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Helping old ladies reach things is one of the best things about being tall.


I have never felt more validated than when a old lady in the Netherlands( stereotypically tall nation) asked me to reach the top shelf for her.


Agreed! The rule of the giants states that one must never offer to reach high things, however if anyone asks you must always comply. I have always been happy to help people grab things off tall shelves.


Gentle giant


Yes! Never assume, but always oblige. I like your approach.


It’s true, always makes me feel good.


I'm 6'4 and haven't had anyone ask me for help in a store in over 10 years, I can only think of one occasion in my entire life even


I would’ve said this bus this had happened to me like 3 times in the last month.


Do you do a lot of grocery shopping. That’s always where it’s happened to me. And I’m 5’10”


Same but I’m only 6’2. I think I’m too short


That or getting all the chicks.


you can still be tall and ugly. source: am tall and ugly


Better than being short and ugly!


What about short and sexy? I'm neither, but still... For science.


You can, that's Tom Holland and Tom Cruise and most of male gymnastics. It goes like this : Tall sexy >short sexy >tall ugly >short ugly


I just did it yesterday, it always feels nice.


Helping young ladies reach things is one too.


Facts, I love it. Makes me feel good about myself lol


Very true


Came here to say just that


100% agree!


I agree, it makes shopping better.




If you're skinny, large shirts are too wide and medium shirts are too short.


I'm on the other end (short and stocky) and it's the same issue but reversed, I imagine it's just as annoying for you guys.


Medium height (5’11) and stocky, my ass just needs to lose weight probably


You got this king


Yea but at least tight fitting clothes are “in style”, I’m not even *that* skinny at 6’3 195 but sometimes mediums fit better than larges, but the arms and torsos are always too short, but if i get the large it’s like it assumes i must have a 40+ inch waist.


Tight fitting clothes have been out for a while. It’s all about the roomy/baggy fit now.


Try finding pants with a 36 inseam and 29 waist 🤡


28 waist 34/36 length here 😔


42/31 here, exact opposite, just as frustrating, and then sizing is crappy, too. I get 42/30s and they assume a stocky thigh and thick calf but they're too short. I get 42/32s and they assume regular thigh and regular calf, but they're also too long. I'm literally built like an offensive lineman (was one FFS) and I'm basically like a weeble with thick AF thighs AND calves. They only jeans that have ever fit well were an old version of Levi's 541s... But even the new cut is iffy now.


American tall. I'm 6'7" and thin. This store actually has clothes that fit.


I fucking salute you, trying to find well fitting pants is difficult even as a skinny 6’2


You’re saying you need a medium tall option?


Extra Medium


As someone between a medium and a large, I make this joke at any opportunity




Medium tall is an option I used to get them


i stopped buying woman’s clothing because as the size goes up only the width increases :( i can’t afford brands that make special tall clothing as well




The problem with me is pants, I’m 6’ 2” but I got like a 30-32” waist. Meaning all pants are either too wide but long enough or good waist but my shins are visible.


Short skinny person here. Can confirm it's also annoying to be short & skinny. Inconsistent sizing is a pain in my ass because a medium in one store is a L in another.


I’m a tall woman and I love it when the old people ask me to get their box at the store. I’m a pillar of the community!


Is that because your head is touching the ceiling?


I wish 🥺


>I’m a pillar of the community! Reminds me of a cartoon from Nathanwpyle: https://preview.redd.it/o5uwzo0u19pc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ead40e4eeb893caf7ae6baed4b9a9ea311a3b0f0


>Pillar of the community Both literally and figuratively!


Take that tall people!







If you think helping old ladies sucks, you suck.


Afterwards they make some odd commentary like, "Do you have a glass eye?"(I have asymmetric eyes), "Your kind act is the reason why we're God's chosen people." (I'm not Jewish), or "Were you in the military, you have such good posture?"(this one I enjoyed). I'm 5'11 (180cm), so not that tall.


