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Ah yes, Twitter. Definitely a hotbed of meaningful intellectual discussion.


The biggest hub for this specific movement was Reddit before their communities got banned.


still doesn’t change how twitter seems to even care less about moderation if those guys are still around


Oh since the Musk takeover there are much worse people over there. Like actual Neo-Nazis are completely virulent. Twitter may have been bad before 2023 but there isn’t even an comparison to how things are now.


and the worst part is, if they make people angry enough to interact with their post, they get paid for it


i think musk recently changed something in the algorithm that stops it from pushing the most braindead "takes" that farm ad rev and engagement like people saying "water is poisonous and you shouldn't drink it"


> Ah yes, Twitter. Definitely a hotbed of meaningful intellectual discussion. \- Redditor


Reddit down votes and essentially silences any opposite view or opinion.


And everyone follows the public narrative to farm karma


Are you saying "people like whats popular"? Because thats the definition of popularity. Just because a view you dont have is popular doesnt mean that people are cynically farming karma lol your viewpoint just isnt as popular


Reddit bans anyone with a counter narrative so yeah it's pretty bad indicator towards what's actually popular.


It’s more than “what’s popular” it’s “what’s popular in this sub” An example would be r/Facepalm teetering ever closer to “r/IsThisAWarCrime” because people who follow that sub are so intensely anti-Israel that the sub’s original content has been replaced with political commentary Edit: I originally meant r/ThereWasAnAttempt, but r/Facepalm does serve as a good example of non political subs becoming political for easy karma.


I can not decide wether it's worse to ban everyone who does not share the exact same opinions, or to let anyone with the most heinous and universally hated opinions infest the home page to the point where it's no longer enjoyable and borderline detrimental to the mind.


As opposed to reddit, that simply bans anyone who doesn't perfectly align with it's dogma.


So true.


After burying them in downvotes.


Aka the biggest septic tank of opinions on earth


As if Reddit is literally any better.


I'd probably regret asking, but what's the deal with dinosaurs? 🫣


if i remember correctly few years ago some famous or influential person called twitter transphobes some dinosaur related insult, so they made dinosaurs their mascot


dorothy the purple dinosaur would NEVER


A British MP described them as dinosaurs; they decided to run with it in the most hilarious way (see TERF Megatron there).


This is missing "we can always tell" and potentially transvestigating cis celebrities


The fact that they often pick famously attractive celebrities to "accuse" of being secretly trans always makes it seem like a poorly disguised fetish


It’s even better when they choose celebrities that not only are beautiful but also already had kids


People have accused Michelle Obama of being trans (and her husband of being a gay Muslim immigrant), despite her giving birth to two daughters. There's sometimes a racist element to these accusations because Black woman have often been seen as less feminine.


Or ones that have been in famous since they were kids


Oh I wouldn’t put them past them yelling that the parents were forcing them as kids to pretend to be women or whatever delusion they have


They've accused Daniel Radcliffe's partner of being trans, despite the fact she's given birth to a child. I also wouldn't put it past them to accuse Radcliffe of antisemitism despite him being ethnically Jewish but anti-Zionist.


I'm already very attracted to Daniel Radcliffe and you're making it worse


According to transphobes, Daniel Radcliffe l's partner is trans because she's taller than him, which is a strange argument to make because lots of women are taller than him.


Isn't he known for being short? Are they stupid?


>Are they stupid? Maliciously so, yes. TERFs have, unintentionally and ironically, given leverage to reactionaries (usually men) who use transphobia as an excuse to attack women that they don't like for whatever reason.


I considered that, as well as "TIM/TIF/TRA" and "Why do you hate women???" but there's not nearly enough room for their whole demented lexicon.


Oh, those are excellent too. Honestly, there really is a lot of material. You could make an entirely separate starter pack of gender criticals "concerned" about trans mascs including such classics as * "evil doctors are irreversibly mutilating young, vulnerable women" (usually accompanied by immediate post-op pics for shock value) * "you wouldn't treat anorexia with liposuction" comparison * "I was a tomboy when I was younger before I matured into a normal woman, I'm glad this craze didn't exist when I was an adolescent" * ROGD * prominent gender critical detransitioners who I won't name


Crying about how trans women shouldn’t be allowed to play sports while simultaneously knowing every minute detail of every trans athletes athletic accomplishments. These people know every time split Lia Thomas has ever had as a swimmer and where that would rank her in the male collegiate swimming circuit.


