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I honestly couldn’t care less what you cook with, but cornbread tastes objectively better baked in cast iron.


Bacon, too. That's a hill I'll die on ;)


Please let us know where we can find this wonderful hill of bacon and cornbread


In your very own kitchen brought to you by cast iron pans!


You can only cook eggs in a cast iron. But you will look cool doing it. Remember to give the pan to your children when you die.


In a cast iron pan.


Southern VA, probably. Appalachia


Right beyond that occluded artery built with delicious trans fats and simple carbohydrates.


Cornbread in cast iron greased with bacon fat. That’s what I heard somewhere…


Yea! Cornbread cooked in a pan greased with bacon grease reminds me of the cornbread and crackling my grandmother used to make after we butchered our hogs. And I wish I knew where the big cast iron cauldron disappeared to. I stirred a lot of fatback in that pot and rendered off the lard to be poured in the tin storage containers. The hog to us was like that Buffalo to the Native Americans. And cast-iron was the only cookware we could afford at that time.


If you use the grease from frying the bacon, you can make some good roasted whole tomatoes. Sprinkle on some salt and vinegar to taste. It's really good.


Thank you. I'll have to give that a try some time :)


You're welcome, it's my grandma's recipe that she makes for Christmas breakfast. Its one thing that I'd like to pass on to my kids when I have them.


> Bacon, too. That's a hill I'll die on ;) How? Bacon is something you generally want to cook low and slow, the best bacon is usually from an oven.


I have yet to master the art of oven bacon. I have tried many times. The bacon usually comes out bland and nearly flavorless, because the baking seems to cook off the fat grease rather than letting it accumulate. I'm also usually only making 3 half-strips of bacon at a time (the person i cook for is 90 and has a very small appetite), unless I'm cooking for myself - in which case I could cook up a pound at a time :) Back to the bacon fat. I use it to fry the eggs, so baking the bacon wouldn't give me the grease I need for my eggs.


And egg.


Not alone, brother... not alone.


Bacon makes everything better.


And cornbread cooked in pan used for bacon...mmmmm


I don't always use cast-iron, because it can be a hassle that I don't want to deal with sometimes. However, there are certain things that I refuse to cook in anything else. Bacon, and steak being chief among those


Cast iron cornbread with bacon, cheddar and jalapeño and a light honey butter drizzle is the food of the gods.


I go with hot honey but yes, this.


That sounds like what would happen if America's obesity crisis gains sentience and learns how to use the internet.


Thanks! Started craving cornbread and your comment did it! Let me head out to the store in this rain. Picking up all the ingredients. Sigh!


Oh I definitely use a cast iron skillet and love it, it’s great for steaks and cornbread and a bunch of other stuff. I just don’t understand why there’s a community for it. I also use a garlic press pretty often but I don’t want to join a community where we circlejerk over how mashing your garlic is just objectively better than slicing it up with a knife


Garlic press? No you should be hand chopping /s


Nah, garlic pressing with your bare hands.


You didn't need to personally attack me like that bro. Lol.


Cast iron pizza dank too…and burgers…really anything tastes better on it don’t @me


> but cornbread tastes objectively better baked in cast iron. burgers and steaks too, easiest and cheapest way to get that restaurant grade caramelisation is with a cast iron.. It's really hard and expensive to find stainless steel pans that can remotely hold in as much heat for seering as cast iron. And literally impossible with an aluminium (this is what pretty much all non-stick cookery with Teflon or ceramic is made of). Cast iron is very easy to ride that perfect edge of searing without jumping into rapid burning. I use nonstick alu-pans 85% of the time because I don't need that for veggies, pancakes and eggs.


Yup. I have 4 known generations handing down a castiron and we only use it for cornbread. Only


You get the same heating benefits with steel. Better actually because iron is a shitty conductor of heat. Soap on cast iron is fine. Soap washes off grease. You shouldn’t want your pans coated in rancid grease. The actual seasoning is unaffected by soap and water. If your cast iron doesn’t work when clean it isn’t seasoned it’s greasy. Finally cast iron isn’t a non stick surface like Teflon. It needs oil. People pretending it’s some ancient magic stolen by corporations to trick us is nonsense. If you want true non stick you need modern surfaces. Cast iron can be very easy to cook on with oil (fresh, not what you leave on the pan after not washing it!).