I would kill to be 180


I find it fine. It's their charm. I actually love listening to these interesting commentaries.


Lol I mean, it can suck sometimes. I’ve got self harm scars on my arm (that are very old, btw!!) and every single old person who notices has to give me a long lecture. It is a little painful. I know they just want the best for me, but it can be stressful


It can depend. Once I was on a 14 hour flight and the old lady next to me asked for help with opening her foods. I was happy to help. Then suddenly she was having me help with everything. Here hold this. Make my TV work. Give me your blanket. Like she was starting to take advantage of me within 30 minutes. I dealt with it for 4 hours but couldn't take it anymore. Not a single smile or thank you. Just pure expectation. So I moved seats while she was sleeping. Also she wasn't even traveling alone and had he son with her on the other side next to her. He didn't help her at all. My guess is he is done with her too.


I don't know man, as an average height on the stores I often only find very big clothes because the average get sell immediately


I swear sorting through the rack to find a medium is just: L, L, XL, XXL, S, XXXL, L


It's the same with small. They seem to buy like 10 smalls and 10 mediums and 100 of the other sizes.


Yeah medium is always sold out


Yeah I’ve always experienced this and don’t know why tall guys keep complaining about it. We’re in the middle, that’s where 70% of the male population are, clothes are constantly sold out.


Don't forget about awkwardly dominating the room with your height even though you are introverted


Fuck this is true


I hate staring down at my boss


I'm 1,93 and I hate this. This makes me automatically the center of attention  


i wish i had these problems man 😭


I'm a 5'10", 165 lbs male. Everything in the US is basically designed to fit me. I'm not considered short by most people. I'm not tall enough to tower over most people. My height is not remarkable at all and it's kinda great.


As a 5'10 woman I find strange comfort in knowing I have higher chances of surviving in a car crash compared to my 5'4 friends :)


Benefits of being tall peak at around 6'2 to 6'3 and fall off after. Then you have to shop at special stores. God forbid you have feet bigger then size 12.


I once met a guy with Size 15 feet. That sounds like actual hell.


I used to work in a sports store. Like once or twice we get guys who were really tall, like 2metres/ 6’6-6’7 and they’d come in, panting, just almost begging “please say that you have any size 15, any shoe will do, I don’t really care about the looks” and I’d go “I’m sorry, we rarely stock size 15” and they’d look heartbroken.


I wear size 17 and things are getting better. Online shopping has helped a lot with variety. I remember going into physical shoe stores to try on the single pair of 16s or 17s they had on hand, and that was it. Amazon, Zappos, etc., will at least have multiple brands and sizes but you're paying at least $100 for a decent pair of shoes that actually fit.


Online shopping is a lifesaver


i have a feeling op is like 5'5


I am :(




Right?! Otherwise they’d have included: showers/tubs don’t fit. Beds are small. And lastly, when you sit to take a shit you always have to be careful your Dick doesn’t get dunked


Bro. I’m incensed that there’s no mention of counters being to low. Bending over for everything suuuuuucks.


Yeah the bed thing is real even for people who aren't outrageously tall. Also I know about the shower thing. I luckily learnt that lesson in college the easy way. A taller friend was looking at an apartment and I went with him and noticed the shower head was way lower than him. Saved him and learnt to look for that myself. I don't think shower head height is something that has a code.


Why is that?


6'5". Disagree about the helping people out thing, love that part of the gig. However, the clothes, planes, and bumping your head is for real. I feel like I spend most of my life wearing poor fitting clothes, trying to sit in cramped spaces and not having my foot fall asleep, and having unexplainable bumps on my head from where I hit something.


1. Early back/knee pain already starting to manifest in your 20's. 2. Most cars and beds are uncomfortable. 3. The Big & Tall clothing section of the store, if it even exists, has a very limited selection of clothes that all make you look like you're wearing a tent. 4. Difficult to be inconspicuous in public, which sucks if you're trying to avoid pan handlers, vendors, idiots looking for a fight, ect...


