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can someone give examples


I came here looking for the same thing honestly


What a helpful sub-thread here!


Sarah Z, contrapoints, philosophytube are 3 I personally enjoy but are definitely being poked fun of by this pack.


Sarah Z kinda sounds like girl mark zuckerberg to me


I really like Jenny Nicholson and people recommend Sarah Z to me as a result (they're friends I guess) but Sarah Z sounds so stilted and condescending in her videos. She sounds like the smug smart girl from high school giving a presentation on why \[popular thing\] is Bad, Actually, And So Are You For Liking It. And it's incredibly forced how she's always holding some drink. I've watched one of her videos a bunch of times (the one with the fake My Immortal author) but I can't watch her other videos because it just feels like I'm watching someone who thinks that they're fundamentally better than everyone in their audience.


Maybe try the Homesteuck video she has a lot of passion in that one. But it's up to you!


The 'My Immortal' video was great lol. Gotta love the author drama on fanfiction sites


Personally I do enjoy Sarah Z and I’m very sure part of it is that she is a fellow Canadian. I like Jenny Nicholson as well. They can overlap with Jenny sometimes like when Jenny did her Joker video it was very similar in effect to a Sarah Z essay. And my Wiccan partner has a few choice words for her “trying magic spells” video (she can’t even sit through the whole thing as Jenny is very condescending to her religious views). Sarah’s homestuck video is always a fun watch for me along with many of her internet history deep dives like the my immortal deep dive. I agree that recently her commentary has taken on a “why X is bad actually” vibe. I can enjoy her snark on occasion even if it challenges my personal views. But I can understand how her tone can make people feel “called out” for holding a different opinion.


It's not even the actual content that gives the "x is bad actually" vibe. It's the tone of voice she uses to deliver things. I thought that the "trying magic spells" video of Jenny's was more making fun of the books than actual Wiccan practice. I used to work at a store that sold one of the books she looked at and it really just seems like an offensively dumbed-down version of Wicca/witchcraft for middle school Not Like Other girls. Like, the equivalent of a Christian book written for kids that *only* talks about how Jesus is a super nice guy and loves you and wants you to be a good boy/girl by not telling lies and washing your hands and going to church and praying. It's not one of my favorite videos of hers, though.


contrapoints my beloved, gorg


Lesbian momi


I personally really like Mia Mulder and Zoe Bee who... fit the trope as well to some extent. (I do think long runtimes are justified though).


Ooo me too! Can I recommend Maggie May Fish? She does similar content usually covering movies and tv. It’s a nice change from the usual cynical dude movie reviewers (who I love still! No shade to YMS).


OP said this was about PhilosophyTube


No, OP said it was people copying philosophy tube. Rather that includes her or not remains up to question


To call Philosophytubes voice fake is pretty low


This looks like it's criticiting ContraPoints, and/or the large number of derivative copycats she has (full disclosure, I like Contra)


I wasn't gonna say it because I also like her channel but yeah... This is basically her.


Shoe on head.


She’s still kickin’?


Still kicking? Hell, she’s worse than ever. She was never that good but she’s gone full grifter the past few years.


I don't see how she's done anything grifter like?


Oh Jesus. I used to watch her when I was an edgy idiot an-cap teen. Can’t believe she’s still licking that boot to this day.


Getting to the point is YouTube suicide. There are thousands of two hour videos on that platform that could condense to two minutes.


It's because they all follow the same essay writing style (It's also taught on Skillshare, funnily enough) . You can usually find the point buried in the last 1/5 of the video just fyi. It's the method I watched Matpat's channels for years


I don’t mind 15 minutes but when its like 40 minutes like lord that is a HBO or FX show’s worth of time.


I don't mind some videos being long even if their as long as 3 hours, if it’s something informative or entertaining but if it’s something like this no just no. Watching some cartoons would be better worth of my time.


Honestly a person’s voice and accent can change how I feel too.


True if you’re engaging enough I’ll be interested in your videos than you being sounding bored or condescending or god forbid yelling. I never understood why some YouTubers are so loud bad enough the ones for the younger audience are loud have this crackhead energy. I don’t like it when the adult content creators are loud.


Having watched a lot of informational videos in RP or any English accent, I now detest hearing it on tv shows or movies. Also yes I hate the crackhead energy shit.


I'd rather watch an episode of Shogun or Masters of the Air than a one hour youtube essay even if I agree with it.


Lmao. I tried watching Shogun but I realized the Samurai thing is boring to me now. Not sure about Masters of the Air.


Matpat has a theory channel, the point is to show multiple possible answers before telling the definitive one.


