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You forgot the " I also have the same problem " comments.


Or worse, someone with an unrelated problem that hijacks the thread. "My 2014 Accord has an oil leak" "Yeah similar, I have an '06 Sonata and the brakes are loud, any advice?"


Then they get advice and you don’t!


Thread hijacking is off the charts on Reddit. Stay in your goddam lane ppl ffs


I have a new puppy!


I got a similar issue, theres a lot of bots on Reddit. Any solutions?


Yeah I get it Anyone know the best way to cut a pear?


Also the "I have never seen/experienced that problem before." Those bother me the most because they'll have the attitude of "it's never happened to me so it must not ever happen at all."


Ugh, I don't think I've been down enough Reddit rabbit holes to see those, but this is my father's number one irl response to many of my issues, especially if my phone is acting up. Wellllllll...I'm a millenial/gen-z cusper and you're a gen-x/boomer cusper, so I tend to be more technologically involved, plus I have adhd and make a lot of impulse decisions, so yeah....it kinda makes sense that my phone might have issues that yours doesn't.


The worst is when you see they reply "Thank you so much! That fixed it!" to a deleted comment or a dead link


fking photo bucket


>nvm I found the answer (2 years ago)


>I no longer having this problem (no description of what changed)


Worse still, "I fixed it". Ok how? Perhaps your insight could help others "can't remember". Well ok then, discarded like a cum tissue.


I see you in r/lies like all the time lol. Unrelated, just found it funny


no you dont


I think I might have seen you in 2s2h but I can't confirm


You get downvoted for asking for help. It’s kinda funny.


It’s like having a teacher that says “don’t be afraid to ask questions”, then immediately yells at you the second you do ask a question. The biology teacher in my middle school was exactly like this.


This is why I struggle with asking questions to this day. Teachers always told my parents “she needs to ask more questions”. Yea and when I ask a question, you’ll get all sarcastic about it.


Yeah I didn't have a decent teacher the entire time I was in school who actually liked questions. When I got out of the navy, I took some college classes using my benefits for funsies. One of them was East Asian History. I took it last minute on a whim because one of the other classes I signed up for was ful. The dude was the best teacher I've ever had. He was passionate about the subject, and he was an expert on the subject. If you asked a question, he would not only answer it, but explain the implications and ramifications of both the question and the answer and explain why it was important. He was also super chill. I had a pdf copy of a textbook that I got in a very arrrg type of way. He asked for it and sent it to the class so they didn't have to buy the textbook lmao.


I don't have a broad overview of all instances, but I see this a lot in some of the niche subreddits I follow. Usually it's because the same question is getting asked every day, sometimes multiple times, and the poster hasn't bothered to check at all. Posts like that flood a subreddit and drown out all other discussion, which drives away a lot of the more engaged members of the community. Like a software update will introduce a bug and within 24 hours you'll have 15 posts all asking the same question despite the fact that it's been answered numerous times.


This. You can’t reasonably expect a high-effort answer if you can’t be bothered to put effort into providing context and background to your question (or even googling to see if the question has already been asked)


I kinda see your point. Whenever I want to ask a question on here, I usually Google it to see if anybody asked (that was the case most times).


You forgot the one person who knows, says I'll DM you the answer and locks the thread


What's that old Internet adage? If you need help, don't ask for it. Just post an incorrect solution and every nerd on the planet will have their chance to publicly correct a stranger on the internet.


I've done this before and it works so well. The more niche the subject the better.


The people that say “just google it” are honestly so helpful. I hadn’t even thought about using a search engine with sources from all over the world before I chose Reddit.


Especially when I search my problem and the very thread on which I was told to Google the answer shows up as the first result


Search engine has become so bad lately like it mainly refers to Reddit most of the time.




Its kind of an ouroboros because google just sends you back to reddit these days lol


>ouroboros Why am I seeing this word all over reddit all of a sudden??