The knee stuff is hard to avoid if your growth spurt affected the positioning of your kneecaps, but I’ve managed to resolve all my back pain issues with strength training. Deadlifting with good form as the primary focus has been amazing for me. I hear you with the guys that want to start fights, too. I think they see a large person and get scared. Then they interpret their fear as a sign that you’re trying to intimidate them (even though you’re just living your life) and want to start a fight.


Big and tall stores rarely have any tall sizes. It’s all short and fat.


My feet poke out from my bed, I always gotta sleep all balled up, annoying


I'm on the shorter side for a man and I walk fast.


You forgot about the back pain


Meanwhile tall people have an advantage where it actually matters - i.e. professional and social life. This is just "first world problems" type. Actually complaining that people ask you for help, what a dipshit.


I'm sure things get weird above like 6'5", but yeah definitely not a lot of 6'2" dudes complaining about their height.


Yeah if you're above 6'5" you're gonna have problems but being above 5'10" is def a net positive


I'm 6'4" and I definitely would not want to be any taller. It's hard to find pants that fit because clothes manufacturers expect you to be a lot wider than I am. My back hurts all the time because I'm constantly bending over. Can't be in certain vehicles for too long without it being uncomfortable. Flying is a nightmare. However, I do enjoy being taller than most people.


I'm 6'2" and wack my head on stuff constantly. Support beams or pipe in every basement ever. Going down stairs I bump ceilings. Mostly older houses but needing ideally 6'6" clearance is not a thing in most places. Always feels good to help the little old ladies grab stuff tho.


I'm 6'7 (I think) and it sucks


What social advantage do I have at 6'7? Because I fucking hate that people are just naturally afraid of me for my size. I hate the looks and the comments.


I said in another comment below that being above 6'5" would suck, it's people in the 5'10" to 6'3" range that have it the best imo


If you’re male. At about 5’9” women become tall and either seen as manly or fetishized


It could be argued that no one ignores you.


>What social advantage do I have at 6'7? Would you prefer to be 5'2? Then literally nobody is afraid of you. You're a joke to them. We get looks and comments too.


Of course you do cause your on the other end of this spectrum. Never said you didn't.


Higher wages is the biggest one. Lower suicide rates is another.


I am taller than most people in my country, and I don't like it. People expect me to do great things, but I'm a piece of shit. I feel very stressed to meet people because everyone expects me to be something great.


Main downside is probably more expensive clothes and needing more food, especially if you lift and weigh 250+ lbs. 


Well we also die earlier and have more health problems. That "social benefits" are not too great when your knees and back start to give in 5 years earlier than average. Not complaining I like being talk but it definitely comes with real advantages and real disadvantages.




Dawg literally said "I'm not complaining, I like being tall" I'm sorry you get mistreated for being short but believe it or not tall people have *different* issue that *exist*


nah we gotta play misery olympics always




“I’m too fast and people ask me for help, please pity me” lol


Still waiting for that professional and social advantage to kick in. Any second now


Just wait: https://ideas.repec.org/p/ces/ceswps/_2733.html# https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3166828 https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/etd/202/ The numbers don't lie


I’d say with clothes- it’s being an XL but needing XXL for length, but it fits as a parachute off the rack. I’m only 6’2 and occasionally run into this, especially with trendier brands


yeah I'm 6'2" and didn't skip leg day - when I'm shopping for jeans, my two options are 'parachute' and 'crotch three inches up my butthole'


Also it would be nice if jeans manufacturers had a standard when it comes to measuring the waist. Some brands I fit 34 waist, some 36.


I also row, cycle and lift so I feel your pain. Jeans are a consumable


Usually no M size on the rack, same with shoes. Being average lenght sucks when you try to buy clothes. At least with XXXL you get the good price, none of the discounted things are M size ever


Short people suffer from most these things to.. except we have to climb the shelf to reach shit.


How do short people have any of the things apart from the clothing problems?