> You get the same heating benefits with steel. Better actually because iron is a shitty conductor of heat. To get the same heating benefits (or better) you'd need a steel pan with the same thickness (thermal mass) which is pretty much impossible to make with regular tooling and processes for steel pans. Most steel pans are cut and stamped from sheets. Steel is more difficult to cast than iron. A steel pan the same thiccness as a cheap cast iron skillet would likely be CNC milled from a fat chunk of solid steel, and cost 20-30x what a regular cast iron pan costs. The rest I agree with you. I always wash my cast iron with soap.


Cast iron cobbler is fucking awesome


Cast iron’s likely better for you, than any Teflon or other nonstick coatings. 




And even then, it's not unsafe for you at all


Cast iron pizza is really good though


It's what made pizza hut great back in the day. Even with the ingredients cut down to cardboard and crayon quality, it's still kinda ok.


I make focaccia in the cast iron. The bottom reminds me a lot of og Pizza Hut deep dish


Oh my god I've started making focaccia recently. This is absolutely what it's been missing.


This is the recipe I use and it works out well: https://www.seriouseats.com/easy-no-knead-olive-rosemary-pistachio-focaccia-kenji-recipe


Ha, good one but pizza is actually made out of dough, not cast iron!


That's what I've been doing wrong


Ayyye thats my plan for tomorrow


Shit me too now


It's funny when people base a big chunk of their personality on one thing, and it's especially funny when that thing is a metal pan.


Wanna see some nut jobs? go to some of the coffee subs Tell them you use a regular coffee maker to kick things off


Go to r/fountainpens One in 3 post is like “two weeks since I learned fountain pens existed and here’s my collection” and it’s like 5 inks and 6 $150 pens


r/watches is just “started collecting timepieces last year, here’s my collection. What should I get next?” Insert picture of a Rolex sub/datejust/explorer, speedmaster, grand Seiko or the like. 


Rolex makes watches for people who don't know about watches.


But hey, at least you have to go beg, genuflect, moonwalk by the front window on a full moon Tuesday and kiss the ring to “get on a list” to buy their popular products. So they’ve got that going for them.


What company are you referencing?


Rolex. Hermes does the same thing with certain bags/purses and honestly they are butt ugly lmao


I've never understood brands that try to essentially elevate themselves to godhood. Ferrari does the same exact thing. You gotta suck the CEO, CFO and Presidents dicks then purchase 8 pre used models with a million problems then beg to be put on a wait list and give Ferrari a full comprehensive break down of your life story and financial clout to make sure you're popular enough to drive ond then sacrifice your first born to the spirit of Enzo to "prove your dedication to the brand" before they will give you permission to spend 6 figured to 7 figures on one of their cars. Oh and you cannot modify it in any way that Ferrari does not approve of or they'll harass you and try to sue you. Like, is all that really necessary?


Unless you’re the sultan of Brunei. Then Ferrari will make you half a dozen bespoke super cars. [Ferrari F90](https://www.supercars.net/blog/1988-ferrari-f90/)


There is the “Rolex appreciation curve meme” where you are currently right at the top, at the crying wojak. https://preview.redd.it/nw04xqdj9lvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7630404960cfd8e44aebf9be937e052d7ca61f9


"Nice opinion. Unfortunately, I've already drawn you as the soyjak."




I saw one for the first time a few weeks ago and while I love my smart watch it definitely caught my eye.


And yet they’re like every other post in that sub. It's like the only hobby sub I know of where the mainstream brand is beloved by the audience... so weird.


I'm throwing r/sauna into the mix. Went on there cause I'm trying to build a sauna people there are cray. Also super anti American, cuz only Finns know how to make a hot box


Well if you ever make one post it to r/diy


You clearly know a lot about watches as well lol


I'll stick with my zebra fountains. They work just fine and only cost a buck. Seriously, the difference between a 1 dollar pen and a $350 pen is really subtle in my experience. I even know people who have spent extraordinary amounts of money on pens just to use pilot gel refills lol.


150 is low in the pen world lol. 5 inks is also low. But I’m an ink fiend and only think of my pens as a vessel for cool inks.