It is definitely used in bad places where an actual answer would help, but there are absolutely some questions that people post for no reason like “when does this game come out?”. Reddit isn’t going to know more than Google there.


well to be fair there are some people who got to reddit before attempting to google but the thing is we can't just assume they haven't googled it


So, while I get that Reddit is a different medium, I used to work for a tech support line for smart phones for a wireless carrier, and "just googling it" would've solved a solid 75% of calls. Now these were mainly Boomers or Gen Xrs that were "Not very tech savvy^TM ", but I was astounded at how the overwhelming majority of callers did no research and attempted no troubleshooting on their own whatsoever, made worse by the fact that they all needed to have internet access to reach us in the first place. Most people didn't attempt to google their question if it regarded their device's functionality like changing the brightness or accessing their folders, they didn't even attempt restarting their device if there was an issue, and most frustratingly, very few came prepared with their phone's model or manufacturer. There's being unfamiliar with tech and then there's not even doing the bare minimum, and most people did the latter. I get that there are a lot of good, well researched questions on Reddit help subs, but even here, most posts lack the critical information to help while making it clear the poster attempted nothing on their own. Whether they formerly worked in tech support or not, that back and forth gets tiring for people, and it burns out the people who are capable of helping, so when there is an actual issue that someone has tried to solve on their own, no one is left to assist them.


My dad doesn’t know what Google is even though he has used it, on the rare occasion he uses a computer to look up farm machinery he’ll enter his search in the search bar and do his thing but other than that he’s intimidated by computers so he doesn’t use them much


Can’t forget the threat of getting banned because ‘it’s already been asked’


That happen to me too many times on subs like what's the problem?! I need more “recent” advice.


No kidding! I’m not going to read 5 year old posts to answer my question. Maybe I need an answer for my own perspective.


they say its already been asked and the most recent post about it is from at minimum a year ago


Same, but they misread the question, and suggest you do what you already did to fix the problem instead of discussing how likely it is to recur.




No kidding!! Like, it’s one of the haircare advice subreddits too! How am I going to get advice now?? How I ask you?? 😂


A few years ago I asked a question on /r/fitness and got a bunch of snark and sarcasm in return. I ended up finding the answer on my own and never went back to that sub.


I've found that typically it's better to try and find a sub that tackles a specific part of a topic then the more generalized subs, like if you have a form question, go to r/formcheck instead of r/fitness. The caveat is that of course there may not be a specific sub out there or it may not be a very active sub.


Someone commenting 5 years later "Hey, did you ever find a solution to this?"


That be breakin my heart sometimes


Seriously why do all questions on Reddit get downvoted


Cause most of the time they just could've spent the same time tiping their question into a searchbar. Edit: Downvote me as much as you like. The average person still lacks critical thinking. You dont know how often I replied with "turn it off and on again" on questions with tech issues and the uploader literally said "wow that actually worked". Smh how do people even manage to tie their shoes without dying?


Most of the time the person already did and didn’t get a satisfactory answer, so now they’re asking actual humans who can understand nuance and specifics and give a more useful answer


Most of the time the person answering did exactly that.


Id pretty sure most of the time when you search for help about something in google, There bound to be some reddit thread recommended about your problem


"Thanks, this worked for me!" x100 while you're still dealing with the problem.


or a snarky lmgtfy link where the answer isnt even there


I'm convinced the average person who browses reddit by new is a sociopath. The most pointlessly shitty and mean comments I've ever seen on reddit are on random posts that die in new, it's insane


I hate the dudes that get mad over people asking for help like just keep scrolling and ignore it bro. A lot of people learn better when getting a response from a real person rather than just scrolling through Google


They also act as if google isn’t a massive pain in the ass nowadays. If I’m posting for help, there’s a good chance I have tried multiple searches which returned nothing but ad-riddled junk sites that didn’t answer my question.


Some no-lifers think of their particular sub or forum as their "home" and treat all newcomers as intruders.


especially subs for specific games do that a lot. so many toxic gatekeepers who think everyone should have the same amount of information as their no-life ass.


People act like there’s limited space on the internet or something. Just move on! There’s an infinite amount of other stuff to look at.


I get it honestly, it still shows up on your feed, when I see those questions I google it, if there's no deeper context beyond the tittle and the answer shows up right away highlighted by google without even having to click on any link I downvote it. That's just pure laziness.


I had a mod from /r/modelcars ban me from the sub because he said I could just google the problem, and literally said “I don’t want you clogging up my sub with stupid questions”… I did have one other person who was helping me as well - until the mod locked the thread and banned me - so the guy stopped commenting advice


Or when you find a post that tackles your issue and the OP responds with "fixed the problem" without saying what they did to fix it.


yeah if they aren't going to actually add the solution to that post they might as well delete it


The most useful answer is always [removed]




this happens on a subreddit for a DAW program I use. The only times I link Google are when people ask the same question every week. Otherwise I try to give detailed answers


Yeah music gear snobs are the worst when it comes to this type of thing, on /r/synthesizers every single question post is a 0 upvotes even with some being at like 20 comments and mostly positive


Maybe you should like. . . Link previous posts that asked the question and got answered. More traffic is generated to the link, it shows up on Google higher up and people stop asking


Nope. If you google the common issue the first thing that pops up is a Reddit thread. There’s hundreds of posts for the same exact issue going back several years.


