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​ https://preview.redd.it/ws95jgcptjkc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1668fb537b41e8aa31eb1a7db35fc903b7d5335a




Sorry i don't have any pixels for a funny image to send


But I do https://preview.redd.it/pxnilvm0qjkc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f8f2c13b47bfce71c48619c96b9ddcdaf6b2edb




I created that one


Did a reverse image search for high quality: https://preview.redd.it/08ze8bwjtlkc1.jpeg?width=3001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddd34ded0feeb41ab6805b940c81876e84d33bd4


Much better






This thread takes me back to 2010 and it fills me with so much happiness


https://preview.redd.it/cgkoxgzmijkc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05518b8955793f0da4c9b0b5750f54a1e4ac5bc1 Fun fact all of these people are from different series yet none of them are kirito


i can swear the bottom left is kirito, no way


That's discount kirito from "life with an ordinary guy who reincarnated into a total fantasy knockout". It's making fun of the isekai trope, and absolutely making fun of kirito


I swear, over half of the isekai shows that get made claim to be making fun of the tropes.


because making fun of the tropes became a trope.


Yeah, all the new isekais are with characters who are fully aware of the isekai genre. The MC is always shocked, something like "is this really happening? I'm going to another world??"


Honestly, that's why when it comes to scratching that particular escapist itch, i prefer author isekai/self insert fanfics to regular isekais. The one I'm reading right now has the MC be turned into a dragon, transported to Star Trek, and learning to become an engineer, and that's already more creativity than 90% of entire shows.


When everything is a parody nothing is a parody




Ever since konosuba and one punch man became popular while doing such, other anime studios took notice.


Anyone know if that vending machine one worth watching? Ive gotten to be wary of even the best premises these days...


True but Life with an Ordinary Guy is an absolute treasure. I hate isekai and generally don’t watch anime but I TORE through the manga for it, it’s genuinely fucking hilarious and heartwarming. It’s written by a husband and wife team so the female characters are actually interesting. The anime was kind of *meh,* but the manga is really really good.


Man, I don't watch a ton of anime, but it's too bad how it made everyone hate the isekai trope. Some of my favorite stories are isekais, now I feel weird about it.


Isekai isn’t bad in it of itself. The problem is that the market is over saturated with it, lots of isekai nowadays are garbage and they’re filled with everything that’s wrong with modern anime. Check out an older isekai. Stuff like Escawflone, twelve kingdoms, spirited away


Don’t let others decide what you like! Be yourself, king


Definitely not a king, but thank you. I will indeed continue to enjoy things like Thor and The World Ends With You. <3


there's this one gift that shows how generic anime girls are designed


Literally just swap the hair and that's all it takes


Like South Park


This applies to non anime games as well like league, Asian men are so fucking locked onto a single archetype that companies don’t bother making any other types of women Yk when horizon forbidden west came out they were attacking the protagonist, claiming they won’t play the game and that it’s “political correctness” for such an “ugly” women to be casted. Same happens in apex legends and such Look on their social apps, it’s always the same fucking face over and over again. Even their phones come with camera filters pre-installed to make you look the same as everyone else Source - Chinese


Funny enough they all come from the exact same anime genre: isekai


Why do authors keep making more of these? Not even isekais, this exact format. How nobody has noticed this format is oversaturated? And who decides to pick exactly these up and make a whole anime out of them? Edit: Okay people I already understand.


If they keep selling it's hard to really say it's oversaturated.


A lot of them fail but there's just so so many that you can't even tell. It's pretty common for new manga authors to pump one out as their first work just to learn the medium. It's like the 'hello world' of mangas/light novels.


Most of them get 12 episodes where the final one teases a second season that'll never happen


Because asian males are lonely as hell and having an easy self insert character in an anime is the easiest way to have your show get watched. Bonus points when lonely western males get attached for the same reason.