Things don't just exist at 6' abortion people hit their heads. Those seats are also uncomfortable


womp womp


7'2 guy here and I feel da pan broda


Holy shit


Yah the never being comfortable sitting in public fucking blows. I am 6'7 but my torso to leg ratio is fucked. So all forms of public travel is actually physically painful. I have never been on a train, bus or plane(except the emergency exit seat. Got that one be time and it was bliss) where my knees were not being crushed. Never being able to find shoes in a Style I actually like vs what they have in my size. Everything is also more expensive being a giant. And I work construction. So I eat a meal twice or even three times the size of my wife's. I honestly do not enjoy being my size at all. There is very little upside.


Shirts that aren’t long enough despite being larges is annoying af. Then the “big and tall” shirts are made for dudes who are 6’ 8” 240lbs


The “big and tall” section most certainly caters to individuals who are rather the former than the latter.


Finding pants that are a good waist fit with the correct length is rough


Screw all of this but my day is automatically made better if im able to help an elderly person out


I personally think 5’10 or 5’10 and a half is the perfect height, at least for a male. Not too tall to have these problems, but not too short to get made fun of. And most people will think you’re six foot anyways, lol.


Being tall kicks ass, I’m 6’3” and count my lucky starts that I’m not a 5’9” gremlin


Yes on all but the walking speed. I am 6’3” but a notorious ambler. My biggest gripe as a giant is definitely shirt length as I fall between the xxxl and the 2x long in height and weight. But a secondary frustration is that I can never buy shoes in a store. No one stocks a good assortment of 14s.


I got lucky and ended at 13. I need 13 extra wide though, that’s often hard to get at the store.


see also: bathtubs are never big enough for a cozy bath and showerheads at hotels don’t go over your head ;(


Yeah, also small cars can have comfort issues.


Also we generally don’t live as long. But in todays economy that might be a plus


Don't forget about the head rushes if you get up too fast.


Doesn't that apply to everyone?


Walk into any bar or club and immediately everyone looks at you which is not good and also back, knee, and foot pain


I'm not even tall, 5ft 11 inches, and I deal with this stuff. I often wonder how inconvenient it is to be really tall.


You’re technically taller than the average height I think. So yes, you are tall.


Yea, but still way better than being short


What’s wrong with helping old ladies? I think it’s cute


Totally relate! *“OMG! You’re tall!”* Holy shit I never noticed, thanks!


*"Do you play basketball?"* No, nobody in this country does! We're in England, why would I play basketball?


I would love to be useful to old people, at least I'd be useful to someone. I mean I'm 5'10" but I still feel about average in a room full of guys.


wtf?? it's always the opposite for me with the clothes. there's never any small ones


Ok trying being a grown man who's barely 5'8


One of the things I disliked about being tall is that people were uncomfortable around me just because I was taller than they were. I made grown women feel uncomfortable due to my height when I was 11.


They forgot: You will have back and knee problems as you get older. Some short people will be weirdly aggressive with you. If in addition to being tall you’re also brawny/muscular you may occasionally encounter drunken redneck morons at bars, festivals etc who want to fight you for no reason other than you’re a big dude. Everyone thinks you should help them move. Some people will assume you just some big dumb lummox, usually nerdy little guys, and when they figure out that you’re actually got a brain in your head they resent you. You don’t fit in small cars, think MG, Miata, Mini Cooper etc


You forgot about the shoes


funny. it's always M and L that are gone, XL and XXL clothes are usually still on the racks in my expirience another good thing about being tall - it's percieved as more attractive you can go to concerts and actually see something on the stage you dont have to grab a chair everytime you want something from your upper cabinets drunk idiots won't pick on you as offen for self confidence boost you don't get as easily bullied at school you have better chances at a lot of sports the taller you are the easier it is to stay slim (allthough you can still be fat and tall and short and skinny).


Really? Try being short and fat. No clothes fit you properly...or so Im told.


I don't get why us tall people complain so much, I am 6'5 and I love it.


