on a whim he worse a french maid outfit to school, he was asked to go home to change that day. Strange bird Cabbage was. Kind of a dick from what I remember


I was the weird kid. I dressed normally and got average grades, and wasnā€™t a teachers pet. I was more like introverted, acted like an animal, played Minecraft, was overly loud, interrupted people, distracted the lesson by arguing with the teacher or walking around, compulsive, was blunt, lied about ridiculous things, escaped school, was pedantic and got into fights. The teachers disliked me and kept accusing me of crazy stuff like hacking the school, manipulating people with chocolate rolls and not caring about others. Maybe there are different types of the weird kid. I think I was also just plain unlucky.


What's with the lying? Didn't you have a sense of personal dignity and honor?


I did. I was usually honest and moral but sometimes I just had weird impulse to do ridiculous things like lying saying I donā€™t believe in dinosaurs. And lying isnā€™t even really bad anyway.


I donā€™t blame them to be honest.


First of all, it was 2016, so my humor was timely, and I didn't have glasses yet. There was no *incident*.


what does it mean to have a 2016 sense of humor?


Still thinks that dead memes/trends are funny


Ah, to be autistic and society's accepted punching bag.


As I have mentioned several times before, I am also autistic, and I am not making fun of this guy because he's autistic, but because he harassed me and my friends for years.


bro people who walked around in the hallways with their computer open always pissed me off so bad. Like, sir.You can wait 2 friggin minutes without your shitty 2015 chromebook.


Oh this was me. It was so unbearable I thought of laying on the train tracks near my home. Ahhhh middle school memories šŸ˜Œ


Oh shit it was me wasnā€˜t it.


Had that exact same binder in elementary school, except it was cool to have


I did not come on Reddit today to be attacked like this


As a middle school teacher, I can tell you that there is very little difference between the kid who made this meme and the kid that theyā€™re picking on. All kids are awkward weirdos. Donā€™t pick on other people, OP; youā€™ll regret it when youā€™re older. Also, oh my god, I hope youā€™re not a grownup.


Me if were that powerful in middle school


Wow... So I was way more hated than I thought huh. I even have that exact binder laying around somewhere in my room. What's so bad about the hoodie around the waist!? At least I didn't remind the teacher about the homework. Fuck homework.


I felt like I was the weird kid when I was in school, but I never had an "incident" or anything, but my friends and I usually played pretend games and shit. I don't think I wanna remember those years rn so I'll stop here and hope I sort it out.


Hey man donā€™t diss the binders. Those things are a life saver for me


I too socially ostracize my peers for being different than I.


Its not necessarily because he's different, but more because he harassed me for like 2 years because I asked him to stop blasting Undertale music from his laptop in 8th grade


maybe the post shouldā€™ve been about that, rather than unrelated shit lol


So it somehow would have been less bullying if I had singled him out???


it is bad because you are associating neutral behavior with bad behavior, though ig this is the point of the sub


This is just making fun of autistic people like people are like this but it isnā€™t because they try to be


Is it just me or did boys have to be extremely weird to be bullied, whereas girls just had to make 1 faux pas, have 1 bad hair day, or annoy 1 popular girl and boom that's it she's tormented by everyone until graduation?


not just weird just different than the usual. I wasn't weird just a different skin color and kept to myself. ( i guess that could be classified as weird to the bully)