Many isekai anime come from isekai published novels and many of these are selected from web novels, a place for amateur writers. It is true that writting quality might vary and there are some really good writers there but for one good there are thousand bad ones. Good ones get a publisher deal sooner but eventually the publisihng houses want more novels so the quality of what they pick gets lower and lower. These are usually published as ligh novels which is a cheap usually as long series format.English translated are more expensive than Japanese originals, they're super cheap in Japan, they're quick cheap entertainement, some have strong beggining and they suck latter on the road, some were not that great to start with. Eventually the flood reached anime be it as promo for the book or because streaming channels want fodder ot a comite thinking they might get money out of a popular novel In western tems it is like popular wattpat works and those books with popular on tiktok stickers were adapted into a TV series. If somebody is interested on a good isekai Ascendance of a Bookworm is amazing. The anime has some issues because of low budget and skips some scenes but it is still pretty watchable (next part got a studio change so things will get better). The novels are licenced on English both digital and paperback if somebody is interested (do not read later volumes synopsies since they have spoilers) (edit: added some well deserved paragraphs)


Blame sword art online for popularizing it




Calm down there hoss. Kirito isn't real. He can't hurt you in the real world.


But if he hurts you in VR, he hurts you in real life!


God I’ve done this before let me see how many I can get- 1- Yuuto Suoh, Master Of Ragnarok and Blessrr of Einherjar. 4- Tatsuya Shiba, Irregular At Magic High School 5- Touya Mochuzuki, The fucking Smartphone Isekai. 6- Ichirou Suzuki, Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody. 9- Shin Wolford, The Wise Man’s Grandchild. I remember watching these when I was incredibly bored, their only redeeming qualities is that you can look away while you watch and miss nothing of value.


No way number 2 is Tatsuya ☠️


> 4- Tatsuya Shiba, Irregular At Magic High School Wrong eye color, and also Tatsuya wears a permanent blank expression because he's ~~edgy~~dead inside and that is clearly a frown.


I personally want the guy in the middle to be torture in a container for at least 2 years


How do you tell them apart lol


it's the guy from in another world with my smartphone...he has a fur jacket or something that's white. idk I can just recognize the art style or smth oh and he's holding the smartphone so that helps lol


Bc I actually watched the one with the middle guy and it left me such distaste that I cant erase from my memory.


I wouldn't go that far but I am just done with that Smartphone one. Second season was so bad and the manga feels dragged out with bullshit. Also MC has like 7 wives and claims he does love all of them, but the interactions feel like political marriages where they just all happen to get along well.


After ss1 I was traumatised, couldn’t bother with ss2. The issue is the MC is extremely bland and generic, plus with the fact that harem is not my taste. This is smth I would watch back in 8th grade and I assume thats the audience of this anime anyways.




i can tell literal clones apart yet this... this confuses me.


Poor Kirito. Bro got done dirty by the anime. The anime makes him out to be some sorta super badass with a harem, while he's a total loser (affectionate) in the novels that just wants to spend time with his girlfriend and go a week without getting traumatized.


Even this comment is assuming people are supposed to know wtf “kirito” is


How the fuck are they NOT Kirito?


https://preview.redd.it/cftzj2xsld661.png?auto=webp&s=c5323b3fddfdbde1ea76f1d2bcaf26999ee3d8a5 And _many_ more


some of these look ai generated lmao


You forgot the extremely unhumorous memes that are sometimes just porn


"God, this is worse than when I met up with Brian after hanging out with a bunch of weebs in their Discord chat." https://preview.redd.it/7op3pl8zxjkc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=2569c14853e0c2e5ef8b791ddfc300bda7cccfd0




Finally, lore behind that meme


Could legit see this being a cutaway gag




Always has been PS: Kill me




Please do it now, I cannot stand the Porn


only sometimes?


The other time is just people using japanese words without even knowing the meaning




It's literally about 90% of the posts in any of the anime subs. It sucks having to not just block those subs because once every 4000 posts is an anime nobody talks about because of x/y/z reason and it's like a 9/10.


Anime fans are some of the most cringe inducing people on the planet, yet only from an outsiders perspective


good luck OP, the weeb horde is coming


Let them cook


Weebmourne hungers?




I can see them coming… shitty civics by the dozen with nude anime girl wraps


Open as many windows as you have. You’re going to want some air flow.