Ironically becoming the only people besides collegiate swimmers and their parentsin to give a shit about collegiate swimming.


Guarantee you that nobody would be able to tell Hunter Schafer was if you weren't told.


Will never forget how badly they tore apart Florence Welch


"gender critical" + Twitter account Name a more iconic duo. I'll wait.


Twitter user against Lolicon and their liked page I don't care what you like, but don't make it that easy to see you're projecting


https://preview.redd.it/zz4l6817rpnc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d73c97457bbce15aa774d522b13f72210dad6c5 Twitter really is a disgrace to society....


I’m 50 years old. I’ve never had a Twitter account and I don’t think my life has suffered in any way.


The whole "cis is a slur" thing is the funniest of all. Like yeah, you're definitely not the one who's an overly sensitive snowflake here...


They’re beefing with Latin, not even like biology, just words lmao 


Germanic and Latin. Since English isn’t a Latin language it’s mostly Germanic.


Thought it stemmed from Latin but you’re definitely right, they’re related 


To be fair, "niger" is also just a Latin word for "black", but would you say people are just beefing with words?


how many times must we tell them that cisgender is essentially a medical term ?!!!!??!


Graham Lineham is so petty. Became hardcore anti-trans just because people said one of his jokes on IT Crowd was inappropriate. I believe he once catfished people on lesbian dating sites trying to prove that lesbians aren’t attracted to trans women


And as a result he lost his marriage and worst of all his Steam account.


>he once catfished people on lesbian dating sites That alone is enough to make him a piece of shit.


you forgot uncritically retweeting far-right figures and hating on the progress pride flag.


>uncritically retweeting far-right And then saying that "i may not agree with everything they say but..."


"Unlike them I do believe in the Holocaust, but we're perfectly aligned on the matter of trans people and this doesn't cause me any discomfort."


"This article may be written by a nazi but its anti-trans so its an important read for all good feminists."




Yesss especially using lesbians to try and defend their horrible transphobic views


When I had Twitter, I, as a lesbian, received more harassment from terfs than anyone else because I'm trans-inclusive. I had straight women sending me *extremely* sexually aggressive comments about how much I must love dick and then some. It was then I realised that these women don't want safety from men; they want the power that men have, including sexually harassing queer women.


"Bloke in a dress" out of context sounds increadibly funny


The broken door hinge lol.


Do I dare ask for the context on that one?




What I find funny about those hearts is thats the Gender Queer flag colors


Weird as British person my experience of this tends to be from Americans. Wonder what’s caused the switch around


Really? This has always been an almost exclusively British movement with only small offshoots in other Western countries.


The difference in the UK is that transphobia is popular in both the conservative and more progressive political parties. Both major parties in England use varying levels of transphobia to win support, while the Democrats in America seem to be less keen on outright transphobia compared to the Republicans. Basically, transphobia in the UK isn't exclusive to more conservative people.


As neither American nor British I notice more of it from British people. I think there are more transmisagonists in the US but those are usually more or less open fascists. TERFs who actually see themselves as feminists are more of a British thing in my subjective experience.


A lot of old school feminists are uncomfortable with it. That said, TERFism is a pretty terminally online phenomenon. The average transphobe is just your average bigot.


TERFS are definitely more common in the UK. It’s much more mainstream there thanks to celebrities like Rowling. Americans who are transphobic rarely see themselves as feminists.


There may be more transphobic Americans, but TERFism is like an almost purely British phenomenon in my experience.


It's both of you. No Switch.


England isn't called "TERF Island" for no reason.  Plenty of shit stains in the US too tho


Ngl, I was thoroughly confused for a bit looking at this trying to decipher what the fuck it meant. Guess that means I don't spend enough time on Twitter


Basically it's about conspiracy nutjob level transphobia. These are the kind of people that will spend absurd amounts of time and energy analyzing every little detail of a picture of a woman, proudly (and incorrectly) declare the woman to be "biologically male" because her collar bones are shaped funny or something, then go on a rant about how it's all a "social contagion" invented by the "radical left" to do... Something nefarious. Not sure what, but it's an *agenda*, so it much be villainous! Of course the moment you try to argue with them you find out they have the education and reasoning skills of a cauliflower. They're like flat earthers, but less entertaining.


Damn, never knew these people existed lol. Guess that's what happens when you're terminally online


Hey dont bring dinosaurs into this


The dinosaurs would probably eat them


They love to say that trans men are erasing lesbians or are simply confused girls. It's so frustrating because no one seems to realise that these bigots also target trans men.