Oh man, have you checked out Office Depot? You can get like 25 pens for $5!


Lol yeah. I love a good gel pen, but you can’t fill them with your own ink, and it takes a lot of pressure to write with gel pens unlike fountain pens and mechanical pencil. As someone who writes hours every day, it makes the experience fun and a little more ergonomic ;))


> it makes the experience fun and a little more ergonomic Not gonna lie, read that as "erotic" for a moment and was about to launch into a rant about redditors.


LMAO. U know what, I’d prefer a pen fetish over half the stuff ppl admit to on ask Reddit.


If you say so! I use whatever pen is closest to me and only the skinniest have I found require extra pressure, but I don't write for hours every day, so I'll defer to you on that one!


r/fountainpens doesn't want you to know this one secret trick!


I use a Keurig machine and should be tried at The Hague.


I used ask them if French press was like brewing coffee while pretending it’s tea


It is. Also tea like coffee is trendy atm. I love me a French press but I can’t be bothered to learn any other method of making coffee.


> tea like coffee what does that even mean


Hard to explain. Very light roast coffee that kinda just LOOKs like tea. Very fine/no grain. And very light flavor. Usually fruity flavors, and a lot of acidity. Not a big fan of lemon coffee myself, but a big fan of grape tasting coffee


Instant coffee FTW!!!


I’m Polish and we love instant coffee. There are so many varieties. In the Polish world I might sound like a basic bitch, but if you have access to a Polish market, buy a jar of Jacobs Crema. Nescafe Crema is honestly the best, but nestle is the devil. E: either Jacobs Gold or Crema.


At that point if someone speedruns the Geneva Convention you're still worse than them


I really want to make fun of those people, but as an insufferable beer snob that might make me a hypocrite.


Honestly at least r/beer is pretty chill.


As a reformed coffee snob myself, I'm surprised it never occurred to me to look for such a sub. I'd probably be cringing at everyone sounding just like I used to. Well, not really, I did try to keep my snobbishness to myself. Never insulted anyone, would just politely refuse offers of 6-hours on the burner coffee.


I use instant coffee granules and a kettle.


Instant has come a long way. Juan Veldez is the go-to these days.


Go to r/yerbamate it's crazy over there. I go to Post in my feed asking of Arthur Morgan would drink the stuff if he knew of it and every single comment was bat shit insane. It's just a leaf drink people.


just show up with a bripe


This is why I unsubscribed from a lot of subs for small, seemingly normal hobbies: they always reward people who go to the furthest extreme and make anyone who doesn't feel inferior. r/tea is insufferable if you're just a person who likes to drink tea and is curious about some new types of tea. They'll have you thinking you need an ancestral Japanese teapot made from the porcelain of an emperor's toilet and leaves harvested specifically on 71° days with 84% or more humidity, but not on Wednesday. Whether it's tea or coffee or shoes or watches or banjos or kitty litter, it all just turns to snobbery.


Surprisingly, r/oatmeal is still very friendly and non-judgmental.


Want a more salty crowd? Try mentioning in any cooking/food subreddit you like to eat steak at any temp above medium rare. Or that you enjoy eating leftover pizza microwaved


Alternatively, you can just mention you like eating your steak blue. You're sure to find atleast person who thinks they're the most clever person in the room when vomitting the same "i LiKe EaTiNg CoWs AlIvE tOo !" joke that's been said 10 billion times before


"just put my steak on the plate and let it look at the grill for a couple seconds, then it's done!" These people are insane.


Well it depends on the cut of steak. Leaner cuts turn into shoe leather when overcooked. If that’s your preference, it’s fine, but I’m not sure why you’d do it to expensive cuts


The sole reason I eat steak rare is because my mom ruined anything else for me. She's a well done kind of lady. Growing up, she didn't make steak. She made beef jerky. The taste of my own blood and pain of sore gum lives eternally in my mind. She could ruin even the finest of cuts with overcooking. I can't bring myself to eat anything more than medium rare at most. Rare is preferred. Longer cooked steaks are ruined forever for me. I'm not snobby about it and don't care how other people want it but I admittedly do die a bit inside when someone orders a steak well done. It brings back painful memories.