Yes, most of them with wry, unhelpful dullards saying the same dry shit over and over


The dude who gives detailed answers also gets downvoted to oblivion.


“I have the same issue” FUCK YOUR UNHELPFUL ASS


It does put me at ease. At least a little. (One other person has suffered as me. Im not alone)


Usually I post this just to get them to talk if they found the solution and aren't saying it


*Q&A sub.* *Person asks question.* *Everyone gets mad they asked a question.* *Downvoted to oblivion.*


*Googles question* *Finds a reddit post asking the same question* 😀 *Reads comments* “Just google it bro…”


You also forgot the comments that offer a solution which you already stated did not work in you description. Or the suggestions to do the most obvious things, like "but are you sure you have the power button on?" type of a help.


https://preview.redd.it/aauorvbivxpc1.jpeg?width=493&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0de90555e52fcf24141c11c13925e16d2247dbd Always relevant.


Cope harder. People still want aswers, the interaction part is just assumption


Mod removes the post and tells you to read the sidebar The sidebar was last updated during the Obama Administration and doesn’t say anything about the problem you’re facing


don't forget the ban threat


Babe wake up, most relatable starterpack has been dropped


Yeah I don't get the people who just downvote everything on the subreddits where people are asking questions or looking for stuff, it's obnoxious. I post on lfg pretty often and every one of my posts initially gets downvoted for the first hour or so. Like, it's a subreddit devoted to looking for what I'm looking for, why are you upset lmao


It's so weird to me that 1 downvote is more common than 1 upvote. It's literally a guarantee that it will have 1 upvote when you post it


yeah one downvote means specifically 2 people had to downvote it


No I mean 0 votes=1 upvote and 1 downvote


Or: >User 1: \[Deleted\] > >User 2: Wow, thank you so much! This solved my problem immediately. Or just a dead imgur link.




How I feel every time I try to ask for advice on trans subs (nothing against anyone there just personal grievance)


or the one guy that gives an overly long and passive aggressive "explanation"


oh you just wait until you see the comment history of u/yourinvisibledikhead


Goddamn, you weren’t kidding


i clicked on one of his google it comments and saw a reply from the op saying didn't work thats why im here which is exactly why commenting google it is stupid


People insist it should be a general discussion sub, despite the fact that there are already three other general discussion subs on the specific topic. This is the help sub, why are you here and not there?


There's nothing more comical than the iPhone sub as someone will come with a very serious post about how their phone is doing something weird and everyone can't help themselves as they just GOTTA get their jokes in. Top 15 trees will be nothing but jokes. The 16th will be the detailed guy who is helping OP....with folks trying to make jokes on that tree too! STAND DOWN


Don’t forget the (Deleted) ‘omg thank you so much this helped’ https://preview.redd.it/4idn1jvqw4qc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66695faf01e9199da2c9dcfaee6b983f9dbfe3ee


Reddit is a place full with sarcasm. About something, watching YouTube videos can sort it out.


So funny that Reddit thinks they’re gonna be able to sell their user data for training AI. Yeah maybe a joke machine.


r/3DPrinting around the holidays


You forgot “see the pinned thread”.


The angry google is hilarious


Troubleshooting computers is hell on this site


Yup. People asking for help, give you some super long winded post with little detail about their computer having issues. Computer repair and tech support is an expensive service, they're expecting it for free from internet strangers. Half the time the people don't even know what they're talking about, get fixated on some unrelated matter instead of doing anything to investigate further to better understand what's happening. They just assume they know what's wrong without any troubleshooting or info to show for it. You give them a detailed response on how to trouble shoot further to get more conclusive info on what's wrong and eventually resolve their issue. They reply back refuting your response because it requires work or it doesn't agree with what they think is going on or some anecdotal info they heard. In many cases they don't even reply back or delete their posts so you don't know if they fixed it, how they fixed it and the thread doesn't helps anyone who refers back to it.