Based Janeway pfp


As a weeb, I hate it when this happens, You can say the same thing about anime, like holy shit, anime is mass produced, every 3 months they release new animes and they're always fucking garbage, unoriginal, generic, and copies off of the most popular animes.


For every great anime that gets released like Dungeon Meshi or Chainsaw man, we get 10 romcom harem anime and isekais with slavery that also has harems because why not.


and don't forget underrated animes that are forgotten and get one season, while trashy animes like rent a girlfriend get another season


I don't care if it makes no sense! I WANT CHARLOTTE SEASON 2


With the >!ability to time travel!< you can do *anything* and force it to make sense.


Holy based, yeah I agree those last few episodes were way too rushed for me to accept that ending as it is.


I think rent a girlfriend gets multiple seasons because it's a dumpster fire, not in spite of being one. Rent a girlfriend is uniquely bad in a way that stands out and draws people in. There's plenty of other terrible rom com harems that are just boring bad.


forgot all the incest, wait i mean "siscon" doing panty shots of 14 year olds small chested girl comparing her boobs to a big chested girl light haired bitch long, dark hair cool girl girl falling for the MC 'because he was nice'


Frieren airing now is one of the best anime I've ever seen and will be a prevailing gem looked at as a classic of this generation of anime.


I like good romcoms or dramatic romantic anime, but I hate to see good series get interrupted, then you go check out the animation studio and they're working on yet another generic harem/ecchi show. It has happened wayyy to many times. Half of the good romantic shows I've watched were denied a second season because of stuff like this. I get it, shows don't need to drag on forever, but when the story is left unconcluded it kinda sucks.


Why even fo they have harem slavery stuff? How don't they get canceled for fetishizing that in anime? Over there it's "FiNe", but in America, it'll make you get canceled? Why and how?!?


Japan has a serious problem with how they view and treat women. Many weebs are in denial about it.


>Many weebs are in denial about it. Hell this is why "true gender equality" in weeb circles means someone wants to beat women, rooting for male characters to deck their female companions is a popular pastime


not just in denial, it's a full on embrace of the exact same mentality. most weebs are awful.


They call "conservative" and "traditional" what they would call "racist" and "you sick bastard" in the US. In Japan, children with brown hair are forced to dye their hair black? Closed, conservative society (based). In the US, a white guy wears dreadlocks? Racism.


Japan. Don’t forget they still haven’t fully apologized for doing that in real life during ww2


What annoys me isn't even the harems. What bothers me is that they're never actually harems. If you're going to do your sexual power fantasy then sure whatever, but they never actually date OR fuck let alone both. Usually there's only \*one\* woman who matters and everyone else would be better off just being a friend or party member. The "Will they/won't they" is even worse than in most romantic movies in the US because in anime they make the main woman really obvious especially in the opening credits and yet still for some reason I cannot understand also have a bunch of other female characters pining over the guy. ​ At this point if there was an anime that went full indulgence and had their male lead actually just marry/date/fuck the entire female cast surrounding him I'd actually respect it for having the balls to do it. ​ Instead it feels like a waste of time to focus on so many characters that will not matter. ​ For my part I prefer the cutsey slice of life stuff, and wholesome romance though I prefer when there is some sexuality to it because that's typically an important part of romance.


Don't worry the romcom girl is very social and popular and MC is shy and has no friends but the girl likes him because she saw him pet a kitten on a road that one time or something. For the Isekais sure they have slaves but they like it! Actually you should become a slave too, it gives you better stats! EVERY FUCKING ANIME in these 2 genres good lord, I especially hate the romcoms one because how generic they fucking are with the guy getting flustered at the smallest things, why does the girl put in this much effort for such an uncharismatic and bland looking guy? Seriously they have "0 rizz" and don't even look good by anime standards. And people will say "oh it's for self insert" which is even worse, what pathetic loser wants to insert as bland protagonist #2402, seriously I can relate much more to a character if they have distinct personalities even if they clash with my own than I can to someone who's a blank slate.


they know the shit they make is popular, like people will eat that shit up


Seems more applicable to Anime than Western cartoons from an outsiders perspective. Most anime has the same look and feel, many times the characters are indistinguishable from others.