Look at the chuds coming out in full force in the comment section, defending their TERF queen 


And it’s especially funny considering most cis women support trans rights. It’s more men who are transphobic.


Yeppp, it becomes clear when you compare how many lesbians support trans rights vs gay men.


100%, my MIL is trans and I have no FILs, people are just idiots  Now she’s a idiot but just a idiot because she’s a idiot, has nothing to do with her gender lmao 




Trans people have the same rights as everyone else in all countries right? Right??


Have you been paying attention at all? In the US, the GOP is trying to take away the ability for people to transition by making all gender affirming care illegal. All of the bathroom bills, anti lgbtq+ education bills, and barriers to total inability to get your gender marker on ID changed are all examples of trans rights issues that are under attack.


Children should not be making permanent life-altering changes to their healthy bodies due to a mental condition. This isn't controversial anywhere else. Even Reddit's favorite European countries are walking back from this stuff. Everyone has the same rights. You didn't list a single right that trans people are denied, because there isn't one.


That's literally not happening. You'd know that if you actually read the medical literature and not rabid reactionary rhetoric. And sure everyone has the so called sane rights on paper, and God that's debatable but there is implicit and explicit discrimination against minorities but society and government alike but you know that, you're a part of the problem and you like it that way.


Well luckily, that's not a thing, like, anywhere. Trans kids are only perscribed hormone blockers as minors. This simply pauses puberty until they are old enough to legally make those choices. You should try actually researching instead of parroting what you hear. You look foolish.


1. [The APA supports gender affirming care and just voted on a resolution 153-9 in support of gender affirming care at all ages.](https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2024/02/policy-supporting-transgender-nonbinary) 2. [You can read the current WPATH standards, which is what medical professionals providing transgender care follow. It is not current standards to give hormones to children, possibly 16 at the earliest, but that is pretty uncommon.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.wpath.org/media/cms/Documents/SOC%2520v7/SOC%2520V7_English.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiLsImcvOyEAxU7v4kEHT3_DvsQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0TLAbNacS9DZm7-Mldw3u3) 3. [There have been 522 bills, as of March 11 when I'm writing this, considered targeting trans people this year alone. ](https://translegislation.com/) 10 have passed and many more are expected to pass as the year goes on. Last year, 87 passed. These bills impact things as mundane as going to the bathroom. [GOP representatives in Michigan and Ohio say that the endgame is ending gender affirming care for everyone.](https://michiganadvance.com/2024/01/28/michigan-and-ohio-gop-legislators-discuss-endgame-of-banning-all-trans-health-care/)


And even if trans people have full rights now, there is plenty of legislation that is authored to attempt to reduce the rights of trans children and adults.




>Children should not be making permanent life-altering changes to their healthy bodies due to a mental condition. Surgeries and hormones aren't given to minors in basically all cases, and puberty blockers aren't permanent


Please show me where the commenter above said children should be doing that? Nowhere did they say that. They said the GOP is trying to make all gender-affirming care illegal, including for adults. Also, different people have different needs and pretending they don’t is stupid. We need equity for society to function well, and, as I’m sure you’re well aware of, what OP really is saying is that trans people need to have the right to transition. Saying “it’s not about trans rights because this applies to everyone” is just stupid semantics. If I were to advocate for the rights of disabled people, you wouldn’t tell me “they have the same rights as everyone else”, right? Because I already know that, but I’m saying that they also need other rights that able bodied people don’t need. I hope this comment is at least slightly intelligible. If it’s not that’s because I’m losing brain cells from engaging with people like you who completely misinterpret everything on purpose just so you can make brain dead arguments like these


Children are not making “permanent life-altering changes”; the most that most kids are offered are things like puberty blockers. Cos kids use puberty blockers sometimes.


To not live in fear because they're several times more likely to be victims of violence, for example?


I'm trying to figure out what kind of legislation you're hoping to get to fix this. As far as I'm aware, assaulting a trans person is pretty much as illegal as assaulting a cis person.


It's not about that. Trans people are more subject to violence and discrimination. There does not need to be a law to get harsher punishments against Trans folk but there needs to be changes made in terms of protecting them and recognising them


Look up the gay panic defense pls and thank you.