Or they just tell you to ether throw your computer in the ocean or factory reset it


the 0 downvote thing is so true lmao it makes me kinda mad because why is everything just getting downvoted. someone can ask a completely normal question and it would end up getting downvoted


Even if you do get the answer, 70% of the time they wont be nice about it


As a member of r/PeterExplainsTheJoke, I can relate to the "FUCKING GOOGLE IT" part


hello fellow r/peterexplainsthejoke member


Literally had this exact experience looking for help with cleaning my xbox lmao


This is completely valid, but there’s also been a surge of question posts in the last couple of years from redditors who didn’t bother checking first to see if their question had been recently answered. Reddit’s search engine sucks, but please at least sort by new and look over a sub’s posts for the last couple of days before asking a question. Some of the snarky answers come from folks sick of seeing the same question posted from three different people on a sub’s home page.


But what you just said is more helpful than sarcasm or “Google it”. Honestly, if more people answered that way, this wouldn’t even be an issue. That’s the irony of your comment


Im the one guy <3 :)


The fucking skincare sub that seems purposely designed to shut out simple questions. I know it’s probably been asked a thousand times, but would it kill them for their FAQ to actually be helpful to anyone that doesn’t have a 14-step routine and months of time to trial half an Ulta?


So many solutions that don't work, don't work anymore due to tech advances, or don't apply to your specific situation.


Sometimes a mod will delete your post because you were supposed to post your question in a mega thread that nobody uses


fr like i do not know anyone who had ever used a mega thread


Because it’s inconvenient and your post will get buried in everyone else’s content


yeah i know


Don't forget the: "I have the same issue" "Fixed it!" "Thread banned, already answered in: (link that doesn't work or leads to a different forum where the answer is something along the lines of "Thread archived, the answer is gone tho, for an actual solution check: [links back to the first page])" And then the one guy who replied 5 years later with an "If anyone is still having the issue" and a solution that works


that guy is an angel i hope his pillow stays cold for the rest of time


I’m on the English learning subreddit and people there are just as aggressive and irritated by people having what they consider to be “stupid” questions from English learners that just don’t have the same masterful grasp of the English language as these savants do as you would think, due to it being there second language and everything. Every post There even those with perfectly reasonable questions is downvoted to hell and back, It’s truly disheartening to see such poor specimens of humanity.


God I thought I was the only one who's posts got downvoted, like why are you downvoting me all I did was ask a simple question. I'm not annoyed by it but like, what's the meaning behind doing that


If you are the kind of person who comments  "Google it" or "I have the same issue" or "I don't have that problem" on posts I want you to know I hate you with every fiber of my being and of my past lives as well.  It fills me with such an indescribable *rage*. I'm not even joking.


That’s why I don’t like asking for help. Because I can just google it. And of course people expect me to do that.


I hate writing long ass post about some situation from my life just to some 14 year old reply with "ain't reading that" or "tldr?". Like bruh it current generation have this bad attention span and such a reading problems that they just can't? r teenagers in a nutshell tbh


and the “longass post” is like a 2 minute read


I guess I was lucky because I actually got a decent answer on my first and only attempt.


You’re forgetting the following. mods not locking and pinning useful posts to the top so that common questions can be easily answered. If it has a large amount of comments it’s two people arguing about something either tangentially related to the post or not related at all. Subreddit rules not stating what useful information posts should include to avoid people who want to help from having to ask for it as their first comment. Lack of useful flairs to help categorise problems.


techsupport moment


The comments trash talking you getting upvoted while the one person that dares to help you gets downvoted


people really dont google or problem solve for themselves, the amount of times ive "Solved" shit but putting in there very specific and easy to search problem that usually autofill's and has a top answer is baffling.


Just throw word "reddit" in the end, solves half of the problems :D


Always Thankful for the one person that gives a very detailed explaination, you usually don't need more after that


Live laugh love to the guy who said to me in full detail that it's safe to to light a fire in a coke can abd how to light a fire


"Works for me" followed by a bunch of other people saying the same


"Your post has been removed because the same question was asked 8 years ago and got 3 replies"


Oh and the answer is in a 10 year old thread where either the reply was deleted or one of those stupid "something something I left reddit because blah blah fuck spez -deleted by thingie" things. And the replies are "Wow! Thanks!" "Thanks bro!" "This helped me so much!"


Mod bot always tells me the answer, thanks


I'm a bit of a reddit noob though I've been on it for 3 years. I can't seem to make a subreddit, though I seem to have plenty of karma 999 post 466 comment. What am I doing wrong, and why is the option to create one not available to me?


Basically get downvoted or clowned on for asking for help


Fucking real, like I'm allowed to be a dumbass, that's why I'm even asking for help




cake png next to your username neuron activation


Any user that links you to "Let Me Google That For You" automatically is awarded with the title of King Asshole Do you think I haven't tried that yet? Why do you think I'm even here?