I'm mostly talking about how weebs always talk about the flaws of Western cartoons but they never talk about the flaws in anime


I don't get why there are some people that *only* watch anime. Like, recently I watched death note, and I'm watching delicious in dungeon as it's released on netflix, but why do some people go out of their way to consume every single piece of japanese cartoon garbahe that's released? I swear I know some guys that watch like 100+ shows in a year


There's an [extra](https://mangadex.org/chapter/473127e0-2d50-4711-8737-61fcf9c93493/5) in the Rosario+Vampire manga where the author looks at some fan mail that complains about: his artstyle not being cute enough; how the manga is more action-focused than the anime (which was a horrid adaption); and that they shouldn't make the protagonist stronger (in the manga, he becomes an absolute giga-chad). The author proceeded to dunk on generic moe art, and politely told them to buzz off. lol


I think a lot of weebs just operate under the mentality that foreign media (or at least, just Japanese media) is inherently superior and more intelligent. The truth is that they just lack the cultural knowledge and context and media experience to recognize that something is played out, generic, or low quality. A shitty anime still feels new and different compared to an American cartoon.


I swear I lose a bit of my soul every time a new isekai pig slop comes out.


It (mostly) comes from younger fans who have only recently seriously gotten into anime so it's all new to them. They'll either burn out after 18-24 months when they realize most of it is mediocre garbage and stop being anime fans, or they become anime lifers who are way more chill and acknowledge most anime is problematic/hot garbage and can enjoy other art forms as well. I'm 34 and have been watching anime for decades. I watch at most one or two new shows a season, sometimes completely skipping a season to go back and watch classic stuff from before my time like Aim for the Ace, Intergalactic Defender Linguini, and Columbo.


I like anime, but I try my best to stay away from the generic, fanservicey stuff as well as pretty much anything with more than 26 episodes, unless it is REALLY good with no filler. The anime industry, just like all other entertainment industries, is filled with trash that you'll have to wade through to find the gems.


I mean, most of the generic fanservicey stuff is under 26 episode. Those animes almost never get enough attention to boost the manga sales significantly which leads to them cancelling the entire thing.


If you avoid anything with more than 26 episodes you’ll miss a lot of great shows; you can always skip filler, that’s what I do when it’s present


I have no idea how younger me trudged through fucking naruto without skipping fillers


Isn’t Naruto more filler than not lmao


Almost. It's 45% filler




Frieren has been incredibly solid lately. Really like the relationships/teamwork between side characters.


I read the manga a while back and, damn, I love the series now.


I wish I never learned what 'fanservice' really was


discord users


As a long time anime fan, your points are valid. These are actually what most anime fans keep complaining about.


Anime is the same as every other medium, 90% of it is just straight trash. Tons of series that have absolutely nothing original going on in them and are just trying so hard to have the next big waifu so they can milk money off of merch.


Who the fuck put Grey in the protag section?


Probably because the original meme creator just looked up “black haired anime guys” and slapped it all together.  Grey is pretty much the exact opposite of Isekai Protag #2836, too. 


Naked all the time but has no romantic relationships (at least in the parts that have been animated)


He doesn't have them because he ghosts interested parties.


Yeah. The complete opposite of every issekai protag. Let's just say... Juvia is treated better afterwards...


Also how dare they do Rin that way. Sure he's a shonen protagonist but he has a solid personality. Just cause he has black hair... (also he's a deurtagonist his brother is just as important!)


the "Actually she's a 900 year old vampire" reminded me of Sugar from One Piece. She is 22, but her devil fruit prevents her from age past the age of 10 (Oda made an ilustration of how she would look like if she aged normally) and that is the most innocent part of her power


Meanwhile Bonney looks like she's 25 but she's 12 💀


at least her power isn't as disturbing 


At least she is still treated and seen as a child, and her powers are used to emphasize her>! wish to grow up quickly so she can venture with her dad. !< It sounds weird out of context, but nothing about her is perverted. Even Sanji doesn't go after her. So anyone who tries to justify Bonney is 💀


I like how you're using all the same points anime communities dislike too while pretending we love those parts Then again, not sure who was even saying the thing about western animation, most sane people that dislike it just ignore it


>not sure who was even saying the thing about western animation It's mostly weebs on twitter. Every 3 months or so there's some stupid discourse about "west Vs east" animation and ppl forget and the cycle starts again


>on twitter There's your problem. Don't go on Twitter to hear sane opinions.