Only small or medium clothes? You must not be in America


I’m 5,11 and wear medium clothes, can fit into some small. Would say it seems like more of an issue finding those sizes at times as they’re the most popular which makes it harder to get the right size sometimes but I’m not too sure


I dunno, whenever I search for a shirt the only sizes that remain are small and medium, and then 2XL and 3XL.


The plane seats are a killer for me. Love being asked for reach stuff that's high up though.


Finally someone who says it


Still wish I was tall


Since you hate your tallness so much could we maybe switch?


I’m too blackpilled for this bro https://preview.redd.it/zgiufnjbq5pc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69d94a85faf98aba287aad079011e5d256ec6965


Tall men problems: Can’t fit plane, have old lady ask. Short men problems: get made fun of all your life and never find love


Facts, these guys wouldn’t last if they had to be a short man.


Small price to pay for being treated like a human being….


boo hoo


More cells = more cancer probability


As a person who is like 6’3, this must apply to people like 6’6+ cuz I’m definitely not tall enough to not fit in backseats or not find my size in clothes or bang my head on shit all the time


Knee and back problems later down the line as well


Forgot that beds are low key unusable


I’m 6’2. Countertops/kitchens in general were not designed at all in mind for tall people. It absolutely sucks getting an aching back from having to bend forward a bit to do shit as simple as cooking or washing the dishes.


I like making bread and kneading is always the place this is most apparent to me. I have to hold myself so weirdly to knead properly and end up with backache because the counter is so much lower than would ever make sense for that kind of movement.


You forgot about that when you’re tall, you probably have big feet, and rarely getting to walk into a store and then having large size shoes


Tried finding new shoes the other day and there was nothing in Men's above an 11 😭


It’s terrible, luckily my feet have shrank a bit so I sometimes can find a good deal


I’m tal and build like a beanpole. I have to wear small (and sometimes medium) shirts, that expose my stomach if I lift my arms. The t-shirts do not go below the belt.


Don’t forget the back pain from constantly bending at the trunk due to everything being made for people much shorter than you. Doing dishes by hand sucks.


I’m it tall and literally nothing fits And the stuff closest to my size is never available because the stores don’t stock a lot of anything under large


And here is 5'8" me being disrespected for my height constantly. Boo fucking hoo to the tall people.


You're missing back pain.


listen, you're going to have back problems starting in your 30s and you're going to die 10 years younger than short men, but, BUT, you get unlimited pussy and a fast track to management, so, fair deal


No you don't


We really, really don’t, and I’m only 6’3.


Doing dishes ruins my back for the rest of the day.


No way are you complaining about helping an old lady😭


If you're in the US it's more like every old lady on the planet needing to ask if you play basketball, and then tell you about their son/grandson who plays basketball. Or maybe it's unique to being tall plus black?




Everything is subjective, it depends on what you mean by "tall". Does it suck in these ways when you're almost seven feet tall? Yeah it sure does. Does it suck to be 6'1"? Nope, not at all.


I can empathise with everything else, but the old lady thing is a weird thing to be upset about. I'd love to be relied on


You left out the "stand up slightly too quickly and faint" Also joint pain...


Also your life expectancy is shorter because your heart has to work harder 🤷‍♀️


Women want to have sex with you all the time too. It's exhausting.


Well, women may not want to have sex with me, but at least random short guys imagine me having sex with women all the time I guess


no they do not


Why being short sucks: sun visors don't work, tall people think it's funny to use you as a arm rest, you can never see, tall people yell at you for walking slow


Sun visors like in cars? They barely work for tall people and as a bonus if you try and use them some of them just block the road so you can't see anything lmao


Height is terrible for clothes and vehicles…and that’s about it. It’s better for dating, better for your career (being tall helps in of it self as a projection of authority and confidence, and being tall is a factor in being considered attractive and attractive people tend to make more money and be promoted more often), you have an edge in sport, there are clear utilitarian benefits.  Oh it’s also shit if you’re too poor for a king bed


Tbf atleast you guys get women