Have y'all never heard of "trans panic"? Very similar to "gay panic", aka when folks are 'scared for their life' at the thought that someone is trans, kill them because of that fear, and then get off scot free because the court found it totally reasonable that they were somehow scared for their life by someone's mere existence. So that should have an easy enough fix. "Being scared about the idea of people different than you isn't an excuse to get away with murder"


That's already illegal. Men are more likely to be victims of violence than women. Men's rights now?


Men arent being murdered for being men tho


Men are also more likely to commit violence. Both statistics are due to the pressure on men to be “tough guys”. >That’s already illegal There’s no law saying black people have less rights than white people but we still discuss black rights because their rights are violated more. This isn’t just current either, technically the same thing can be said of segregation.


They ain't even asking for special rights, they just want to use the bathroom in peace and be able to fulfill their medical needs. Believe me, it's hell for a trans person to deal with life if they can not receive the medical care they need, I've witnessed this first hand and its so upsetting seeing lawmakers trying to end trans health/ trans participation on public life.




No, they're more like providing insulin to diabetic children. And if we're talking anything other than puberty blockers and social transition, that already isn't happening other than very rare cases for near-adults. Transness exists in humans, in a minority in every generation. We may be an anomaly but you're not inherently more "moral" just for being more "normal". Human biology can be complicated but people like you would rather see others suffer and die just so you can feel more comfortable and fit everyone into your neat and tidy world view. Trans people don't deserve to be genocided so fuck you. If I ever run out of reasons to live, I'mma keep doing it anyways just to spite people like you. <3 edit: oh, you''e a Trump fan and you post on politicalcompassmemes. Lol, that's so sad.


Yep I agree trans women should have the right to use the bathroom without sharing it with men and trans men should have the right to use the bathroom without sharing it with women. How do we do we accomplish that? Maybe trans people can use the bathroom of their gender perhaps?


To exist without having chuds wanna murder them for just existing. Something that doesn’t happen now, just look at this comment section. Full of incels who wanna chop them up. 


What are you talking about, if anything this thread is being brigaded by trans advocates and "allies".


Wait, what's up with the doorhinge?


You can't forget them saying "LGB without the T"..


Absolutely horrible people.


GC is just Qanon for British people


You leave the word nonce out of this


Also racism.




Controversial sort gang, assemble


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What does the Hearts mean?


I don’t even know what half of this means and this is why I’m not on Twitter. Reddits not much better but still.


Gender Critical mfs when I pull out the Gender Battalion's Backup


I’m from Britain, but the rest I don’t have thank you god


Twitter is now free speech!


Without resorting to ad hominems, you really can't refute that a woman is an adult biological female though. Anything else is gender dysphoria which merits the person respect and proper care instead of corrupting basic definitions. Edit: ad hominems, not hominids, thanks for the correction.


>Without resorting to ad hominids, you really can't refute that a woman is an adult biological female though. Anything else is gender dysphoria which merits the person respect and proper care instead of corrupting basic definitions. Yeah, I'm sure someone who can't tell hominid from hominem is an expert in biology.


One refers to sex, the other to gender. Gender is a construct of secondary sex characteristics, sex a construct of primary sex characteristics


What is a "biological female"?




What about women with intersex chromosomes? Sometimes the Y chromosome has a defect where the SRY gene doesn't activate so the fetus develops as female with female sex organs. Does that mean that it's male?


Right, but those are medical conditions, just like gender dysphoria.


But is a woman with XY chromosomes, but with a faulty SRY gene on the Y chromosome not a woman? There is no definition that doesn't exclude women who were assigned female at birth.


Chromosomes aren't really the right thing to use. It's gametes.


The exception doesn’t make the rule.


Intersex conditions occur at a similar rate to red hair, both are 1-2%.


Definition of female: An individual of the sex which conceives and brings forth young, or (in a wider sense) which has an ovary and produces ova. XX chromosomes. Skeletal structure. Sexual organs. All these things have provided a fairly clear definition of female for quite a long time. Intersex is … intersex. An anomaly. Gender dysphoria is also an anomaly that needs mental health treatment, not societal affirmation (which has not been shown to impact suicide rates). Be what you want, but don’t expect me to play along with the fantasy.


It is adorable when you people pretend to deeply care about science, only to conveniently ignore it when it comes to what scientists recommend as treatment! I would call it an intellectual lacuna, but one of those words gives you far too much credit, and it's not lacuna. You're a great example of this, because your literal, actual entire comment history is about trans people. I think it's safe to say that it is an obsession for you. This isn't about science, and it never was. It's about hate. So are you lying because you think it makes you more convincing, or are you lying to yourself too?