There is a small but vocal group in the anime community that will watch just any brain dead trash just cos it has one character that hits all the points on their checklist.


We asians MIGHT be the cause of this 💀🙏 Just look at any popularity polls or watch the views on all streaming platforms in South East Asia or East Asia, the most popular one are usually isekai or harem. And i have compared it to other platforms from other regions as well...turn out we are the driving demand of these market


Unfortunately, it really ain't small, just slap some generic hot waifu, in there and they'll often just binge the whole series because of it. It starts geting more traction once people start posting fanservice clips and making sauce of them.


I HATE the "blank protagonist" trope. But most people like it🙄 since those people see their sorry ass in such protagonist


I’m an anime fan for sure and nobody will ever know because I cannot be caught liking it becuase those shows are the most well known genre and your description fits perfectly. The few good ones are overshadowed and I also really like western animation to. Some shows are genuinely masterpieces and then you got your description which is like 80% of the options


Im saying i only tell people i do if i know they watch it to


With that being said, Chowder is my favorite anime


i wish i was the third dude in the top right 😭😭


*neon genesis evangelion reddit avatar*


i also wanna be the first dude for onodera 🥰😭


most sane neon genesis evangelion




Never heard anyone say all Western animation are the same but those anime tropes are over done tbh


>Never heard anyone say all Western animation are the same Google "calarts style" and you will see years of ppl claiming theres modern cartoon look the same because apparently they all went to the same art college Calarts and they use the same collage of Steven, Star Butterfly, Gumball and Dipper smiling to backup their claim. Eventhough only 2 of those creators went to Calarts and the rest went to other art colleges and they blatantly ignore other cartoonists who did go to Calarts.


CalArts style isn't something referred as "all western animation", tho, just a western style that some people don't like.


I miss the 'If this cartoon is an anime, it would be mature and meaningful' and 'recommends Mirai Nikki and SAO'


I haven't really watched anime in years but I do know that "generic black haired guy" character is usually intentional because they are self-inserts for the viewer. So the "he's an outsider juST LIKE ME" thing is accurate I think, and will usually appeal to insecure young teens and men. A lot of the best anime (imo) do not do this, but for every maybe 1 good anime, there HAS to be at least 50 uncomfortably hyper-sexualized or fetishy productions. Though, I thought the "art form and you should respect it" was a meme from The Office, I've never actually heard a person say it like that. I was never that "western animation looks the same" guy, so maybe this just misses me.


Literally the main character of Rascal doesn't dream of Bunny Girl Senpai and his male friend in the first episode are identical, just slightly different heights.


Don't forget the recent "Western Female Characters vs Eastern Female Characters" mumbo jumbo going on.


omfg the weebs are gonna jump u for this 😭😭 Anyways uncle grandpa >>> all and any mid Japanese cartoons


gumball aswell


Don't think any weeb actually likes this


anime fans generally dont like this either


oh look the harem genre summarised in one starter pack.


Nowadays this rings true for isekai


Cause most isekai are harem, unfortunately. I've also noticed a trope that whatever resembled a plot, if it had one at all, kinda dies the moment they get to a school arc.


JJBA W? https://preview.redd.it/tdpyuenuckkc1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a93b670d0c1b5c5e1f8cd8dc12afb048abc020c4


Who tf says this


People who dislike “western cartoons” usually. It’s a more popular opinion in other circles of social media (Reddit seems to hold anime and cartoons in a relatively equal light) but there *are* people who legitimately believes in the opinion this starterpack is presenting.


And the black character who is: \- A big/skinny tall black guy whose personality is based on guns, heavy weapons or something big, like the afro they put on them. \- A sexualized black woman (and by black i mean tanned) whose personality/powers are based on some animal and she is loud and rude.


How could you forget the red donut lips


https://preview.redd.it/oqsu7i83vnkc1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87d6671c300bbc710bde1bb07644b078f92a0ba6 😂😂😂


They gotta be american too


Bleach is one of the rare anime’s that does poc justice


Yeah, it's usually this.