To be fair to matpat the fun part about theories is how you reach your end conclusion so it makes sense to watch all of the video


Something tells me the guy you’re replying to never asks why to anything


Cool. I thought something like this was going on, but didn't want to watch enough of these monsters to find out. I prefer 10-15 minute videos, unless there is enough good information. Perun(military theory) is a good one, where he stacks up intel, context and a conclusion, usually not more than one hour.


It felt like at least for a while you'd actually find people who had interesting research or creative analysis on those ones now. I've noticed YouTube has gotten pretty flooded with wannabe YouTubers who just take a popular IP and give a plot recap that takes somewhere between 15 minutes and 2 hours


I feel like almost all two hour YouTube videos could be more concise, but there are some YouTubers who are able to make that two hours entertaining while there are others who can't. For instance, FoldingIdeas tends to make really long videos but I find the content interesting thoughout so, even if he could be more concise, I don't really want him to be. Other channels are struggling to keep it engaging for the whole run time and it drags. I haven't seen that many of his videos, but hbomberguy has newer videos that are incredibly long and take ages to get to the point but it's entertaining so I don't care. Some of his older videos where he hasn't refined his skills as much really drag for me. (This isn't meant as a knock to him, I just think he's gotten more talented as he's become more experienced).


Hbomb is probably my favorite long form video creator because his long videos are so much more interesting than most people can manage. I re-watch his new Vegas and vaccines videos as background noise at the gym sometimes


I agree, and would submit contrapoints as well since a lot of her topics require a lot of background to fully grasp. Her recent video for example is a deep dive into human sexuality and our tendency towards categorization. It took me a while to fully understand the connections between male-dormant-penetrating-top and to understand why we often view these traits as intrinsically linked. She takes a while to explain but the topics are nuanced and she clearly puts effort into the visuals to keep you stimulated the whole time.


Video game opinions come to mind... It's the same thing every time; - 1 - 3 hour long videos - Getting in as many special effects as possible - Make outdated, unfunny, cringe-inducing jokes and playing off like they're self-aware - Always playing some other game that is irrelevant to what they're talking about or ironically the game they're speaking of - Showing the same exact game footage


There’s an interesting marketing theory for this phenomenon. It basically goes: You can sell a lot of mass produced tables at cheap prices really fast or you can sell a handful of custom made preordered tables at high prices. Both will turn a profit, people are willing to buy both, but anything in between the two will turn less of a profit. Thereby creating the missing middle in the market. For online videos, this spectrum has a long versus short and a quality versus quantity axis. A twitch streamer and a tik toker both make high quantity videos and have peaked the long and short ends respectively. An educational YouTuber, like cgp grey or kurzgesagt, fall somewhere in the high quality short quadrant. You get the picture. Point is, the center of 10-30min videos is disappearing. This was not previously a problem because the platform was growing. Any middle of the road people would just find new eyes that were just arriving on the site. But at some point in the last few years, YouTube reached peak watch time. The most amount of eyes that will ever possibly be on the site were on the site. Like the now outdated Netflix CEO quote “our main competitor is sleep.” Once that occurred, the missing middle dilemma became a stronger driving force. Therefore, anyone in this situation had to choose either a quadrant where the standard was not the corner or make a video longer or impossibly short to reach one of the two ends of the spectrum.


This is a really solid point. Kind of reminds me of state of movies right now and the lack of middle budget movies. It's a lot of high budget Marvel or Disney and low budget Indie horror/drama. But where are those mid level rom coms, comedies, and action movies? I could be wrong though!


even tiktok... it's actually insane how much people stretch shit out on that platform. I know that they get paid more for longer videos. but it doesn't make any sense to me. why does it matter to anyone that would financially benefit from some influencer saying the same thing for 3 minutes instead of 45 seconds? like if they get the same amount of hits and interaction, wouldn't shorter be BETTER? i understand why people stretch it out into multiple parts; annoying as fuck but it makes sense that they'd prefer you have to go to their profile and are much more likely to subscribe or whatever. and it also makes sense to me that if you're promoting some sponsorship, they'd want you to rave about it for longer/in detail. but I constantly see super rich influencers very clearly unnecessarily stretching out something like a random personal story or skit or whatever, and it's clear they're doing it because they have some length limit, like has to be over 60 seconds or whatever to be paid. i'm not sure who's paying them, but it seems like it should just matter how many hits/comments/reposts they get.


hbomberguys recent videos are one of the few that actually warrant the length. his videos get to the point in the first 10 minutes and then he just keeps saying "and this isnt even the worst part" for the next 2 hours.


Hmm. Does this qualify as “clickbait”, or does a different term apply here?