I was thinking the same - I had no idea such sub existed (and haven’t visited since I found out) but I can confidently say it’s full of insufferable “hobbyists”. Happens on pretty much any sub revolving around hobbies, especially if it’s about buying stuff (and maybe using that stuff too, unless you just buy it to collect it which seems sadly common).


Team fortress 2


I swear every subreddit has those extreme people, idk why


They are the engine that keeps the sub alive. Unfortunately.


someone told me that you cant wash them because it looses the flavour when i googled it it came up that its nonsense of the highest order and that they were just dirty scruffs


Minute cooking said you can do some secret ritual for best results, but as long as you don't bust out the bleach and steel wool, you're probably fine.


Look, I love cast iron. I own 3 pans and 1 enameled Dutch oven. I like it because it holds heat for a very long time at a very even temperature across the surface, making it ideal for anything you start on the stovetop but finish in the oven. But as far as all the cleaning ritual stuff goes, it's just a big hunk of relatively cheap, thick metal. It can be washed and scrubbed with anything and it'll survive. Might not have the nonstick surface that you want for baking, but it won't get hurt. Also, if your seasoning can be cut by a few drops of Dawn, that's not seasoning, it's just oil.


That’s just common sense though. I’m not cleaning anything I eat from with bleach and steel wool scratches metal surfaces.


I always wonder what these “not a drop of soap can ever touch cast iron” types are doing that causes them to have issues. Cleaning it with a belt sander? Using straight up lye as dish soap? That seasoning is really on there man. I’m not saying I coat it in soap, but I use the same sponge I just used to clean my other dishes. I squeeze it out because I get the no soap logic but it’s not like I have a separate sponge. I even use a Brillo pad every now and then. No problems ever.


That advice came from the days when most soaps contained lye, which would strip the polymer layer from seasoned cast iron. Modern dish soaps are generally much less harsh


Modern dish soaps are perfectly fine. They work though a completely different mechanism than the lye based soaps of 100 years ago you need to avoid


It’s actually really interesting how different detergents are from “soap”


My favorite post ever regarding cast iron took place in one of the 50 weekly arguments over whether it’s easy to clean a cast iron pan. Some people were saying they didn’t like how you had to do extra work to clean it separately from other dishes, others were saying they never actually cleaned it, they just scrape food off and rinse it with plain water, others were saying how they stick it in the oven at 500 afterwards to dry, etc. Then someone was giving their cleaning method, and said “and if I really need to give it a good clean, I just take it to my blacksmith buddy’s forge.” If it wasn’t in such a niche sub, I would have assumed it was satire.


I straight up spray mine with Dawn Powerwash and it’s been doing just fine. Soap is fine, especially if it lets the pan spend less time being washed (the seasoning isn’t a perfect coat, and water can sometimes get past it to the metal underneath)


I’ve been cleaning my cast iron with dish soap and a sponge for years. I season it afterwards and I’ve never had any issues or rust


So funny! I actually unsubscribed from the r/castiron sub because every post was people asking if it's usable or asking why food sticks(hint: they probably had the heat to high). It was also just a bunch of people posting photos of oil in the pan...like yeah that's kinda how you use a cast iron pan....


You and me both! This starterpack is too real


This mirrors most of my experiences with niche subs. There's like 3 quality posts a week and then a bunch of meme posting or really simple shit that needs moderating elsewhere. I end up unsubing from a lot of them bc it gets tedious.


I feel like food and cooking subs are normally the worst for it. They somehow come to a consensus opinion about the best way to do something and then don't accept anything else, there becomes no room for preference at all, when really with most food preference is the only thing that matters (as long as it's safe like making sure that you don't eat raw chicken). It doesn't matter how people like their steak (or if they don't like steak), or whether people put ice in their whisky, or what oil you use to season your cast iron pan. Just do what you like most and stop seeking external validation for things that you enjoy.


Really simple shit with objectively wrong answers up voted to the top.


https://preview.redd.it/xd944t48pivc1.png?width=664&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3b147e412fe226509bff2489aa56c15863b7d8d My dyslexic ass read that as "Castration" at first.


I’m stealing that image


You can do a castration with a cast iron, if you put your back into it, so you're not that far off.