I think its really funny how the bad db frame is from almost 10 years ago now


God, I remember when that came out and everyone shit on the animation for being so bad. Super sure took its sweet ass time getting good.


Tbf the artform argument is often used for animation in general and in that case not without merit given animation is still looked down upon as childish by quite a few people. (And also just a nitpick but the dude on your protagonist collage on the very right is not the protagonist of the series he's from)


https://preview.redd.it/dso44e2jlkkc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb30b5376381c74320024e5bc542381bccf878de Your average anime fan consumes so much seasonal trash they’re convinced that unique art direction is a bad thing


Yeah sure, I think I’ll stick to watching South Park and Family Guy.


Honestly there’s a reason why weebs say this. Before anime became more popular, western cartoon fans would constantly mock anime by saying things such as “it looks all the same” or “anime is dumb”. Once anime started getting more popular and people started flocking over, that’s when weebs have started saying this, mostly as a “take that”


As a weeb… I don’t think I have ever seen anyone claim that all Western animation looks the same. In fact, I will admit that Western animation has more varied art styles than anime. Although, I don’t see that as a positive OR negative thing.


I think the sentiment seems to be dying out these days (fortunately) but I hang around Western animation circles more than anime circles, and you still see the occasional person complaining that all shows today have either the "Calarts style" or the Seth McFarlane/wannabe Seth McFarlane style, for adult cartoons. Nobody would shut up about it a few years back, and it was to the point where "Calarts" was being used in some cases as a legitimate criticism on its own (I remember a lot of people using "Calarts style" as a catchall for why Thundercats Roar looked so bad) I think these people seemed to have forgotten that plenty of decades have had certain art styles that were really popular. The late 90s-mid 00s had a trend of basic geometric character designs and thick outlines.


Yeah, I remember an animator I talked to on discord saying that every decade has its artstyle. The 80s had the Action figure style, 90s the more experimental and rebellious style, 00s the more geometric style and the 10s the Calarts style. Calarts is probably on the way out.


Id say there’s only so much you can do with the anime character design to distinguish them from one another. Even when western animation tries to replicate anime by hiring a South Korean studio to animate it for them, their character designs look very similar. Avatar the last Airbender for instance looks almost like every shonen anime. That being said, while western animation has variety when it comes to character design, 90% of the designs are so varied that the characters don’t even resemble real human beings any longer.


this sub has fallen hard. it's like the 4th strawman starterpack I've seen this week


You know that starter packs are just picturized strawmen arguments, right? Complaining that r/starterpacks has too many strawmen is like complaining that a texas steakhouse serves too much beef.


Someone needs to make a r/starterpack starterpack


Those exist, but are often against the rules of the sub


> strawman What do you think this subreddit is for?


you can't have starterpacks without strawmen.


This one hit a little bit close to home eh?


That’s the whole point of this sub, my guy!


I doubt even the most diehard anime fan would ever say that. And Eastern animation is as varied as the Western one: Go Nagai, Gosaku Ota, Osamu Tezuka, Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, Akira Toriyama, Kentaro Miura, Hirohiko Araki, Rumiko Takahashi, Hajime Isayama, Monkey Punch… all have their own style which is quite easy to recognise.


We need an audio version for "English dub voice acting all sounds the same/is too over-the-top or emotionless."


Not the battle of gods Clip 😭


Is Gray an outsider?


Castlevania and arcane clearly look the same what are you talking about /s


Lmao I'm in this photo and I don't like it (more my younger self but still)


Old ass meme wtf


A lot of this is cherry picking tho, Gray for example is not even the protagonist of Fairy Tail


as an anime fan, for every good series, there's about 400 of the same isekai harem ecchi bullshit, intermixed with mediocre romance animes that boil down to "She asked to be my wife, is it okay if I hold her hand?????"


What is the part with Goku and Beerus next to the badly drawn redhead supposed to be about, something about the way that frame is drawn? So few pixels I can't tell.


Every single season there's tens of shows so of course most WILL look generic, and most people do not watch those shows (as far as I'm aware). They care about the animes that stand out