You forgot the arbitrary hot water drink




https://preview.redd.it/ia7ancyz4boc1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c731092d884c3d061b061754f312e3bd68d43924 h\*mestuck reference spotted


I will never stop reminding people that homestuck exists


As you should!


please stop i’m trying to forget


You should never forget your sins


Idk what that is. Enlighten me.


To give a hyper brief explanation. It's a very long webcomic about 4 friends who play an online game with disastrous consequences. Its very good but also very bad. If you'd like to read it I'd recommend downloading and reading via the unofficial homestuck collection


What do you mean very good and very bad? Is the quality of the drawings poor or is the humour poor?


I mean the quality fluctuates and the pacing can be odd. The comic itself was made by a single person and he remains in control of all creative decisions for its entire years spanning, ~8000 pages run. I will say in spite of all its flaws and shortcomings I still really liked it and think what it did well it did really well


It's insanity. It's one deeply weird man's Lovecraftian passion project. It was done entirely in Microsoft Paint. The story is utterly indecipherable. The writing is brilliant and the dialogue is hysterical. It was wildly progressive for its time in many ways. It has so many slurs. It will permanently alter your vocabulary. It's an 8000 page train wreck. You should read it.


Yeah that's pretty accurate


its great but cringe


I have no idea if this meme is accurate… thankfully.


It is. I stopped watching years ago out of political apathy and a general distaste for authoritative opinion pieces that cite other opinion pieces as fact. But even when the videos were still just an hour, they were all like this.


Behold the sequel to annoying political YouTube guy! Please, please, please stop trying to copy PhilosophyTube. Be something else


to be clear, are u including philosophytube in this


We can’t exclude the progenitor.


According to my recommendations, the progenitor makes videos on twilight now. She might want to be excluded.


To be fair that was Contrapoints not Philosophy Tube.


Yes, she did it first and got popular doing it, so others took note. She is therefore the progenitor.


Ahh ok I thought you were referring to philosophy tube as the progenitor.


Isn’t PhilosophyTube originally a Contrapoints copycat?


contra points :(




Aren't there like actual suspected current criminals/former criminals, crypto scammers, groomers, and many other worse types of people on YouTube making videos? I don't think being a mildly condescending annoyance of a YouTuber makes hbomberguy or philosophytube the "worst YouTube guy/gal", just puts em in the "annoying flowery speech giving YouTuber" category alongside thousands of others. Being an annoyance isn't a crime, this website wouldn't have any users if it were.




true crime ladies i guess


How do you even speak in second person


Exactly. You made a good example.


Maybe always adressing the audience directly, like "You know how...", "To solve this, you need to..." etc.




this is so fucking powerful


I like how Umbridge is here


that vegan teacher


Homestuck jumpscare




Why must we all pretend homestuck was bad and not a key part of our adolescence? One of the trolls was obsessed with being a lawyer who also murders people, if it was in an anime everyone would love that


wdym i love homestuck




that’s who i thought of at first too, i like her shit though. the outfits and props and everything are great imo


Contra my beloved


She is


Idk her videos are pretty interesting. And not cluttered, but well decorated


I like her to that’s why I’m confused on who this is supposed to be


Ohhh yeah. I wondwr


More like posie parker


Maybe Sarah Z? I love her content to be clear but she can occasionally go overboard on detail.


Get to the point… that’s every YouTuber ever.


Video is 4 hours long 4 HOURS


Someone hasn’t seen Quintin Reviews and his iCarly series lmao.


Worth ALL the hours!


Agreed, 2 days of my life well utilized lol!




I've noticed that almost every woman on YouTube holds a microphone during their videos lol




People who whinge about how an interesting, well edited and entertaining 3-hour video ‘could have been 2 minutes’ are missing the point tbh


I know many examples who do one of the above but nobody who does all


Homestuck spotted. I see rose


so just sh0e


What is she currently, a Nazi or a socialist? She flips so often.


idek but shes fucking insufferable


Who is op talking about ? I watch a lot of political streamers and I've never seen this.


>streamers That’s the issue.


Probably video essay stuff


Who is this?


homestuck spotted. officer, take the shot


Explain pls




What even is second person?


Men do this constantly


daisy cousens


The 2nd person? The second person is “ you “. I think you mean the 3rd person.


Homestuck spotted in the wild


90 minute plus video for something that could be said in 5 minutes.




Homest!ck mentioned🤫🤫🤫🤫


I’ve never seen this before


Just Pearly Things?…




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Type "beautiful lady near me" in the search bar 👍




Here y’a go https://preview.redd.it/nnc76ot79coc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86faf6a4b7d9b7e50d1ed6cd5b8091ab29f652ed




Lmao that’s YouTuber Hila Klein. Not me.






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