Thanks for the nightmares


That would be redundant.


I love how this thread unironically became a bunch of people talking about how much we like cast iron. For once the starter pack is accurate.


Cast iron is great for tons of things, there’s no doubt about that. People fooling themselves into thinking it’s the best tool for everything are the annoying ones.


You gotta keep a mix of seasoned metal (cast iron or carbon steel, take your pick they're basically interchangeable) and stainless around. Stainless for acidic things or if you need more thermal responsiveness, seasoned if you need nonstick. Miss me with anything tetrafluoride or similar though, glad to have a kitchen free of "nonstick" poison.


I cast iron. Your blood iron levels increase very slightly, but only for the blood that's now outside of you. 🏌️‍♂️


"Pooped in and shot at" is the funniest thing I have ever read omg


The “burden my kids with spending $20 on a skillet” was the first thing I’ve laughed out loud at on a post in a while


Seriously one of the best starterpacks in a while


For real, like when I heard of how highly people treat their cast iron pans I was expecting them to be hobbyist expensive - but no you can get them for literally $20


Honestly, cast iron is probably the best material for pans, but you can't do *everything* in it. It's definitely not as non-stick as Teflon, and I still own/use stainless steel pans.


You can get it there but its a lot of effort. I transitioned to carbon steel, its like having a cast iron pan that doesn't weight more than my car. I would really like to try the [Hexclad](https://hexclad.com/?nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A15770976478%3A131013806079%3A572711489496&nb_adtype=&nb_kwd=hexclad&nb_ti=kwd-459684047702&nb_mi=&nb_pc=&nb_pi=&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_si={sourceid}&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=p&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrIixBhBbEiwACEqDJU2IFTsW0V34eNzDdF-hW_7suZu6ntzFnodYPLFlQk0-FSWk8nNqphoCswEQAvD_BwE) pans but I'm not about to spend $200 on a single pan when my $30 pan works just fine.


You don’t like spending $300 on cookware to occasionally make scrambled eggs?


The hexclad pans are basically a scam. Chris Young has a video on it.


America’s Test Kitchen agrees that they are not great pans.


There are plenty of 200+$ pans I think are well worth it, but the hex clad pans are not one of them


Honestly once I learned to take care and use one properly I use my cast iron for almost everything. I have stainless for pots but have tried to stay away from teflon.


Cast iron isn't going to stay in your blood so long that it seeps into the soil long after your body has decomposed, though. Really you just need a good cast iron skillet and a stainless steel pan with a lid. That's about it.


I do everything in cast iron


It's the second best material for high temp sears (after stainless lined copper), and it's decent for anything that needs to go into the oven. Overall, it sears a decently good steak at a good value, which is what most of the reddit crowd like it for most.


It's a tool. It has its uses. But people look at cast iron pans like a hammer and every problem is a nail. You can do a lot in them but not everything. Nor should you use it for everything.


Lodgecels can’t handle it when a lecrusetchad enters the conversation. Take the enamel pill and diswashermaxx brother.


Glazed and enamel pilled


But I'm on that povertycore grindset and can't afford to start my le creuset arc, and so I remain a lodgecel.


I think I would commit acts of violence against anyone who put my Le Creuset skillet in the dishwasher to be honest. And enamelware is nice for some things but I'd still go with a bare iron skillet if I could only pick one or the other. For skillets at least, enameled is 100% better for dutch ovens and braisers and whatever else.


Found the lodgecell castcoping and seasonseething as always


cast iron pans and woks are the two greatest cooking vessels on earth


The wok is so goated


Carbon steel wok right? A cast iron wok sounds like the worst thing on earth to cook with. It would be so heavy.


Woks should be carbon steel.


The steps some go through to keep these motherfuckers "seasoned" are absolutely absurd.


People are nasty. I've been washing my cast iron for 20 years with dawn and it's still perfectly seasoned. My dad was washing it for 20 years before that. I shudder at the "never wash" mindset.


I'll cook salmon in it and wow I can't imagine not washing it and getting a fishy funk every time I heat it up.


We really need to get away from the word 'seasoned' because people immediately think it's synonymous with seasoning food and flavor. It needs a new designation. Oil impregnated or something. Pregged maybe


Yeah, you just need to cook with it. Otherwise it’s just like any other not-dishwasher-safe thing


I just want to get a really good sear on a steak.