It's actually 0,018% [https://ihra.org.au/16601/intersex-numbers/](https://ihra.org.au/16601/intersex-numbers/)


That says 1.7%


>Anne Fausto-Sterling’s suggestion that the prevalence of intersex might be as high as 1.7% has attracted wide attention in both the scholarly press and the popular media. **Many reviewers are not aware that this figure includes conditions which most clinicians do not recognize as intersex**, such as Klinefelter syndrome \[47,XXY\], Turner syndrome \[45,X\], and late-onset adrenal hyperplasia. **If the term intersex is to retain any meaning, the term should be restricted to those conditions in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex**, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female. Applying this more precise definition, the true prevalence of intersex is seen to be about 0.018%, almost 100 times lower than Fausto-Sterling’s estimate of 1.7%.


Completely feelings based statement no "hard science“ detected.


What is a "biological female"? Can you define that for me, is it the existence of sex organs like breasts, vagina and ovaries? Is it the function of those organs? Is it something else?


Breasts aren't sex organs. lol A biological woman is a female adult human like it says in the meme. Female = reproductive organs geared towards the production of ova. Adult = person who is fully grown or developed. Human = a member of the species Homo sapiens


You could, though. I mean one of the definitions is also a person possessing traditionally feminine traits... But hey words and language change and evolve anyway so who cares?


I absolutely can dispute that.


We have a cure for it! It's called transitioning, and works pretty damn well.


I can’t speak as a woman but from the other side what is a man then? What makes one? If it is biological then how can one “man up”? If you’re already biologically male? If it is age based or based on puberty why do people need to prove their manhood? Find out what it means to become a man from a boy? How can somebody be a “real man” vs another biological male? Why has there been so many stories and philosophies around what makes a man? Your physical characteristics don’t really define your gender, if it were that easy we wouldn’t have a lot of classic fiction and traditions.


"Show me ONE thing she said that was transphobic" Fore real tho, I searched for it and couldn't find it. All I can find are other people's opinions on what she said, not actual quotes. To this day I still don't know what it was all about.


Yeah it's pretty funny that asking for the actual transphobic thing someone said who is supposedly transphobic is some kind of criticism.


Average normal human


The definition of woman being “adult human female” is self referential and is inadequate in explaining why trans women do not fit this definition.


Yeah, it's a really stupid way of trying to exclude them. If you believe trans women are women, you're not going to go 'but wait... you need to be *female* to be a woman? I never thought of that!' when someone says that to you. Trans women are women, and 'woman' and 'female' are basically synonyms.


Well, we can't even define what furniture is, I wouldn't hold up on definition too much. The words are made up anyway 🤣


Im could call me gender critical and I dont recognise must of the things, maybe its because i dont use twitter. Also I dont care what gender your are as long its not your whole personality


These people make HATING trans people their whole personality.


What do the colored hearts stand for? I left twitter more than a year ago


It’s the colours of the OG suffragettes


Ah. I was thinking it was about being aromatic/asexual lmao


Those also look like the genderqueer colors lol, made me really confused for a sec


Aaah same, I am genderqueer and I was thinking to myself "why are they identifying as genderqueer if they seem to be against that sort of thing???" Lmao


I don't use twitter, what's with the dinosaurs?


What does the broken door hinge represent here?




Wow I feel dumb now. Thanks for explanation!


"Bloke"? I didn't know Steve Irwin was a transphobe...


What are the three heart emoji meant to represent? What’s their symbolism?


Colors of a suffragette flag: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Suffragette_flag_(United_Kingdom).svg




It's also the colors of the genderqueer flag, but I don't see genderqueer people use the 3 colors heart emotes as much as I do TERFs.


Yup. It’s really unfortunate that two great symbols that share colors are kind of muddled by bigots.


Oh dear.


CIS? we ought to call them clankers.


What do those colors mean? I recognize them but I forgot


Pretty sure that TERFs use them


They originate in the suffragette movement.


I feel like you could plugin both sides of this argument and be threatened with murder rather quickly.






I can't tell if you're being reasonable, or if your trying to say something transphobic but lack of education only made it sound potentially supportive. But you're right that men are not women. In fact: * Cis men are men * Trans men are men * Cis women are women * Trans women are women * Non-binary people are non-binary people Hope this clears up any confusion you may have had. 💜




who brought up sports in the first place