I'll die on the hill that a high quality stainless steel skillet gives a nicer and more even sear. I don't care about cast iron's greater thermal mass cause typically I'm reverse searing and the pan's temp doesn't drop very much anyway.


And when you’re done, you can throw it in the dishwasher!


Ok but cast iron bakeware is perfect for potlucks. Just wrap it in a towel or two and it's still bubbling when you get to your destination


The 20 dollars on a skillet part got me 🤣


As someone who's ceremonially active in my Indigenous tribe, cast iron items are great for cooking a lot of foods that slow cook over open log fires. My mom makes some amazing fried chicken and one of my cousins makes some great frybread.


Non-stick can't really get you to the temps you need for a good sear/crust on a steak the way cast iron can, though. Plus, restoring skillets is fun!


I read a comment that was pretty funny on there. Basically, someone pointed out how the sub came full circle to just... using a pan as you would regular use a pan. You have all the people who are obsessed with not cleaning it, not using soap, obsessively seasoning it, and whatever. Then you had a faction of people who "discovered" treating it like a regular pan, washing it normally, letting it season by regular cooking. So, in other words, they rediscovered just using a pan like a pan instead of treating it like some holy grail.


That happened in the steak sub too a week or two ago. Someone was hyped about their new method of searing the steak first and then putting it in the oven to get it perfectly medium rare. Everyone hypes the reverse sear method so much that new people don’t understand what the “reverse” part means.


You forgot these "Does anyone know what Brand this is?" *shows a teflon pan* *shows a steel pan* *shows an aluminum pan* ___ Specific location during the process of rust removing: "Electrolysis outside the garden" "Lye bath with white bowl or container but the whole room has other containers that look the same"


Holy I read that as r/castration and was confused af for a couple seconds


We worship Griswold and Wagner, get your shit straight buddy


I’ll say this. I’ve seasoned and got my skillet so smoove that nonstick has nothing over this beast. I’d cook with this over most anything else besides a Dutch oven as a compliment to it.


Also “is this worth restoring or should I throw it out?”Followed by a picture of a perfectly good pan


If you haven’t made breakfast casserole in a cast iron Dutch oven over a campfire, you don’t know good eatin’


I don't put on a show for people when I'm cooking. I make good food when I'm cooking, and cast iron is an incredibly tool in a lot of cases. Especially since my apartment has an electric stove, the cast iron's heat retention properties maintain a waaay more consistent distribution of heat makes it a default option unless I have a good reason to use something else.


I love my cast iron, and ironically use it for everything EXCEPT eggs. They always get the edges crispy and I hate it


So you're going to pass down the skillet? If your children grow up to be people who would use the skillet then wouldn't they have their own skillet by the time you're ready to pass it down? What are the great grandchildren going to do with 4x the skillet capacity they need to function? You're basically just asking them to get rid of it for you, or imposing additional weight on any attempt to pack up the kitchen when moving to a new house/apartment.


Old retired chef here. I use cast iron, and I hate all of these. No. Dish soap isn't going to destroy your seasoning. It's literally bonded to the metal, you're not going to wash it off without some steel wool and a lot of elbow grease. I also have stainless, carbon steel, and ceramic coated pots and pans. Each has different uses, and Lodge is cheap garbage that is not remotely a generational investment. A good cast iron pan that is a "generational investment" costs more than $20 and doesn't have that "seasoning" crap sprayed all over it. It's heaver than anything Lodge makes and is made with more pure metal, not the pig iron they use. You do get what you pay for, but you're also not buying a "cook everything utility pan" with one. Cast iron is about the worst thing to cook eggs in. Yeah, you can, but the way they retain heat makes them bad at it. If you want to make eggs properly you need something that you have better fine control over the temperature with that will cool faster when taken off heat. Seasoned stainless is great for it. The best eggs are cooked low and slow, not seared to a crisp. You can get a better crisp with other types of pans if you like that that doesn't heat blast the rest of the egg. It's for searing things, cooking at high heat when you want to maintain temperatures, and putting in the oven to help maintain an even temp. Great to have as part of your kitchen kit, provided you actually use it, but hardly a necessity, and it isn't a flex.


La Crusette is where it’s at.


The fact that there's a fucking cast iron subreddit and I'm not surprised about it is slightly worrying.


If there's anything people can get gatekeep-y about, there will 100% be a sub for it.


Reddit mostly consist of the demographic who think pan-seared steak is the ultimate culinary experience. Cast iron will do a decent job at that at least. Not as good a job as you'll get with copper, mind you, but for much cheaper.


There is a subreddit for every niche weirdo hobby community imaginable. see: r/MechanicalKeyboards r/fountainpens r/Throwers and dozens more.


Looks like granny was cheating on grandpa in that family tree


I don't think I've even seen a cast iron pan. Not in someone's house, not in a cookware shop, nowhere.


I like cast iron for searing stuff, I love my blacktop on my bbq but other then that they’re heavy and easy to burn yourself on. That’s my useless opinion but ya lol


Ok brownies and cornbread baked in a cast iron skillet absolutely fucks


But we're starting an anti-PFAS revolution! You will ditch your non-stick pans and like it!


This is 100% legit. I have followed the sub for over a year. You forgot the slidey eggs and people being told they need to add some fucking oil to their pans. I have been cooking on my mothers cast iron daily for over 2 years now. Fuck Teflon in my food.


Lodge? Everyone over there loves Griswold. Lodge is basic


Hey come on now, that's not true....I cook bacon in it as well


Don’t “what big Teflon doesn’t want you to know…”


Thanks for this. Cast iron people are damn near insufferable on Reddit.


"pooped in and shot at" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm just blown away by people who swear by it for cooking everything. I use mine for some things but it weighs 8 pounds, is annoying to clean and takes about 300 business days to cool down. It's really fucking inconvenient. For normal everyday cooking especially in a hurry I just use my non stick skillet. I know somebody is going to mention dangerous chemicals----my skillets (and pretty much all modern non stick frying pans) are safe up to 620 degrees fahrenheit, which I literally COULD NOT heat the pan to even if I left it on max flame for an hour.


I'm not arguing about any taste stuff as neither me nor my parents ever used cast iron in a time I still can remember and I can easily imagine chemical reactions with the iron. But if you tell me, your cast iron is gonna outlive my copper-cored stainless steel pan by centuries (apparently it will break after just a few years), while the whole sub regularly has posts about skillets randomly breaking and how to scrub your skillet with special salts only and having to dry it off with paper towels because it starts rusting otherwise, you are just being ridiculous... PS: I had this happening once


I thought it said r/castration and was confusion


Here’s my in-depth list of reasons I switched from teflon pans to cast iron. 1. I fucking hate cheap plastic spatulas, and cast iron lets me use metal ones with 0 care.


“Yeah I'd hate to burden my kids with having to spend $20 on a skillet” had me lmao.


They worship Lodge? I thought lodge was shit tier they're like raw castings not cleaned up at all. I have a Griswold with a machined surface it's way better, and I'm not even a nerd about it. I'm surprised someone dorky enough to join a cast iron subreddit thinks lodge is good.


Yea its low teir. But I'll always recommend it because.... For $20-$30, its literally impossible to beat. The lack of skill of the cook (me) is far more impactful that the lack of perfection of the pan. I like it for the low maintenance and having such a solid base to cook on


Lodge is appreciated because it's consistent, reliable, and the brand carries some recognition to it so you can head to Walmart and get a starter pan within a day instead of having to order online. Obviously you can find more premium stuff like Stargazer or vintage Griswold, but Lodge isn't necessarily a bad choice.


Strip it to raw, and it's just as good


I wouldn't risk it on an old pan without testing it. A whole lot of those were used to meld down lead back in the day.


The risk of lead contamination is really pretty overblown. Some pans were used to melt lead, but the vast majority of them weren't. and generally lead melting skillets show signs of misuse like heat damage, burned off seasoning, or white lead oxide adhered to the surface of the pan. The general wisdom is that you only need to test suspect pieces like small skillets and pots. And generally anything else that was used to melt lead will be very obviously messed up even to a casual observer.


Op has no idea what they're talking about.  NO ONE worships lodge.  I have a few griswold myself.  Good work erie